70,000 views, 20,000+ comments,1,000 blogs, thank you!

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What can I say, seems like 2 weeks ago I blogged I had 60,000 hits, before I know it 71,723 as I type this. I just want to say thank you again

I still can’t (I know, I know) figure out what  brings people to my blog, but I guess as time goes by I have to say thanks and I must be doing something right in the 8 months since I really started blogging

When it all started, I had no clue back then

5 likes mid December

Back last year I was doing 3/4/5 blogs a month,  have done 6 today alone 🙂

So again, I know I will bore you all to tears, thank you, truly means a lot to know people are visiting my blog. I did say I would try and visit others peoples blogs, and I have been, but I need to do more! No argument

This week I also got past 20,000 comments on my blog, so thanks again, I really feel at home here on Word Press, part of the furniture I guess, a home from home where I speak to people I like, trust, love as friends and feel like I am doing something positive with my life. You all know my story, suicidal thoughts, depression due to pain, losing as much as I did through being in agony, to know I am doing something worthwhile, also now writing for a few other sites, I am just so happy I had the support here from many people to keep me going, to keep me confident and to keep me writing. It is not in my nature to give in. When people say you can’t, I do, this the determination I had in football.

Also today, I got past 1,000 blogs, lol


I am just happy I can look myself in the mirror and see more than just a disabled lad in pain who feels useless

More love, less hate



Most Likes in One Day



No idea what this is, followers or liking my blog.

Again, I am left scratching my head at why people would like or follow my blog. Some people have been here years and I have more and that’s not fair. I have never been one to take a compliment as MANY will know, especially the people I have on Skype and Facebook from here.

240 likes of my blog? Or 240 likes of a blog or some blogs? I am unsure.

Over 1,000 followers, I did these 10 days ago when I reached 60,000 hits on my blog http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/60000-hits-on-my-blog-thank-you/ it is now 64,068 as I type this. I was sitting having a cup of Tea with Dawn trying to not cry (Yeah big baby 🙂 ) over how sore I am, walk earlier catching up, when this popped up (Picture above) And I said to Dawn, why are people following, reading and liking my Blog? I don’t get it. I read some blog, PROPER poets and writers and they blow my mind away.

So I will ask, please, what is it about my blog people like? You know I am not all big headed or boasting “Anyone who knows me longer than a few Month will know this” I take myself less serious here than I do anywhere else. I have fun here. I try and help people in pain by giving them some words as I live in agony myself, I post pictures, I just post random stuff. When I say I don’t get it, PLEASE I truly mean that. I get 1, 300 emails a day, I made a bookmark folder and I try HARD to visit blogs who interact with mine. I do try …

Thank you

More love, Less Hate

Shaun (Your Scottish buddy in a skirt)