Evil wins, when good people DO NOTHING


This is something I have wanting to write for a while now, it is just observation what is happening in our world. I see a world where bad is all over, or winning

I see a world where the good people, people like you and I write about the wrongs and nobody really acts. While the bad people have a field day and do what they want day in day out, where lies are told and money is made through having power

How long, as a species are we going to stand back and watch wars being fought over what? Oil and money? Wars are being fought for the wrong reasons and many will say it is awful, and it is, but it has always been this way. Through history however good people have stood up and won

Sadly we do nothing today. I read blog after blog from amazing people with amazing minds talking about how we can gain control back in our world, a world that was long lost to corporate greed and men in suits who must may dividend out to a shareholder leaving us ordinary people to fight to eat and keep a roof over our heads as everything is getting real expensive. Over here in the UK in Scotland life is ok, we do well, but I look further afield and see pain and suffering and I hurt for humanity. My Dad used to say “I could cry for Humanity” I get it now, I really do

How many soldiers are we going to send to their death for profit?

Do we fight?

Do we write?

More love, less hate
