Most Likes in One Day



No idea what this is, followers or liking my blog.

Again, I am left scratching my head at why people would like or follow my blog. Some people have been here years and I have more and that’s not fair. I have never been one to take a compliment as MANY will know, especially the people I have on Skype and Facebook from here.

240 likes of my blog? Or 240 likes of a blog or some blogs? I am unsure.

Over 1,000 followers, I did these 10 days ago when I reached 60,000 hits on my blog it is now 64,068 as I type this. I was sitting having a cup of Tea with Dawn trying to not cry (Yeah big baby 🙂 ) over how sore I am, walk earlier catching up, when this popped up (Picture above) And I said to Dawn, why are people following, reading and liking my Blog? I don’t get it. I read some blog, PROPER poets and writers and they blow my mind away.

So I will ask, please, what is it about my blog people like? You know I am not all big headed or boasting “Anyone who knows me longer than a few Month will know this” I take myself less serious here than I do anywhere else. I have fun here. I try and help people in pain by giving them some words as I live in agony myself, I post pictures, I just post random stuff. When I say I don’t get it, PLEASE I truly mean that. I get 1, 300 emails a day, I made a bookmark folder and I try HARD to visit blogs who interact with mine. I do try …

Thank you

More love, Less Hate

Shaun (Your Scottish buddy in a skirt)