Cannabis, weed, marijuana = Social Stigma

All of the above

All of the above

Well I have about had enough of this shit.

Cannabis, weed, marijuana = Social Stigmata

Alcohol = sociably acceptable


People drink Alcohol, spread sexual disease, beat each other up, cause riots in our city centres worldwide, we all seen the TV shows where the police are dealing with drunks and all of the above

People like to sit at home, nice night, watch some TV and smoke a joint. BIG DEAL!! I know Judges, Lawyers, politicians, Policemen/woman, Teachers and other people in high placed jobs in society who smoke cannabis. Who are they harming? Apart from getting frostbite from having their face in the fridge looking for something to eat (Old Joke I know)

This is Backwards. Heroin is a BAD drug, it ruins lives and areas of my City, but one of the main ingredients of Heroin is Opiate, and I take this in a prescribed drug for pain. So why not Cannabis?

People need to educate themselves between the difference of a joint and taking Heroin or worse.

The thing that REALLY FUCKING PISSED ME OFF is people (Like me in a way) Take Class-A drugs they get from the Dr every day, then decry other people for daring to smoke a joint. These people are hypocrites. Live and let live.

I smoke cannabis, have done since I was 15 or so, I never went on to touch rougher stuff, and if I did I didn’t stay on it. I smoke it now; at night when the kids are sleeping as it 100% helps my pain.

Are there others here who smoke Marijuana because it helps with pain but feel they get judged harshly by family members and society?

I could go on, but I would piss people off. In the UK the police don’t care, I hear in the USA people are in jail over tiny amounts, this true?


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