As I spend another lonely night in Agony



Nearly 3 AM and the pain is bad, I am in utter agony, I have the headset on and am listening to some Bryan Adams, I am in an ok mood, I am happy, but the pain is pushing my buttons you know

Another lonely night awaits, another bored night visiting 100 websites and leaving messages is all there is. I could go watch a movie, but I need to keep my mind active, so thought I would blog here and do some articles here where I am a published columnist, yeah little old Shaun is published, I can’t even type without smiling. Who would have thought 3 years ago when I started on Twitter then started to blog Soccer (Football here in Scotland) it would have lead to this.

I am also doing a blog for Master peace here about the greed and evil empire that is Monsanto GMO, so I am keeping my mind alive by getting my head into writing. I have started to write what are the VERY early stages of a book with the fantastic help of a friend who is well known in the book world and is an amazing guy, so we will see where that goes and how it develops

But I do get used to these nights when I can’t sleep due to pain; you have to, as there is no point getting all upset or pissed off, it is what it is. I can sleep later, if I can, so no bad feelings and no depression, just in AGONY and having to deal with it best I can. I have 2 ice packs on, one on a knee the other on a hip and have smothered other parts in a pain killing Gel and I think I will have to take Morphine in around half an hour, the pain is killing me here.

So I just wanted to blog my thoughts to whoever is reading, I am in Scotland so all my friends are in the land of nod, but the beauty is on-line, friends NEVER sleep. I have Skype; I will turn it on when the pain goes down. Want to add a nice “married” Scottish man, then do so >  shaunyg1973 I just like to laugh and please, no dirty girls please! Lol I have a house full of gadgets and PC’s and, well you name it, but they are just “Things” and “Things” don’t make you happy for long

I truly hope you are all ok

Back to Bryan Adams for me

More love, less hate





If you could make 1 change to our World, what would it be? (Please replay) #PeaceonEarth



I have this debate mainly with my Dad on countless occasions. My Dad used to say “I cry for Humanity” As a kid or younger Man I never understood the meaning, now as a Father of 4 and 2 young girls 3 and 4 years old I do understand

I blog for Master Peace, Bloggers for peace and also take an interest in Playing for Change

I ask if you could make 1 change to our World, 1 change that would be so profound it would change the way it is going. Right now I blog heavily about corporate greed, politicians taking bribes, crooks in charge of our world. And I will keep doing so. As the two pictures above and especially below say, YOU, YES YOU, CAN Make a difference. One person at a time, one blog at a time, one individual act of kindness at a time, one helping hand at a time, we can change our world.

Question: If you could make one change to your World to make it better, what would it be and why? Do you care? Can you spare time to do your bit? 

So what would you change? Where do you think the problems are? How can we fix them? What would you do? What are you answers? We will all vary in our Answers but the most important thing is we all know and feel and believe we can change our World. So quick blog, and I hope it gets the same discussion this blog did this was a question “QUESTION – What do you want out of life?” and it went down really well.

So please, let’s all look to the links I posted, put our differences to one side and ask “What one thing would you do to help change our world”

More love.

Less Hate










Let us all embrace change and unite for the common goal x





B4 Peace



Bloggers for peace






Logo MasterPeace 2



It is utters in all languages, what do you utter? Please, what would you change?






CAN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR?  Lets put petty differences aside and look at our World, “WHAT WOULD YOU DO”