MP3 Blog I did, please read to check out Tony’s site and order CD


This blog I did today was for Tony Burkinshaw @

This is Tony here

Tony Burkinshaw

Tony Burkinshaw

In the blog above I explained how Tony gave me an MP3 to listen to, I did for a month, and it changed a lot that was going in with my pain and my state of mind. I have added a contact for Tony to the right of this blog below my Music Player.

To contact Tony email him to

To visit his site to discuss getting this CD here is the URL Relief for Chronic Pain Conditions

Tony asked me to try it for a month and I did, I don’t have the full CD but will pay for it. It changed me, it helped my pain. I a not getting paid for this, Tony read my blog, seen I was in pain and gave me a short MP3 to listen to. I  did for 10 minutes at 3pm every day, and over the weeks, Dawn and my sons noticed a change in me, I noticed a change in my pain, I was able to control it better. And I still need to listen to the CD for a while.

I know people are sceptical over internet help or therapy, but I did this for Tony, again the blog I did is here I like to think people here can trust me, please, if you are in pain, I ask you get in touch with Tony and PLEASE give this CD a try, what do you have to lose? I gained. I am not healed. far from it, but what I am is in a state where I can control my thoughts and pain better, and this is after just over a month of listening. I will blog again in a month or so do tell how it has helped me more. Tony is a FANTASTIC lad and he has helped me no end, a lot. I plead with anyone in pain to give this a shot, it helped me, I want to help anyone in pain, please give this a try, there is also a free phone number on his site. It worked for me. Many have said I have been better lately, blogging new things etc, I can only thank Tony

More love

Less hate


Chronic pain and questions of medication that surround it



Almost 8 am here, been up all night with real bad pain again, no sympathy, please, just saying. I was talking to a friend on Skype for a while during the night and the debate came up about pain, how we deal with it, what helps, basically how we each manage our own pain

I smoke cannabis, not marijuana, the grass weed type, the solid stuff, I smoke it with my Dr’s knowledge and also the police, in Scotland, the police don’t care. I was HORRIFIED to learn that in the USA you can get life in prison for personal cannabis use, what gives there?

Anyway, I smoke this type here:


I smoke it when the girls are asleep, NEVER during the day and the relief it gives me from my pain, is AMAZING. It does better than the medication. I don’t smoke it every night as I don’t want to rely on it to heavily. But when I do have a joint, the relief is like “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” type relief

So what are your thoughts on this? I know 85% of my followers are from the USA so the debate might be different if this was a European audience. I know a few people from Holland where you can legally buy it from a cafe and smoke it at home. I see no reason to be against this. If I wasn’t in pain, I will be honest I would smoke it, I don’t drink alcohol, and I will tell you why

Alcohol is sociably acceptable right? Well I see alcohol as a HUGE burden on society, people go up town get real drunk, go fighting, spread sexually transmitted disease, hit their partners, and so on, it is a horrible thing Alcohol, if I was in charge of the world, I would allow cannabis and ban alcohol, why is it sociably acceptable to wreck town centres and families? If someone wants to have a glass or 2 of wine at home, go for it. But these night clubs and bars that spew out idiots that cause the average city 10’s of thousands of pounds in damages due to drunken disorder is a real issue, ask your local friendly police officer if he would rather deal with a friendly cannabis smoker or a drunk who wants to hit him and spit on him, I KNOW I have spoken to a few policemen, they hate the weekends

You also get the STUPID “Ah but if you smoke cannabis, you will end up taking heroin” crowd, BEHAVE! It is the same with drink then yeah? Have one pint; you could end up an alcoholic causing the exact same issues as a drug addict. As things stand I am a legal drug addict taking Dihydrocodeine, Tramadol and Diazepam and morphine also, cannabis works best for me, this is no reason to lie about smoking it, it is just the truth. I know MANY in America who wish they could smoke it, but fear doing so will ruin their life. Here in Scotland, I know a Judge, lawyers, teachers, policemen and a few politicians who smoke cannabis, WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?

But stick to cannabis, now if people say it’s wrong and disruptive, you REALLY need to school yourself on cannabis. It is harmless to the body; it is harmless to the mind. Stupid scientists from time to time come out with a “Study” showing what cannabis can to a person, how about they do a study on drink? And smoking cigarettes is the biggest killer, you smoke? Yeah we have a world of hypocrites over this issue.

Debate away, all I know, and my Dr agrees with me, Cannabis helps my pain, I LONG for the day it is legal as it is in Europe

More love, less hate,


5 Minute “Audio Blog” Me speaking about Pain x

Yes, this is Shaun lol

Yes, this is Shaun lol

PLEASE listen, 5  minutes of me talking. more love, less pain, Shaun

Brilliant Birthday day out as Chronic Pain wins the day



So it was good fun, the thought of having my birthday today, family visits, 1 million texts, 2 million emails, facebook messages and all the phone calls were brilliant, seeing family was good also. Today I went out with Dawn and the Girls with a few hundred pounds to spend and Dawn buying lunch.

We left about lunchtime, trying to aim for coming back 4 hours later for me needing medication, it was a fail, lol. We got back a little bit later. We went round 3 shops and also went for a quick lunch with the girls. I came home and my body just collapsed. I bought a new wardrobe and a nice new fancy PC chair for the Main room PC’s. I will build it one day, I promise

Now after all the excitement and walking with crutches and hardly any pain relief only gel I could rub on sore bits, I am “GONE” I am here in bed. We bought a double Hospital bed, so I have the top up 2 feet, the laptop on my laptop holder that has little light and a cup holder and I am GONE

My mind is shattered, my body aches like, as I have said before, all over body toothache pain and I am so tired, but can’t fall asleep, although I don’t want to. As I look at the time it is 18:30 GMT 0 and if I fall asleep now I will wake up at like 3am, so I am forcing myself to stay awake till 10 pm or something. I made a promise to try and sleep better. I have a planned Skype with Eddie over at about doing a podcast for the radio show, this may have to wait till tomorrow

I am so tired, mind and body, I feel like I just debated Stephen Hawkins on anti-matter for 10 hours and played USA Football/Rugby/Aussie Rules, mind and body are not talking to each other, there has been a fall out on a cellular level here lol, even with the car, I feel like I been ran over by a train doing 200MPH

But I enjoyed t he last few days, wouldn’t change it for the world

Also, big thanks for all the “Happy Birthday” wishes on Skype, Email, Facebook and here and elsewhere, means a lot. Sadly this Chronic Pain has beat me today lol

Was worth it, as at some point, I could hear this in my mind

More love, less hate


And, it all starts over again….

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The world keeps turning, the wheels of life keep revolving, another weekend has come and gone, and here we are, a new week, welcome to Monday

In life I feel it goes past too quick, I had been expecting my Mum yesterday and looked forward to seeing her since last Wednesday or so, and that moment is gone, and a “Restart” happened, a new day, a new week

So I wonder what surprises this week will bring. Last week my Son got his heart broken and my Mum came to visit. Two events out of many last week, well I am 40 tomorrow, the 2nd, and my Guest blog appears here tomorrow

To say I am nervous about this blog to be posted on my Birthday is an understatement. How will people react, what will people think, will people look at me different. I hope not, as there is a happy ending, and the bad bits were through my eyes when I was, I think 8 years old or 10 years old. The ending is a good one, made me who I am today

So this week, I have my Birthday tomorrow, I will be seeing a lot of family and the guest blog on my LIFE as a child being posted on Mel’s blog tomorrow at 8am Eastern time in the USA. I also wonder what other surprised this week will bring. With the football in pre-season there is not even any football on TV and it sucks. Love my football I do, when it isn’t on, I pine lol

Maybe I will get a day or two with no pain and we can go some stuff with the kids? Today it actually looks like it may be a good day, when I awoke at 05:15am, it was overcast, now at 06:45 a full blue sky. The Sun is behind my house as I am in a different part of the house, I could move and let the Sun and heat in, but with this leg cast on, all metal with dials and digits and more, it is kind of hard to move around.

As my blog says “Praying for one day” All I ask, one day with no pain, but I won’t get upset if that does not happen, I am used to it. I have not had to take pain killers yet, and that is a good thing, usually it is the 1st thing I have to do, since I awoke I have been in  pain, but it is ok, I am dealing with it. I like to be fully woken up sometimes and “Feel” not take a handful of tablets then feel sleepy again.

So, to one and all, I hope the new week brings you good things, and I am happy today I had a chance to “Feel” for a few hours on this bright Monday morning. It does not happen much. So I will take it, so here we go, another week, no fear, just hope and love

Have a good week everyone, and keep sharing your life with us, keep on keeping on, I will leave you with a song not everyone will like, but as always, the lyrics are the main thing, a few swear words are there, but the meaning is one of hope, one of no fear, one of “Keeping on Keeping on” Just live, take chances and smile and be brave. I will be…. x

And remember what happened yesterday made you who you are today, we had to go some place to get to this place, some are still there, this song is for you

More love, less hate

Shaun x





Yesterday was a blur, and thank you x




To say yesterday was a blur is the understatement of the week. The pain I remember being in around 3pm yesterday was horrific. Dawn called the Dr and within an hour I had Morphine in my system. I don’t know if anyone has had Morphine (Of course some have) but when it hits me, it truly is like getting punched in the back of the head and then a dizzy sick feeling for 10 minutes

Then relief. I remember last night after I took the Morphine in parts, I didn’t take a second doze I had tablets instead, looking back I should have taken more Morphine. I was up till 3 am then up again at about 10 am this morning. I just couldn’t get to sleep for pain. I have a double hospital bed for Dawn and I (And the kids and the dog) so I have all the home comforts to help.

My problem is I keep breaking bones, I keep fracturing the same bones, and bones won’t heal. I was worried and asked my Dr Few years back and they done tests “All part of Chronic Pain Syndrome” I was told. All the bones I have broken in my life, 20+ all feel broken as I type this. From fingers to wrists, shoulder bones, foot bones my ankles my legs and my knee and more. When I did sport I broke a lot of bones, now I pay for it badly

But I would just like to say thank you for all the kind messages I awoke to this morning and all the messages of “Go to sleep” from last night. You guys here really are TRUE extensions to my friends group I have in real life. Any of you on my face book will see my real friends don’t hang out sympathy, just mock me and give me stick, lol

Wouldn’t have it any other way. Also, my two sons, amazing help the last few days since I tore this knee up. Dawn was just AMAZING; she cares for her kids, deals with the house and also this idiot here. She looks after me real well and I am a very lucky boy to have her in my life. I awoke this morning , gave her the most passionate kiss I could muster up then said “Thank you” To everyone who has spoken to Dawn or friends who know Dawn, they will say the same, she is something else, what she puts up with me and my clown shoe ways is something

But the pain is here to stay for this lad (Me) no point looking for it to go, no point praying no more, no point wishing upon a star, this is it, I have accepted it, I did a long time ago, I just didn’t want to admit it. But as I approach 40 years old, ps: I have been approaching 40 years for years now, lol, I know the human body gets sore anyway, for all of us who have Chronic Pain in any form, we get sorer quicker and worse.

So feck it, I love my pain, it’s my friend, so I go with it I guess, smile, be happy, show and make love, care for my kids and family, do what all men do and try and be true to myself and be a decent chap

Thank you all, you are all friends I need in my life. Being here at the PC/Laptop most of the time, you are friends. There was a stigma “You only have on-line friends” but for me and many here, it is all we can have, and I am thankful for you all, truly. I have my real friends also, and this is a thank you from to you. If you reading this and left a comment of any kids last few days, thank you.

Dawn got thanked in a special way. I bought her flowers or, em, something x

A song about friendship and love and how to give a shit about others

Just took 10mg Morphine – Snapped my Knee yesterday

I just got a 200mg Bottle

I just got a 200mg Bottle

I FEEL NO PAIN!!!!!!!!

Done my knee badly yesterday, or Tuesday. Not slept in 2 days, I was in AGONY. Called the Dr at 4:30 I had the Morphine by 5 pm.

Got to love the British NHS. It might not be what it was, but the quickness of it all is superb.

I “DETEST” Morphine, but the pain was too much, so just took 10mg. I hate when it hits me, like getting a punch to the back of the head. But now “YAAASSSSSSSSSSS”


I am one fucked up person just now, but for the first time in MONTHS I feel no pain.

I refuse to take Morphine, I had to give in today.

So I am “Well sorted” as we say here. I am SHIT FACED.

Happy Days I say.

Say no to Drugs kids. But this shit is GOOOOOD….No Pain




I have this dream every night, I go back in time



It is 10pm here in the UK, I just slept for like 20 hours, awoke at 8pm or something

I will tell the truth here, I have dreams, every night that progress as I do, or sorry, as I was. I am around 14 years old in my dreams. When I fall asleep here, for real, I awake in my bed as a 14 year old kid, I remember things, same room, same shit going on, same friends, school, the lot, and I fall asleep and relive my youth

I play football, I run fast, I am a milk boy at the time, and I used to deliver milk in the mornings. But I no matter the time I fall asleep here, I awake in the morning there. And when I go to bed there, I wake up here.

I am a little confused, I have had no medication in a day and a half as a write this, but this has been going on now for a few years. In my dream I am aware of this dream, me the disabled old man.  But as I am a kid I laugh it off in my mind and go and do what 14 year olds do. Play football. I come home, I see violence, and I just go to bed as I remember doing, sometimes crying myself to sleep and then wake up here.

I am at the stage where I do not know what reality is real. Then I take my medication here, and then I don’t care.

How fucked up is that.

I am putting a Trade Mark ™ © (Shaun’s idea) on the blog here

This is a book in the making. I am so confused. So now I go and take medication.

Then reality will set in. It takes me a while to remember who I know here, who I talk to, just an hour or so after waking up. I feel like I have not slept, I am still tired and I just slept like 20 hours!

I need some medication. So then I can be this again, I seem to be one


Medication – Beware



I am going to write this before I give in and take some medication. It is killing our brain cells. I know some medications are needed and must be taken, ALWAYS talk to a Dr about this, or someone you trust in the health care industry.

Medication given to us my our Dr’s numb our brain, stop brain patterns from fully going all the way and most of all, make us zombies. Walking, living, Zombies, there, alive, just, just enough for your loved ones to say “Hey, Dad’s up” or “Dads Home” Just enough

I am trying to take myself off this poison, because my body does not need it, by brain does. It has been 28/29/30 hours since I had medication of any kind and I am thinking clearly, but my body is a wreck and my brain is screaming, so I will give it enough to shut it up for a few hours

The pain I am in will be there no matter what I take, so the medication is useless, the medication stops to work

I am talking about ME HERE


You deserve to hear the truth. Please see a Dr, please, someone you trust, find someone

These pills are killing us, I am talking about daily pain relief we are all on

Please, if you are taking medication, don’t just stop, if it’s keeping you alive, this is not for you, this is for people in pain, with mind issues, they are killing us, I see it now, and I am waking up a little more

Do the right thing, now I need to feed my mind some poison

I will play this video 100 times more !!! If I have to