Liptember – Awareness for mental health issues for women *HELP*

Jens Daugther re ILLNESS

Kayla Tacken, a real person, suffering for real, please help her cause and your own perhaps. Do you suffer? Then help this young woman help you x


Also an article here:

Above is a young woman, a friend’s Daughter who suffers what I call an invisible illness. We all have or know someone with one, an illness that affects not just the person but also family and relatives. I know from my own invisible illness it affects me, my family and friends, we need to find our own cures sadly as Government don’t really put too much into it

So here, I am asking you to look into your hearts and DONATE as much or as little as you can for Kayla Tacken above and the many Worldwide who suffer. I am part of many charities here in Scotland, looking for answers to help myself and others x

This was brought to my attention an amazing woman Jenny @ her daughter suffers, the same as many, and they started a site where THEY PLEASE ask for donations. I ask Word Press to please, have a look and give what you can. This is an illness that needs funding, these girls are trying, please, please help them!

Below is what I need to share, I BEG YOU GIVE AS MUCH OR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN HERE: I did, it took seconds, and I helped, so can you x << Just add your details and YOU HAVE DONATED HERE! 

This is NOT just an Australian issue but a WORLD WIDE ISSUE. PLEASE HELP!!!

Jennys daughter pictured above suffers mild depression and anxiety; she like hundreds of other women worldwide need to help to find out the causes.  If ANYONE would like to donate to this please see the bank details below.  Please ensure that you place her name against your donation.


Liptember Foundation 

Bank of Australia
BSB: 062 000

Acc no: 1390 1111

Please, make a difference, don’t sit and think others will help,  I ask you Word Press to go on and give as little or as much as you can. Look into your heart. Don’t wait till tomorrow, HIT THAT LINK AND HELP NOW, PLEASE! Xx

Here are good reasons

Liptember is committed to raising funds and awareness for gender specific mental health issues for women.

Through a fun, fresh and engaging campaign,

Liptember encourages women to openly communicate and familiarize themselves with gender specific mental health issues.

Liptember have formed an important partnership with health beneficiaries the CENTRE FOR WOMEN’S MENTAL HEALTH,

Who provide national research and programs for gender specific mental health issues for women and LIFELINE AUSTRALIA providing all?

Australians with nationwide crisis support

Liptember’s Objective

What is Liptember?

 Liptember is all about having fun with Lipstick, for a serious cause; Women’s Mental Health, specifically any form of anxiety, depression, post natal depression, menopausal changes, dementia and self image.

ALL FUNDS raised during the month of September are donated to Liptember’s mental health beneficiaries, the CENTRE FOR WOMEN’S MENTAL HEALTH and LIFELINE LIPETTES register online and seek sponsorship from family, friends and co-workers for committing to wear the Liptember Lipstick throughout the month of September

 Why Mental Health?

There is little mental health research based on women

More focus needs to be placed on treating men and women separately when it comes to mental health

Suicide is the biggest single cause of death for Australian women aged 18 to 34

One in three Australian women will suffer depression or anxiety during their lifetime

Women are more susceptible to anxiety and depression than men

Post natal depression affects 15% of women within the first year after childbirth


Who are we?

A demographically and socially diverse group of women and men committed to raising awareness of women’s health equity.  Our priority is to improve the health of all Australian women who take on a myriad of responsibilities as mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, wives and partners…….. Thus to improve the health of all Australian women will help to improve the health of the whole community.

The Liptember concept and strategy provides a gateway for much needed research on the lifestyle choices and health issues of Australian Women.


Why the focus on women’s mental health? Women and men can respond differently to mental health issues. Currently the majority of mental health research and programs are conducted on male subjects and applied to women. This has lead to many programs and prevention strategies missing the mark.

Does women’s mental health requires more attention than means? Certainly not! Liptember is all about identifying the differences between men and women when it comes to mental health and treating them accordingly.

What are some examples of mental health issues that are gender specific? Issues such as Postnatal or Menopausal related depressions are perfect examples of mental health issues that are gender specific to women.

How do I sponsor a Liptember participant?It’s as easy as searching the name of the participant or group into the search field in the top right hand corner of the Liptember homepage and follow the steps to donate.

Where is my money going? ALL FUNDS raised during the campaign will be donated to the Centre for Women’s Mental Health and Lifeline Australia.

Q8.Is my donation tax deductable? Yes all donations are tax deductable. Keep your receipt for tax purposes, which will be emailed to you after payment has been processed. The Liptember Foundation is a registered Australian charity with DGR status.

Mental illnesses affect women and men differently — some disorders are more common in women, and some express themselves with different symptoms. Scientists are only now beginning to tease apart the contributions of various biological and psychosocial factors to mental health and mental illness in both women and men. In addition, researchers are currently studying the special problems of treatment for serious mental illness during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

The mental disorders affecting women include the following:

Anxiety Disorders, including OCD, panic, PTSD, social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorders.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, ADD)

Bipolar Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder


Postpartum depression

Eating Disorders


Some links so you know where your Money is going..

Good Morning? Word Press



It is 05:00am Monday morning as I type, I went to bed on Saturday night, I am confused, sore, dizzy, but that is lack of medication. I had some 20 minutes ago when I got through to the Kitchen. My son was leaving for work, having to walk 2 mile in the dark and I couldn’t even give him a lift in the car, I am too sore, so I feel bad just now, all upset with my little self, it will pass

I had a dream, it lasted almost the two days it seemed, or day and a half, the world had been taken over by someone, there was strict laws in place, we were not allowed to do things and people were getting shot all over the place, there was an underground movement I had joined in this stupid dream. It was so real, then I woke up not knowing where I was for while, 10 minutes say, I was all over the place, couldn’t find the toilet, trying not to wake the kids up, and then it all came back, I was dreaming about Syrian, I was  Syrian I think. The dream was real

I also missed another day with everyone, my Mum visited yesterday and I missed her, I feel bad about that also. I feel bad about too much right now. But that is what comes with the territory of living in pain; there is no escape, only acceptance and having to deal with things.

It is taking me so long to type this it is untrue, my hands are shaking, but it will pass, I get this when I have been asleep two days and had no medication, it sucks but it will pass

I hope you are all fine, I hope you all had a good weekend, I just wish I could ask my own family this first, but you are as good as family to me now. Looking at it as the pain goes away a little and I wake up more, I wasn’t in pain for a while there, I was dreaming

Keep it real

More love, less hate


The Journey


Before I write anything I need to say my feet are on the ground and I know I still have a LONG road ahead of me, I know I will have to walk parts alone, I am happy in the knowledge I will have loved ones, friends and virtual friends on the journey with me

I came from a hellish Childhood, to a terrible teenage time, to becoming a terribly confused young Adult who was a Dad at 18, I was gifted a partner and a family as time moved on, I had it all. Aged 30 my life changed in more ways I can tell, but also came pain, depression, suicidal thoughts, and a lack of wanting to be better, I was popping prescription pills like they were sweeties (Candy in the USA) I was in a bad place, this was after I had this taken from me, I caved in, I gave up I was as good as gone

Then 8 months ago, after 18 months of writing this: or similar, I stopped doing that and started to blog about me, just me, where I was in my mind, the pain, how I couldn’t cope, this was my first few blogs

These were my reasons away back for starting to blog about me

I was doing 3 or 4 blogs a Month till January 2013 as I blogged here earlier,

Now here I am, August 2013, the old me is gone, but the essence of the old me is returning, I can feel him, I am starting to have fun more, smile more, look forward more, anticipate things more, I found out at the Weekend my Mum is getting  Married early next year, things just started falling back into place in my mind, from the outside Dawn may see no change, but I do, and I guess Dawn does, I just am unsure what she see’s, we will talk about it, as she reads all these. I am in a good place, I have been for a while now, I have the odd day, I am a blessed man, living the life I want to live now, I want to be in no pain and do football, but anyone who followed my journey from the start will know I came to terms with that, so now I look forward to new challenges, new good things, challenges I may not even know about, I still want to do Radio, I want to improve as a writer by 100% at least, I am not a writer, I am just lad with a keyboard sharing his journey with a group of people who care, and I can only be thankful, I now want to help people who may be where I was once, this would make me happy, to pay it back, this is what life is about, giving back what you received

Like everyone here, I have issues, I have a journey, I am living it, but today I can say I am back in control, never again shall I blog this I have my mind back, I have to thank 1,000  people  (some more than others) People came and helped me walk through the door, or over the line to where I stand today. But as said, my feet are on the ground, the journey carries on, and I can’t wait, I am up for the challenge of what life will throw at me now. This didn’t happen today, this happened over many days and weeks, today I just felt it stronger than ever for some reason, and my mind is now mine again, I say that loosley though, as I am a Scottish man, we are a different breed of Men, complicated I would say, along the way here on Word Press I never made 1 enemy, people may have made me an enemy, but I can say hand on heart, I feel no hard feelings towards 1 person, everyone helped me, so now it is time to pay back, I need to visit YOU and speak to you, and I hope this is ok

I would like you thank you all for joining me on my journey as I approach my 1,000th blog

As always, my blog, my rules, I had to leave a song 🙂

For anyone who doesn’t know, I will leave this, as I gain so many followers, many don’t know But really, life is good now, all better, we are all happy as we can be, this was another life, one I had no control over. but I do now, I can decide to let it be what it is, the past, if it causes me issues, then so be it, I would say 2 year ago, maybe less, I WAS A MESS, I was on twitter, and I was gone, I tried to hide it, but in reality the medication was in control of a body I didn’t like a mind I hated, but here I am, look what I did, look what I achieved, I could have given in, but as I sit and write this I am published here a featured writer and Editors pick, I really did this? lol



MP3 Blog I did, please read to check out Tony’s site and order CD


This blog I did today was for Tony Burkinshaw @

This is Tony here

Tony Burkinshaw

Tony Burkinshaw

In the blog above I explained how Tony gave me an MP3 to listen to, I did for a month, and it changed a lot that was going in with my pain and my state of mind. I have added a contact for Tony to the right of this blog below my Music Player.

To contact Tony email him to

To visit his site to discuss getting this CD here is the URL Relief for Chronic Pain Conditions

Tony asked me to try it for a month and I did, I don’t have the full CD but will pay for it. It changed me, it helped my pain. I a not getting paid for this, Tony read my blog, seen I was in pain and gave me a short MP3 to listen to. I  did for 10 minutes at 3pm every day, and over the weeks, Dawn and my sons noticed a change in me, I noticed a change in my pain, I was able to control it better. And I still need to listen to the CD for a while.

I know people are sceptical over internet help or therapy, but I did this for Tony, again the blog I did is here I like to think people here can trust me, please, if you are in pain, I ask you get in touch with Tony and PLEASE give this CD a try, what do you have to lose? I gained. I am not healed. far from it, but what I am is in a state where I can control my thoughts and pain better, and this is after just over a month of listening. I will blog again in a month or so do tell how it has helped me more. Tony is a FANTASTIC lad and he has helped me no end, a lot. I plead with anyone in pain to give this a shot, it helped me, I want to help anyone in pain, please give this a try, there is also a free phone number on his site. It worked for me. Many have said I have been better lately, blogging new things etc, I can only thank Tony

More love

Less hate


Morphine wins the day, Good night troops


Well I have been awake 35 hours or so, I think (feels like it) I have broken or fractures my right ankle for the 8th time, it’s swollen and went blue. I don’t even go to the hospital no more. I just stick on one of these  for a few weeks.


I have just taken 5mg of Morphine, the pain is UNREAL, so this is “Goodnight” from me. Been a hoot of a day here, kids playing the drums with 15 saucepans was brilliant for the old ear drums, But this is sore. And unfair, and I guess it pisses me off sometimes. I say I just get on with it, and I do, but this second, right now, as I type, just before the Morphine bangs me on the back of the head, I thought I would say goodnight. Pain is just not right, I find it shit that I can’t get a run of time with no pain. I got 2 weeks last month, and I was thankful for it, really was. But I went over on my ankle talking the dog to the back garden, on a stone! oh lucky me 🙂 So before the Morphine kicks in, just to say, you are all amazing people. If I could hug you all, I would hug about 843 of you, just saying, but I am only joking

Well the Morphine is kicking in here, so I am going before this turns into a novel.

Cya’s on the B side

More love, Less hate

Don’t hate each other, love each other, be nice, never gossip, people who gossip are hiding their shortcomings or issues, I learnt that from a pamphlet I found in a hedge may I add, so don’t believe it, it just made sense. Not the hedge, the pamphlet about gossips I mean, I think 

ok, the Morphine has kicked in, I am going to bed to stare at the wall



To you all who live in pain, read and listen x


I know I am not alone in my pain be it physical or mental, I know when I blog I am blogging the same as thousands of others, so this blog is for us all who live in pain

I am around 15 years in pain, as I got older the pain got worse and it has peaked, but 2 days ago because the pain had dulled I took less medication for the two weeks it dulled, the pain came back and there was little to no pain relief in my system, it was awful, so if you live in pain and the pain goes for a day or two, please, take some medication, keep some in your system, but speak to your Dr first

I don’t know how some can go on, I know I have times where my mind says “I can’t go on” I guess we just need to be strong, or this happens we end up alone and nowhere and in a really bad place. I am glad I blogged that, I scared a few people, but it was a cry for help, it was me saying “I can’t do this no more”

If you are ever there, please, talk to someone, blog it, pick up a phone, ANYTHING, because what I learn over the last two days is “I have more family and friends than I thought I did” It was unreal the calls I had and people visiting.  I was like “A phone call would have done” But people give a shit, and through all the pain and that blog, good happened. People now know, so that is good

Always speak to your Dr if you feel like the way I did in that blog. Suicide is real, it happens and you NEED to know there are other ways and you must speak. That blog saved not just my life but made me realise things I probably should have before the blog.

You are not alone, never, I came here to reach out, in the hope people reached back, and BOY did people reach back. Dawn my partner reads my blogs as do my sons and some of family and it lets them know how I am, I don’t have to tell them, they know, so blogging my SOUL has helped me in more ways that I can ever describe.

I often say “I want old Shaun back” Truth is, he was never away, he was always here, I learnt this over the last few days.

So please, keep on keeping on, if you reading this blog, you are not alone x

More love, less hate


Another day has gone 
I’m still all alone 
How could this be 
You’re not here with me 
You never said goodbye 
Someone tell me why 
Did you have to go 
And leave my world so cold 

Everyday I sit and ask myself 
How did love slip away 
Something whispers in my ear and says 
That you are not alone 
For I am here with you 
Though you’re far away 
I am here to stay 

You are not alone 
I am here with you 
Though we’re far apart 
You’re always in my heart 
You are not alone 

All alone 
Why, oh 

Just the other night 
I thought I heard you cry 
Asking me to come 
And hold you in my arms 
I can hear your prayers 
Your burdens I will bear 
But first I need your hand 
So forever can begin 

Everyday I sit and ask myself 
How did love slip away 
Then something whispers in my ear and says 
That you are not alone 
For I am here with you 
Though you’re far away 
I am here to stay 
For you are not alone 
I am here with you 
Though we’re far apart 
You’re always in my heart 
And you are not alone 

Whisper three words and I’ll come runnin’ 
And girl you know that I’ll be there 
I’ll be there 

You are not alone 
I am here with you 
Though you’re far away 
I am here to stay 
You are not alone 
I am here with you 
Though we’re far apart 
You’re always in my heart 

You are not alone 
For I am here with you 
Though you’re far away 
I am here to stay 
For you are not alone 
For I am here with you 
Though we’re far apart 
You’re always in my heart 

For you are not alone

Good Morning, evening and good night

blog pic 1




For the last 4 days or so the pain in my body has been awful. I would like to say sorry for this blog here

It was ill timed and stupid, the pain got the best of me at a time I was the only one up, had this been 3pm, Dawn or someone would have been around to help. I was alone, and in a stupid place in my mind. I have had emails from family, friends and people who read my blog and some of them were honest. So I will say sorry. But listen, sometimes we all just have to get stuff out our mind and onto a site or whatever. This is all I was doing.

So, I hope wherever you are that you are ok and if I pissed you off, I am sorry x



No Human should have to live like this, so unfair




Fibromyalgia and chronic pain syndrome

I had around two weeks of no pain, middle of last week I felt my knee go then the rest of my body followed by Friday, last night and into the early hours of today (Sunday) the pain was extreme and unfair, I know other have it worse, my sons friend A-Jay who is 20 just got told he has weeks to live with Cancer, it has given them all a massive freight, there is about 50 of them all been friends since aged 5 and one of them will die, when I got told early this morning when my son came in from work I cried, I know the kid, I coaching him at football here in Scotland when he was 10, I know kids with MS, ME my own son suffers seizures, people die, I live in pain that is (I am told) the same as someone dying horribly on a death bed, THIS IS NOT FUCKING FAIR on any of us with this

It is 08:30AM as I write this, I think I managed 3 hours sleep then awoke screaming, awoke Dawn and the kids, all got back to sleep. My right hip had locked. I lay on my left side with the laptop on the stand to the left of my bed so I can connect to my network and watch a movie or TV show, so how the pain got to the hip facing up the way with no pressure got that much pain I don’t know

This is:







The list is endless.

I am tired, very tired. I hardly sleep due to this pain, I look in the mirror and I see a fit young man, I turn around and he goes away and is replaced by a frail man who has so many issues it is ridiculous, these disabilities give you pain but they take so much from us. I say us for the people I know with this bastard pain from Word Press and other sites and in real life

I love my life, I live like a King in the sense I ask for nothing. I know when I say this people get all upset but it is true. Some type “I am poor with nothing” I type “I have money and ask for nothing” But turn the coin around, I live every second of every fucking day in pain, the money, take it all. It means nothing to me, I just know my kids will never want, ever, I made sure through being a clever person how to make money, how to keep money, if you are poor turn off the internet and stop drinking, live with what you got as I did for a good 10 years till I was 30 when we had a “Bread or Milk” dilemma most Sunday’s, we were SHIT POOR  BROKE, I was lucky, but again, I live in pain, all I can do is buy shit to cheer me up and make my life comfy, well done me and THANK FUCK I got something going for me!

I can’t do this anymore; I have all my tablets in front of me, over 300 and a small bottle of Vodka. I am tempted, I truly am. I refuse to live as a cripple any longer, so do I take my life and stop being a burden to my family and every on the internet who things I am a prick? Why not eh, lol

I am crying for Dawn and my kids just looking at these tablets, I am on the edge here, I am alone, and I can’t see the screen for tears and pain.

I can’t do this anymore, I am a good man, I treat people how I want treated, I didn’t ask for this

More love, less hate

Be good to each, don’t gossip, don’t be idiots, be kind, be gentle with each other, don’t sit in groups judging, go and live your life, be happy, realise what life is, realise how lucky you are, and realise people like me are taking their own life all over the world every day. Be human, have humanity, KNOW LOVE, UNDERSTAND LOVE, BE LOVE

I am so sorry, to Dawn, I am sorry honey, I can’t do this anymore, and x I love you more, I am just useless, I am a burden to you all, everyone babe x



Quick poem on “PAIN”




The pain is like all over body toothache

I ask for God for him to come and take

It burns me bad and leaves me crying

Some days I just feel like quickly dying

I was told this pain is what people feel about to fly

Poor people feel when they in hospital about to die

I can only say it cuts me bad and makes me mad

This is why I spend a fortune on my swanky Pad

When I can’t sleep and the pain is burning bad

I always have things to do that keep me being sad

But they are only gadgets spent with crooked money

Sometimes alone at night when in pain it’s funny

I surround myself with the latest stuff to make me feel happy

When in reality it doesn’t work I still got to change that nappy

As I type this shitty poem I feel the burn and take a breath

I try my best to write the words but I know I am no Macbeth

The pain starts in my toes and ends in my brain, it travels all over

Not a part of my body that isn’t sore I speak to my dog called Rover

Lisha is her name a brilliant dog she is and company on long nights

She looks at me almost knowing as I drift online from site to site

This pain makes me want to end my life, but that is stupid talk

No way could I do that to Dawn and my kids, so I go a virtual space walk

The internet it saves my life, when thing are bad I can go to space online

One thing is for sure the pain is there, the net keeps me off the wine

So this is a poem, or the best I can do in 10 minutes of time

All the time trying hard to find a poetic word or a head rhyme

I will survive I will battle on till I can’t no more I guess I’m buying time

So thank you all for putting up with me, some nights its spare time

The words are often from pain and medication, I love you all for all of time