Why America Cannot Live without Wars


This was a blog done by the Indian Times, good read I thought, what do American people think, just interesting coming from people looking into the USA and not in it..

WASHINGTON – On a day marking the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I-Have-A-Dream” civil rights speech, the United States is poised to unleash another nightmare some 10,000km away in the Middle-East. Washington’s war machine is geared up for limited strikes against Syria because Damascus ostensibly crossed a red line by using chemical weapons against its own population, never mind that many regimes worldwide inflict atrocities against their own people by other means.

On a day marking the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I-Have-A-Dream” civil rights speech, the United States is poised to unleash another nightmare some 10,000km away in the Middle-East.

Why a President who came to office on the strength of his anti-war credentials – especially on the phony war foisted on Iraq – is running with the war hounds, is something of a mystery. But the rest of the Washington establishment is champing at the bit to unleash missiles on the Syrian regime, promising a short punitive strike, in keeping with the well-worn belief that America cannot live without a war.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was among those who indicated that the US was “ready to go” the moment President Barack Obama gave the sign. “We have moved assets in place to be able to fulfill and comply with whatever option the president wishes to take,” Hagel said on Tuesday.

“We are not good at anything else anymore… can’t build a decent car or a television, can’t give good education to the kids or health care to the old, but we can bomb the shit of out any country…”
– the late George Carlin

This, when a UN team is still investigating the reported use of chemical weapons in the conflict between the regime of Bashir al Assad and the rebels. The UN team has been asked to pack up and get out of the way. “We clearly value the UN’s work – we’ve said that from the beginning – when it comes to investigating chemical weapons in Syria. But we’ve reached a point now where we believe too much time has passed for the investigation to be credible and that it’s clear the security situation isn’t safe for the team in Syria,” State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said Tuesday, echoing the kind of impatience that characterized the descent into the Iraq war.

Despite the appalling intelligence failures during previous such conflicts, US officials placed immense faith in their own findings while scoffing at international efforts. “I think the intelligence will conclude that it wasn’t the rebels who used it and there’ll probably be pretty good intelligence to show that the Syria government was responsible,” Hagel said in a BBC interview. The prospect of the war, even a limited strike, upsetting a range of friends and allies, from Israel to India, does not seem to be holding back Washington’s war veterans (both Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel served in the military).

If all this recalls the war against Iraq not too long ago, not many in Washington seem keen on remembering it. Instead, explanations are being proffered on how different this case is and how it will be a short, surgical strike, not really a war.

But America’s discerning have long recognized that the country can never live without war. It is a country made for war. Small detail: Up until 1947, the Defense Department was called Department of War.

By one count, the United States has fought some 70 wars since its birth 234 years ago; at least 10 of them major conflicts. “We like war… we are good at it!” the great, insightful comedian George Carlin said some two decades ago, during the first Gulf War. “We are not good at anything else anymore… can’t build a decent car or a television, can’t give good education to the kids or health care to the old, but we can bomb the shit of out any country…”

Similar sentiments have been echoed more recently. “America’s economy is a war economy. Not a manufacturing economy. Not an agricultural economy. Nor a service economy. Not even a consumer economy,” business pundit Paul Farrell wrote during this Iraq War. “Deep inside we love war. We want war. Need it. Relish it. Thrive on war. War is in our genes, deep in our DNA. War excites our economic brain. War drives our entrepreneurial spirit. War thrills the American soul. Oh just admit it, we have a love affair with war.”

And so, America will be off to another (limited) war shortly.

© 2013 Times of India

Syria: Napalm-Like Burns After School Attack

People suffering from Napalm-like burns have been speaking of an attack in which a plane apparently dropped an incendiary bomb on students in Syria.

Video said to be from the town of Urum al Kubra, close to Aleppo, shows a man reported to be a school teacher, who says the students were attacked as they tried to escape from an attack nearby.

“The plane hit a residential area in Urum al Kubra,” he explains.

“We tried to get out quickly so we don’t get hurt, but it seems someone’s fate caught up with them today.

“A gathering of students formed, which is normal as the students needed to leave under these circumstances, and the plane hit us.”

'Teacher' after atatck
The injuries were like those caused by Napalm, according to doctors

The video, posted on the internet, is said to have come from an account associated with a rebel group in Aleppo.

In another video filmed in the aftermath of the attack, a doctor reports seven deaths and 50 injuries – and says the burns resembled Napalm injuries.

However, the use of the substance has not been confirmed.

A BBC television crew who witnessed the bombing reported no shrapnel injuries and said the victims resembled “the walking dead”.

Napalm is not classified as an outlawed chemical weapon although it can cause devastating burn injuries.

U.N. chemical weapons experts wearing gas masks carry samples collected from one of the sites of an alleged chemical weapons attack while escorted by Free Syrian Army fighters in the Ain Tarma neighbourhood of Damascus
UN chemical weapons inspectors will end their Syria mission by the weekend

Infamously used in the Vietnam War – as well as the Second World War – the jelly-like substance sticks to skin and burns at very high temperatures.

A United Nations convention prohibits using incendiary weapons against civilians, or against military targets located near civilian populations.

The pictures of the school attack emerged after MPs voted against military action over alleged chemical weapons gas attacks by the Syrian regime.

Some have described the outcome as a “humiliation” for the government and means the US may have to go ahead alone with any military strikes.

Speaking to Sky News, former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown said the vote had left him “ashamed” and said it was vital to act to stop attacks on innocent civilians.

The UK is “shrugging its shoulders” at the attack, says Paddy Ashdown

“In more than 50 years of trying to serve my country in one form or another, I don’t think I have ever felt more depressed this morning or more ashamed.

“I now am condemned to watch those children burn in that schoolhouse yesterday and be a country that shrugs its shoulders and says ‘nothing to do with me’.”

I personally think now it time for action, I don’t want War, but throwing that into a School, I am sorry, more will have to die to stop this, this is Nazism here, nothing more, nothing less, as a WORLD we must stop this. Russia, Iran, China and the rest, do the fucking right thing, for the love of God!

US Air strikes on Syria within the next 24/48 hours


His face tells us all he knows what is coming

According to an Reporter Natasha Mozgovaya Obama is preparing immanent strikes against Syria without any evidence nor an Congress vote expect for consulting with few members of the congress such as the outspoken interventionist Eliot Engel. This is all over the net, American have been “Getting ready” in Cyprus, also According to this report, Russia has provided under contract advanced missile systems to Syria. In addition, it is actively patrolling its port in Syria.

This is it I am afraid.

This is viral. all over the net, done deal. we are all fucked.

Keep an eye on this Twitter account: https://twitter.com/mozgovaya



Standing firm he won't be a Western puppet and has Russia onside.

Standing firm he won’t be a Western puppet and has Russia onside.

*LATEST* – Russia regrets the USA calling off meeting about Syria that was scheduled for Wednesday – Very telling, USA has made it’s mind up

Absolute bloodshed in Egypt **BREAKING**/**EDIT** 15:31 GMT


Riot police fire tear gas at members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi in Cairo

15:46:GMT **UPDATE**

Sky News Cameraman Killed In Egypt

Mick Deane was shot covering the violence in Cairo – Head of Sky News John Ryley described him as the very best of cameramen.

3:42pm UK, Wednesday 14 August 2013
Mick Deane
Cameraman Mick Deane was killed in EgypSky News cameraman Mick Deane has been shot and killed in Egypt this morning.

Mick, 61, had worked for Sky for 15 years, based in Washington and then Jerusalem.

The married father of two was part of our team covering the violence in Cairo. The rest of the team are unhurt.


**13:36GMT UPDATE**

Young man in the morgue: “We are peaceful. Convey it to the world because I may die and they will call us terrorists after.”
  • 5 killed in Suez as protestors try to storm gov building.
  • Riot police stand guard after clearing the area of members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
HOW SAD IS THIS. These are mostly peaceful people trapped. 


**EDIT 13:30 GMT**

  • A man just died in front of us shot in the chest with a bullet. Paramedics tried to revive him by Rabaa sit-in
  • Speaking to @alastair_beach he says women and kids are trapped in the mosque, 10 bodies laid on on the carpet
  • “Qatar strongly denounces the means by which peaceful protesters in Rabaa al-Adawiya camp and Al-Nahda square have been dealt with and which led to the killing of several unarmed innocent people among them,”
    by roddymansfield 1:23 PM


**EDIT 13:!2 GMT**

This video (ABOVE) is described as showing the Church of St George burning in Sohag.

Armed security personnel move in on one of the Muslim Brotherhood camps.




I can only feel the pain of he people of Egypt right now, 200+ have died in the last few hours. Things are very bad and will get worse. I don’t know what news others are getting, the news I am getting from friends is that security forces loyal with new regime are killing kids, woman, all almost largely unarmed civilians. This is barbaric killing of innocent people. UN Where are you? Where is the help?

This is bad, very bad. I will add/edit more to this blog when I get more emails.

Latest live pictures  from friends

Egypt clashes

I have friends in the camp at Rabba al-Adawia

Iran Leader claims Israel ‘A Wound To Be Cleansed’

Iran’s president-elect Hassan Rouhani has called Israel an old “wound” that must be removed and cast doubt on efforts to revive peace talks with the Palestinians.

“The Zionist regime is a wound inflicted for years on the body of the Muslim world that must be cleansed,” Mr Rouhani told reporters attending annual Quds Day rallies in remarks reported by Iranian media.

His comments echoed those of outgoing president Mahmound Ahmadinejad who earlier whipped up ant-Israel sentiment at an Quds day rally in Tehran.

He said: “I will inform you with God as my witness, a devastating storm is on the way that will uproot the basis of Zionism.

He added Israel had “no place in this region”.

Mr Rouhani will formally assume the presidency of Iran this weekend after winning elections held last month by a landslide.

In his remarks, Mr Ahmadinejad accused Israel and its Western supporters of fomenting discord in the Middle East, saying “it was their dream to see the will of regional countries bent on destroying (Israel) diverted towards civil war”.

“Who is happy for what is happening in Egypt and Syria?” he asked, charging that Israel celebrating the unrest in those countries.

I think there will be a lot more to come from this statement in the coming days, with previous president Mahmound Ahmadinejad said Israel should “Be wiped from the Map” this is bad news for an already very unstable region, not good at all this. This is breaking news early Friday 2nd August 2013, below he is stating Israel should be no more

Egypt, ‘Concern’ As Scores Killed In Protests

Supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi gather at Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo.

Supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi gather at Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo.


Link: http://news.sky.com/story/1121270/egypt-concern-as-scores-killed-in-protests

Egypt has been warned to pull “back from the brink” after security forces killed dozens of supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi during mass protests.

Thousands of Brotherhood supporters remain hunkered down in a vigil at a Cairo mosque, vowing to stand their ground despite threats by authorities to disperse them.

The Muslim Brotherhood says at least 120 people were killed after security forces attacked a protest by supporters of Mr Morsi in Cairo.

Doctors at a field hospital said another 1,000 people were wounded in clashes on the road to Cairo’s international airport, while the Muslim Brotherhood was claiming that a total of 4,500 had been wounded.

The violence in Egypt has prompted condemnation from the international community, with the US Secretary of State John Kerry saying Washington had “deep concern” about the unrest.

Mr Kerry said Egyptian authorities had “a moral and legal obligation to respect the right of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.”

Supporters of Mr Morsi gather in Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo

Supporters of Mr Morsi gather in Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo


“This is a pivotal moment for Egypt. The United States … calls on all of Egypt’s leaders across the political spectrum to act immediately to help their country take a step back from the brink,” he said in a statement.

The bloodshed follows huge rival rallies across the country and has plunged the nation deeper into turmoil following two turbulent years of transition to democracy.

Egypt’s Health Ministry said 65 people had died. The Brotherhood said another 61 were on life support after what it described as a ferocious dawn assault by men in helmets and black police fatigues.

The ambulance service put the death toll at 72.

The Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, condemned the violence and said: “In Egypt, democracy was massacred, national aspirations were massacred, and now the nation is being massacred.”

Pro-Morsi protesters chant slogans and wave flags in Egypt's capital

Pro-Morsi protesters chant slogans and wave flags in Egypt’s capital


UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said in a statement that he was “deeply concerned” by the violence.

He said: “I am deeply concerned by recent events in Egypt, and condemn the use of force against protesters which has led to the loss of lives.”

Bodies wrapped in white sheets have been laid on the floor of a Brotherhood morgue, their names scrawled on the shrouds.

In the early hours of Sunday, the state-run Al-Ahram news website reported fresh confrontations in the western Helwan district of Cairo between what it described as marching Brotherhood supporters and angry residents.

The report said several cars were destroyed and gunshots heard, but there was no information on casualties.

Over 200 people have died in violence since army chief General Abdel Fattah al Sisi deposed Mr Morsi on the back of huge popular protests against his rule.


This is so sad, a country I have LOVED for as long as I can remember truly on the brink of going under, I think we ALL need to look at this and understand people power is now showing itself in many countries. It started in the Middle East/North Africa, as the bible said it would (Strange how nobody is picking up on this huh?) and it is spreading. People want the freedom the people of the USA used to enjoy and the people in my Country still do, for now anyway. We here in the UK take to the streets to make a point, next day, we all go back to life. In the Middle East right now and North African, we could be seeing the 1st parting shots of a World sickened by Greed and Power hungry men. I think this could get REAL bad.

More love, Less Hate.



The year I was Born, 1973


This is what happened the year I was born and around that time, according to Stumbleupon, thought I would blog it 🙂

In 1973, the world was a different place.

There was no Google yet. Or Yahoo. Or Stumbleupon, for that matter.

In 1973, the year of your birth, the top selling movie was The Exorcist. People buying the popcorn in the cinema lobby had glazing eyes when looking at the poster.

Remember, that was before there were DVDs. People were indeed watching movies in the cinema, and not downloading them online. Imagine the packed seats, the laughter, the excitement, the novelty. And mostly all of that without 3D computer effects.

Do you know who won the Oscars that year? The academy award for the best movie went to The Sting. The Oscar for best foreign movie that year went to Day for Night. The top actor was Jack Lemmon for his role as Harry Stoner in Save the Tiger. The top actress was Glenda Jackson for her role as Vicki Allessio in A Touch of Class. The best director? George Roy Hill for The Sting.

In the year 1973, the time when you arrived on this planet, books were still popularly read on paper, not on digital devices. Trees were felled to get the word out. The number one US bestseller of the time wasJonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. Oh, that’s many years ago. Have you read that book? Have you heard of it? Look at the cover!

In 1973… Ohio becomes the first U.S. state to post distance in metric on signs. Following President Richard Nixon’s visit to mainland China, the United States and the People’s Republic of China agree to establish liaison offices. The United States Dollar is devalued by 10%. The American Indian Movement occupies Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Tottenham Hotspur wins the Football League Cup final at Wembley, beating Norwich City 1-0. In a letter to Judge John Sirica, Watergate burglar James W. McCord Jr. admits that he and other defendants have been pressured to remain silent about the case. He names former Attorney General John Mitchell as ‘overall boss’ of the operation. The first handheld cellular phone call is made by Martin Cooper in New York City. Pioneer 11 is launched on a mission to study the solar system. Fahri Korutürk becomes the sixth president of Turkey. The LexisNexis computerized legal research service begins. Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon, one of rock’s landmark albums, is released. Six Irishmen, including Joe Cahill, are arrested by the Irish Naval Service off County Waterford, on board a coaster carrying 5 tons of weapons destined for the Provisional Irish Republican Army. The Greek military junta abolishes the monarchy and proclaims a republic. A patent for the ATM is granted to Donald Wetzel, Tom Barnes and George Chastain.

That was the world you were born into. Since then, you and others have changed it.

The Nobel prize for Literature that year went to Patrick White. The Nobel Peace prize went to Henry A. Kissinger and Lê Ðu’c Tho. The Nobel prize for physics went to Leo Esaki and Ivar Giaever from Japan and the United States for their experimental discoveries regarding tunneling phenomena in semiconductors and superconductors, respectively. The sensation this created was big. But it didn’t stop the planets from spinning, on and on, year by year. Years in which you would grow bigger, older, smarter, and, if you were lucky, sometimes wiser. Years in which you also lost some things. Possessions got misplaced. Memories faded. Friends parted ways. The best friends, you tried to hold on. This is what counts in life, isn’t it?

The 1970s were indeed a special decade. Women’s liberation continued. The hippie culture faded. There was an opposition to the Vietnam war, and nuclear weapons. The environmentalist movement began. Tom Wolfe coined the decade the “Me decade” due to a new self-awareness. Mao Zedong died and the market began to liberate in China. There was an oil crisis. After the first oil shock, gasoline was rationed in many countries. In Eastern Europe, Soviet-style command economies begin showing signs of stagnation. The Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany, witness the kidnapping and murder of Israeli athletes by Palestinian Arab terrorists. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. The Who, Pink Floyd, The Eagles, Bee Gees, Abba and others play their music. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison all die at the age of 27. The space mission Apollo 13 nearly ends in disaster. Egypt signed the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. There was a revolution in Iran. The world sees its first general microprocessor. The C programming language makes its debut. Consumer video games show up on the scene. Microwave ovens become commercially available. Margaret Thatcher was victorious in the UK elections.

Do you remember the movie that was all the rage when you were 15?Twins. Do you still remember the songs playing on the radio when you were 15? Maybe it was One More Try by George Michael. Were you in love? Who were you in love with, do you remember?

In 1973, 15 years earlier, a long time ago, the year when you were born, the song Bad, Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce topped the US charts. Do you know the lyrics? Do you know the tune? Sing along.

Well the South side of Chicago
Is the baddest part of town
And if you go down there
You better just beware
Of a man named Leroy Brown

There’s a kid outside, shouting, playing. It doesn’t care about time. It doesn’t know about time. It shouts and it plays and thinks time is forever. You were once that kid.

When you were 9, the movie The Last Unicorn was playing. When you were 8, there was The Great Muppet Caper. When you were 7, there was a Disney movie out called The Fox and the Hound. Does this ring a bell?

6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… it’s 1973. There’s TV noise coming from the second floor. Someone turned up the volume way too high. The sun is burning from above. These were different times. The show playing on TV isSearch for Tomorrow. The sun goes down. Someone switches channels. There’s The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson on now. That’s the world you were born in.

Progress, year after year. Do you wonder where the world is heading towards? The technology available today would have blown your mind in 1973. Do you know what was invented in the year you were born? Hybrid Rice. The Ethernet. The Personal Computer.

Denny was workin’ it real hard
Down Sunset Boulevard
Back in 1973
Why would he bother going home?
His parents left him on his own
Who knows, maybe they were out gettin’ stoned

That’s from the song Glitter Years by The Bangles.

In 1973, a new character entered the world of comic books: Thanos. Bang! Boom! But that’s just fiction, right? In the real world, in 1973,Adrien Brody was born. And Monica Lewinsky. Larry Page, too. And you, of course. Everyone an individual. Everyone special. Everyone taking a different path through life.
It’s 2013.

The world is a different place.

What path have you taken?

That was the year I was born until now…. The rest is here: http://deliberatedonkey.wordpress.com/2013/07/02/murder-and-more-through-the-eyes-of-a-child/

I thought it was interesting 🙂

1973 – James Blunt – All in the Lyrics

“I Am Sorry That It Has Come to This”: A Soldier’s Last Words



What I am about to type is about the WORLD War Machine, the USA, UK and their allies…I hope people understand this. Thank you, THIS IS SO SAD. This happened in the UK also, people taking their own lives. It happens world wide. I am blogging this as it was sent to me Via email by an American friend. And it is sad. Our Governments Lie and do this to our young woman and men. They make them War Machines, them discharge them. I have 2 friends who suffer BADLY due to the UK Army doing this. Not good

This is so sad, Daniel from Arizona, USA, took his own like out of guilt. He was forced by his American Commanders to commit War Crimes. I often looked into this matter myself, and I seen many ex-soldiers say things on You Tube, only to be brought to task over their words. Daniel will not be brought to task over his words, he took his own life. This on the face of it seems to be the “Drum of democratic freedom at play”  This is what Freedom it, this is what Soldiers are being forced to do in the name of “PEACE” Daniel Somers was a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was part of Task Force Lightning, an intelligence unit. In 2004-2005, he was mainly assigned to a Tactical Human-Intelligence Team (THT) in Baghdad, Iraq, where he ran more than 400 combat missions as a machine gunner in the turret of a Humvee, interviewed countless Iraqis ranging from concerned citizens to community leaders and and government officials, and interrogated dozens of insurgents and terrorist suspects. In 2006-2007, Daniel worked with Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) through his former unit in Mosul where he ran the Northern Iraq Intelligence Center. His official role was as a senior analyst for the Levant (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and part of Turkey). Daniel suffered greatly from PTSD and had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and several other war-related conditions. On June 10, 2013, Daniel wrote the following letter to his family before taking his life. Daniel was 30 years old. His wife and family have given permission to publish it. This is very hard to read, and gives a terrible insight into the state of  the “War Machine” that stomps around the globe in the name a freedom it denies its own people back home. I find this shocking, upsetting and the truth. This is what these men and woman do, are told to do, are ordered to do. God only knows what acts these brave woman and men have to do. This is not the  first ex serving soldier from the USA or the UK to take their own life. Take note, if your son/daughter wants to join this War Machine, do what you need to do to stop them, they are being killed slowly, they are being made into Robots, killing machines, then sent home.  Before this Soldier took his own life, he left a message for his family and the world to read, so please, read the truth, it is a  bitter pill to swallow, it is a hard one to believe, but as I rattle on against this War Machine killing our planet, here is more sad proof of its disasterous ways. 

I ask , How many wars do American’s have to experience before they wake the hell up and STOP SIGNING UP!

I am sorry that it has come to this.

The fact is, for as long as I can remember my motivation for getting up every day has been so that you would not have to bury me. As things have continued to get worse, it has become clear that this alone is not a sufficient reason to carry on. The fact is, I am not getting better, I am not going to get better, and I will most certainly deteriorate further as time goes on. From a logical standpoint, it is better to simply end things quickly and let any repercussions from that play out in the short term than to drag things out into the long term.

You will perhaps be sad for a time, but over time you will forget and begin to carry on. Far better that than to inflict my growing misery upon you for years and decades to come, dragging you down with me. It is because I love you that I can not do this to you. You will come to see that it is a far better thing as one day after another passes during which you do not have to worry about me or even give me a second thought. You will find that your world is better without me in it.

I really have been trying to hang on, for more than a decade now. Each day has been a testament to the extent to which I cared, suffering unspeakable horror as quietly as possible so that you could feel as though I was still here for you. In truth, I was nothing more than a prop, filling space so that my absence would not be noted. In truth, I have already been absent for a long, long time.

My body has become nothing but a cage, a source of pain and constant problems. The illness I have has caused me pain that not even the strongest medicines could dull, and there is no cure. All day, every day a screaming agony in every nerve ending in my body. It is nothing short of torture. My mind is a wasteland, filled with visions of incredible horror, unceasing depression, and crippling anxiety, even with all of the medications the doctors dare give. Simple things that everyone else takes for granted are nearly impossible for me. I can not laugh or cry. I can barely leave the house. I derive no pleasure from any activity. Everything simply comes down to passing time until I can sleep again. Now, to sleep forever seems to be the most merciful thing.

You must not blame yourself. The simple truth is this: During my first deployment, I was made to participate in things, the enormity of which is hard to describe. War crimes, crimes against humanity. Though I did not participate willingly, and made what I thought was my best effort to stop these events, there are some things that a person simply can not come back from. I take some pride in that, actually, as to move on in life after being part of such a thing would be the mark of a sociopath in my mind. These things go far beyond what most are even aware of.

To force me to do these things and then participate in the ensuing coverup is more than any government has the right to demand. Then, the same government has turned around and abandoned me. They offer no help, and actively block the pursuit of gaining outside help via their corrupt agents at the DEA. Any blame rests with them.

Beyond that, there are the host of physical illnesses that have struck me down again and again, for which they also offer no help. There might be some progress by now if they had not spent nearly twenty years denying the illness that I and so many others were exposed to. Further complicating matters is the repeated and severe brain injuries to which I was subjected, which they also seem to be expending no effort into understanding. What is known is that each of these should have been cause enough for immediate medical attention, which was not rendered.

Lastly, the DEA enters the picture again as they have now managed to create such a culture of fear in the medical community that doctors are too scared to even take the necessary steps to control the symptoms. All under the guise of a completely manufactured “overprescribing epidemic,” which stands in stark relief to all of the legitimate research, which shows the opposite to be true. Perhaps, with the right medication at the right doses, I could have bought a couple of decent years, but even that is too much to ask from a regime built upon the idea that suffering is noble and relief is just for the weak.

However, when the challenges facing a person are already so great that all but the weakest would give up, these extra factors are enough to push a person over the edge.

Is it any wonder then that the latest figures show 22 veterans killing themselves each day? That is more veterans than children killed at Sandy Hook, every single day. Where are the huge policy initiatives? Why isn’t the president standing with those families at the state of the union? Perhaps because we were not killed by a single lunatic, but rather by his own system of dehumanization, neglect, and indifference.

It leaves us to where all we have to look forward to is constant pain, misery, poverty, and dishonor. I assure you that, when the numbers do finally drop, it will merely be because those who were pushed the farthest are all already dead.

And for what? Bush’s religious lunacy? Cheney’s ever growing fortune and that of his corporate friends? Is this what we destroy lives for

Since then, I have tried everything to fill the void. I tried to move into a position of greater power and influence to try and right some of the wrongs. I deployed again, where I put a huge emphasis on saving lives. The fact of the matter, though, is that any new lives saved do not replace those who were murdered. It is an exercise in futility.

Then, I pursued replacing destruction with creation. For a time this provided a distraction, but it could not last. The fact is that any kind of ordinary life is an insult to those who died at my hand. How can I possibly go around like everyone else while the widows and orphans I created continue to struggle? If they could see me sitting here in suburbia, in my comfortable home working on some music project they would be outraged, and rightfully so.

I thought perhaps I could make some headway with this film project, maybe even directly appealing to those I had wronged and exposing a greater truth, but that is also now being taken away from me. I fear that, just as with everything else that requires the involvement of people who can not understand by virtue of never having been there, it is going to fall apart as careers get in the way.

The last thought that has occurred to me is one of some kind of final mission. It is true that I have found that I am capable of finding some kind of reprieve by doing things that are worthwhile on the scale of life and death. While it is a nice thought to consider doing some good with my skills, experience, and killer instinct, the truth is that it isn’t realistic. First, there are the logistics of financing and equipping my own operation, then there is the near certainty of a grisly death, international incidents, and being branded a terrorist in the media that would follow. What is really stopping me, though, is that I simply am too sick to be effective in the field anymore. That, too, has been taken from me.

Thus, I am left with basically nothing. Too trapped in a war to be at peace, too damaged to be at war. Abandoned by those who would take the easy route, and a liability to those who stick it out—and thus deserve better. So you see, not only am I better off dead, but the world is better without me in it

This is what brought me to my actual final mission. Not suicide, but a mercy killing. I know how to kill, and I know how to do it so that there is no pain whatsoever. It was quick, and I did not suffer. And above all, now I am free. I feel no more pain. I have no more nightmares or flashbacks or hallucinations. I am no longer constantly depressed or afraid or worried

I am free.

I ask that you be happy for me for that. It is perhaps the best break I could have hoped for. Please accept this and be glad for me.

Daniel Somers

English Mosque praised for offering English Defence League protesters tea


If only this happened all over EARTH!!

After the beheading of Soldier Lee Rigby who serves in a regiment and plays in the same band as a friend did, there has been much unrest in the UK, Mosques have been attached as have anyone looking like a Muslim (I mean that remark in the ugliest way possible, this is what is happening) getting beaten up or worse.

Lee Rigby, beaded by Evil last week

Lee Rigby, beaded by Evil last week

Demonstrations like this one in a few years back have been on the boil http://rt.com/news/uk-anti-islamists-anti-fascists-protest/


However, Yesterday in York a planned demonstration by the English Defense League supporters was calmed down when a mosque started serving tea and biscuits to EDL Protesters and defused the situation. If only this happened more eh. It says a lot that Muslims are trying to get the message over “We don’t all want to kill you” And I say well done to this little Mosque in York, England. A proud moment for humanity. It is sad Lee died, but an eye for an eye attitude will lead to chaos, that probably will still happen to erupt in the streets of England. I am well known for wanting Independence from England, for my Country Scotland, but today I am proud to say “I am British” I only hope that other EDL members act in the same manner and react this way.

A very British way of doing things, settling things over a good cup of Tea


A mosque has been praised for serving tea and biscuits to English Defense League supporters after the far-right group arranged a demonstration there.

About six people turned up to protest at the mosque in Bull Lane, York, on Sunday and were invited inside to play football with worshippers.

More than 100 supporters of the mosque had gone there after learning of the planned EDL protest.

Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu said the mosque’s response was “fantastic”.

He said: “Tea, biscuits, and football are a great and typically Yorkshire combination when it comes to disarming hostile and extremist views.”

‘Proud moment’

Father Tim Jones, who went to the Bull Lane mosque, which is situated in his parish, said: “I’ve always known they were intelligent and compassionate people and I think this has demonstrated the extent to which they are people of courage – certainly physical courage and also a high degree of moral courage.

“I think the world can learn from what happened outside that ramshackle little mosque on Sunday.”

Hull Road ward councillor Neil Barnes said it had been a “proud moment for York”.

He said: “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day that the York Mosque tackled anger and hatred with peace and warmth – and I won’t forget the sight of a Muslim offering a protester tea and biscuits with absolute sincerity.”

Fears over a demonstration grew after Yorkshire EDL Scarborough Division posted a message on its Facebook page calling for supporters to gather outside the mosque.

Imam Abid Salik said: “We did have a few people who did come to protest but when they came some of the members of the mosque went over and they engaged in a conversation.

“Some people went over with cups of tea and biscuits, they were talking for about 30 or 40 minutes and then they came inside, which was a really, really beautiful thing.”

Father Tim Jones said "the world can learn" from what happened outside the mosque

Father Tim Jones said “the world can learn” from what happened outside the mosque, a small one at that. If only, we can pray








This picture speaks 1,000 words. Kindness and Hate, War, all in one

Life can be this simple

Life can be this simple

Sometimes I blog, and I will talk about Hate. Sometimes, in fact, all the time, I blog about Individual acts of kindness, and I do so for a reason. If you care, read on, if not, look away now

When I talk of Hate, I mean on a Global scale, Nation against nation, the picture below is EXACTLY what I mean. These two countries will no doubt end up in War, the USA and Iran. But what we see in that picture are “Individual acts of kindness” No hatred, these two sportsman from the Olympics in London 2012 don’t want war. You will find most people of most countries don’t want war. And because of War, we get hatred. I see it in my country, for our reasons.  War is spreading in our world like wildfire, and over what? Oil? Money? Profiteering? In the name of God? Yeah to all that sadly

But look at this picture. The expression “A picture speaks a thousand words” is never as true here, USA and Iran, soon to be going to war. Why? 

Kindness on a GLOBAL scale, we don't see this much do we?

Kindness on a GLOBAL scale, we don’t see this much do we?

The title says “kindness and hate all in one” And when I do blog about hate, it is on a global scale I mean, we only see kindness like this picture above. The hate is not in this picture. But these below show hatred, in our world, the world in many quarters has turned against the US and her Allies, and can we blame them? We stomp (I am from the UK) around the world in the name of freedom, and a freedom we don’t give to our own people. The people of my Country hate our Government for going to Iraq, I can’t speak for any other. We went to Iraq on a lie, what lie will we go into Iran and cause WWIII? It is close, Syria, Russia, North Korea and China are all preparing for war. Is there anything I can do? No, I can only show love and pray I am wrong, that TV land is wrong, watching the American news scares me to death! lol I don’t know how you guys cope!



I don't have to explain this to anyone, only should it be blood or oil or both?

I don’t have to explain this to anyone, only should it be blood or oil or both?

May I add there is NOTHING I can do about this hatred, I just hate it and don’t get it, and I hope you do to, I am part of this “We hate Terrorism” culture, I helped vote the idiots in! made up to enter war.  Dead PM Robin Cook, Foreign secretary who died after saying this below, was he right? Were we all conned into a mythical terror? Could it be?

Robin Cook, now dead, for not wanting the USA her Allies to go to Iraq, I was friends with his son

Robin Cook, now dead, for not wanting the USA her Allies to go to Iraq and speaking the truth, I was friends with his son

Sorry if this blog strayed of the reasons I blogged it, but there is Hate and Love in our world. We just need to realise it and not shy away from it. All the “Pretending” it isn’t there isn’t going to do anyone any good, and I am not aiming this at any country, person, or people. I blog HARD on Love and Hate. This is me doing it again. Nothing more, nothing less

BUT!! I have a partner, 4 kids and a family and friends, like all you reading this, I will love them, smile, be happy, laugh, share on here, do what I do, and pray that someone somewhere can see that War and hatred and stirring hatred between countries and people and groups of people IS NOT THE WAY, we have choice. As the people of this world we can stand by and say “Ahh not my problem” or we can act on our GOD GIVEN  RIGHT AND SAY NO. In the USA The second Amendment is clear. If the people think the Government is not worthy or is telling lies and doing wrong to its own people, they can act, sadly it may be to late, as Obama wants YOUR gun

In the UK we don’t have Guns, but we have a voice, and we use it, we demonstrate, and we change things, or we try. We tried to stop Blair following Bush into Iraq, but he went anyway, Tony Blair will go down as the biggest coward Prime Minister of all time, and Robin Cook above, was he right? Did the USA and the UK make up Al-Qaeda? The USA did arm someone when Russia invaded Afghanistan. And help Osama Bin Laden, the UK armed Libya to the teeth for some Oil and let bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi go home, then struck an Oil deal weeks later with Libya

WHAT A FUCKED UP WORLD WE LIVE IN EH…….. I look for God, but people make it hard, maybe I make it hard, maybe I look too hard, but I don’t do hate, love always

In the meantime, love those close. If you don’t want to worry about these things in our world. then don’t read them, if you care about our world, then become a voice

Love, Peace and Light

We STILL love, live, share, care and hope!

We STILL love, live, share, care and hope!

To sum up, does me hating hate, make me a hater? We have to turn the coin round sometimes and see the other side. Maybe hatred of hate is too strong, a strong dislike perhaps 🙂
