A video that “Tries” to explain Chronic Pain – Please Watch and give me your views

What level are you today?

What level are you today?

I went through two attempts with the Chronic Pain team in my home city of Edinburgh. Waste of time. They told me at the start “This may not work for you” it did not. they said “If you feel it is not working, you can leave the team and the pain they cause you” I left. I still help them, I give them my thoughts and feelings , but in reality, they don’t know. They told me and many others “It may be in your head” and informed us Australia was the worlds worst sufferer of Chronic Pain. This surprised me, as I associated cold weather with pain.

This is the video the “Experts” with a book show us, people never in pain, just out of college or Uni, tell me, its in my mind, I can’t accept this, I am strong willed

I ask anyone who suffers Chronic Pain to  watch this 5 minute video and give me feedback. I can’t in my mind say “Yeah it may me in my mind” Maybe the odd time when I am down perhaps, but 24/7 I can’t and wont accept this, sadly the reality is, they have no idea, so this video, from Australia, they give to people in the UK is the best they have at present.

I would like to hear your thoughts. I blogged this video before, but I have 300 extra/new friends and followers since I posted it, so I would like to ask again
