Song for Today – 30/08/2013


As I sit here on this Friday, shopping day, OH NUT!! I am drinking a cup if tea and eating freshly heated pancakes and syrup (VERY hard life) I thought today’s song would reflect HOW I FEEL ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED Yesterday. All that religious stuff. So I will say it “All you need is Love” The Beatles wrote this song, and I loved them for it, this song means just “Love” don’t worry, don’t cry, don’t hate, JUST LOVE, it is an important message, it may just be a song, but the lyrics in the song are the meaning “Love” if you TRULY have love in your Heart, and smile and are happy, like I am on the hateful shopping day, lol, then what else do we need? Really, think about it. If you got Love, a place to live, loved ones, food, a roof, the internet, friends, family, then what else do you need? Really take that message in and chew on it for a while. Love REALLY is all you need.

Today is a good day, so I am happy, my bones are sore, my body aches, but I am smiling because I have love in my heart and NOBODY can take that, I own it, and so do you, so use it, I do


More love, less hate


Why I may “may” stop blogging here *EDITED*

blogging-tips   **EDIT** I did this blog because of this I am a dick, I know. Pain is hard.  Sorry 

As I say often, it is ALWAYS in the Lyrics 🙂 Hey… x I have said countless times I “LOVE” this place, and I do. But since this event many have stopped visiting my blog This is no big deal, just sad for them to do it on the say so of one person. I come in peace, I come to care, I come to share, I come with love, I came to reach out and hope someone reached back, and you did, I can only thank you, this one person blogs them, them, and more them, all them, they break marriages, I DON’T But I checked today, since that event, a lot of people stopped following me and still are, on the say so of one person. All lies, vicious lies, untrue lies. I am being made out to be some kind of womaniser. Dawn will read this, she reads all my blogs. I know not spoke to her about it, as it really is no big deal. But for one person, a liar, to spread lies I am a womaniser is just so wrong. If you are a Woman and you feel I have hit on you or been dirty with you, or bee out of line with you, PLEASE, Say here, I am asking, saying please and begging. If I have been hitting on you, as a woman, please say so now, right here, right now, all I ask The person spreading the lies I am told has hit on guys before, yet as I say in the blog above, I became the bastard. The nanosecond this Woman hit on me I replied “I will be the bastard here” And here I am. Yeah I have 60,000 views and over 1,000 followers BIG FUCKING DEAL! I AM JUST SURPISED ANYONE WOULD FOLLOW A NOBODY FROM SCOTLAND! So am I angry, no, will I move on, oh yeah. See I am hardly here anyway, if I am up all night I use this place, same as 20 others to vent, share, be nice, and just be a fucking human being you know. The world is full of shit We are smart individually but like a Zombie collectively. Can anybody explain this? I will think it over for a few days and if I feel this person is making people turn away from my blog, I close the blog and keep blogging where I am in 2 other places. I love many here; I have made MANY friends here, friends for life. But I am nobody’s side show, if things in my life become “Testing” I walk away with a smile, I don’t sit around all day every day moaning about some shit that happened months ago, I move on, I think YOU FUCKING NEED TO ALSO MRS! If I have hit on ANY Woman here, say so now and I will go More love Less hate Shaun


A song from Shaun to Word Press, as a thank you for 1,000 friends x



Thank you all, so I thought I would send you all a song or something seeing’s as I can’t send you all a card or a present 🙂













More love

Less hate


If you could make 1 change to our World, what would it be? (Please replay) #PeaceonEarth



I have this debate mainly with my Dad on countless occasions. My Dad used to say “I cry for Humanity” As a kid or younger Man I never understood the meaning, now as a Father of 4 and 2 young girls 3 and 4 years old I do understand

I blog for Master Peace, Bloggers for peace and also take an interest in Playing for Change

I ask if you could make 1 change to our World, 1 change that would be so profound it would change the way it is going. Right now I blog heavily about corporate greed, politicians taking bribes, crooks in charge of our world. And I will keep doing so. As the two pictures above and especially below say, YOU, YES YOU, CAN Make a difference. One person at a time, one blog at a time, one individual act of kindness at a time, one helping hand at a time, we can change our world.

Question: If you could make one change to your World to make it better, what would it be and why? Do you care? Can you spare time to do your bit? 

So what would you change? Where do you think the problems are? How can we fix them? What would you do? What are you answers? We will all vary in our Answers but the most important thing is we all know and feel and believe we can change our World. So quick blog, and I hope it gets the same discussion this blog did this was a question “QUESTION – What do you want out of life?” and it went down really well.

So please, let’s all look to the links I posted, put our differences to one side and ask “What one thing would you do to help change our world”

More love.

Less Hate










Let us all embrace change and unite for the common goal x





B4 Peace



Bloggers for peace






Logo MasterPeace 2



It is utters in all languages, what do you utter? Please, what would you change?






CAN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR?  Lets put petty differences aside and look at our World, “WHAT WOULD YOU DO”