Morphine worked, for a while, lesbians, zombies and being alone


So I am still in bed, I woke up, time is 21:12 as I type, I have no idea what time I took the Morphine, the pain in my ankle was so bad and I was so tired being up 35 hours. I slept 1/2/3/4 hours? I have no idea. My body feels like it’s had a good night’s sleep. One of the benefits of living with Fibromyalgia/Chronic Pain, an added bonus we will call it. Last thing I remember was writing that blog below about a hedge for some reason 🙂 The Morphine kicked in mid-blog

So here I am, in bed, dog is at my feet on her doggy blanket (On the bed) Laptop to my left on the Laptop stand, wide awake, hungry, unaware of who is in the house or if anyone is in the house, only think I know is the Dog is here. And all you, how did you all get in? I can’t hear any noise past my bedroom door, but my house is as long as a Football field, there COULD be a party with Lesbians and all sorts in the Livingroom…

Hmmmm And here I am blogging. Might go check, limp through to find an empty dark room. The time suggests the kids are asleep and Dawn has fallen asleep with the girls in the big bed, not the cot, that  would be silly. Maybe she is in the livingroom, with the lesbians. See all men’s fantasy are Lesbian sex, it is and don’t DARE deny it!! But knowing girls as I do, this below is the harsh reality of Lesbianism guys, Sorry


Trust me I live with a pretty girl, ex model, THIS is the reality of Lesbians, sorry to break it to you lads. And before I get punched, I am only having fun with it and perhaps I am still high from the PRESCRIBED Morphine? I don’t know, really, I feel asleep, it was light outside, sounded busy, awoke and it is like the start of the movie 28 days! very quiet! I am scared to leave my room now in-case I meet a zombie in the hallway, and it’s my son or something and I have to smash the brains. See this is the ONLY way to kill a  Zombie, smash the brain. I seen it on Shaun of the Dead with Simon Peg, Mock up of Dawn of the Dead, really funny movie. So yeah, brains, go for the brains. Not the lesbians, the zombies, just so we are clear on that.

Anyway I need to pee REAL bad, I may pee out the window, FEAR DOES THESE THINGS TO PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Lesbians or Zombies. what will it be?

Wish me luck Word Press, if you never hear from me again, 1 of 2 things happened.

1. I was killed by a Zombie and have became one

2. It was Lesbians and I died of being over excited (Although I have seen some stuff in my time) Still, it may kill me all the same.

Also, anyone heard of “Abandonment Issues” No? ok, you are in a REAL busy shopping center/mall and you lose who you are with and panic? You have “Abandonment Issues” it is meant to be shit. So maybe I have been abandoned?

So, Zombies, Abandoned or Lesbians. 1 in 3 chance of heaven, 2 in 3 chance of death and or worry

We will see…..

Over and out

Before I leave my room, if I see this is my main room, I will faint and be eaten, just giving you all a heads up. Thanks

Hmm or maybe I have been abandoned! And I see this (Well kind of this)

But with luck, I see this..

Two real nice girls there.

I should go now and face my fate like a man!