Oblivion – Review (Spoiler Alert)



Oblivion is a 2013 American post-apocalyptic science fiction film based on Joseph Kosinski’s Radical Comics-edited unpublished graphic novel of the same name. The film was co-written, produced and directed by Kosinski. It stars Tom Cruise, must be one of the best movies and plots I have seen. The ending is WOW and the way the movie comes at you brings shock after shock, it is one of these movies where you think you know where the plot is going and it changes. It also a story of love through confusion and I won’t ruin the ending (Unless you read below) I would give this movie 9/10 it was amazing and I managed to get a BlueRay disk also, so the quality was outstanding. If you are picking a movie to watch, watch this, superb. Review/Spoiler below with Video Trailer

Jack Harper (Tom Cruise) is one of the last drone repairmen stationed on Earth. According to Jack, the planet was nearly destroyed sixty years earlier, during a war against a race of alien invaders known as Scavengers (“Scavs”). The Scavs destroyed the moon, causing massive earthquakes and tsunamis, and then launched their invasion. They were only defeated by the use of nuclear weapons, which left most of the planet irradiated and uninhabitable. The few surviving humans migrated to a colony on Titan, which is powered using energy harvested on Earth by giant ocean-borne power stations that generate fusion power from seawater. From Tower 49, a base standing above the remains of the north-eastern United States, Jack and his partner and lover Victoria “Vica” Olsen (Andrea Riseborough) work as a team to maintain the autonomous drones that defend the power stations from the few remaining Scav bandits. They receive their orders from Sally (Melissa Leo), their mission commander, who is stationed on the “Tet,” a massive tetrahedral space station that orbits the Earth. Jack flies recon and repair missions to the surface, while Vic supervises from Tower 49. The two expect to leave Earth and join the other survivors on Titan in two weeks. Although Jack and Vic had their memories wiped five years prior for security purposes, Jack has recurring dreams about meeting a mysterious woman at the Empire State Building in a time before the war, which occurred before he was born. Additionally, Jack keeps a secret retreat in a forested area he sometimes visits.

A Scav signal beacon transmitting coordinates is followed shortly by the crash of a pre-invasion American spacecraft. Drones come and kill much of the crew, but Jack rescues a woman, Julia (Olga Kurylenko), recognizing her as the woman from his dreams. Julia says her ship—the Odyssey—was a NASA mission, the objective of which she refuses to reveal, and she and Jack retrieve the ship’s flight recorder. They are captured by Scavs, who are revealed to be humans living in an underground stronghold. Their leader, Malcolm Beech (Morgan Freeman), claims that the alien invasion was a lie and demands that Jack reprogram a captured drone to destroy the Tet by delivering an extremely powerful nuclear weapon. When Jack refuses, Malcolm releases the captives but urges them to seek the truth in the so-called “radiation zone” that Jack is forbidden to enter.

On their way back to the Tower, Jack takes Julia to the ruins of the Empire State Building and asks her who she is. She reveals that she was his wife before the war. His dreams were flashbacks to the day he proposed to her on the Empire State Building’s observation deck. As Jack and Julia share a kiss, Vic watches via her video link to Jack’s ship and, when they return to the Tower, refuses them entry. When she informs Sally that she and Jack are no longer an “effective team,” Sally activates a drone that kills Vic. Before the drone can kill Jack, Julia uses the weapons on Jack’s ship to destroy the drone. Sally requests that Jack returns to the Tet and bring Julia, but they flee in his ship instead, pursued by more drones. They crash in the radiation zone, where Jack comes face to face with Tech 52, a clone of himself. He fights the clone, which begins experiencing memory flashbacks before Jack renders him unconscious. Jack then finds Julia has been seriously wounded by Tech 52. Jack impersonates Tech 52 and goes to Tower 52, where he encounters a clone of Victoria, and steals a med kit to help Julia.

Shocked, Jack and Julia return to Beech, who tells them the truth: the Tet is in fact an alien artificial intelligence that seized Earth to exploit the planet’s resources, and Jack and Victoria are some of thousands of clones of their original versions (astronauts from 2017) that have been ruled under a police state. The Tet uses drones programmed to kill humans on sight, thus forcing the survivors to disguise themselves as the Scavs. The Tet now uses Harper’s clones to maintain the drones and thereby maintain its dominance. Jack agrees to reprogram the stolen drone to destroy the Tet. When leaving the underground stronghold with the reprogrammed drone, they are attacked by three other drones. The drones enter the base and wreak havoc inside, destroying the reprogrammed drone in the process. The humans finally manage to destroy the three drones, but are forced to find another way to deliver the nuclear bomb to the Tet. Jack proposes delivering the bomb himself. To throw off suspicion, Julia suggests that she accompany Jack, since Sally had requested that he bring her to the Tet.

During the flight, Jack listens to the Odyssey’s flight recorder, which reveals that he and Victoria were originally pilots on the Odyssey mission to Titan, which was reassigned by NASA when the Tet was discovered near Saturn. Sally was their supervisor at NASA mission control, with other personnel, including Julia, on board in cryogenic capsules. Upon approach, the Tet drew them in with a tractor beam. Recognizing that capture was imminent, Jack was able to jettison the passengers, who orbited for sixty years in suspended animation until Beech sent the signal to recall their craft.

Jack enters the Tet, where he is met by a sentient tetrahedral structure that had adopted the persona of Sally. Jack opens the sleep capsule to reveal Beech; Julia simultaneously emerges from another sleeping capsule in Jack’s secret forest retreat. The two men trigger the nuclear bomb and destroy the Tet at the cost of their own lives. The destruction of the Tet also deactivates the remaining drones around the world.

Three years later, Julia is living with her young daughter in the forest retreat on the recovering Earth. A group of survivors arrives there, and Tech 52 emerges from the group. A voice-over by Tech 52 reveals that his previous encounter had re-awakened memories of Julia, and he had searched for her since the Tet’s destruction. Having the same latent memories as Tech 49, he then reunites with “his” family.

Official Trailer



Remember my blog about, NHS in the UK against USA Healthcare?




In this blog here I compared the UK NHS with the American Healthcare, http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/14/uk-nhs-vs-usa-healthcare-face-off/ and I did say the NHS was not perfect here in the UK/Scotland. It is free, practices by Dr’s locally for me have always been superb, I have never had an issue while being in Hospital, the times I have been in with Family, even my own son, I couldn’t thank them enough. This is Scotland remember. Part of the UK, but we run our own affairs, without independence from the UK. This article from Sky news is DAMNING towards English NHS Hospitals, In a report mentioned in Prime Ministers questions, the care in England is SHOCKING, people are dying

Link: http://news.sky.com/story/1116160/report-slams-high-death-rate-nhs-hospital (With Video)

Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/search/news/?q=NHS (With Video)

Report Slams High Death Rate NHS Hospital as 13,000 die for no reason! 

Staff at a hospital being investigated by the NHS medical director for having a high death rate put targets ahead of patient care, according to a report.

Tameside General Hospital in Greater Manchester is one of 14 of the worst trusts in England at the centre of a probe spearheaded by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh into hospitals with high mortality rates after the scandal at Stafford Hospital.

Sky’s Health Correspondent Thomas Moore obtained a report detailing the findings into Tameside which revealed a series of critical findings into chronic mismanagement and failings in patient care.

The investigation found “insufficient levels of nursing staff”, “poor supervision of junior doctors by consultants” and a “lack of compassion” from staff dealing with patient complaints.

There were insufficient critical care beds which meant patients were being treated in the wrong place.

The report also detailed specific examples of poor care including a patient with the superbug Clostridium difficile being admitted to a six-bed bay which immediately put the other five patients at risk of a potentially fatal bacterial infection.

NHS Generic Sign
Tameside is one of 14 trusts with high death rates in the spotlight

In another case, a patient was given penicillin despite telling staff that they were allergic to the antibiotic, while members of one family were left to clean up a loved one with faecal incontinence.

On one unannounced visit to the hospital, the most senior surgical doctor in the hospital was a trainee with just two years’ experience.

“The culture appeared to be one of managing targets rather than ensuing overall quality and patient experience,” the report said.

“The panel was not convinced that the Board has the capability currently to fully address the cultural change required in the Trust.”

Moore said: “We had heard that perhaps Stafford was a one-off scandal. This (the report) shows that it wasn’t.”

The father of a 12-year-old girl with cerebral palsy who died at the hospital on February 7, 2011, told Sky News what an independent specialist told the inquest into his daughter Emma’s death.

Michael Stones
Michael Stones’ daughter Emma, 12, died at Tameside in 2011

“She said in her experience, if medical intervention would have happened at an earlier stage, she said Emma would have probably survived,” said Michael Stones.

“And this was verified by the coroner in his verdict. So we are put in a situation where we’ll never know because of the absolute, disgraceful behaviour of that hospital towards my daughter. An animal gets treated better.”

Among the 14 trusts under close scrutiny because of their mortality rates over the last two years are Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals, Buckinghamshire Healthcare, Burton Hospitals, Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation, and The Dudley Group.

Others include East Lancashire Hospitals, George Eliot Hospital, Medway NHS Foundation, North Cumbria University Hospitals, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals, Sherwood Forest Hospitals and United Lincolnshire Hospitals.

Moore said the findings into each of them – due to be published on Tuesday – would “paint a terrible picture of an NHS that in some areas still isn’t able to provide the care and the compassion that patients would expect”.

The long-awaited report commissioned by the Government is expected to reveal that up to 13,000 people may have died needlessly in NHS hospitals since 2005.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt will deliver a statement to MPs in the House of Commons on the probe.