The best 15 Miramax films (Looks what’s no1)

15. Kids (1995)

The Pitch: Even if Rob Hunter doesn’t think Larry Clark’s harsh film about drug and sexual abandon amongst the youth in NYC is well acted, he’s wrong, and the movie is brilliant and challenging. The response was expectedly mixed with some critics and fans seeing it as a strong artistic endeavor and others calling it borderline child pornography. oddly, Disney’s name was left off of the financing. 

14. The Reflecting Skin (1990)

The Pitch: You probably haven’t seen this odd and creepy little flick, but if you have consider yourself one of the lucky few. It’s a dark and original coming-of-age tale set in 1950′s America and filled with beautiful cinematography, child murderers, a suspected vampire, and Viggo Mortensen. And the rights holders have never released it on US or UK DVD!!

13. The Crying Game (1992)

The Pitch: This film is mostly known for its twist, which is a shame, because the entire film is a thing of beauty. With knock out performances by Stephen Rea and Forrest Whitaker, it hit the Oscars hard with six nominations (including Best Picture). More than just a pop cultural reference, the entire film should be watched for its intensity and its racial and gender commentary. 

12. Exotica (1994)

The Pitch: This is the movie that put director Atom Egoyan on the map. (Sadly, it was just a map of Canada). This intoxicating and slow-paced movie manages to be both mysterious and sexy in equal measures, and even though Cole Abaius scoffs at Egoyan’s cinematic oeuvre this is still independent filmmaking at its best/ loved this as a kid 🙂

11. Beautiful Girls (1996)

The Pitch: It’d be easy to say this movie’s relevance comes from my appreciation for Natalie Portman’s fresh but Lolita-esque turn as the cute neighbor girl. But even if you don’t enjoy the indiscretions of youth (or intentionally misusing known phrases to avoid sounding like a pervert) the movie also packs solid laughs, a strong ensemble cast, and the 748th film use of the song “Beth” by a repentant boyfriend. 

10. sex,lies and videotape (1989)

The Pitch: Some of us can still remember when Steven Soderbergh was good at barely scripting his films and using minimalist camera work. This fantastic flick won the Palme d’Or back in 1989, and launched Soderbergh’s career in earnest. If you were looking for the film that really started the indie movement’s commercial success – look no further than a film about James Spader’s sexual dysfunction.

9. My Left Foot (1989)

The Pitch: Only a few years ago, modern audiences were sort of re-introduced to the genius of Daniel Day-Lewis. If you’re looking for a way to delve deeper – check out his first Academy Award win in this stirring story of a young man who can only control his left foot. Here’s where I make a comment about Day-Lewis having more acting talent in his left foot than in most actor’s entire bodies. But I’ll refrain.

8. Flirting With Disaster (1996)

The Pitch: Ben Stiller leads a fantastic cast in a comedy about identity and the concept of nature vs nurture. Director David O. Russell would go on to burn professional bridges with actors and studios alike while filming Three Kings and I Heart Huckabees, but for this one film he managed to keep his temper in check and the result is some stellar ensemble comedy.

7. Pulp Fiction (1994)

The Pitch: Not only did it launch Quentin Tarantino even further into the cultural stage, it also relaunched John Travolta’s career. It also made a bunch of violent film fans finally memorize part of the bible. Oddly enough, Harvey Weinstein wanted Daniel Day-Lewis (who you’ll remember from the last entry) to play Vincent Vega instead of Travolta. Then again, stranger things have happened – Sid Haig was originally offered the role of Marcellus Wallace. brilliant movie, surprised its #7

6. Bob Roberts (1992)

The Pitch: Who knew Tim Robbins could be so politically aware? The freakishly tall actor wrote and directed this satirical faux documentary about an election, and he shines a smart and funny eye on shenanigans from both sides of the aisle. As true today as it was almost twenty years ago.

5. Chasing Amy (1997)

The Pitch: Say what you will about Clerks, and Kevin Smith has said a lot of us, but Chasing Amy is really his best film to date. It’s personal and sweet underneath all that talk about fisting. A few Indie Spirit Awards, a career launch for Ben Affleck, and a 4800% return on the budget later, and you have a bona fide hit.

4. Heavenly Creatures (1994)

The Pitch: Peter Jackson’s most realistic and grounded film is still one of his best. Two girls in 1950′s New Zealand live in a fantasy world where they plan a real-world murder. It’s made all the more affecting when you realize it’s based on a true story and one of the girls grew up to become Anne Perry, a bestselling writer of mysteries and thrillers.

3. There Will Be Blood (2007)

The Pitch: I don’t have enough space to write all the awards this thing was nominated for or won, but if you have any doubt about the phenomenon, I’ll point you in the direction of your nearest “I Drink Your Milkshake” t-shirt wearer. Beyond becoming a catch-phrase for casual wear, this movie is one of the hardest movies that can actually be re-watched repeatedly. As opposed to, say, Kids.

2. City of God (2002)

The Pitch: This Brazilian gem is a small, gritty, and surprisingly human look at one of the nastiest cities on Earth. Violence and dreams collide as young kids growing up in Rio de Janeiro’s most dangerous slum make choices with profound effects. It’s currently #16 on IMDB’s Top 250 Movie list which is damn impressive stuff for a film with no known stars.

1. Trainspotting (1996)

The Pitch: Topping the list is the film that’s been voted the Best Scottish film of all time as well as in the Top Ten of British films. One of Danny Boyle’s first films, it takes a strange look at a group of heroine addicts. It rocked Cannes in 1996, and was picked up by Miramax for distribution in the states – giving us just a glimpse of Boyle’s talents and the talents of Scottish film making. As brilliant as this film is, I’m against Ewan MacGregor in hoping that a sequel doesn’t get made.

2nd Trainspotting would be EPIC!! Made in my City

The Purge – Movie Review (Spoiler Alert)


Just sat through “The Purge” I expected a movie with a script that would lead the movie in one direction, it never. I didn’t think I would actually like this movie, I did.

It was disturbing at times, as I believe there was a message in the Movie about the USA. I am still trying to figure it out. But for 12 hours of every year people can Purge “Kill or Rob anything” or they can sit in a protected home and watch the events live on TV like some reality show. I found that bit the area of the movie where the message came from.

The movie is centred on one family. James Sandin (Played by Ethan Hawke) are to spend Purge Night alone in their r secure home. The Father James is a salesman; he sells house protection for the Purge.

The movie kicks in when the son who is about 15 years old lets in a man who has been shot to help him. The Family discover what he kid has done, the father James tries to get the man to leave but he escapes into the huge house. Soon a gang 20 or people arrive, demanding the family release the man the son let in, so they could “Purge him” They were killing him and he escaped, till the son let him into the family home.

The group of purge’s set a time for the family to release the injured stranger and when they don’t they manage to force into the home. The father, mother, daughter and son are all split up in this big expensive house, the family are in the dark as the Purges outside turned off the electricity. The time for releasing the man they want to purge the man the kid let in passes and they manage to get into the house by ripping the metal on the doors and windows from the house.

They enter the house, the Father kills a few as the killers now want to kill the stranger and the family in the house, just as the group look like they have them all and are about to kill them a group of neighbours appear and kill the purge’s who were going to kill the family.

Then just as you think they are safe, the neighbours announce to the family they are going to purge the family. They are all local neighbours the family knows, and their reason is the father has made millions selling the home safety devices. Just as the neighbours are about to kill the family, the stranger who the boy let in appears from hiding, as he had been the whole time and kills one of the 4  neighbours. He asked the family if he can kill them all, they say no.

So 3 twists in the movie I didn’t expect, the family sit with guns pointed at the neighbours till 7am till the Purge is over siren is sounded. Then the family allow them to leave. I didn’t expect that. A very disturbing movie to say the last, it was better than I thought it would have been

But there is a message in this movie and it is real, I am still trying to figure it out



Sopranos actor James Gandolfini dies


I am DISTRAUGT here; James Gandolfini who played Tony Soprano has died.  I am deeply upset here. The part he played in the Sopranos I loved as I could relate to what his life was. I know he did movies and other TV stuff, but I will always remember him as Tony, the man who didn’t want to be the Criminal like his Father was but played the part because he had to. His character I loved, I really could relate to Tony in the Sopranos, I loved the man as Tony

R.I.P James Gandolfini, a heart attack at 51 years of age is so unfair, I am so sad for him

From the BBC:

James Gandolfini, the US actor best known for his role as the mob boss in The Sopranos, has died at the age of 51, the HBO TV network has confirmed.

Gandolfini died of a possible heart attack while on holiday in Rome, the network told the BBC.

According to TMZ website, New Jersey-born Gandolfini went to Italy to attend a film festival in Sicily.

He won three Emmy awards for his role as Tony Soprano, a mafia boss juggling his criminal career and family life.

“It is with immense sorrow that we report our client James Gandolfini passed away today while on holiday in Rome, Italy,” said his managers in a statement.

“Our hearts are shattered and we will miss him deeply. He and his family were part of our family for many years and we are all grieving.”

HBO said the star of The Sopranos, which aired on the cable channel from 1999-2007, would be “deeply missed”.

“He was special man, a great talent, but more importantly a gentle and loving person who treated everyone no matter their title or position with equal respect,” said its statement.

“He touched so many of us over the years with his humour, his warmth and his humility.”

James Gandolfini in the actors studio full show


Brilliant Actor, will be missed, he will always remembered as Tony, so sad for his family and close friends.


Trainspotting – The Movie


This isn’t just a song, it is Ewan McGregor and Robert Carlyle in their first ever movies, who I have met, brilliant lad, running up Princess Street, the centre of my City in Edinbugh. Choose Life! I almost never 🙂 It was all filmed in my city, Edinburgh. Paints a rubbish picture, but if you have not seen this, I suggest you do, funny, hard hitting with a brilliant message , the main actor, the song, and the Movie Trailer. The message is don’t do drugs, and this film paints the bad part of any city that has a drugs problem, I watched it earlier, and thought I would share, the film is over 10 years old now, but still a complete classic!

Ewan McGregor

The Song

Official Movie Trailer 

If you have not seen this film, watch it. Trainspotting has NOTHING to do with trains, I won’t ruin it for you, trust me if you have not seen this, you will want to rent it, it won many awards and was made on a shoestring budget, leading all the main actors to Hollywood and beyond


To anyone giving up on life, a message


Sometimes in life we stuggle to find the right words, or the right way to say things. So I often use music as a form of expression. Music for me is a universal tool for healing us

In this blog I am sharing two videos. I did a blog earlier about my son, and how letting go is hard, and how bringing a kid up can be hard, although enjoyable. The top video is for him and anyone else who thinks the world is due them a living, or is thinking of giving up

The second video is me. I am a Football (Soccer) manager, and I like to inspire people to run harder, to fight harder, to live stronger, to keep breathing, to never give up, never let people say “No you can’t” I like a fighter. Sometimes I am LOW. But I fight my way back from the dark, and into the light. If I demand it from others, I first have to demad it from myself.

These two videos are for anyone who is thinking of giving in, or wants to take what they have and settle. Be better, climb higher, be all you can. I can’t be that due to my pain, but I push myself so hard I hurt myself, nothing will change. I keep going. I was born to fight. I don’t want thanks or praise, I want people to fight and say “I can” and “I will” not “I may” or “I might” We all fight…

..And so do you!!

Video 1.

Video 2.

Keep on Keeping on