Dear God



Dear God

Shaun here, well you already knew that you created the lad who created Word Press who knew I would blog this, or something


I hope the weather is ok up there, hope the kids are well, well one of them anyway 🙂 you gave me Scottish Humour, so just toying. Usually we do this one on one in private, but I thought I would pray to you in public, just to test the water, you never know, it might catch on. I mean could you imagine your email inbox if everyone started to pray to you like this; it would be like Bruce Almighty the movie, lol

So I would just like to say thanks for getting me through another Friday shopping day unharmed and still with a partner as you know I can get rather moody on Friday shopping trips. I need to probably thank you for giving Dawn the will to withstand me and my manly moods. Am I allowed to say that? See this is the bit I don’t get God, as soon as I said “Manly moods” immediately something triggered in my mind to say “wait” but it’s said now. So thanks for giving Dawn, the poor woman, the heart to still love me every Friday, I dislike shopping trips, pain and all that kind of stuff.

While we are on the subject of pain, I would ask again God you look at my file “Shaun Gibson from Edinburgh, Scotland” just in-case you misplaced it. I am in agony as I type; I have been for years now as you know, well you should know we discuss it most minutes, lol

I was asking if there was anything you can do, you know, talk to someone, or maybe have a word with someone in the know. Even just flick through my notes and see if there is something you can do. That would be grand God. It is still sore. I mean you created EVERYTHING even every molecule in my body, would it be doable to just turn a few molecules off and stop the pain? I mean would it be going out your way? I know, I know, Syria is there and you have to deal with President Obama and Mr Assad etc, as they both must prey a lot to you for guidance in who to kill or not. Just a suggestion God, why not send your Son down again, maybe he will settle a few issues here? I mean I am in pain, but look to the bigger picture, the World is close to War, there must be some strings you can pull at your end.

Before I go, I would like to thank you for keeping my kids healthy, and ask you keep all the kids in the World healthy, or do your best, you are an incredibly busy chap, with a Universe to run and who knows how many other Worlds to look after and be prayed to by, or written to like this. Just for a moment would it not be AWFUL if there were like 2 Billion planets with life like this and EVERYONE prayed to you like this, I mean that is a lot of email bandwidth right there. But I am sure your ISP (Internet Service Provider) would pro…Why am I explaining this to you, you invented it, well in was really a Scottish chap years ago, so thanks for making Scottish people the most clever on the planet, and the most drunk for some reason. Drinking a lot and we invented the modern world, I have no idea how we pulled that one off.

Well God, thank you for reading, or watching as I wrote, till the next time.

More love, less hate



PS: Thank you for this on Wednesday, BRILLIANT Work there God!

Fantastic it was

Fantastic it was