My 3 Miracles with God, and an amazing story I need to share

Bruce Van Natta

Bruce Van Natta


Spirituality day here on Shaun’s blog. I research things for hours, days, weeks, months, even years. The story of Bruce Natta is one I heard a few months back, but it was through forums and never had the man himself speak. Well I found an American news article about what happened, in video, and it seems amazing and seems true. Was Bruce saved? He is a walking miracle, my story is below, but please, check Bruce first, and I will tell you why you DON’T need religion, just God, I am living proof to the truth 

Links first:

Now the Video where Bruce talks:


What do you think, that is what is important, we have all heard of miracles

I seen one myself once. My Brother was told he had 6 Months to live, he had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer and it was eating his body, he went from 12 ) stone (168 pounds to 5 stone (70 Pounds) There are pictures of him near Death, our Dad built a hospital bed in the loft, carried him up, and we all cared for him, and I guess prayed, and he was going, it was a matter of time, he was a skeleton with skin, this was 20 years ago, I was only 20, David my Brother was 28, he had two young kids and knew he was  dying, the cancer took half his stomach and more. One day we woke up as we stayed at weekend, we all sat in the main room, my Mum went through to put the kettle on and we all heard her crying, we went through, and there was David sitting eating breakfast “I feel better” he said. He went for tests, his cancer had just gone. He was told he would NEVER have kids again, he would be sterile, but 2 years later he had my Niece Emma who is my Daughters favourite person. 

One other time, you all know my fear of flying; I can’t leave the mainland Britain, whatever. My two Sons who were 9/10 years old roughly at the time were due to fly to Portugal with Dawn’s parents for a 2 week holiday, I was worried sick I couldn’t go. I went out the night before, upset, with the Dogs, I remember this like it was yesterday, I stood against a tree, started to cry and said “God if you can hear me, give me a sign my boys will be safe” I looked up to the sky, I could see the WHOLE sky I turned my head a little, looked up and right where I looked, 2 shooting stars, same place, same time, I just knew. They went on holiday, I was still worried, we went to the Airport to meet them, when the flight arrived I went into the Airport Church and said “Thank you”

There is one more story I could share, but two for now is enough, and the reason I have a relationship with MY God, I always have, just don’t do religion. In-fact I will share. My Gran was old, 88 years old, each night I would drive 2 minutes along the road, make sure she was ok, she hadn’t left the gas on, and she was ok and safe. This was something I had done for 2 years, this was a woman I loved so much and miss badly to this day, she was so wise and a comfort at all times. One night I was on my way to see her, I met an old friend I knew through a friend my Gran and we talked and in the end I seen it was too late to go and check she was ok, so called and get no answer, presumed she was sleeping and ok. She was dead when I called. Had I not met her friends son, who’s Gran was dead at this point, I would have found my Gran dead. Divine intervention? 

You make your mind up, I have, God exists and works in a strange way, he won’t always answer you, and he will sometimes help without being asked. So when people throw religion at me, and I ask them to stop, this is why. I don’t need a religion, I have God 

When I hear stories, like the one about Bruce above, I can’t dismiss the story, because I have seen 3 miracles happen. We don’t need religion, we just need to love God, and I know this. A religious person can tell me all DAY I am wrong, I will assure them they are wrong. 


Emeli Sandé – Abide With Me (1 Mic 1 Take)