Why we NEED to live and let live more



I write this blog for reasons other than living a life where people refuse to live and let live, I mean in real life, if someone wants to have sex with a Sheep, I won’t be best pleased about it, but who am I to judge, just an example by the way

Who do some people think they are by judging others, especially from afar, are some people perfect? I say ALL THE TIME I will always take opinions onboard, allow opinions, because I sure as hell don’t know it all, so neither does anyone. I have a family member, I call it the “Double Glazing Effect” They got double glazing windows then they felt they were above everyone else

I see it online, people giving people a hard time as they are perfect, I laugh at them, and shake my head, as the irony of it all just amuses me. Why can’t Person A let Person B live their life the way they want to? Why must people get involved in things they need not get involved in? This blog is nothing to do with anything on Word Press or Face book, just observation

As a species, we Humans just can’t allow opinions without falling out, I come across others like me, but VERY few and far between, where they see an opinion they don’t necessarily agree with, but allow the opinion as it is that persons opinion, I think if more of us done this, the world would improve. It is always “He said, she said that he said he said that she said that I said that…..” you get the drift, and I just smile and look the other way. I respect opinions, even I in my mind I am like “What” You know, allowing others to breathe they way they want

Realise you don’t know it all, I don’t know it all, I will be the first to admit I learn EVERY DAY, I learn a lot about my disability online from people with amazing advice, so why can’t we live and let live? This is no new phenomenon here, this has been going on for centuries, and people even die over lack of allowing or agreeing to disagree on opinions of many topics

Live and let live, allow opinion, don’t get involved in shit you shouldn’t and maybe, just maybe, we give ourselves a better chance as a species of moving forward on many fronts. Sadly we get the “Double Glazing Window” crowd who raise themselves above everyone else in some kind of ritual of “I am better than Mr Jones next door” PATHETIC I hope you agree, and just an opinion also, if someone has a shit life, talk about it, blog about it, I do, I have a shit life in pain, so I blog about it, just my way, I don’t blame others for my pain, it came, it’s sore, and I just get on with it. Again, it MUST be a Scottish thing, because here, we really don’t do this, so seeing it elsewhere is an eye opener, I am not saying it does not happen here, it does, my own family, Mr and Mrs Double Glazing Windows are part of the few who do, and this is why I love Scotland, we settle things like men, or strong people, face to face, or not at all

Just my opinions here, I may be wrong, but I hope you can accept them, because I will accept yours, but I guess the World is full of sad bastards who just can’t allow an opinion or allow themselves to see others happy, the stories I could tell on jealous idiots who do awful things in the name of  “Refusing to live and let live” These gossips with nothing better to do in their shitty life so they make themselves feel better by judging others, if I had £1 for every Gossip I have seen, I would be a very rich man, why do people do this? Gossip? Get involved with things they need not? Hurt friends? Think they are above others? Me, I am above nor below anyone, I am just a dick with a keyboard to be fair, nothing more, nothing less, I live on an Island I am as important as a Cow in a field eating grass if we are being honest, but ALWAYS along come Mr/Mrs know it all with the “TRUTH THAT WILL SET YOU FREE” 🙂 GET A FUCKING LIFE!! It me be the Scottish in me, but Scottish people don’t really do gossiping, we just hit each other till one stays down, cultural differences, all it is, seems harsh, but I would rather stand toe to toe with a man than gossip about him, again! Just my way, an opinion, I may be wrong, I probably am, but I may be right, I don’t know, I am just speaking out loud here, some need to have a long hard look in the mirror and feel the SHAME of being so sad to be a gossip and make others life hell, or bad or whatever, I hope you agree, it makes sense

I will let Paul below say it better than I ever can, it is 5:30 AM here, I can’t sleep, due medication in half an hour, in agony, but please know this blog comes from the right place

More love

Less hate


5 Minute “Audio Blog” Me speaking about Pain x

Yes, this is Shaun lol

Yes, this is Shaun lol

PLEASE listen, 5  minutes of me talking. more love, less pain, Shaun





The picture above, as people on my Face book will know is the picture I use, it is symbolic of a struggle that we all see every day, we feel every day and we take part in every day, all of us


So you believe in God? If the answer is Yes, then the opposite must be true, Lucifer. To believe in good means you must believe in bad. I researched Religion for most of my life. I believe in God, but I don’t believe in organised Religion. I put this to a Reverent I am good friends with, the man is a Bishop, he sits at very high tables in life, and he is a smart cookie. He told me, to have a relationship with God is all that is important.


I lean towards no faith other than God himself, the truth that he is there and he loves us all and answers the odd prayer and helps us when we are in need. I shouldn’t have to sit in a building and pay to love God; I believe this was one of the biggest tricks to be played on our species. That WE must all sit in a building on God’s day off. Many will and can debate me on this, these are my thoughts.


So you believe in God? I will ask a simple question, who runs the world right now? It is either God or the Devil, one has control, who is it? For me, just look at our World with pure eyes, Lucifer has BOUGHT the majorities souls, Greed and the need for Power has poisoned our very souls


Are we damned to hell? Do we live a lie? Have we been deceived? They said the Devil will come in the face of peace. I see a world with over 2,000 religions and they fight and kill to defend each of the Gods they worship. Happens in my Country with Catholic and Protestants


The biggest mistake we made as a species was dividing God into religions. I tried, I really did to get into religion, and I tried so hard. Now I have a relationship with God, just God, and it works for me. I am living testimony to say “You can be at one with God without having a religion” As religion is what makes our world a harsh one, a world at War. Many ask “Why would God allow Children to die” I asked this question also. I have no answer. If we all just believed in God and forgot religion I think things would be better. But who am I to decide or dictate? I am just some man from some place


Where did it go wrong?



You from the USA? Watch this Video!



Puts it all together. Every major event that has brought us to where we are today. Frightening in it’s implication. Although the video makes the argument at the end that “We the People” can stop this, IMO, it is way too late. Orwell’s 1984 doesn’t even begin to describe what we are living through right now and what is to come.

You guys are in a TERRIBLE state right now.  I am posting this as if it is a police state, only because this is what it “seems to becoming” Love the USA Love all you guys, but this video is WOW, Please watch it. And if you can, comment. Or bury your head in the sand. I live 7,000 miles away, it won’t affect me or my Family, but anyone from the USA, if you DON’T watch this video, you are denying ignorance. PLEASE, Let me know your thoughts….




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Why do we blog?


A new blog with a very hard answer to an easy question on the face of it

Why do we blog? For me it is to reach out, to share, and to tell my story, not it all, but the parts that I can and do. I also blog because I like to read, I only started reading books midway through last year, I am more of an online reader. I was in my late teens when the internet came online, and even back then, reading online subjects of all matter was my thing. For some reason I couldn’t or didn’t want to commit to a book, now I do, as to write, you need to read, so get ideas and learn

I have said this many times in many places, but I love humility, it would be easy to look at our world, in any part of the world, watch the news and feel bad about what we see, but blogging here, or anywhere I guess allows us an insight to other people, other cultures, other religions and ways of life. We get to meet and talk to people here and elsewhere, as I do Skype Audio with many, and a good laugh it is, many people who share a common goal, and that is sharing.

Not all come here with the intention of sharing, some just come here and perhaps don’t know they are sharing, but be it a poem, a picture, a song, a blog, a work of art, no matter what it is, it is sharing. The Word Press community is something else, it inspires me, it cheers me up, it makes me laugh, it makes me cry, and I feel all emotions when I read others content. People who are dying, people who are ill, people who are disabled like me, people who are well, just people sharing and loving and giving and helping

It is an honour for me, a lad who has only been blogging for a year, 10 months of that has been about Soccer, I only really started sharing myself here say 3 months ago, and I started blogging just to share my disability in the hope someone would talk back and share theirs, and they did many times over, hundreds of people I connect with here, each day it seems like I am meeting 100 new people. But these awards to the right, am I that good a blogger to be able to say I deserve them? I don’t know, others judge this, and it seems yes. But at the back of my mind I am like “Me, really?”

So why do we blog? I see many blogs and read many blogs and I have yet to not read a subject I have heard about or am aware about, but I will and have came across the odd thing here and there where I am “WOW” because of what I am reading. There are so many nice people here it is untrue. And if this Word press represents a percentage of people from all over the world, then the world should be good. 92% of the world believes in some form of religion or God.

So why do we have war and hatred?  I know this is an easy answer to some, but to me, I don’t get it. I have seen hatred and sat beside evil in my time, and it teaches you not to surround yourself with it, you are, as a person who you surround yourself with in life. I tell my two son’s this every day, and I will keep saying it till they tell me to shut up, lol

It is my duty as a Father to ready my kids for the big bad world out there. It is not that bad, well not where I am, but bad things happen everywhere, so we all have a duty to teach not just our kids, but everyone, that bad is bad, good is good, and humility is humility. If only we could see it on TV and on the Global stage, but we don’t, the news shows us war and death, every night. When I watch the news it depresses me, but I am nosey and want to know, and the world looks terrible. Then I come here and speak to people from Australia, USA, Iran, South Africa, China, Japan, Russia, you name it, I have crossed paths with people from, as have we all

On an individual level people are nice, but as a people, as a nation some are not, and I can’t figure this out either. Why do we accept intolerance and racism and hate and more? Because we are scared to open our mouths in fear of conflict?

But blogging is good, meeting new people is good, understanding new cultures is brilliant, learning new religions is good and the main thing when you share and read is, you must be able to accept opinions, even when they go against everything you stand for, within reason yes, but basic human opinions, we must tolerate, and on here we do

So I blog for those reasons and more maybe. Why do you blog? Why share, why take the time to give a little to strangers? Same as me, enjoyment? Or a true purpose? I matters not, as long as you are sending love and some caring message, then it is good

We all have our reasons, and they really are unimportant, the main thing is we do, and we do it well, and we learn and share and love and care and all these other good things in life, on here we see a different world. Well I do anyway. Not different from the world outside the front door of my house, the whole world, all of us, from every corner

Keep on blogging, keep on sharing, and keep humanity and humility alive I say, allow yourself to respect everyone from everywhere regardless of what religion or colour, creed or nation they stand for, they are the same as you and me, where they are from, what they do, even if you dislike what they do, be better, care and debate, don’t argue. Because if we do it here, then maybe it will spread and our world will be a better place. I believe in God but can’t understand why 92% of us believe in him in all his shapes and forms and we have wars, all over the planet, and I mean no disrespect here, anyone religious will not take that as a slight against God or their God, people who love God accept, they teach, they show us, they tell us God loves us, so religious people can’t hate, at least this is what I am told when I speak to God loving people like myself. I don’t partake to any one religion, I believe in an all knowing God, a God that loves us all no matter the religion we follow. Maybe I am wrong, but MY OPINIONS MUST BE RESPECTED as I search my path to enlightenment and on here, people accept that and help and share and send me links and its brilliant. If we don’t try to love and be kind, what is the point, what does this tell us?

If we can’t tolerate and debate that is bad, otherwise, this explains hate. I am searching for God, and if I see religious people hate, it makes me take one step back. Take religion out of the blog altogether, I just hate, hate!

And I hope you all do also, please, this blog came from my heart and I just want to see more love in our world, not just on here, but everywhere I look. Am I a dreamer? We will find out, or at least I will one day

Thanks for reading, and I have tagged this to DEATH, lol. This isn’t about God or Religion, I know I mentioned this, but I also mentioned lots of other things. Keep caring people, I love it
