Giza Plateau,Underwater worlds, Atlantis, Giants and more

Great Sphynx Head Closeup Menkaure Pyramid

When I was around 8 years old my family arranged a Holiday to Egypt, since I was 4/5 years old I PINED to go to the Giza Plateau

Even now it calls me, I often wonder where this voice comes from, from almost birth to today It has called me, I need to stand below the great pyramid and ask the same questions people have asked since it has been in our Modern World, that is “How”

Who built it, why did they build, what was its purpose, did the people who build it build it willingly or where they slaves, how was it possible for the people of that time to do this? All over parts of Egypt you can see where people had tried and failed before to make a Pyramid, then the Giza Plateau, it lines up with Orion’s Belt

Teotihucan-Orions Belt-Giza Plateau

For me this means the people of this time had amazing knowledge of the stars and measurements, this can’t be, it’s impossible. If I ever write a book, it will be on this subject. It is just IMPOSSIBLE. And more, the pictures below also, what are we missing?

I have a fear of flying, it started when I tried to get onto a flight, as a kid, to go to the Giza Plateau, I was scared, I was way under 10 years old, and here I am today, late 30’s and I have still never been on a plane lol

I have to, I need to, I don’t know if I will get there and be disappointed or something magical will happen to me, but I need to go. I pine for it, I need to stand there, and the pictures don’t do it justice

As a deep thinker I have asked a million times “Who built this” I think we all have, it’s one of the world biggest mysteries and it will remain so.

I believe a large portion of human history has been forgotten somewhere. We hear of Atlantis and we see pictures from under water in China of a large City, is this Atlantis? We see paintings, thousands of years old showing men in flight, what is this? What part of history have we forgotten? What books were destroyed? Whatever took place to make us forget?

I will leave you with some pictures, this blows my mind. I don’t know who else is interested, but I am going to explore this more with whoever is interested. As a species I believe a large chunk of our past has been forgotten, or missed or over looked, through this blog I will from time to time explore and see where we end up, amazing for the mind this. I also want to know about underwater worlds, Giants Science are digging up, I need to know what we, as a species, have forgotten

Till the next time

Interpretation of this picture could lead us to many things

Interpretation of this picture could lead us to many things

The Shepherds vision. Again, what have we forgotten

The Shepherds vision. Again, what have we forgotten

A simple meteor or something else?

A simple meteor or something else?

What is this showing us?

What is this showing us?

Crucifixion of Jusus, what are these pictures trying to tell us?

Crucifixion of Jusus, what are these pictures trying to tell us?

Anyone want to TRY explain this? Giant skeletons

Anyone want to TRY explain this? Giant skeletons, underwater ruins also

Real or Fake?

Real or Fake?

Any mention of this in the Bible? Giants

Any mention of this in the Bible? Giants

Found under water near Japan

Found under water near Japan


Anyone? Circle of stone people, all looking out the way

This blows my mind away

This blows my mind away

What have we forgotten?

What have we forgotten?