Ron Paul: I’m worried that the government might kill Edward Snowden

Anyone who gives up liberty for security deserves neither!

Ron Paul should SO be The American President Right now….



The Inner Peace Award – Just a speech, no nominations


I was given this award by a brilliant man, Ajaytao over at With the instructions to just accept the award.

I stopped accepting Awards, but will accept meaningful ones, or from true friends with meaning.

The only RULE for this Award is I say something about Inner Peace. So I will.

Inner Peace 

Inner peace is something I found in my early 30’s, as a kid, to teenager and young man my mind was like a messy bedroom. So I taught myself this trick of the mind, and it worked. I visualised 4 drawers on each side of my brain. Drawer 1 was my Family, Drawer 2 was my pain and so on. Over time, when I found my mind “Busy” with thoughts, I closed my eyes and put the issue I had into the drawer it needed to go into.

I know this is an odd way of dealing with things, but it gave me inner peace. It gave me the clear thinking I needed to be a Father, a Husband a football manager and now someone that writes down their most intimate thoughts and shares them with a thousand people.

Inner peace is something we can all have. Many I know live in pain, are always depressed, I said no more. The pain is there, but I made it my friend and decided the rest I was going to control. It took time, and practice. But over the years, I  can now get an issue or a moment I don’t like and put in a drawer in my mind. A kind of meditation I guess. I just decided if I couldn’t control my pain, I was going to control my mind. And I do my best. I have inner peace. Anger has gone, Anger was my biggest enemy for many years. I was Angry life had dealt me the hand it did with pain. Now I am thankful for the life I have. I am blessed with all I have been given. So I have Inner Peace.

I hope you can find inner peace also x

This song is about World Peace, but I believe before we have World peace, we all need to find peace in our Hearts.

Why Do We Kill The Good Guys?




We can all look at the world today and ask things like “Had JFK not been killed, would it be better” I ask a simple question here.

Why is it when someone is doing good, trying to create a better world for our Children and their children, why do we kill them?

I can name names, but below I will throw some pictures to tell the story. It seems you can’t change the evil in this world, and if you try, you die.

Can we change this?  Who will be next to try, or do they know fate has told them to back away

R.I.P to all our Prophets





bob marley




How long shall we stand aside as they kill our Prophets 

English Mosque praised for offering English Defence League protesters tea


If only this happened all over EARTH!!

After the beheading of Soldier Lee Rigby who serves in a regiment and plays in the same band as a friend did, there has been much unrest in the UK, Mosques have been attached as have anyone looking like a Muslim (I mean that remark in the ugliest way possible, this is what is happening) getting beaten up or worse.

Lee Rigby, beaded by Evil last week

Lee Rigby, beaded by Evil last week

Demonstrations like this one in a few years back have been on the boil


However, Yesterday in York a planned demonstration by the English Defense League supporters was calmed down when a mosque started serving tea and biscuits to EDL Protesters and defused the situation. If only this happened more eh. It says a lot that Muslims are trying to get the message over “We don’t all want to kill you” And I say well done to this little Mosque in York, England. A proud moment for humanity. It is sad Lee died, but an eye for an eye attitude will lead to chaos, that probably will still happen to erupt in the streets of England. I am well known for wanting Independence from England, for my Country Scotland, but today I am proud to say “I am British” I only hope that other EDL members act in the same manner and react this way.

A very British way of doing things, settling things over a good cup of Tea


A mosque has been praised for serving tea and biscuits to English Defense League supporters after the far-right group arranged a demonstration there.

About six people turned up to protest at the mosque in Bull Lane, York, on Sunday and were invited inside to play football with worshippers.

More than 100 supporters of the mosque had gone there after learning of the planned EDL protest.

Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu said the mosque’s response was “fantastic”.

He said: “Tea, biscuits, and football are a great and typically Yorkshire combination when it comes to disarming hostile and extremist views.”

‘Proud moment’

Father Tim Jones, who went to the Bull Lane mosque, which is situated in his parish, said: “I’ve always known they were intelligent and compassionate people and I think this has demonstrated the extent to which they are people of courage – certainly physical courage and also a high degree of moral courage.

“I think the world can learn from what happened outside that ramshackle little mosque on Sunday.”

Hull Road ward councillor Neil Barnes said it had been a “proud moment for York”.

He said: “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day that the York Mosque tackled anger and hatred with peace and warmth – and I won’t forget the sight of a Muslim offering a protester tea and biscuits with absolute sincerity.”

Fears over a demonstration grew after Yorkshire EDL Scarborough Division posted a message on its Facebook page calling for supporters to gather outside the mosque.

Imam Abid Salik said: “We did have a few people who did come to protest but when they came some of the members of the mosque went over and they engaged in a conversation.

“Some people went over with cups of tea and biscuits, they were talking for about 30 or 40 minutes and then they came inside, which was a really, really beautiful thing.”

Father Tim Jones said "the world can learn" from what happened outside the mosque

Father Tim Jones said “the world can learn” from what happened outside the mosque, a small one at that. If only, we can pray








Time for me to call it a day with blogging, more or less



So one door closes and another opens they say, today I have to close the door on blogging, not just for me, but for my family. I spend a LOT of time online and blogging takes 10% of what I do, well it did, if I am being honest it was taking 25%/30%

I tend to get bored very quickly with some things online, please not with Word Press or any people here, just blogging. I think I have blogged about my entire life in here; I have nothing left to blog. I want to blog but I am going over old blogs, and blogs are becoming the same but with a new title.

Also awards, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every award, I don’t want a pat on the back or a bit of cake, I just want to say thank you. The 61 Awards I got were from people who in the main thought about my blog, or I made someone laugh. The Moments awards I would like to have got to 10, I am on 7, lol

The experience of reading a blog about someone new, or a new topic really made a lot of space in my heart. Out of all the blogs I read, this one here touched my heart the most. by Tersia and her angel child Vic who passed, when I read it I hugged Dawn my partner and we both cried. Tersia, you are a special person and Vic is looking down on you with love and she is in no pain. I urge everyone to go read this blog and get to know Tersia.

On here I seen real people, and fake people, and jealous people and a few fools who I as soon as I could find the way to block them I did. Not out of hate, I don’t do hate, just because they were idiots. I made friends BIG TIME with Eddie Tatro and Dianna two people I spoke to on Word Press the most, there were others like Patrick  Victoria – and Mer who I spoke with also, real good friends each of you I want to mention so many people who made a mark on my mind in here, To any on Skype, we are still friends, and anyone can add me if you wish shaunyg1973 I just like to talk

I could go on and on and on, but if you spoke with me and we had fun, then I guess it was worth it. I am a big shit for coming onto social media sites and just getting bored. So what I am going to do is spend time reading others blogs instead and speaking to others and reading some more stories

I don’t think I have anything left to say, and please, no more awards (Unless someone wants to quickly nominate me with 3 Best Moments Awards, lol) You see what happened here was I created moments. Some good, some bad, some indifferent, by blogs were just ramblings from a lad on medication and in pain, I don’t think I can say I blogged anything of real substance, just what was on my mind for a few second, “Moments” because that is what living is, moments, all we are left with are moments.

I found a few people to be “Competitive” in a “Look how popular” I am way, and I guess that is ok, I really just rumbled on till someone spoke back, how many followers, how popular, all that bullshit, not interested, I battle to live to my life and be happy, not sit online and do it, but PLEASE I am not having a go, some people really only have online friends, people that have the same disability as me or worse. It would be easy to just give in and be an internet person. This is where I ALWAYS draw the line on the internet, I want my real life to work, and I want to be popular to the right people, my family.

So to everyone I said hi to, or spoke to, good luck in life. If you have email is my email if you want to chat, as in voice my Skype handle is shaunyg1973

I will still speak, I will keep my account open, and I will see how people are doing and make more of an attempt to speak to you all through your blog and not mine. I really have nothing less to Blog. I have been blogging the best part of 2 year now, sport before for a year then my own personal nonsense, so please, forgive me if I take a break.

If you want to speak to me, please do, on any blog, I will answer, if you want to email, please do, if you want to Audio Skype, please, you are welcome. I am a happily married man with kids; I have no reason to Audio Skype than just to debate and have fun

And this is why I am doing this. I want to start a radio show, I may fail, but I got a half offer to do a spot for some radio show in the UK so I am going to try, I will post the link on the “Blog Radio” at the top of my blog

I re-blogged my 1st ever blog below this one, and I blog my last above it

Thank you to anyone I spoke to, I missed MANY names but please if we spoke, thank you for taking the time and effort. I am way behind on many things in my life, blogging just got boring for me. The same as someone getting bored reading a book or watching a movie, shit happens. Lol

More love, less hate

Shaun x

♫ Zombie ♪ – A Song about War on my Doorstep

Catholic Republican Supporter Attack a British Patrol






Yet another song, this one I love also. The reason for this song  was the War between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland. A pointless War where people died on both sides for pointless reasons. I love how the band, the Cramberries and the song writer took the song and the lyrics and made it mean something.

Blood is STILL being spilled and has done since, as she sings, 1916 – When will religious War end?  Who will blink first? Who has the guts to take our world down a new road? This song is VERY, VERY POWERFUL, And I hope the meaning is not lost on anyone, War is wrong, blood is being spilled and it must end.

Anyone with Irish blood, welcome to a great song! And join Bloggers for Peace!




Another head hangs lowly,
Child is slowly taken.
And the violence caused such silence,
Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it’s not me, it’s not my family.
In your head, in your head they are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are crying…

In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What’s in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou…

Another mother’s breakin’,
Heart is taking over.
When the violence causes silence,
We must be mistaken.

It’s the same old theme since nineteen-sixteen.
In your head, in your head they’re still fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are dying…

In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What’s in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, hey, oh, ya, ya-a…


My competitive, but caring, loving edge, I need it to survive, PLEASE READ!!

To some this means NOTHING, to me it explains who I must be, and all I can be

To some this means NOTHING, to me it explains who I must be, and all I can be



500 followers and 35 awards since the start of 2013. well there you go eh…

For me every follower, every award is like winning a Soccer trophy. Really PLEASE READ ON!!!

I am a competitive man, I have to be, it is my job, I get paid to win, and my job is to get 18 men and ask them all to battle and spill blood to win a game of Soccer. The level I manage at asks I do this. Many will say “That is a bit extreme” But it is the nature of being a Soccer Manager

Then I look above, 500 followers and 35 awards since the start of the year. Going through my 15 years as a Football Coach and Manager (Two different things) I have won close to 19 league titles and cup finals. I am a born winner, I sleep to succeed, then life came and took it away and left me in a shadow, in the dark, in pain, not knowing what to do. Then I fould EVERYONE READING THIS AND WHO FOLLOWS ME….Please read on


Even in AGONY every day of my life I drag my sorry ass up and I WIN, I tell myself “Just because you are disabled, does not mean you want pity, or to be treat different or be less of a person” I have to tell myself this every day, without that edge, I don’t think I would be here, truly, I am Blogging for peace, Blogging for Master Peace, an Admin on here for a help/idea section, I also help out with Playing for change I can’t give any more of myself away, but truth be told, I would if I could. I happily give my free time to pray and hope for a better world. But this is my calling now, well since I found this place, I want fairness, listen to the Radio section below, what I was doing, calling cheats to task

See the pain makes you feel second hand, makes you feel old and used, different also. So to come here and get 35 awards is just staggering. I never meant to blog, it was a mistake. I snapped my left Hamstring 14 months ago, out of boredom I ended up on Twitter, within in 2 months I had 5,000 followers and was a regular on the Radio, debating with paid pundits, leading me to blog here today, everything happens for a reason? God works in mysterious ways?



Whatever I do, whenever I do it I give it my all because I have to, I started this blog to keep me breathing, I need people to know this. I shared my inner soul with people and helped people back, I can’t help it, and it is who I am. And I know one or two people will look at these followers and awards and start to dislike me, this is human nature and all too familiar to me.

When a person does something, and they do ok at it, Human nature dictates a small percentage will start to dislike that person. Don’t ask me why, or for what reasons, I can only speculate. But the very nature of my SOUL means being here, I need to help, I need to say “Are you ok” I need to ask “Is there anything I can do”

I would like to thank everyone, Word Press as a whole, and offer the award I created to everyone, and only ask they give it to 10 other people. This is the award here

Please take this and give it to 10 people. Thank you!

Please take this and give it to 10 people. Thank you!


I love this place, it arrived to me when I needed it, and you all came to my life when I needed you. I am going back to Soccer management. This is a HUGE deal to me. It is what I am. Some work, I can’t. Some play sport, I Can’t. Some go out every weekend for a meal and a drink, I can’t. Some have romantic weekends away with their partner, I can’t, some walk their dog, I can’t, some work out at the Gym, I can’t, I could go on and on, please, don’t feel sorry for me, I am ok, I will claw my way back to the top, where I come alive, where I need to be, where I can look myself in the mirror and not see a disabled useless bastard, as this is what I see some days, I am sorry for that remark, truly, but THIS IS HOW I FEEL! But I am changing that view, with YOUR HELP, Please, from my heart, mind and soul, I thank every one of you. I had a rough 4 years, stuff I have not shared with you all, I can’t. trust me it’s horrific, I need to move on from it

This place has opened my heart and mind and allowed me to breath again. And I would like to thank every single person who reads this, or has followed me, or has given me an award, or has helped me when I was down. Due to you all I am about to go and do what many take for granted. Live! I will be out there in the world, out of my safety bubble doing my thing

Thank you all for making this possible. You helped me, you saved me, you all saved me

Thank you. I am Shaun, no more, no less; I am what you see, who you talk to, who you debate with.

Without Word Press and all you, I hate to think where I may be right now. Thanks to you I found something in myself, I found a new me, the new me. People take the ability to live for granted, I don’t. I treasure EVERY SECOND I am doing something you can, if you can, I am heading back the world that I almost got scared about, I almost stopped wanting to go out, the last 4 years killed me, the pain killed me, an EVENT killed me, but we had two Daughters and I seen some light, and I ran, sorry, hobbled to it and now I am grabbing or it, I won’t take me eye from this light, never again. For others still looking for that light, I will always be here to help you find it, as others proved to me it is there for anyone who wants it

I know many are like me, and the great thing is, you will all understand what I am saying here.

Again, thank you!

Blogger for Peace.


I would like to thank fellow “Blogger for peace”  DAY ONE Barbara @ for bringing this to my attention. I seen on another bloggers page the “Bloggers for peace” badge and stole it, lol. I had NO idea there was a Blog for it here  from everyday gurus I just thought it was a cool saying. So I am going to join this, and once a month do a blog on the Peace movement. Anyone that knows me, will have picked up, like Barbara did, I am a Blogger for Peace, so I was part of it without knowing I guess.

I would say EVERYONE has a look at this, because one blog at a time, one reply at a time, one song, one saying, just trying, we may get Peace. I won’t give up on it, and I know you won’t either. Anyone that craves War, craves it for financial gain, or is a Soldier who likes War. As a Blogger for Peace, I would say these people are the architects of War, and they must be stopped

I will add the “B4Peace” to my blog here, in a show of solidarity with others who crave peace as I do, I love it, and it speaks to me in a way of Peace


This here is in my Blog and has been since the start Under “Why I hope” it says:

We live in an world full of love, but also we are fed violence through the media. A world that is more connected through technology, but less connected than ever as people.

We don’t interact, and the world has become a corporate machine, where money  rules over the heart.

One person at a time, one blog at a time, one conversation at a time, we CAN change our world


So all along my ideology of Peace was there, I just didn’t know it. But I will add more.

I think we live in a world where War is for profit and blood flows all over for a small percentage of people can add an extra zero to their bank balance, they make me sick. I did a blog a while back, and the theme was “We don’t want war” This picture below speaks volumes, A man from the USA and a Man from Iran, at the London Olympics sharing a Hug. We the people don’t want war, we want peace, we want to love and share and help where we can, we want to share cultures and be part of each others cultures and give a shit.

Kindness on a GLOBAL scale, we don’t see this much do we?

Kindness on a GLOBAL scale, we don’t see this much do we?

So I throw my hat into the “Blogger for peace” movement and if you give a shit, yes YOU, join in. I am aware any day War could be on my doorstep, and this is the ignorance sometimes, if we can’t see war, we are immune to it so we don’t give a shit. But for the people all over the world in War, at War on in Civil War, we must put ourselves in these people’s shoes to show we give a  damn about them. We must blog and the then blog some more, and then just in-case, blog again against this Global War Machine I hate with every fibre of my being. If you have morals and love and care, then take 20 minutes out of your day and join this “Bloggers for Peace” movement, the more who do it, the more may listen. Never say never. Once I  thought WWIII was a given, it was going to happen, now I am not so sure. We are close. Name a county not in, or at war or in civil war, you will be hard pushed to produce a list with any substance.

So we must all come together, the VAST MAJORITY and say, with one voice “NO” We don’t want to kill each other. And tell this 1% to take their money, run for the hills and let people who will rule FOR US not against us, and allow these people to run a world where hope can be seen, where solidarity can be felt and expressed, where we can say to a fellow human, from anywhere “Are you ok”  I am in, and I will be in harder and harder, as this is a subject close to my heart and my being, this is just my opening blog, expect harder blogs than this to come, I hope I can do “Bloggers for peace” some justice


Join in!

Join in!


I often show this video, it means more now! 

After seeing all of this, take the 20 minutes, or deny ignorance! 

Thoughts for a friend who is hurting x

Sorry For your Loss

I woke up this morning to an email from one of my friends to say her Aunt had died. Just a message to say, I am here for you

At times like this Anger can sweep away memories of the person who passed. For now think of your loved one who has passed and nothing else, remember your loved one fondly and remember she is in a good place now. She had a long fulfilling life

I know you are angry with other emotions also, but for now remember whom you have lost.

I am here, as always as a friend should you need me. Always

With love and hugs from afar, Shaun x

One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking along
the beach with the Lord.

Across the dark sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene, he noticed
two sets of footprints in the sand,
one belonging to him and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life
there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the
very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it.

“Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you’d walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life there is
only one set of footprints.
I don’t understand why when I needed you most
you would leave me.”

The Lord replied “My precious, precious child,
I love you and would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints in the sand,
it was then that I carried you.”


If you miss someone, and want to be with them, this song is for you


Sometimes I find myself blogging and sharing on a whim, no reason to, wasn’t planning to. But “Shaun being Shaun” I think of others. I know a friend misses his Daughter, I know a Father who misses his kids, I know a man who misses his Mother, that man is me. So this blog is for anyone who misses someone, for any reason, for any emotion.

Love, Peace, Individual acts of kindness, Hope, Praying, kindness alone, Humility, Humanity, Love. Respect, are words I am thinking as I type here.

Love and peace to all

Shaun x

Skype me: ShaunGibson1888