If you could make 1 change to our World, what would it be? (Please replay) #PeaceonEarth



I have this debate mainly with my Dad on countless occasions. My Dad used to say “I cry for Humanity” As a kid or younger Man I never understood the meaning, now as a Father of 4 and 2 young girls 3 and 4 years old I do understand

I blog for Master Peace, Bloggers for peace and also take an interest in Playing for Change




I ask if you could make 1 change to our World, 1 change that would be so profound it would change the way it is going. Right now I blog heavily about corporate greed, politicians taking bribes, crooks in charge of our world. And I will keep doing so. As the two pictures above and especially below say, YOU, YES YOU, CAN Make a difference. One person at a time, one blog at a time, one individual act of kindness at a time, one helping hand at a time, we can change our world.

Question: If you could make one change to your World to make it better, what would it be and why? Do you care? Can you spare time to do your bit? 

So what would you change? Where do you think the problems are? How can we fix them? What would you do? What are you answers? We will all vary in our Answers but the most important thing is we all know and feel and believe we can change our World. So quick blog, and I hope it gets the same discussion this blog did http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/18/question-to-word-press-yes-you-dont-like-reply/ this was a question “QUESTION – What do you want out of life?” and it went down really well.

So please, let’s all look to the links I posted, put our differences to one side and ask “What one thing would you do to help change our world”

More love.

Less Hate










Let us all embrace change and unite for the common goal x





B4 Peace



Bloggers for peace






Logo MasterPeace 2



It is utters in all languages, what do you utter? Please, what would you change?






CAN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR?  Lets put petty differences aside and look at our World, “WHAT WOULD YOU DO”




Playing For Change – Connecting The World Through Music



The Playing For Change Band’s 2012 “Back to Our Roots” Tour hits the road this summer throughout Europe and Brazil. Grandpa Elliott has his passport ready and harmonicas in his pockets. One thing I know for sure is that wherever Grandpa Elliott goes, the roots follow. I’ve known Grandpa for many years and he is the King of Conviction. Whenever and wherever he performs he gives it everything he has, and brings so much soul and emotion to every note and every word. The PFC Band feeds off of his spirit, and together with the audience we create a better world, a place where we are going to make it as a human race. Sometimes the music is all we need to be set free. Grandpa may be a blind man, but he sees the light.

For example, check out this live video of  “A Change Is Gonna Come” from Folsom, CA. When I watch and listen to this performance I have no doubt that a change is coming and that with music we will all persevere.

There is so much diversity and talent in this band, and together on the stage they create music that breaks down walls and builds bridges. Don’t miss a chance to see Grandpa and the band live this summer and celebrate the “Back to Our Roots” Tour with your PFC Family!!

Playing for change is something I have been more than aware of for a long time. The feel of it captures me and anyone I show it to. The meaning is as it says “Playing for change” To try and change our world. Some of the videos are more than amazing, people from all over the globe playing instruments of all shapes and sizes and people singing from all corners of the world. All with one common goal, “Change” On here I took part in “Blogging for change” When I see something that has roots to change our world, I am “IN THERE” in a big way, same as me doing a blog here and there for http://www.masterpeace.org

Change is change, and any change moving forward is a good one. Sadly these movements never get far as people think “Waste of time” I have heard this so many times. So I ask, do we give up? So we forget our world is heading to a big white flash? Are some happy the end of days is upon us and have accepted it and say “Why bother” Well let’s put it into context. The people who rule and ruin this planet make up about 1%, the rest of us; the 99% ARE THE VOICE. In one day, we could all stand up and say “No” These are what these movements are all about, but there is so much apathy when it comes to “Change” We all want it, but not enough really want it, that badly to do something about. Hey, I used to do the same.

So playing for change, same as “Bloggers for peace” is the same thing, just different ways. Add your voice, do a blog, get in touch, you need spend no money. When I see these things the first thing I look for is “Please enter your Credit card details here” All I am doing is sharing music, beautiful music, sang by people of all races, creeds colours and cultures. The people who actually do the sound, the singing and more are from all over the planet, from the USA to South Africa, to Africa, to Russia, India, Australia, Israel, and Iran and all over Europe and South America and anywhere else you want to mention. This is a GLOBAL movement, so jump in. Here are some songs, free to listen to, that should kick start some people into wanting to spread this word. Many are quick to spread their word on this earth, maybe we all should spread other, new words?  I will let you listen and you decide.

One Love 

War/No More Trouble

What a Wonderful World

Sittin’ On The Dock Of The Bay

Stand by me 


Redemption Song

Don’t Worry

Gimme Shelter

One Love, One World, One Peace…………