Great Bloggers/Friends #10 –


Colin’s wedding to Debbie in his Army days, serving your country, can’t get a better man than that. Colin is a brilliant man.

Colin @ is a BRILLIANT ex military man from the USA. We speak a LOT on Skype and him and his partner Debbie are superb people. We can chat for 5 hours on Skype Audio and debate everything between religion and science. He is an amazing man, with an amazing story and life to share. I ask you PLEASE to follow Colin, as his blog is Amazing and he can debate brilliantly and also is a brilliant friend and a brilliant laugh also.

Colin is devoutly Catholic and while he has no professional qualifications as a counsellor or therapist of any kind, he does have a great deal of experience in this area as he is still happily married to his wife of over 21 years. His posts centres on issues related to being a Catholic Husband. Most blogs will be off this nature

They chose each other quite young and in spite of challenges and hardships far beyond anyone’s expectations their marriage blossomed and flourished as they grew together through both joy and adversity, while raising 4 children. And in a brilliant way

He does not wish to intimate that he does not make mistakes along the way, only that he learned a great deal from each decision he has made, whether right or wrong, and he hopes to pass on the knowledge that others might benefit from it. He hopes to make a positive change in at least one marriage through his blog. I urge you all to PLEASE give him a follow..

Here are 3 blogs I would like to share with you from Colin.

Sex, Intimacy, and NFP


I’m well aware this is a topic nobody really wants to talk about. We would be happier to just pretend it didn’t exist and go on our merry way. None of this changes the fact that I feel compelled to write about it today, and it’s a post that I have been stewing over for some time now. You’re probably telling yourself this doesn’t apply to you or your marriage, or that you and your wife have a mutual understanding. The hard truth is  what you really might have is a mutual desire to avoid a deeply emotional subject which could potentially ignite a conflict if even mentioned. If after you read my story you find yourself feeling differently, consider letting your wife know that you’ve been reconsidering any prior decision on artificial birth control. This opens the door for a conversation if she senses you are sincere and would like the opportunity to revise the way things are. Heck, you might even let her read this just to get her reaction.

If there was a single word that could garner immediate interest and make your blood boil “SEX” would be it, whether with anger, fear, indignation, trepidation, anticipation, or some variety of other powerful and inflammatory emotions.  I think that’s why it has such a potent effect on our relationships with our spouses. On one side it is a driving biological imperative and at the same time an emotional one. Sex is a wondrous construct, with the power to do far more than provide pleasure .  It is also a conduit to intimacy, and when in the right context with the right person, a deeply bonding experience.

This was something I missed for the longest time. I think everyone notices that sex changes everything in a relationship. This is especially true in a marriage. I may find myself on a cracked and skinny limb here, but after over 20 years of marriage I discovered  a few things – some of them far more recently than I should have and this is one of them.

During my wife’s conversion to Catholicism she decided she needed to talk to me. It was obviously important to her; as she let me know in advance and very carefully selected a time and place to drop the bombshell. “I want to talk to you about stopping the artificial birth control”, she said. You could have knocked me over with a feather. If you’d asked me, I would have said everything was great! We had two children and were thinking maybe of having some more, but not that instant. I was taken aback. This would change everything, and change it far more than I realized at the time. It seems she had already talked to the priest about it and read up on what the Catechism had to say on the matter. It wasn’t an ultimatum, and she made it clear that she would not go forward without my agreement to do it. She wanted my consent and for me to take a little time to honestly evaluate the situation in order to give it.

That made things hard– no confrontation, no defiance, no excuse to react in any other way than to agree to look at it and give it some real thought. You might think I would have brushed it off, but I didn’t. Actually, it ate at me and gnawed continuously on my conscience. She provided me the sections of the Catechism relevant to the subject as well as Humane Vitae and some other materials on NFP. I stuck to the actual church materials and avoided other peoples interpretations of them. To this end, I actually read several of the sermons that comprised “Theology of the Body”. In the end I stewed and fretted, not just about the moral implications, but also about how it was going to affect me. Selfishness reared its ugly head early on and guided my “gut” reaction to help ensure the outcome it favored. One of the most important steps we took was to take a class on NFP. I only thought I understood a woman’s body and her natural cycles and rhythms. What I discovered was that I knew more about the inner workings of a nuclear reactor than I did about the inner workings of a woman. We went through the class and spent a few months tracking her cycle. It was something we did together, and it was actually both intimate and interesting. By the end of second month I started to realize just how much I hadn’t understood.

In the end I wholeheartedly agreed, without reservation, to end the artificial contraception for many reasons,  including the following:

I was not willing ask another person to commit mortal sin with me or for me, so that I could enjoy marital relations without reproductive implications. It was not worth the increased cancer risks and other assorted health implications, including decreased libido and increased stroke risk, for my wife to take those pills. When I thought about it objectively, what I was doing was putting my wife’s health at risk so that I could have my way with her without fear of impregnation. Essentially, the pill turned her from a human partner into a receptacle for my sexual angst, whether or not that was ever my intention. What’s worse, I had learned that most pills are abortive. Many work by causing a spontaneous abortion or failed implantation when the prevention of ovulation fails. A condom makes an even bigger statement. Then there is a very tangible physical barrier between us which has a direct bearing on intimacy. To be honest, I heard artificial birth control in general saying something to my spouse – it said, “I want to have sex, but I don’t want any entanglements to ensue”.  The truth is that marriage is all about entanglement, in all aspects of our being.

I had always hoped for a son one day, and one day after my wife passed a clot  during her period, I went to look at the carefully wrapped bloody pad in the wastebasket. It dawned on me with a sudden clarity that the son I had so long desired might be that very clot now laid to rest in a tidy package at the bottom of the trash can. That moment my mind was made up, and I agreed.

The part of this whole discourse that is important however, is that it caused me to totally change the way I viewed and treated my wife and our sexual relationship. I would have been aghast and defensive if you had suggested to me that I had been selfish or that my motives or actions were less than honorable. However, that feeling does not stand the test of scrutiny from several years forward in time. While parts it of manifest themselves immediately, the change was not instantaneous – but no lasting change usually is. The truth is that things only got better from there, and we had 2 more children using NFP to achieve the conception by predicting those times most favorable for doing so. My wife felt much better in general, and thought I thought our sex life was great before – there was a spark missing which rekindled itself into a burning flame once the intimacy barrier of artificial conception was removed.

Let’s be clear that I’m not at all advocating having children until your wife’s uterus falls out, nor am I advocating against spacing the children you do have out. Just that you leave room for God to work in your life. Artificial birth control is not infallible either, and just provides a false sense of security which ends up being an excuse for the holocaust of abortion in far too many instances. I am saying that disposing of artificial birth control will change your entire perspective on sex, your spouse, and your marriage. In making this decision together, you’ll both be sending the other person a message – and don’t let that message to be “I love you, but not enough to accept the possibility that our love might create a new life who is part of both of us.”. How would you feel if your wife whispered in your ear, “I love you dear, but I abhor the thought of carrying your child”?  It would kill the mood for me too. Opening yourself to life might add a spark and excitement that has been absent far too long, and the message it sends about love and acceptance to the other person works wonders on the intimacy level which can be achieved.

As always, please feel free to share your thoughts or stories in the comments section, as always I appreciate your feedback and comments, tweets, likes, and reposts. You can email me at if you’d like to pass anything on.

I loved this blog, another..

Expectations of A Catholic Husband


God holding your Marriage

I’ve been asked more than a few times what the building blocks of a successful marriage are. Recently a few readers have sent questions to me looking for advice in new marriages and prior to marriage on what their future wives will be expecting of them. Aside from some very candid discussions with your current or future spouse, there are some givens that she will expect and from which all the others are merely outgrowths.

I’ve put some real thought into this. That means both brain cells were parallel processing until they started releasing their magic blue smoke. You see, I’ve been married for over 20 years and in terms of expectations – well they seem to change if you focus on the minutiae. However, if you look at the bigger picture, the little things all fall into line, if you remember the big ones. There are a core group of things every woman expects from her husband whether she even realizes it or not.

One major disclaimer – I have no more insight into a womans mind than any other man. Women are like the trinity in that they are a mystery which cannot be understood by man and must simply be accepted. The disclaimer does however, provide me a good segway into expectation number one.

Acceptance – This one seems so obvious, but I hear neverending stories of women whose husbands/fiancee’s threaten a divorce over 5 lbs. or will only marry if she can fit into a certain size dress. Stop and pray before you act, speak, or think like this and here is why. Neither of you know what the future is going to bring, or where it will take you together. Just like with God, you must simply accept each other joyfully. In the long view – your wife is likely going to be like the weather in Louisiana. Don’t like it? Wait a bit, it will change. Your wife will change sizes, her personality will change, her interests will change, her health will change – the one thing that must never change is that you accept and love her for who she is each morning. It’s critically important to both of you that you do. If she was disfigured in a fire or accident would you love her any less? What if she was barren? Would you continue to love and keep her? Time ravages all physical things and she needs to know that regardless of what changes happen to each of you both physically and emotionally, as long as it remains compatible with sacramental marriage, that you will make  anew that decision every morning to accept and love her as she is. Always don your rose colored glasses and see the best in her and about her.

Commitment – Your wife rightfully will expect that that you are fully committed to a lifetime of joyful servitude of her and any children you are blessed with. Your commitment is to the covenant you made with God when you accepted the Sacrament of Marriage from your wife. It is expected that this commitment is unbreakable, treat her accordingly – never make mention of or threaten divorce and choose your words carefully. A man must lead a family and not subjugate them by force or fear. You must nurture your wifes commitment to you, but ensuring that she is always secure in your commitment to her and to your marriage. Never take this commitment lightly, treat your wife, always, as if her commitment must be earned  – through the commitment itself does not need to be earned, her respect and trust do. Know in advance that there will be moments in your marriage when God and commitment will carry you through, and that without commitment to your covenant before God your marriage is doomed to failure – harming both you and your spouse irreparably.

Togetherness – All the hurdles and caveats life throws at you are going to be relying on you facing the challenges together. Whatever comes it is expected that you will work as a team to solve each and every crisis. Regardless of whether that crisis is emotional, physical, financial, professional, sexual, faith based, or something else. She is counting on you to help her, and it will be important to her to also help you. Remember that whatever hurdles you face, you will face them best as a well coordinated team who can react quickly to change, anticipate the other’s moves, and most importantly acknowledge each others strengths and weakness and understand which roles each is best suited to for any given problem. This may mean adjusting roles temporarily or permanently to best face your current situation in life. Work as a team not just to achieve those things necessary to your marriage, but also necessary to each others hearts and souls. The joy of shared experience is just as powerful as the bonding forged between two who share and overcome adversity together. Rather than let adversity tear you apart, let it bind you more tightly together. Rather than allowing marriage to overshadow each of your personal dreams and goals, make it a vehicle for you both to share in achieving them.

Love – Another one that seems obvious, however it is quite critical that you understand what this one means. Love does not mean liking someone, nor is love a feeling – rather that feeling is a symptom of love but not love itself. Love is a choice we make, and we must renew that choice each day. Love endures hardship and pain, it weathers squalls and storms. You cannot love one whom you do not accept as they are.  Your wife must be your best friend, your lover, and your partner through life. You must love God above all things, and love your wife above yourself – not as yourself, but below God and above you. She cannot return to you that which is not given to be returned. While romantic love and erotic love will come and go like squalls, and even hurricanes, throughout your marriage – your true love for each other must be like the ocean, fathomless and unending.

Trust – No love and no marriage can survive without this. Trust has more aspects than verbal honesty. Your wife must know you are being emotionally honest with her at all times. She is not a mind reader or clairvoyant and for her to learn to read you accurately over time she must really understand what you really think and feel. While she too must do the same, you need to make sure she feels free to do so. This means listening without judging her when she opens her heart to you, and for her to understand you – she must do the same for you. This is the basis of intimacy, for without feeling able to truly open up to each other and embrace not just what is outside – but what is inside we can never be truly intimate. Her sense of safety and security depend on her knowing that no harm will come to her. She is entrusting this care to you, you must never betray this sacred duty or her ability to trust in you will be lost. This does not always mean you will succeed, nor that you must do it alone – but together as God intended. By both of you acting selflessly for the good of the other party you will only increase that trust, and either party acting selfishly will serve to decrease or eliminate it. This applies to threats to your marriage that are violent, physical, emotional, financial, and otherwise. In short, she must trust unconditionally that you would never harm her nor knowingly allow her to come to harm.

There are a bunch of other things, I grant you – but after much introspection I believe that these are at the core. If you can manage these the others are extensions of them and will naturally follow.

Yours in Christ,


And finally, a brilliant blog here, again, PLEASE give Colin a follow @


Soul Mates“, the very term conjures up images of a relationship so deep and comfortable that one blissfully sinks into it without a care or thought toward any distractions to their partner or from their partner. Often these daydreams include visions of our idea of the most physically attractive partner we can imagine paired with a mind always in agreement with our own and seeking nothing for itself.

Of course, one wakes from these daydreams and distractions eventually and realizes the truth is much closer to home. For me it was my grandparents who despite their advanced years remained very much actively in love, playful with each other, very physically affectionate, and while capable of vehement disagreements they were capable of having them without anger or malice of any kind towards each other. They also regularly finished each others sentences and when queried by a third party they often responded in unison. I remember that each had the uncanny ability to predict exactly what the other would say when asked a specific question – but this never stopped them from communicating. Their interests diverged dramatically in many respects with his being favorites in things like flying, woodworking, and mechanics. Hers lay in travel, art,  and culinary exploration. Rather than their diversity being a source of derisiveness, having such divergent interests allowed them to better complement each other. They had married very young by today’s standards, and had been married for well over 50 years.

I remember one seminal moment when the doctor came to see my grandfather when he and my grandmother were both in the hospital. My grandmother had been at home, sleepless with worry (as my grandfather had had a recent bout with Lupus) and busying herself with cooking for family and watching the Travel Channel as she plotted whether or not there was yet another place she needed to see in person. She had a favorite stool at her kitchen’s island and it was old and worn. She fell asleep on the stool and suddenly fell sideways breaking her hip. She had been suffering from heart problems making it necessary for them to wait a few days for the replacement surgery and as she did her health seemed to deteriorate quickly. She too soon had caught an infection and the fever set in. The surgery never happened and she became bedridden – home care was arranged but she seemed to wilt as she realized her life would never be the same.

My grandfather aided by family watched over and cared for her – but eventually she needed in-patient care to stabilize her and she was transferred to the hospital. About the same time, and though my grandfather had been quite healthy and vigorous, a small wound on his foot had become infected, the infection reached the bone, and a partial amputation followed. Soon a systemic infection set in and this burly and powerful man was laid low by the smallest of creation’s creatures and they were in the hospital together in separate rooms on separate floors.

I was visiting him one day when the doctor came in and told him that he had finally turned the corner and if things continued he would be going home the next week. He immediately brightened up, and told the doctor how good it would be to be back at home with his wife. The doctor paused, and carefully explained that he would be going home – his wife was another matter and that he should expect that she would never go home again. Her prognosis was very grim, and with that, his dreams of being back at home with her again were dashed like a crystal vase on a tile floor. I saw it in his eyes and face. It was like the emotion drained out of him. His eyes which once sparkled and glittered now dimmed and dulled, his expression became solemn and lifeless, and he seemed smaller and suddenly weak. In addition, because of his prior infection and her weakened state he would be not be permitted to see her in person or be in the same room, much less have any form of physical contact. He nodded to the doctor, and without saying a word lay back in the bed and closed his eyes. He almost whispered, “I’m so tired, and I just can’t face going home without her…”. A tear rolled down the cheek of the one man I had never seen cry. He refused food and drink. The next night he passed away quietly and wordlessly, as if to use silence to say “there is nothing more to be said”. I never saw him alive again.

There was great consternation about whether or not to tell my grandmother what had happened.  The fever had taken her for days at a time and her lucidity came and went like a flickering porch lamp. Often when she was lucid it didn’t last long enough to impart any useful information, as she often didn’t know where or when she was. A few days after he died though, I had come in from a work trip to see her. They had warned me she was slipping away, and it had been a rush to beat the reaper so that we could say our goodbyes. I was awash in emotion and trying very hard to hold it together, but when I walked in she was alert and sitting up and talking up a storm. As soon as I walked in the door she blurted out to me “He’s dead you know. He’s gone. He left without me. Oh it’s so good to see you!”. We had a lovely conversation during which I told her about work and her great-grandchild, and got to laugh and cry together. It wasn’t to last, as the day wore on she started to fade. She knew she couldn’t go home and kept repeating “He’s gone, and I miss him so much. I just want to be with him again… even if for a short time, I forgot to tell him I’ll always love him…” throughout the evening. She asked me to hold her hand because she was scared,and Grampa wasn’t there to do it. I did, I sat by her bed and held her hand for the next few hours and the family piled into her room and the children played, the adults argued about inane trivia, and we all watched a TV game show she had been following. At some point I noticed that she no longer had a pulse. She still had my hand tightly gripped when she passed away, with wisp of a smile on her face. They died within a week of each other and Thanksgiving is always tinged with sadness at their loss and thankfulness for the mercy that they were able to not only live together but die together, so that she was not subjected to the loneliness and despair that his loss caused her any longer than was necessary.

They were soul mates. Their shining example of a harmonious marriage built on a foundation of service to each other, mutual love and affection, and an abundance of  joy made a lasting imprint on me. When she met the woman who would later become my wife, her primary concern was that she would not be fully aware of  the task of caring for a husband in the manner of the example I had been raised to expect. They both spent endless hours as I grew up imparting wisdom and instructions on how to care for your partner and maintain a happy and balanced marriage. She did the same for my fiancee, both before and after the marriage. At one point she provided my wife a recipe box containing my favorite foods to help her in caring for me as the military was about to take my new family far from home. Her only criteria for a good spouse was that they were also my best friend and that they truly love me and care for me, so that she could one day leave this world confident that I was in good hands. She abhorred divorce as the child of a broken home, and often reiterated that “we make ourselves happy.  Your husband or wife simply shares the joy you create.” It was her greatest hope that I would find my soulmate, but she also insisted that soulmates were made and not found, and that developing a marriage to that point would take more years than she would live to see. I know for a fact, that they are both very proud and happy for what we found together and then built upon over the intervening years. By growing together instead of apart through joy and adversity, we, too, have become Soulmates.

Picture of my Grandparents

My Grandparents

Please feel free to share your thoughts or stories in the comments section, as always I appreciate your feedback and comments, tweets, likes, and reposts. You can email me at if you’d like to pass anything on.

Great Bloggers/Friends #9 – Jenny @

JennyGreat blogger friend time, I hate having a number on them, but this is the 9th time I have done a blog specifically for a blogger and friend.

Tonight I am doing one for Jenny who lives as she says “the leafy suburb of Ferntree Gully, Melbourne, Australia” so a big G’Day to Jenny from myself and everyone reading.

I know MANY follow Mums blog, if you don’t you really should. She is a caring woman with a heart of Gold. Something happened, no real big deal and Mums took some time out of her life to email me with advice, advice that I took on board. She cares, is kind, and puts her own life aside when things are low to leave a message for people.

Mums calls me BH as in Brave Heart as I am from Scotland, so we have fun whenever possible. She is an AMAZING Published writer and superb blogger. I read many blogs she does and I could pick 100 if I could but I would like to share a few with you just to show the kind of caring woman she is, just a few blogs I personally like. She is an awesome poet also, so I will share a few of these. Jenny, Mums, this is for you. I love you as a friend and I look up to you as a person I know I could approach with any issue in my life and I know you would help x

So some blogs I liked to share with you all. Some blogs and a few poems from an extraordinary woman


This is what Mums says about herself x

About The Author

A warm welcome to those that have opened my Author Page.

 I am a 57  58 year young mum who resides in the leafy suburb of Ferntree Gully, Melbourne, Australia.

I have two stunning, intelligent daughters and a gorgeous man by my side, who lets me  –  be me.

I love to write & so I ventured forth into the previously unheard (of by me) realm of ‘blog-land’.

 As my ‘title’ suggests, I write about my thoughts (with and without wine), my age, being a mum, relationships, prose, poetry &  my lust for writing (in fact pretty much anything that pops into my head).

Shall this blog site enter into politics? Not if I can help it.

Will it contain pages of beautiful photos or youtube clips? Perhaps the odd one or two.

Will it be honest & straight from my heart and soul? Yes.

Will my topics bore you? Possibly.

Enlighten you? Maybe.

Be relatable to you? Hopefully. 

Optimistically you may find some of what I write interesting – for me it’s cathartic.

I hope you enjoy what you read and please feel free to share my blogs or make a comment (good or bad).

Thank you for taking the time to read my About Page and may you find your journey with me interesting enough to stay along for the ride.


As you can see she is honest, fun and just Amazing.  Another blog I loved was about her Parents and an adventure they had, you will see what I mean…


The Scooter Club – get down and jiggy with it

6:00am the sun has only just risen in the morning sky.

They are awake. Sleeping is non existant past 7am when you’re in their age bracket. 6 …hours if they are lucky, then it’s up and at ‘em to start their day (no wonder they need a nanna nap in the afternoon).

Breakfast consumed, toast with marmalade or bacon and eggs, washed down with coffee for him and tea for her, they hit the showers – well they try not to actually hit them, they have the hand rails to prevent that. Lather bodies best they can and trying to remember to dry between the toes (yes I know it’s hard to bend down that far).

Both of them assisting one another to get dressed, especially with the socks – why are their feet so low to the ground now? It’s a process, but they have grown use to it, just point your toes they laugh and yell . Tottering off to the wardrobe they grab their vinyls (leathers come later when they have earned their colours).

Into the garage where their ‘chariots’ await, batteries charged, their vehicles covered in plastic to stop any creepy crawlies from settling in over night (mum hates spiders).

Jackets, pants and their orthopaedic runners, pop casts his walker aside, hooks his cane onto the back,  swivels the seat to the scooter and sits. Mum penguins her way to hers, carrying of course her handbag with the necessary requirements of her purse, tissues, powder case and lipstick (just in case).

“Is the iron switched off”?

“I didn’t iron this morning”

Is the heater switched off”?

“We didn’t have it on this morning”.

“Do we have a doctors appointment today”?

“It’s Sunday no mother we don’t”.

They grab their helmets – pink for her and blue for him – they smile, Pop winks in mums direction and she still blushes.

They turn the keys as they set for the wide open spaces, holding onto the handle, they turn the dial from turtle to hare. Down the pavement they ride, pop in the lead, mum following with her orange safety flag (the one she swore she wouldn’t get because people would think she was old) blows majestically behind her in the breeze.

The pensioner scooter club.  Otherwise known as ‘The  Old Farts’. Pop turns on his mini tape recorder which blares out “Born to be Wild” (not even knowing who The Doors were).

Up to the intersection, pop manoeuvres his scooter to hit the button on the pedestrian lights and waits for mum to catch up. The lights change, the clicking noise is heard (it’s safe to cross) and both of them wave to the cars that have stopped (look at us they think…just look at us…your turn will come..mark our words) with drivers looking on impatiently for the ‘old biddies’ to eventually cross.

On they forge up hills, round corners, pop checking behind every few minutes to make sure mum is still following.

This is there sunday outing, when they meet at the ‘Gate to the Forest Cafe’ in the hills. No huffing and puffing, no staggering or trying to balance whilst they walk, they are free to sit and look at the houses, their surroundings, feel the sunshine on their faces, have the wind in their hair (though mum had just washed and put her curlers in hers before she left and is now pulling her grumpy face).

They reach the Cafe and pull in along side their friends scooters and alight (albeit gingerly). Dad unhooks his cane and  reaches out for mums hand as they walk in together.

Greeted by their friends who welcome them with “Good morning time for scones and tea”?

They smile, life is good with the scooters.

2013-04-19 10.30.36

I thought I would take a whimsical approach to the Scooter situation and my parents. Above is a pic of mum being on a scooter for the very first time in a local shopping centre. She loved it (but yes her stubborn shoes are on again) so I am trying hard to convince her that she will enjoy it.   She does look happy though doesn’t she?  The above is how I hope their lives can be. I have my fingers crossed!  🙂

She loves her parents but the way she writes about this day cracked me up and I had a hearty laugh, I loved the “Check list” 🙂 Poems, Mums is amazing at, I will share a few I liked with you below


Souls of the night

the call of distant pipes listen
can you hear the mandolin gentle strum
its melody drifting to the fire, we watch
as moon light splinters the clouds
and bounces onto golden flames

love circled by young hearts
the gentle rustling of leaves on boughs
natures perfume drifts as darkness
enfolds the woods, this summers eve
shadowing the castle walls 

a raven calls as black as night, wings in flight
venturing across the skies, you play to me
sparks soar merging with the fire-flies
my heart softened by the sound
by earth itself

trembling hands we reach, as shooting stars
take their journey, lowered head I blush
for love that is divine, untarnished
gathered skirts, I clasp your hand in mine
giving of our love, the only sounds I hear
is your love for me, the pipes and mandolin


Also having fun about turning 50…

Over 50 and then some

Life over 50

how does it change us?

what makes us different if anything?

we see the same things ……. though probably now through squinted eyes or glasses

we hear the same things … though you may have to speak up a little or slower

we smell the same things …. our nostrils haven’t let us down yet

do we feel the same?

hmmm no… our brains think we do, our bodies are less inclined

it’s our prerogative to have achy knees, hands, feet or legs, we have used them for a long time

to say what we want to though it may offend, our right to speak our mind

to be who we are without pretence

to laugh when possibly inappropriate or to cry when our insides tell us to

to enjoy ourselves like never before

we aren’t the younger generation any longer

we have had to work hard all our lives to get our possessions

we are grateful for having learnt manners and respect for others and not be cruel or bully

we worked up the chain in our jobs to obtain a higher rank

we can be who we are without apology

our mind tells us age is a number…our bodies remind us it isn’t

That’s all nothing more, nothing less

we can groan when we stand up, bend down, sit, squat or wake

we can repeat ourselves

we can forget things

make mountains out of molehills


we can be tired, grumpy, hysterical and delirious

we can be over the moon or wet our pants from laughing too hard

we remember parts of our childhood & perhaps some of our youth

we wonder if we had our time again would we change anything

we do secretly wish for an anti ageing cream that works

we would like our skin to be smooth as a babes bottom again

but can we have it ….no

do we accept our laugh lines on our faces…we should

for they are ‘us’ they tell our story of what we have done and where we have been without a spoken word

would we wish to go back in time and change who we are or how we are

but how would we change things, we are who we are because of what we have experienced in our lives, what we have

learnt, what we have taught, what we have been shown, where we were born, how we were brought up

to change ‘us’ would mean the changing of events, experiences,relationships,  friends, colleagues and family that are

around us

we went through pain to feel the happiness

we went through sorrow to feel the joy

we went through hardship to have good fortune

and that I don’t think I want that to change

we can be many things, we have gratefully lived till now, and we will continue to do so…hopefully.


Please, Please visit and follow Jenny (Mums) @ I class her as a friend and a writer/blogger I could only dream of aspiring to be nearly as good as. More than anything, Jenny is a “What you see is what you get” kind of person. She tells it how it is, but with care and love. I like to think we have become closer as the weeks and months have went on and I my wish is that the friendship carries on some more. She is a HUGE reason  why I try to improve as a Blogger, I learn small tricks from her writing style she does so effortlessly

For you Jenny

More love, less hate

Shaun x

To Sleep or not to Sleep, that is not the question


Tonight as I sat with one eye opened trying to write my 2nd guest blog of the day as I am very famous and in such demand, it dawned on me as I sat there.

I am an idiot. It was one of those profound moments when you “Just know” it comes to you like a headache in the shower with soap in your eyes. I fell asleep for an hour at my Kitchen table half way through replying to someone on Facebook. I woke up when I heard Dawn say “Are you awake”

Yeah the same kind of question you ask to a lion “Are you Hungry” as you sit next to it. I have a strange existence me. I am SHATTERED right now but this throbbing pulse from my left knee is like getting ice cream thrown down the back of your t-shirt, it just is annoying

Strange it is, tonight I feel I could just go to bed and crash “sleep” very easily but I can’t as the Ice Cream feeling is hitting me. There is no ice cream; I am using the ice cream as a metaphor for something that keeps me awake.

I could have used the “A cat taking a shit on my face” but I didn’t want to lower the tone you see, I mean I am a nice person, and the last thing I want to be speaking about is cats taking a shit on my face. It smacks of desperation for seeking attention, and this man-child here is not the kind of lad to say things to get attention, it is just not my style. I have never had a cat have a jobby on my face, although I have had a cat pee in my football boots once, I went to football and I was mortified, as people were looking at me as if I had just taken a shit myself in their Mothers handbags due to the cat pee smell. Anyone who knows me well knows I am not the kind of guy to even make funny jokes like this; they lack taste and a certain respect towards my friends Mothers and their hand bags. And I am a GOOD friend.

The worst think I have even done to a friend was spit in a condom and leave it in his jacket pocket a week before he got married, he got beaten slightly, but once I owned up I then got beaten slightly also, and told never to visit again, and I wish I could, I left my watch at their house 😦

See life is all about respect, like respect for Dolphins, as a species, I do not feel us humans show enough respect to the Dolphin. I knew a brilliant Dolphin once called Gary, he was BRILLIANT at Golf, he had a handicap I think it was 9, not bad for a Dolphin.

Anyway, we need to respect things more in this world. Even Spiders and bee’s, I am not saying we should respect wasps as they are just nasty bastards. Bees give us honey and Spiders help keep fly movement down in the home.

Life is all about respect people. We should think about this more often, my friend Keith below is respectful of all things and likes to find things out for himself. I respect him for it, he challenges life to the MAX you know, when things need done, KEITH IS THERE! No messing around, no fake stuff, no farting about, he just gets the job done


Feck it, Feck It, Feck it!

I am Scottish/Irish!

I am Scottish/Irish!

Over the last week I have been on HEAVY Morphine. I poured it down the sink this morning. Enough, I was getting some heat through emails, from comments I was NOT allowing through regarding this blog

It must have been the medication, I don’t know, but I DELETED it due to criticism from another person. I have been here almost 10 months, blogging for real for 6 and for the first time EVER I allowed a comment from a person, whose comments I did not allow through to compromise my beliefs and my thinking.

So I edited this:

I know it is not everyone’s cup of tea, but 130 Awards, Nearly 1,000 AMAZING followers, Hundreds of AMAZING friends here, and I somehow allowed the medication to get to my mind and let a person dictate to me what I will and will not blog. The Morphine, I am allergic to I think has been poured down the sink. I am about to leave for the Hospital to get a quick X-ray on my Knee and Foot and will just be a big brave boy and take the pills.

I have not been myself all week, would you on Morphine? Probably not is the answer. I allowed my VERY THINKING to be compromised by a few one track thinker who have not got  a clue and I am ashamed of myself for allowing this to happen. I NEVER let people dictate to me, yet with this Morphine pumping through my veins, I did, that won’t happen again.

I make friends here because I give a shit, I make friends here because I am honest, and I make friends here because I like to think, I HOPE, I am a good friend back to you.

I will keep posting my shit, I will keep asking the question, I will keep sticking it to the big guy and I will never let myself be compromised by a patriot with a FUCKING PEE SHOOTER EVER AGAIN. I will be the guy 850 followed in the first place. I am sorry for being “Odd” this week, please understand the pain and medication. Not over yet, Hospital in an hour

I am also going to accept awards again, they are good fun, and I miss meeting people through awards if I am being honest. Some of the best people I know here I met through Awards, so please, include me in any Awards if you see fit, I do miss meeting new people through these awards. I got 4 this morning and awarded some people back

Please understand, I am here with a chipped bone in my knee, a hairline fracture in my foot suffering from Chronic Pain Syndrome FOR LIFE and Morphine although it may not feel it, does fuck with your head. So for a week I turned into someone else. I am Scottish, we don’t do that shit. I will carry on doing what I was doing all along.

Being myself and listening to the people that matter is something I pride myself in doing on Word Press. I have made many amazing friends. Have I annoyed you or upset you this week? I am talking long term friends here. If I have I am sorry, 2 broken bones and strong liquid medication was the cause. If I have annoyed anyone.

Oh and having a life is what I do also. Part of my life is blogging, and all you people, like family I never had. Why I created this award here, remember? For these reasons below the award. I am going to press ahead with Blogging about people who I love to talk to here, like what I did here: And push ahead HARD with the Radio show. I will be doing blogs on more of you in the coming weeks. I will highlight the love and humanity in many people here, this Award and the reasons I started it still stand


This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun @

As you were Soldiers





Come on Word Press,  bit of help here. I am not leaving Word Press, but…Well read on

I did this 3 times on Twitter where I had 5,000 followers, and I said it here also, and came back on my word. When I lose interest in something, or run out of things to say, or need to do something else, I take an AGE to figure out what to do. Part of my stupid process I guess. I have nearly 1,ooo followers, I get nearly 1,000 reads on a good day, 500 minimum, I don’t argue, I am pacifist, I love, I care, I try and help even when I know I can’t, I get the attention of Girls through my accent. Why can’t I just be a person with friends? Why does the old Man/Woman thing come into play with me all the time? Is it how I write? It happened on Twitter, It can’t happen on Facebook as its all family, I don’t mean to attract girls. But I am. What the fuck do I do? I just threw my ugly mug back up to try and say “I AM MARRIED AND UGLY”

I said I would stop doing Awards, I done one for Tersia I could never in a million years say no to and also another from a special girl I like here. But I have started doing them again, Awards I mean. It is the side of me that is kind, I don’t like letting nice people down you see. I had a few hours sleep last night, it is nearly 7am. I watched 2 movies, done 3 blogs, got abuse for one lol, made my own antivirus programme (Now that is being bored) I am also sick of being in Pain, I will fight it, but to fight it, I need something, and when Football went for me, I took it badly (For those thinking WHAT?)  ALL GONE! Just memories now

I am just running out of things to say. And I am a “Full on” kind of lad. When I do ANYTHING I do it 100% No nearly’s or in-betweens of 99%’s, I do everything in life 100%, I have found myself Bored on Word Press. The Radio Show I am doing with Eddie Tatro  is taking FOREVER to get started, I wanted it started already, but due to a few issues, me cracking my knee and fracturing my foot being a small one, I find myself bored SHITLESS here. I do a million things at night when I am up alone, I am just finding it VERY HARD to get things moving with this Radio Show.

I talk a LOT on Skype, see Skype is fun. You can have 8 people at once on a Skype Chat. I used to do it all the time in Twitter, was good fun, we had some amazing moments. I still Skype with people I knew from Twitter. But on here I ask and ask and ask for people who say they have Skype to add me, but nothing. I got told by one person their “partner wouldn’t like that” And I fully get that.

But do I have to say AGAIN I am a happily married man? Look below. I love them all; I would do NOTHING to fuck that up. I am a talker you see. I have a few on here on my Face book also. My Face book was dead till I added a few on and some family also a while back.




My passion is talking. I did Audio Blogs, heavy flop. I want this Radio show to start, but if I am being honest, I can’t see it happening. I live in GMT 0. Many others are GMT – 5/6/7/8/9 or GMT + 6/7/8/9/10, so the logistics of just doing this Radio show mean I will have to do it around 3am in the morning. And I can’t promise I will be around every 3am every morning.

I will ask again, you got Skype add me, shaumyg1973 I speak to so many BRILLIANT people here, but the ones who have Skype, it is like they are afraid to speak to me lol I have almost 1,000 AMAZING followers as well. Why no Skype? I want to do something HUGE!! I did a blog a while back, and I meant it, called “Challenge me” or something. Nothing. I love you all here, amazing people to the last.

This isn’t medication speaking as I am not due till 8am, and I won’t take Morphine till I been to the Hospital on Monday. I NEED MORE THAN THIS. I can’t do much; I am limited to what I can do. I am Blogging the same shit over and over and over. When I do a blog about “Wake up USA” Really a Bloggers for Peace issue and blog, NOTHING. I know we all come here to escape our shit lives, well some of us. Some come here to make money, some for sex, some to do poems, show pictures of flowers, tell jokes, I do it all, I really do, you name it I have blogged it. I am blogging the same shit. Same issues, same songs, same everything.

I need more. If I am going to be stuck at a chair for the rest of my life, I need more, I need others to say “Right Shaun, let’s get this Radio thing on the go” OR SOMETHING! Many here have helped me before, I am asking for help again. It has also turned into a pissing contest with a few here, I FUCKING HATE THIS. This isn’t a game, its real life, real emotions, we can have fun however. I got a hard time for the “Stupid people” Blog before. I was like “WHAT THE FUCK” I did a blog “Tricked you all apart from Andre and a few others” (Beautiful Woman it’s all in the eyes) I did this TO GET A REACTION. I also did a blog saying how hard it was for me to change my blog theme, I WAS JOKING; it took 20 minutes to choose. Scottish humour is a bastard of a thing to get.

Anyway, I need a challenge, I need something new, I need to try something new; I need to do something new, I need to focus on something else. I won’t stop blogging, I will stop with the “End of the world shit” I will stop with the Audio blogs; I will stop with my love, conspiracies as none of them work.

I NEED TO DO SOMETHING ELSE, SOMETHING NEW…..ANYONE???????????????????????????????



Time for me to call it a day with blogging, more or less



So one door closes and another opens they say, today I have to close the door on blogging, not just for me, but for my family. I spend a LOT of time online and blogging takes 10% of what I do, well it did, if I am being honest it was taking 25%/30%

I tend to get bored very quickly with some things online, please not with Word Press or any people here, just blogging. I think I have blogged about my entire life in here; I have nothing left to blog. I want to blog but I am going over old blogs, and blogs are becoming the same but with a new title.

Also awards, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every award, I don’t want a pat on the back or a bit of cake, I just want to say thank you. The 61 Awards I got were from people who in the main thought about my blog, or I made someone laugh. The Moments awards I would like to have got to 10, I am on 7, lol

The experience of reading a blog about someone new, or a new topic really made a lot of space in my heart. Out of all the blogs I read, this one here touched my heart the most. by Tersia and her angel child Vic who passed, when I read it I hugged Dawn my partner and we both cried. Tersia, you are a special person and Vic is looking down on you with love and she is in no pain. I urge everyone to go read this blog and get to know Tersia.

On here I seen real people, and fake people, and jealous people and a few fools who I as soon as I could find the way to block them I did. Not out of hate, I don’t do hate, just because they were idiots. I made friends BIG TIME with Eddie Tatro and Dianna two people I spoke to on Word Press the most, there were others like Patrick  Victoria – and Mer who I spoke with also, real good friends each of you I want to mention so many people who made a mark on my mind in here, To any on Skype, we are still friends, and anyone can add me if you wish shaunyg1973 I just like to talk

I could go on and on and on, but if you spoke with me and we had fun, then I guess it was worth it. I am a big shit for coming onto social media sites and just getting bored. So what I am going to do is spend time reading others blogs instead and speaking to others and reading some more stories

I don’t think I have anything left to say, and please, no more awards (Unless someone wants to quickly nominate me with 3 Best Moments Awards, lol) You see what happened here was I created moments. Some good, some bad, some indifferent, by blogs were just ramblings from a lad on medication and in pain, I don’t think I can say I blogged anything of real substance, just what was on my mind for a few second, “Moments” because that is what living is, moments, all we are left with are moments.

I found a few people to be “Competitive” in a “Look how popular” I am way, and I guess that is ok, I really just rumbled on till someone spoke back, how many followers, how popular, all that bullshit, not interested, I battle to live to my life and be happy, not sit online and do it, but PLEASE I am not having a go, some people really only have online friends, people that have the same disability as me or worse. It would be easy to just give in and be an internet person. This is where I ALWAYS draw the line on the internet, I want my real life to work, and I want to be popular to the right people, my family.

So to everyone I said hi to, or spoke to, good luck in life. If you have email is my email if you want to chat, as in voice my Skype handle is shaunyg1973

I will still speak, I will keep my account open, and I will see how people are doing and make more of an attempt to speak to you all through your blog and not mine. I really have nothing less to Blog. I have been blogging the best part of 2 year now, sport before for a year then my own personal nonsense, so please, forgive me if I take a break.

If you want to speak to me, please do, on any blog, I will answer, if you want to email, please do, if you want to Audio Skype, please, you are welcome. I am a happily married man with kids; I have no reason to Audio Skype than just to debate and have fun

And this is why I am doing this. I want to start a radio show, I may fail, but I got a half offer to do a spot for some radio show in the UK so I am going to try, I will post the link on the “Blog Radio” at the top of my blog

I re-blogged my 1st ever blog below this one, and I blog my last above it

Thank you to anyone I spoke to, I missed MANY names but please if we spoke, thank you for taking the time and effort. I am way behind on many things in my life, blogging just got boring for me. The same as someone getting bored reading a book or watching a movie, shit happens. Lol

More love, less hate

Shaun x

A Shared Poem with a Friend


This was a poem done by me and a young Indian girl I know, you may all know Also known as “A shad of pen” She is a great poet, she is 22 or 23,  I can’t remember and I am a Rubbish poet 🙂

My Poetry is in Red, Shruti’s is in normal font. It was good fun, and I learn a bit about poetry as well.. Thank you Shruti.. x

Like many I came and went

I made a promise I should have not

I will only try my best to give this a shot

So I write this, I hope you say you got

As friendship grows through words and hope

You said you came and went

But why didn’t you come to me?

Were you scared of seeing me in the eye

Or is this another one of your lie?

Space and time keep us apart

Time came and went and here I am

In our hearts the truth does lay

For this I know I need not pray

Yes, it is my heart that I trusted;

when it came to you

It is my heart who told;

someday, he will be back for you

So, now that you are you here, will you stay?

Or, once again, you would go back to your way?

My ways are mine and cannot change

Your way are yours and are not strange

I try my best to stay in line

For you  I hope I do just fine

Never the one to bend the rules,

You are shady with the words you use

The heart urges me to trust again

While my mind whispers “it’s all in vain”

Through all my troubles and my pain

I always try to give to others, the same

Love is love, it truly is. Really it is that simple

So I guess for now, I will refrain from pain

And live my life like you, always the same

This time your words touch me deep

My heart is urging me to take the leap

No matter where the roads take us

No matter, what the end would be

I will choose the beautiful “now” to be with you

Let’s start our story-fresh and new

Shaun and Shruti