Think positive life is good? Think Negative life is bad?



Quick yes or no with a comment, if you wish, type blog here

I was brought up always to believe that if you thought good things would come your way, they would

Turn the coin around

Think bad things will happen and they do or might

I am going to be honest, this way of thinking has never let me down, pain aside, and I am talking family, life, comfortable in life, not needing or wanting for anything, more important my kids are healthy. So is there an argument that in life, if a person, you perhaps, are all doom and gloom, you will have a shit life full of problems and littered with issues and washing machines breaking and more, depression and just a HARD and unhappy existence, or happy and always getting lucky, one of my son’s, ALWAYS happy, always positive, always winning, whatever he does, at anything, sport, betting (The odd £1 accumulator bet here and there) and winning £200 etc

Always smile, BELIEVE things won’t break, and they won’t, KNOW your kids will be safe and they will, believe you will be financially secure, you will be, you follow?

Today was a VERY stressful day, not a big deal but it was stressful and both Dawn and I felt it. The SKY TV Box has broken, a key on my new Laptop broke from the machine and we have issues with a few other things, first thing I thought was “Frame of mind” My car key also is giving me annoying times and the dog shat on a rug

Is it possible we can THINK ourselves to a good or bad life? almost a Matrix type existence? At Christmas you can FEEL the warmth from people, opening doors for each other, everyone in a good, the “Spirit of Christmas” We all feel it, Valentines day we may feel it also, 9/11 we all felt sad and cried, is there something to individual and global thinking?

More love, less hate

