Loch Ness Monster and other beasts and monsters: Are Nessie and others just a tourist conspiracy?


I probably know the answer to his already, but the amount of people I talk to from foreign shores always ask me about “Nessie” The Loch Ness Monster, Real or Myth

I have been up several times to Lock Ness and the scenery is just SPECTACULAR up there


The question always gets asked, so I thought I would do a blog on it before the Football starts on the TV.

I personally always believed it to be a money making Myth, I don’t think the Scottish Tourist Board would love me for saying this, but the chances of a prehistoric monster in this Loch is, well, absurd I guess. The most famous photo out of the many is this one here, this is the most iconic image from thousands



For me, I think that is an Elephant underwater, do quick research of when the picture was taken and you see right away a Circus was in town, could it be an elephant under water? It would not be unheard of, Elephants do swim, the image below could be taken as “Nessie” if you seen it from the other side of the loch, maybe…

images (1)

The Monster Legend started around the 6th Century AD and it rolled from there, could all these people be wrong? Could a family of Monsters be living 100 miles from me in a body of water?  If so there would 100% have to be an unknown way to the Sea, as the fish life in the Loch would not be enough, the size of the loch are as follows

Area56.4 km²

Length36.3 km

Width2.7 km

Surface elevation16 m above sea level

So a fairly big loch and the mystery will keep going despite my blog and hundreds of Discovery Channel type Documentaries on TV. It is one of these Myths like Bigfoot or Chupacabra, Jersey Devil, Champ the American version of the Loch Ness monster based in Lake Champlain Quebec or most recently the Montauk Monster in New York America, Also the Fiji Mermaid, Ogopogo Canada’s Loch Ness Monster that lurks in British Columbia’s Lake Okanagan to Vampires and all in-between

I guess we will never know, logic tells us “Awww come on” and we laugh, but we never know. Strange things happen on this blue globe, and be them tourist attractions or real, they are sure fun to discuss

Do you have an opinion of any of the above, or a story to share? If so, please do

Big Foot

Big Foot



Jersey Devil

Jersey Devil

Champ the American version of the Loch Ness monster based in Lake Champlain Quebec

Champ the American version of the Loch Ness monster based in Lake Champlain Quebec

Montauk Monster in New York America, They say came from Plum Island where they do tests on Animals

Montauk Monster in New York America, They say came from Plum Island where they do tests on Animals

Fiji Mermaid

Fiji Mermaid

Ogopogo Canada's Loch Ness Monster that lurks in British Columbia's Lake Okanagan

Ogopogo Canada’s Loch Ness Monster that lurks in British Columbia’s Lake Okanagan

Say what you want, it’s and interesting topic, the Plum Island (New York) is something I have researched and a few odd things have appeared. So, what are your thoughts? Feel free to throw them my way, I neither believe or disbelieve. I am a “Proof” type of guy, there is more proof than not proof, so I don’t know. To dismiss out of hand is maybe wrong.

Fun debate I hope..
