Edinburgh, Scotland – In Pictures

Edinburgh Caste. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Edinburgh Castle. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo

I often get asked about Edinburgh, its History, the Tattoo above, the Ghost Tours, Edinburgh Castle, The Scott’s Monument and more. So, here we are in Pictures.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy living inside all this History and Architecture going back 300/400 years. My last house was nearly 150 years old. Do enjoy….

The Draw Bridge entrance to Edinburgh Castle

The Draw Bridge entrance to Edinburgh Castle

A 1960's view of Edinburgh Castle from Princess Street Gardens below

A 1960’s view of Edinburgh Castle from Princess Street Gardens below

From the Edinburgh Observatory overlooking the city centre, with the Castle in the background. Stunning

From the Edinburgh Observatory overlooking the city centre, with the Castle in the background. Stunning

The Royal Observatory

The Royal Observatory

A view looking along Princess Street from Nelsons Collum

A view looking along Princess Street from Nelsons Collum

Nelson Monument

Nelson Monument

The World Famous Greyfriars Bobby

The World Famous Greyfriars Bobby outside the Churchyard

Grayfriars Pub

Grayfriars Pub

Greyfriars Church

Greyfriars Church

George Mackenzie's Tomb, the most haunted place in Edinburgh?

George Mackenzie’s Tomb, the most haunted place in Edinburgh?

The famous grave robbers, Burke and Hare

The famous grave robbers, Burke and Hare

The Churchyard from above..

The Churchyard from above..

The Prison area within the Churchyard.. Trust me!! It has a padlock for a reason!

The Prison area within the Churchyard.. Trust me!! It has a padlock for a reason!

Crammond Island, I have stayed there over night as a teenager, once the tide is in, it comes to life. Scary place. Was used during WWIII

Crammond Island, I have stayed there over night as a teenager, once the tide is in, it comes to life. Scary place. Was used during WWII, My area of town… **Edit..Not WWIII! LOL**

The walk to the Island. I did half of it the other day with my Dog..

The walk to the Island. I did half of it the other day with my Dog..

Scott Monument.. Anyone walked up this?

Scots Monument.. Anyone walked up this?

The walk up the Scots Monument..Tight and scary..

The walk up the Scots Monument..Tight and scary..

An Volcano in the Heart of the City "The Lion" some call it, from here you can see why

An Volcano in the Heart of the City “The Lion” some call it, from here you can see why

Arthur Seat from the other side of the City

Arthur Seat from the other side of the City

The walk to the top of Arthur Seat, the Scottish Parliament and Holyrood Palace in the distance

The walk to the top of Arthur Seat, the Scottish Parliament and Holyrood Palace in the distance

Salisbury Crags, the West part of Arthur Seat from our Parliament

Salisbury Crags, the West part of Arthur Seat from our Parliament

The Scottish Parliament Building, or as many call it "That Frikkin eye sore" Opposite the Queens Holyrood palace

The Scottish Parliament Building, or as many call it “That Frikkin eye sore” Opposite the Queens Holyrood palace

Holyrood palace

Holyrood palace, bottom of the Royal mile, the Castle is the other end

The Palace from above

The Palace from above

The Royal Mile, Castle at one end, The palace the other

The Royal Mile, Castle at one end, The palace the other

Princess Street Gardens below the Castle walls

Princess Street Gardens below the Castle walls

Mary Kings close, below the City, sealed off because of the plaque

Mary Kings close, below the City, sealed off because of the plaque

Mary Kings close

Mary Kings close

This speaks for itself

This speaks for itself

The Forth rail bridge at the end of my street..

The Forth rail bridge at the end of my street..

The 1 mile long forth road bridge, at the end of my street..

The 1 mile long forth road bridge, at the end of my street..

Both Brides side by side...STUNNING

Both Brides side by side…STUNNING

Princess Street, the gardens and the castle from above..

Princess Street, the gardens and the castle from above..

Just in-front of my house, 2 minute walk, where I take the dog, keep going and you end up at Cramond Island..

Just in-front of my house, 2 minute walk, where I take the dog, keep going and you end up at Cramond Island..

I had another 100 pictures and landmarks I could have shown you pictures of, but I had to stop for my own sanity!! I hope you enjoyed the trip around my city…

Trainspotting – The Movie


This isn’t just a song, it is Ewan McGregor and Robert Carlyle in their first ever movies, who I have met, brilliant lad, running up Princess Street, the centre of my City in Edinbugh. Choose Life! I almost never 🙂 It was all filmed in my city, Edinburgh. Paints a rubbish picture, but if you have not seen this, I suggest you do, funny, hard hitting with a brilliant message , the main actor, the song, and the Movie Trailer. The message is don’t do drugs, and this film paints the bad part of any city that has a drugs problem, I watched it earlier, and thought I would share, the film is over 10 years old now, but still a complete classic!

Ewan McGregor

The Song

Official Movie Trailer 

If you have not seen this film, watch it. Trainspotting has NOTHING to do with trains, I won’t ruin it for you, trust me if you have not seen this, you will want to rent it, it won many awards and was made on a shoestring budget, leading all the main actors to Hollywood and beyond
