Time Riders – The Book Series




I am ashamed to say I never read a book as an adult until the end of 2012, my Gran always said “Reading is good for you” I never listened. As I started to write, at first about sport, now about myself and life, I thought I should read.

Being big on Time Travel someone told me to give “Time Riders” a try, and boy I was not disappointed. I am on the 3rd book off 7; I have all 7 books on my Kindle App on my Samsung Tablet. The first book “Time Riders” was brilliant; the characters revolve around 3 main people, a robot/man and a Robot/girl and in the 1st book a man called Foster who recruited all 3 before they were to die.

Liam Conner was on the Titanic about to die when saved by Foster in the year 1912

Maddy Carter was on a plane about to crash when saved in the year 2010

Sal Vikram was in a burning building and was saved before the building fell in the year 2026

Also we have the “Support Units” Bob and Becks who are made in a big tube; they are like super strong and are basically walking super computers with abnormal strength



Being into Time Travel, the concept of how we could alter time by travelling back and the consequences of what Earth would be like on our return in what this book is about and sometimes the storyline is breathtaking

From someone who never read a book since school till now all I can say is, if you like to read, if Time Travel interests you, please give these books a look over. The 8th book dye out late 2013 is about the Mayans and I can’t wait!

Time Riders is simply amazing……. Watch the videos for more

Poem on my life





I was born into this world 3 months premature  

My Mum told me they were all so unsure

I was given my last rights to die; they said I was to go

But I fought and fought and here I am always in the flow


As I grew in age and learnt I always knew

I was meant to be here through and through

A fighter from birth and never one to flinch

But as I got older the pain it came inch by inch


Now here I am in my late 30’s and the pain is strong

I always try to be myself but I know I’m wrong

I never listen; I always do what I want to do

So I listen to the woman I love so true


Miss Shaun tells me to behave and think positive

As I always have self doubt and I know I shouldn’t

If she wasn’t here and I was on my own, I know I could not

But what she gives me is reason and always a thought



As things stand now I live in pain each day

I often wish and plead for a life, so I pray

My words are often not mine, they belong to pain

But as I was as a baby, I will succeed there is no maybe 

My 5th poem ever, so I am just testing the water here. Here are a few others I have done





Any honest feedback or criticism would be appreciated, as I am still learning and have an urge to do more and have found reading poetry to be good fun.





This is my 6th award for Very Inspiring Blogger. I would like to thank a good friend on WordPress, PERSPECTIVES – http://pifuk67.wordpress.com A great lad

I know the rules to this award. But here is a reminder.


1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven new things about myself 

1. My favourite cup is a Glasgow Celtic cup, a present from my son one Christmas

2. I have 6TB of storage in my PC, all full of music and movies

3. My favourite dog is a Great Dane

4. I used to love to play snooker, but I can’t due to my disability

5. When I was young I also supported Liverpool Football Club as well as Celtic FC who I support still

6. I love music. Sometimes I like different songs, just now, the  song below is my favourite song  just now

7. I love to watch the Sopranos over and over

I now nominate 15 people, so here goes. 

1. A shade of pen @ http://ashadeofpen.wordpress.com/

2. THE EVOLUTION OF ELOQUENCE @ http://theevolutionofeloquence.wordpress.com/

3. maryamshahbazmian @ http://maryamshahbazmian.wordpress.com/

4. petilea @ http://petilea.wordpress.com/

5. theseeker @  http://theseeker57.wordpress.com/

6. catnipoflife @ http://catnipoflife.wordpress.com/

7. WALK THE SELF-TALK – http://walktheselftalk.wordpress.com/

8. PJ IS BLOGGING!! – http://pjisblogging.wordpress.com/

9. A Circle In The Path @ http://acircleinthepath.wordpress.com/

10. hastywords @ http://hastywords.wordpress.com/

11. ayoungcreation @ http://ayoungcreation.wordpress.com/

12. Motivation, Perspective and Inspiration By:Carl Johnson II (Carl The Muse) @ http://carlthemuse.wordpress.com/

13. Living In Italy @ http://italyhouse.wordpress.com/

14. valeriu dg barbu blog @ http://valeriudgbarbu.wordpress.com/

15. Kaligrafi Nusantara – http://kaligrafinusantaraonline.wordpress.com/

The people I gave the award to here are people who’s blogs I am new to reading. I like them all. A few are of non-English, but I can convert easy and read. Well done all 15, and remember to follow the rules and give this award back to 15 people, I can’t be one of them.

Thanks Shaun

ps: The Song I like just now, as promised, with lyrics, just for a change 🙂

Why do we buy “Stuff” we don’t need

Went to bed with my new Toy. This does it all..Love it

Went to bed with my new Toy. This does it all..Love it

Went to bed about 11 pm, shattered I was, could not keep my eyes open. I put a few films on my Samsung pad to watch, or I had the choice of music,  I can even network it with my home network and hook right into my main PC, or to read my book, Time Raiders by Alex Scarrow, I am on the 3rd book, 3 to go, then a 7th book coming out in December I think. Time Travel, anyone who knows me will tell you Time Travel is my thing. Since I was a very young lad, it just grabbed me, to this day, I love it, the first book I ever read was part one below

Part 1, I am on part 3

Part 1, I am on part 3

Then it dawned on me, why am I ever bored? I have all the latest technology, I want for nothing. I save heavily, but when I am bored there is always something to do, or is there. Do I buy this stuff because I want to or because TV land planted a seed in my head and I just “Had to get it”

Strange concept TV adverts or magazines, newspapers etc, they tell us how to look and dress, what to buy, what to eat, how to eat, what to buy, tell us we need a 62 inch plasma TV, yeah I have one, I fell for that also. I also have Sky-HD and the best DVD player there is, although that was cheap.

So what is it with “Wanting stuff” I ask? I am not the only one, far from it, I even have a car that Danced on TV for me, and yeah I bought that also. We just “NEED” stuff. Then the argument is “You can’t take your money with you”  So the car, why did I spend thousands of pounds on it? I don’t even like it! But being disabled, I do need it

Dancing got me! :-(

Dancing got me! 😦

In real life below 

Mine is in Green, a nice green, tartan type Green.

Mine is in Green, a nice green, tartan type Green.

So why do we do it? Why do we? I know I am not alone, sales of I pads are through the roof and also big TV’s and technology for PC’s and Laptops, we all MUST HAVE IT. I have 2 PC’s at my work station a Laptop in the Kitchen for peace and when I need to work or do something that requires I need the kids out the way. I surrounded myself with thousands of pounds of “Stuff” I don’t know why.

My Tv

My Tv

My good PC

My good PC

So debate time, why do we do it? Why do we fall for TV land and its promise that “This Product will change your life and make you happy” I think about this a lot. People get themselves in to heavy debt to get this, I save heavily, so when I think I can afford a wee “Pick me treat” I treat myself. And to be fair, my partner just shakes her head at me. I can hear her think “Fool” But I am in pain right? Yeah that excuse did not work with Miss Shaun either 😦 No excuse, I got sucked into TV land and spent a fortune on things I don’t need. I already had a PC. I did need my Car though! But all this extravagance is it a bad sign or a good sign?

I also have a Wii Gathering dust, an IPod Touch gathering dust and a PSP gathering dust (Play station Portable), I have fell for the very thing I hate. Greed and “Want” It does not make me a bad person. I have money, I spend it, and Miss Shaun looks at me Funny. But it doesn’t stop there, oh no! If Miss Shaun is foolish enough to let me go to the BIG SHOP on my own, I bring back things that was not on the list and I come home with bags of toys for my Daughters or a game for the PS3 or Xbox for my son’s they wanted. Maybe I am just kind? Lol

Well I could not sleep, so I blogged this rubbish, to go along with the rubbish I buy.

My area of the main room, with the Laptop I bought my Partner in the background


Shaun 🙂 Idiot

ps: I even got an HTC Windows phone 🙂 lol

Mine is the one showing

Mine is the one showing


May I add I am not rich in any way you would say “He is rich” I just save heavily. And if money is spare, I would rather buy something, that drink the money away, or waste it.