5 Minute “Audio Blog” Me speaking about Pain x

Yes, this is Shaun lol

Yes, this is Shaun lol

PLEASE listen, 5  minutes of me talking. more love, less pain, Shaun

7 Forgotten Female Erogenous Zones




You already know about the usual suspects, but if you’re looking to amp things up in the bedroom tonight, ask your husband to focus on some parts of your body that you both may have forgotten about. So get you Husband told, don’t hope ASK US!!! We may not know what you like 🙂

1. The Mons 
The what? You may be unfamiliar with this word, but it’s time to get acquainted, says Michael Krychman, MD, CM, medical director of Sexual Medicine and the executive director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine in Newport Beach, California. “The mons, or area above the genitals where the pubic hair grows, can also be interesting when incorporated into the sexual repertoire,” he explains. “Caressing the hair area or gentle touch to this area can also be exciting and pleasurable.” To make it even more enjoyable, try Zestra, a botanical oil designed to increase arousal and sensitivity. Feeling shy or uncomfortable about the most private places of your body, the mons or otherwise? Learning to embrace, and even love, your body for what it is can go a long way in the pleasure department, say experts. In fact, an Indiana University study published in a recent issue of the International Journal of Sexual Health found that women who feel more positively about their genitals have better and more frequent orgasms.  I know what it is, I had never heard of it in this way 🙂

2. Behind the Knees 
One of the most-ignored sexual hot spots in the female body? Hint: It’s also a place you might feel really ticklish. According to Dr. Krychman, the skin behind the knees is an area you might ask your husband to focus on, either by kissing or gently massaging with an oil or lotion. “Some women find this area especially exciting and pleasurable when showered with gentle touch or caresses,” he says. And don’t forget the tops of the knees, too, adds Ava Cadell, a sex educator and founder of Loveology University in Los Angeles. “The knees are a major erogenous zone—all around the kneecap. This is one place where a little nibbling is often welcome too.”  Again, not a place I would go, but each to their own yeah? lol

3. The Abs 
While it might sound like a ticklish scenario, letting your partner stroke or even massage your belly can be an erotic experience for some women, says Amy Levine, a New York City–based sex coach, certified sexuality educator and founder of SexEdSolutions.com. In fact, she adds, in some rare cases, women have been able to reach orgasm simply by doing certain abdominal exercises. “It’s unlikely that the majority of us will be able to experience the same effect,” she says, “but incorporating some ab work in the bedroom could help get you in the mood. Not to mention, the thought of his moving farther south can be downright exciting, likely causing your vaginal muscles to contract from the anticipation, boosting your arousal and possibly leading to climax without direct genital contact.”Could spend a Holiday there 🙂

4. The Lips 
Want to have better sex tonight? Try this exercise: Spend at least five minutes kissing before intercourse. “Lips remain one of the most erotic areas of a woman’s body,” Dr. Krychman says. Here’s how to rev things up: “Vary the strength and intensity of kisses,” he suggests. “Even if you gently caress the lips with a finger—you may find this exhilarating.” Can do this for hours, always amazing and sensual

5. The Scalp 
You love it when your hair stylist gives your head a massage while she’s shampooing, right? Well, get your husband in on the action, too. Here’s why: Your scalp is covered with nerve endings that make it super-sensitive to the touch, explains Cadell. She, and other experts, say that a good scalp rub may not only release tension but also may increase blood flow—flooding your body with the feel-good hormones dopamine and serotonin. I an more a neck man myself, but again, each to their own 🙂

6. The Feet 
“What can be a relaxing and soothing ritual after a long day can also be a turn-on for you both,” says Levine. “Some men find women’s feet to be exciting (think: foot fetish) and with the right mindset, you can too.” In fact, the ancient practice of reflexology indicates that certain pressure points in your feet can trigger sexual arousal. Whether it works or not is yet to be determined, but many women do find that a foot massage given by the man they love can spark arousal. Why not see for yourself? If your hubby isn’t sure about where to rub, help him out by getting a pair of Sexy Love Sox, which designate which areas on the foot represent “the body’s erogenous zones.” I would get kicked in the face if I went there!

7. The Neck 
“The neck is a very sensual part of our bodies,” says Levine. “There is nothing like a man you’re attracted to standing behind you, massaging your shoulders and seductively making a trail of soft kisses from the hairline to the base of the neck.” So, here’s your homework assignment, ladies: Ask your husband to show you a little neck love! “Feeling the sensations of his soft lips and imagining where those lips are traveling can really get our juices flowing,” she adds. Now we are talking, I think most woman could spend all day getting the neck massaged and kissed or even bitten lightly. 

Stumbled across this while browsing, thought “Hmmmm” Worth a blog. hope Dawn reads it 🙂 Some men just go right for the target, so I thought I would remind us all that sex does not always mean “Just that” There are ways to treat your partner in a relaxing way as you all know. So a little bit of fun here. PLEASE NOBODY take it serious. It is just FUN

Enjoy being loved ladies x


(Photos by Shutterstock)

Have a great weekend Word Press!



Well I had a few hours sleep earlier, now I have one eye syndrome, and REALLY need a good nights sleep. But before I go, I hope you have a great weekend. I know the last few days I have probably came across as a PIMA (Pain in your Ass) But I explained best why. I try to be truthful and honest. I was and still am very sore, Medication taken 10 minutes ago, so will kick in when my head hits the pillow. Lack of sleep due to pain and the medication made me do something I promised I would not do here, Argue!! 🙂 Or Heavy debate perhaps?

Anyway I am not going to say sorry for my actions for ever, so this is the last time. I  want to be a good lad and a good friend to you all, not because “It is the right thing to do” but because it is what I want to do. Friendship is VERY important to me, In real life, once I am your friend, we need an operation to separate that friendship 🙂 I call it a “Be-friendacostamy procedure” And be you a friend in my real life away from the Internet, as a few here are, or someone from India, Canada, Australia, South American, Africa and South Africa, USA, The middle east or Europe? I appreciate the friendship. Today when many read my blog saying “This may be my last blog” And it never was going to be, it was all the above talking, to hear so many here and in  E,mail and Skype and other mediums of Social Media ask me not to leave was amazing and humbling. I say again, I do not ask for awards, or to be liked or be different, They are just pictures, but pictures with a meaning from a friend who spend time, so I give back. I never ask to be liked, I just know people will like me if I just be myself, what I do, Soccer Manager means I can talk the back side of a donkey!! Ask Yaussiechick from our chats on Skype 🙂 She listens well to me go on and on and on. I could be an advert for the Duracell battery 🙂

So again, have a great weekend. It is Soccer/Football weekend here and a big one, I may be going to Glasgow on Sunday for this:

Celtic Vs Dundee United, Scottish Cup Semi Final, Sunday 14th April, Hampden Park, Glasgow

Celtic Vs Dundee United, Scottish Cup Semi Final, Sunday 14th April, Hampden Park, Glasgow (Old Picture obviously) 

So no matter where you are in the world, what your plans are, be you going out, staying in, going for a meal, going to watch a show or go to the movies or having a nice romantic weekend in with your partner, or whatever, please, have fun. And Today through this blog here I  re-blogged this http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/possum-ergo-facit-i-can-therefore-i-do/ I learnt one hell of a lesson from a remarkable young man who against all the odd’s is living his dream. I will no ruin the blog for you, please read it, and once you have read it, ask if a silly debate online is important, I learnt today it is not. This blog I cried while I read, I ask you all read it, I know many will see the emotion in this amazing story about an amazing young man

Get Drunk, Stay sober, go out, stay in, go to visit family, go for many drinks, whatever you are doing, please, on me, make sure you enjoy each moment 🙂

Your pal from Scotland in a skirt

Shaun 🙂