Strange Horn Sounds in the sky return, Canada August 29th




Anyone remember these blogs I DONE?

Hundreds of links here, all videos –

I been researching a few years now, PLEASE listen and try help me figure this out… WP, do your best

Well the noises are being reported again, and caught here in Canada, this IS scripture right here if you listen to all 3 blogs !! And the links above and below





Dear God



Dear God

Shaun here, well you already knew that you created the lad who created Word Press who knew I would blog this, or something


I hope the weather is ok up there, hope the kids are well, well one of them anyway 🙂 you gave me Scottish Humour, so just toying. Usually we do this one on one in private, but I thought I would pray to you in public, just to test the water, you never know, it might catch on. I mean could you imagine your email inbox if everyone started to pray to you like this; it would be like Bruce Almighty the movie, lol

So I would just like to say thanks for getting me through another Friday shopping day unharmed and still with a partner as you know I can get rather moody on Friday shopping trips. I need to probably thank you for giving Dawn the will to withstand me and my manly moods. Am I allowed to say that? See this is the bit I don’t get God, as soon as I said “Manly moods” immediately something triggered in my mind to say “wait” but it’s said now. So thanks for giving Dawn, the poor woman, the heart to still love me every Friday, I dislike shopping trips, pain and all that kind of stuff.

While we are on the subject of pain, I would ask again God you look at my file “Shaun Gibson from Edinburgh, Scotland” just in-case you misplaced it. I am in agony as I type; I have been for years now as you know, well you should know we discuss it most minutes, lol

I was asking if there was anything you can do, you know, talk to someone, or maybe have a word with someone in the know. Even just flick through my notes and see if there is something you can do. That would be grand God. It is still sore. I mean you created EVERYTHING even every molecule in my body, would it be doable to just turn a few molecules off and stop the pain? I mean would it be going out your way? I know, I know, Syria is there and you have to deal with President Obama and Mr Assad etc, as they both must prey a lot to you for guidance in who to kill or not. Just a suggestion God, why not send your Son down again, maybe he will settle a few issues here? I mean I am in pain, but look to the bigger picture, the World is close to War, there must be some strings you can pull at your end.

Before I go, I would like to thank you for keeping my kids healthy, and ask you keep all the kids in the World healthy, or do your best, you are an incredibly busy chap, with a Universe to run and who knows how many other Worlds to look after and be prayed to by, or written to like this. Just for a moment would it not be AWFUL if there were like 2 Billion planets with life like this and EVERYONE prayed to you like this, I mean that is a lot of email bandwidth right there. But I am sure your ISP (Internet Service Provider) would pro…Why am I explaining this to you, you invented it, well in was really a Scottish chap years ago, so thanks for making Scottish people the most clever on the planet, and the most drunk for some reason. Drinking a lot and we invented the modern world, I have no idea how we pulled that one off.

Well God, thank you for reading, or watching as I wrote, till the next time.

More love, less hate



PS: Thank you for this on Wednesday, BRILLIANT Work there God!

Fantastic it was

Fantastic it was

Hatred within Religion



I did this blog here this morning

Since I have had abuse and harsh comments in Email and a few on another place I blogged it. One person who had a go at me has told me before he HATES Islam and blames Islam for many of the problems in the USA and the World. I ask how you can hate if you are a man/woman of God

See this is where I lose the place slightly, as someone who believes in God but has no faith in religion, because of the statement above about Islam and more I have heard. It seems like Catholics dislike Christians and Christians dislike Catholics and I know the issues between Catholics and Protestants, I grew up in it, people die still here due to one religion being unable to live with the other, my Country isn’t as bad as Northern Ireland, where I have family, but it isn’t far from it

I need to just say, ANYONE who knows me well will know at the end of most blogs I say “More love, Less hat” I am not a person of hate, so I am not going to sit here and listen to a goody 2 shoes religious person and take abuse over a scientific finding that we (Humans) may have came from Mars, I never made this finding, I blogged it in a few places, the abuse I got from people proves one thing


Not with everyone, but with many, for some reason this particular IDIOT wants to have a go at every religion on Earth, blame the Worlds problems in Islam, then have a go at me because I DARE question his/her comfy World. I wasn’t, I was posting scientific FACTS, I am sorry if this shakes someone’s faith, but if you REALLY are religious, then your faith shouldn’t be shaken, I don’t get the hatred spewed at me because I dare say “Humans may have came from Mars” As many do believe anyway. Science proves things, that is what it does, it is not always right, but it can prove more than Religion can, there I said it

Our World is days from WWIII and we wonder why, religion is not to blame, people are, religion is not the issue, idiots are, can I be any clearer? These are ONLY my opinions, I don’t want to try and change anyone’s faith, because I know I don’t want to and  I couldn’t anyway, so what gives with the abuse? I treat any person as I do any person, be you religious, whatever, act like a dick, I will call you one, instead of emailing me pish go onto the blog and debate like a proper blogger.

I am not angry, neither am I surprised, upsetting a religious person seems a very easy thing to do, but I say “More love, less hate” at the end of most blogs, I say I believe in God myself, yet I get IDIOTS filling my email inbox with SHIT telling me to bring the blog down, I didn’t even reply, I did this blog, so if you who sent the worse email has an issue, come here and vent your sorry excuse for a life, I did a blog before and the reply was “Don’t waste your time, it never happened” as if this person had all the proof in the world. For people who LOVE GOD, a minority sure throw a lot of hatred about, think they will get to heaven and I will go to hell

How about just being nice to each other? The World is in a MESS, and it starts with us, the people, people create hate and intolerance and wars and issues




More love, less hate


"Considers it worse than Murder" This is not Gods words, it stupid words

“Considers it worse than Murder” These are not Gods words, stupid words yeah

Life On Earth Started On Mars, Say Scientists

The Red Planet is where iit all began apparently

The Red Planet is where it all began apparently


Could it be? There is huge suggestion there was once life on Mars, how advanced, we don’t know, anyone with Google or who wants to look through the pictures of Mars via NASA will see what looks like pyramids, this is a very thought provoking idea here. And one with huge religious aspects to it also. Can science prove this 100%, lets see I guess, if they do, then what? How would life change here on Earth, would it have an impact of the religious world? Debate away, for me this would blow a lot of what the bible says out the window, and bring in a new chapter of knowledge to the World. I have been keeping my eye on this study for a while now, they seem fairly sure. Some just won’t have it though, even if the proof was 100% but I respect that, I have to, respecting educated opinions is a must

Life on Earth may have started millions of miles away on Mars, according to scientists.

An element believed to be crucial to the origin of life would only have been available on the surface of the Red Planet.

These “seeds” of life probably arrived on Earth in meteorites blasted off Mars by impacts or volcanic eruptions, Geochemist Professor Steven Benner claims.

Prof Benner, from The Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology in the US, said: “The evidence seems to be building that we are actually all Martians; that life started on Mars and came to Earth on a rock.”

Speaking at the Goldschmidt 2013 conference in Florence, Italy, he said: “It’s lucky that we ended up here nevertheless, as certainly Earth has been the better of the two planets for sustaining life.

NASA's Curiosity rover celebrates one year on Mars
Images from NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars

“If our hypothetical Martian ancestors had remained on Mars, there might not have been a story to tell.”

Prof Benner said the element molybdenum was thought to be a catalyst that helped organic molecules develop into the first living things.

“This form of molybdenum couldn’t have been available on Earth at the time life first began, because three billion years ago the surface of the Earth had very little oxygen, but Mars did.

“It’s yet another piece of evidence which makes it more likely life came to Earth on a Martian meteorite, rather than starting on this planet.”

He added: “Analysis of a Martian meteorite recently showed that there was boron on Mars; we now believe that the oxidised form of molybdenum was there too.”

Another reason why life would have struggled to start on early Earth was that it was likely to have been covered by water, said Prof Benner.



My 3 Miracles with God, and an amazing story I need to share

Bruce Van Natta

Bruce Van Natta


Spirituality day here on Shaun’s blog. I research things for hours, days, weeks, months, even years. The story of Bruce Natta is one I heard a few months back, but it was through forums and never had the man himself speak. Well I found an American news article about what happened, in video, and it seems amazing and seems true. Was Bruce saved? He is a walking miracle, my story is below, but please, check Bruce first, and I will tell you why you DON’T need religion, just God, I am living proof to the truth 

Links first:

Now the Video where Bruce talks:


What do you think, that is what is important, we have all heard of miracles

I seen one myself once. My Brother was told he had 6 Months to live, he had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer and it was eating his body, he went from 12 ) stone (168 pounds to 5 stone (70 Pounds) There are pictures of him near Death, our Dad built a hospital bed in the loft, carried him up, and we all cared for him, and I guess prayed, and he was going, it was a matter of time, he was a skeleton with skin, this was 20 years ago, I was only 20, David my Brother was 28, he had two young kids and knew he was  dying, the cancer took half his stomach and more. One day we woke up as we stayed at weekend, we all sat in the main room, my Mum went through to put the kettle on and we all heard her crying, we went through, and there was David sitting eating breakfast “I feel better” he said. He went for tests, his cancer had just gone. He was told he would NEVER have kids again, he would be sterile, but 2 years later he had my Niece Emma who is my Daughters favourite person. 

One other time, you all know my fear of flying; I can’t leave the mainland Britain, whatever. My two Sons who were 9/10 years old roughly at the time were due to fly to Portugal with Dawn’s parents for a 2 week holiday, I was worried sick I couldn’t go. I went out the night before, upset, with the Dogs, I remember this like it was yesterday, I stood against a tree, started to cry and said “God if you can hear me, give me a sign my boys will be safe” I looked up to the sky, I could see the WHOLE sky I turned my head a little, looked up and right where I looked, 2 shooting stars, same place, same time, I just knew. They went on holiday, I was still worried, we went to the Airport to meet them, when the flight arrived I went into the Airport Church and said “Thank you”

There is one more story I could share, but two for now is enough, and the reason I have a relationship with MY God, I always have, just don’t do religion. In-fact I will share. My Gran was old, 88 years old, each night I would drive 2 minutes along the road, make sure she was ok, she hadn’t left the gas on, and she was ok and safe. This was something I had done for 2 years, this was a woman I loved so much and miss badly to this day, she was so wise and a comfort at all times. One night I was on my way to see her, I met an old friend I knew through a friend my Gran and we talked and in the end I seen it was too late to go and check she was ok, so called and get no answer, presumed she was sleeping and ok. She was dead when I called. Had I not met her friends son, who’s Gran was dead at this point, I would have found my Gran dead. Divine intervention? 

You make your mind up, I have, God exists and works in a strange way, he won’t always answer you, and he will sometimes help without being asked. So when people throw religion at me, and I ask them to stop, this is why. I don’t need a religion, I have God 

When I hear stories, like the one about Bruce above, I can’t dismiss the story, because I have seen 3 miracles happen. We don’t need religion, we just need to love God, and I know this. A religious person can tell me all DAY I am wrong, I will assure them they are wrong. 


Emeli Sandé – Abide With Me (1 Mic 1 Take)

5 Minute “Audio Blog” Me speaking about Pain x

Yes, this is Shaun lol

Yes, this is Shaun lol

PLEASE listen, 5  minutes of me talking. more love, less pain, Shaun

creationism vs evolution


Before I go and write, I am on Morphine, in agony and bored out of my SKULL. No excuse, I am just saying. I like to think I am clever, I believe in God, but have a hard time with Religion and what Jesus was meant to have done, and all these bibles and religions confuse me, so PLEASE, let’s discuss this as adults, if it becomes VERY religious and people argue, then you are proving a VERY bad point.

One god, one bible, and the world would be a better place, I see a world at War, and I see kids getting killed and starving to Death while greedy bastards in suits look at their stocks and shares. I am “Live and let live” kind of guy, I believe in allowing opinions, it’s called courtesy yeah?

So when good things happen, “God did it” Every time. I lost my pain for 2 weeks and many said “Your prayers have been answered” And honest, on my kid’s life, I appreciated the words. Now the pain is back, do I blame God? See where I am going here? We can’t have it both ways, he either helps all the time or doesn’t. If God can help, then why doesn’t he stop kids dying? I had a relative die aged, like 2 of Cancer, is that God’s will, or does “Shit just happen”

So the big bang theory, I don’t buy it, BUT there is proof that was shown by NASA showing everything in the known universe moving away from a central point, so maybe. But it is a HUGE leap in, not faith, just logical thinking to say “Nothing, then a bang from a one singularity” then life

Same leap of faith I have a very hard time with (And MY GOD I TRY) when people try to convince me Jesus did all these amazing things. He way have, but there is NO proof, and please, don’t throw scripture at me from an old book, and whatever book it is, there are about 20! I asked Bishop Eddie Tatro “What Bible” He gave a slight laugh (Real cool lad by the way) and sent me this so I will read it and hope it answers my question.

So Evolution, here is a question, when I ask a religious person, I get no answer “God’s will” or something comes back at me. If “IF” We came from Monkeys, why are there still Monkeys, and why is there NO SIGN OF WHAT CAME BEFORE MONKEYS? Follow? Where is it, there is NO PROOF

I said above there is SLIGHT proof in the big bang theory, as we can see clearly that the galaxies we can see are moving away in a circular pattern from a central point, but we can only see 1% of the Universe, so more proof is needed for me. For me to just believe Jesus did what was said, I would be lying to myself if I said I believe. Often I think, is this blind faith, as there is NO PROOF, Just a bunch of old books. I am a man of Science, it is still a young thing Science, it is still learning, but it can prove my eyes water so they don’t dry up and how my lungs keep me alive, PROOF. Science is not perfect, but 100 years ago people thought the world was flat, some idiots still do! So we have a LONG way to go as a species to understand and get to grips with this subject. For me, I am on the fence.

But there are a few on here, I do talk to them, nice people, I respect their ways and their will, but PLEASE if I ask you a question, answer as YOU, don’t throw scripture at me, answer as you would if I said “How old are you” This blog was in NO WAY intended to offend, anyone who TRULY knows me will realise, this is just me asking questions. Because I believe in God I want to ask more questions.

So I will stop here and let the debate begin, for the LOVE OF GOD keep it civil and debate, discuss, let me learn, don’t argue and help me and others find the way or the path, because throwing scripture at me bores me, badly, I want to hear opinions, I want to see proof. The dinosaurs died and I ask what did God do for 65 BILLION years? Is 65 Billion years to us 7 days to God? I have created an EASY answer there, see what I did 🙂

And here is a question, and one, again, I hardly get an answer for.

“In the beginning God created man….” Em no he never, he created Monsters.

Can I get an answer to this? Don’t PLEASE give me “Gods will” or “Gods way” Just answer the question from YOUR mind, God never created the earth with Man. It was big huge Monsters who would have killed us all had we co-existed, and science is CLOSE to proving we did, but I doubt it

Let the debate begin…I ask people who will “Like” this to find it in your HEART to comment for once. Why do people just go down reader and “LIKE, LIKE, LIKE, LIKE” The other day, someone liked about 20 of my blogs in under a minute. Very fast reader or “Whatever”

School me, OH, “The big bang THEORY” Yeah it is just a THEORY, Till SCIENCE can prove or disprove. Some will get all offended here, I just know it, because there is no answer some will just all hate filled and go in a big huff, I ask you don’t, find that good old love in your heart and TALK and debate..


More love, less hate


I believe in God, but I find this offensive..I know Gay people, they breath and laugh and everything...

I believe in God, but I find this offensive..I know Gay people, they breath and laugh and everything… And we have FUCKING lawlessness NOW! WTF! Arguments fucked! 

I don't think so...

I don’t think so…

What did I evolve from? Where are they?

What did I evolve from? Where are they?

"The big bang THEORY" IS SCIENCE!! And a theory..See the puzzle here?

“The big bang THEORY” IS SCIENCE!! And a theory..See the puzzle here?

Kenyan Man Tries to Overturn the Death Sentence of Jesus!

Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis goes to International Court of Justice in bid to overturn conviction handed to Jesus Read more at

Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis goes to International Court of Justice in bid to overturn conviction handed to Jesus 

Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis is on a mission: to get the International Court of Justice at the Hague to overturn the conviction and death sentence of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago.

Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis is on a mission: to get the International Court of Justice at the Hague to overturn the conviction and death sentence of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago.

The logistics, however, are proving a challenge. The target of his lawsuit are the government and religious leaders of Jesus’ day, including the Roman Emperor Tiberius, the Roman King Herod, the Judean Governor Pontius Pilate, as well as the Jewish chief priest, elders and teachers of the law. According to some reports, he also plans to go after the current governments of Italy and Israel, arguing that they inherited laws from the Roman Empire.

“I filed the case because it’s my duty to uphold the dignity of Jesus and I have gone to the ICJ to seek justice for the man from Nazareth,” Indidis told the Nairobian. “His selective and malicious prosecution violated his human rights through judicial misconduct, abuse of office bias and prejudice.”

As a matter of law, Indidis’ efforts will fail. Indidis tried to bring the case here: to the High Court of Kenya in 2007, but the court refused to hear it, citing a lack of jurisdiction. For the International Court of Justice, it would be impossible to even consider the case, much less rule on it. Anthea Roberts, professor of law at Columbia Law School, explains:

When it comes to contentious cases, the International Court of Justice only has jurisdiction to hear claims that are brought by one state against another state. As this claim is not brought by a state, the ICJ would lack jurisdiction over it. Even if the claim were to be brought by a state, it also needs to be brought against a state, which does not seem to be the case here. And, even then, the two states will need to have consented to the ICJ having jurisdiction to hear the type of case in question … In this case, it is not clear what international law might have been violated and, even if there was such a violation, it is not clear that the relevant states have consented to the ICJ having jurisdiction over the dispute.

But that has not stopped Indidis, who appears to remain confident. He has a Facebook page here: asking for donations in support of his cause. He posted a picture of his Law Society of Kenya identification card, as well as a letter dated December 2011 when he first tried to take the case to the Hague. “Together we can win,” he wrote. “Yes we can.”

Ironically, the legal case of Christ began with questions of legal jurisdiction. According to the New Testament narrative, Jesus had been disturbing the social norms by performing miracles and challenging local authorities. Jewish leaders arrested him during Passover on charges of blasphemy because he claimed to be the Son of God. They brought Jesus before Pilate, who claimed he did not have jurisdiction in the case and sent him to King Herod, who sent him back to Pilate. Pilate told the people, “I have examined him in your presence and have not found this man guilty of any of your charges against him … I will therefore have him flogged and release him.” Crowds of people called for Jesus to be crucified, and Pilate gave in. Jesus was then crucified alongside two criminals.

(MORE: Is Reza Aslan Anti-Christian?)

As oddball as the case may be, Indidis’ effort does raise a larger theological question that Christians have long debated: Why did Jesus have to die? Theologians have argued that his death was required for salvation to actually happen and that it was important for Jesus, who claimed to be the Messiah, the God-man, to experience human suffering and death.

TIME devoted a cover story:,9171,993793,00.html to that question in 2004, when Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ premiered

. Theories of atonement, the theological term for the meaning of Jesus’ death, have varied throughout Christian history, and the story is a deep dive into how the doctrine of atonement changed over time:

What was the cosmic reason for his agony? What is its purpose, its divine calculus? How precisely does his death, usually referred to in this context as the atonement, lead to the salvation of humanity? The atonement “is the centerpiece of Christianity, and it’s what distinguishes it from all other religions,” says Giles Gasper, a religious historian who has written a book about one of the topic’s great medieval interpreters. Without at least an intuitive comprehension of atonement, a believer stands little chance of making sense of the faith’s promises of redemption and eternal life.

It is a question believers will continue to ponder. But as the Apostle Paul explained, in the New Testament’s Book of Romans, the atonement comes with rewards: “If we have been united with [Christ] in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.”

Read more:

Have I woken up today in a parallel universe where things are just strange? I mean who can he demand justice from? This religion is global now and everyone in it would stand accused surely? I know this is stupid news, but this is actually news! Wake me up when the World returns to normal


Priests stand in front of a crucifix as Pope Francis leads a mass in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican


Big thank you to Victoria for this story x

Iran Leader claims Israel ‘A Wound To Be Cleansed’

Iran’s president-elect Hassan Rouhani has called Israel an old “wound” that must be removed and cast doubt on efforts to revive peace talks with the Palestinians.

“The Zionist regime is a wound inflicted for years on the body of the Muslim world that must be cleansed,” Mr Rouhani told reporters attending annual Quds Day rallies in remarks reported by Iranian media.

His comments echoed those of outgoing president Mahmound Ahmadinejad who earlier whipped up ant-Israel sentiment at an Quds day rally in Tehran.

He said: “I will inform you with God as my witness, a devastating storm is on the way that will uproot the basis of Zionism.

He added Israel had “no place in this region”.

Mr Rouhani will formally assume the presidency of Iran this weekend after winning elections held last month by a landslide.

In his remarks, Mr Ahmadinejad accused Israel and its Western supporters of fomenting discord in the Middle East, saying “it was their dream to see the will of regional countries bent on destroying (Israel) diverted towards civil war”.

“Who is happy for what is happening in Egypt and Syria?” he asked, charging that Israel celebrating the unrest in those countries.

I think there will be a lot more to come from this statement in the coming days, with previous president Mahmound Ahmadinejad said Israel should “Be wiped from the Map” this is bad news for an already very unstable region, not good at all this. This is breaking news early Friday 2nd August 2013, below he is stating Israel should be no more