The Teachers who got the Last Laugh

This had me in TEARS of laughter, teachers who got the last laugh! While looking through education stuff for the last blog, I seen this, HAD to share!


the teachers who got the last laugh

Have we as a society messed our kids up? (Please Reply x)


This blog and how people answer will depend on how old you are and you were brought up as a kid.

We live in a World where kids pretty much get a free run at life; they hang about the streets and do all sorts of stuff. I see kids as young as 10 out at midnight and think “Where are the parents”

So as a society have we got lazy with our kids? I am 40 years old; I remember we used to get the belt at School. Now, these days, if a teacher was to give a kid the belt the teacher would be in court. I ask if society has done the wrong thing here.  I read stories of parents getting into trouble for smacking their kids bottom for misbehaving, what has happened?

So the debate is simple, have we become overly relaxed with how we bring our kids up? Do we fly of the handle now if we hear a teacher has disciplined our kids? I remember as a kid neighbours would grab me by the ear and march me home to get a good slap round the head from my Dad, it was sociably acceptable back then

Fast forward to 2013 and we as parents can’t smack our own kids or give them a clip round the ear as is deemed wrong, then we wonder why we end up with a culture of children and teenagers in trouble and going to prison

Have we as a culture done the wrong thing with our kids?

Interesting to hear some answers

More Love, less hate x
