So you think your food is safe? South Africa Now!!

horse 1

This blog here:

This blog here:

This news here from the UK:

The FSA is urgently investigating, in conjunction with other Government departments, local authorities and the food industry, how a number of beef products on sale in the UK came to contain horse meat.

We here in the UK were eating Horse meat in burgers and were not told.

Thanks to Victoria over @

NOW This came to Light from South Africa!

More than 80 meat products sold by major South African retailers contain water buffalo and donkey, the City Press has reported. YES, Donkey water buffalo! I ask, what else are we eating we don’t know. I have poison in me from tests done, GMO Crops, Monsanto, Tests were done, there is Weed Killer in MY food and in my body. So Horse Meat in the UK, now Donkey and Water Buffalo in South Africa. How much more do people need to read and see to realise we are being lied to and poisoned?

IN MY URINE! – Weed killer found in human urine across Europe – Chemicals, used by Monsanto GMO Crops




Again this rumbles on, the USA now Europe. I had a debate with a person the other day, he said I only complain about the USA, he has known me a few weeks, maybe this will make him realise I have a valid point. Monsanto again are the talk of the the town as their GMO crops are to blame for 70% of my country tested have Weed killer in their Urine

I went into a study with my friends here:

Residents of 18 European states have been tested positively to traces of glyphosate, a globally used weed killer, the study says. It remains unclear how the chemical used on Monsanto GMO crops got in people’s bodies.

It turns out that 44 per cent of volunteers had it in their urine, but it is yet unclear how the herbicide got into their systems.

“These results suggest we are being exposed to glyphosate in our everyday lives,” Adrian Bebb, spokesperson of environmental group Friends of the Earth (FoE) said in a statement.

The study, carried out between March and May 2013, showed that proportions of positive samples varies between countries, with Malta (90 per cent) , Germany (70 per cent), UK (70 per cent)  and Poland being “the most positive samples” and Macedonia and Switzerland – “the lowest”.

“Our testing highlights a serious lack of action by public authorities across Europe and indicates that this weed killer is being widely overused,” the group said.

Glyphosate is essentially used on plants including grasses, sedges, broad-leaved weeds and woody plants as well as great variety of genetically modified crops. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup, which is sprayed in large amounts on genetically engineered, so-called “Roundup Ready,” crops.

“It is crucial for growing genetically modified (GM) crops, many of which are modified to withstand glyphosate,” FoE said.

All volunteers, who provided their urine samples, are people from European cities; they had no contact with glyphosate or used products containing it in the run-up to the tests.

However, after testing volunteers’ samples  the group still cannot say “where it is coming from, how widespread it is in the environment, or what it is doing to our health.”

This study is the first of its kind because despite being widely used in farming and gardening, there is little monitoring of glyphosate in food, water or the wider environment. Commonly tests with glyphosate are conducted with rats, dogs, mice, and rabbits in studies lasting from 21 days to two years.

The FoE members are concerned that the problem many increase as “14 new GM crops designed to be cultivated with glyphosate are currently waiting for approval to be grown in Europe.”

“Approval of these crops would inevitably lead to a further increase of glyphosate spraying in the EU,” the group concluded.

Despite considered relatively non-toxic, there are groups of scientists concerned that glyphosate may disrupt the human hormone system, be an ‘endocrine disruptor’, cause DNA damage and even cancer. One of the recent reviews, conducted by MIT, also highlighted dangerous health effects of glyphosate, including increased cancer risk, neurotoxicity, and birth defects, as well as eye, skin, and respiratory irritation, but still said that more independent research is needed to prove their findings.

We “have hit upon something very important that needs to be taken seriously and further investigated,”Stephanie Seneff, PhD, lead author and research scientist at MIT, told Reuters in May, shortly after the review was made.

At the same time, the UK scientists who reviewed most recent FoE’s study said its findings were“unreliable”, according to Farmers Weekly magazine.

“As it stands, this press release is completely insubstantial, it is not scientific, and cannot be taken seriously by anyone,” the magazine quoted Alison Haughton, head of the pollination ecology group at Rothamsted Research, as saying.

US biotech giant Monsanto, which insists it “does not pose any unacceptable risk to human health or the environment”.

“It is not surprising to find glyphosate in urine should a person ingest food with low residues of glyphosate. Glyphosate is not metabolized by the human body but excreted into the urine and faeces. This is a well-known aspect of glyphosate that contributes to its comprehensive safety assessment,” Monsanto’s spokesperson told the magazine. 

“We always take any allegation seriously and would like to know more,” he added.

Guess who has this in their body? I DO!! Test I got done last week, my DR called me today to tell me I indeed have an intake. Shit you not. BUT ALL IS AT HAND! You Americans have Guns and Resolve!! And the 2nd Amendment, BUT!!!! Remember this? WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I got myself into this test, would you? Is this close enough to home now for people to see WE ARE BEING POISONED? Also this Blog:  oh and this, Anyone want to join the dots here? I have put it all together for you ALL. They are killing us, this is why I am ill, I am being poisoned!!! Are you? Sure?

THIS IS IN MY PISS!! Close enough to home for anyone NOW?, or does it have to be you? Ask why you are ill instead!! I am, they are fucking killing us all

I hope you are all well x



The Theory of time travel – With a bit of fun


The Time Machine is a science fiction novella by H. G. Wells, published in 1895 and later adapted into two feature films of the same name, as well as two television versions, and a large number of comic book adaptations. It indirectly inspired many more works of fiction in many media. This story is generally credited with the popularisation of the concept of time travel using a vehicle that allows an operator to travel purposefully and selectively. The term “time machine”, coined by Wells, is now universally used to refer to such a vehicle.

Ever since I was old enough to understand our World and think a sentence of any real meaning, Time Travel has always been at the front of my thinking. Like my love for Egypt and the Giza plateau Time Travel has amazed me and I have spent the best part of 25 years looking into it, researching it

I loved the Time Machine by  H.G. Wells, I never read the book but I did watch the 1960 film they turned novel into movie, I loved that movie as a kid, they did a remake in 2002 starring Guy Pearce, I thought this version was ok.


I am a HUGE back to the future fan, I loved the 3 movies, Marty McFly and Doc Brown changed my world with these movies. What would happen if we could go back, would we change the world by stepping on the proverbial butterfly? These questions and more came to mind and as I grew older and learnt basic quantum physics, and I mean very basic, I could hold a debate maybe.

So it comes down to two thing, can we open a wormhole by somehow bending time and space or can we go faster than light therefore being in charge of time itself? The Wormhole theory probably has more meaning for me in terms of feasibility as I can’t see us breaking the speed of light any day soon. I did a blog yesterday on breaking the speed of sound, we can travel faster than sound, and I showed that in yesterday’s blog

But travelling faster than light? Hmmmmm I hear you say. It took me till I was 10 years old to realise that 90% of the stars in the Sky are no longer there, they are just the light from dead stars, this is from the prospectus of us looking up at the Sky, Hubble found the real stars still alive, but look up to the sky on any given night, the light we see is millions of years old, that is what we see.

Hubble looked into a dark space in the Sky, it wasn't empty. Amazing yeah?

Hubble looked into a dark space in the Sky, it wasn’t empty. Amazing yeah?

Bending time and space, now that I think is possible, theorising this takes a huge leap of faith in terms of known physics and laws of gravity and other laws science has told us exist, some of the laws would have to be broken. The large hydrogen collider built in Austria was to seek the higgs boson particle, or “The God Particle” But I will be respectful and not use that terminology, religion and science for me MUST co-exist, but not everyone will agree

So how do we bend time and space, so point A and point B become the same place? Yeah a tough question. Get a piece of A4 paper, draw an A at one side and a B at the other, this is where you want to reach, a vast distance, fold the paper in half, point A and point B become the same place. This could also be a way to travel large spaces in our universe, but the theory is the same, they coexist in the same dimension of time in some way.

A at one side and a B at the other, folding time into itself, so we reach a future or past point in time

A at one side and a B at the other, folding time into itself, so we reach a future or past point in time

What if we already build a time machine? What if every day time is being changed, we wouldn’t know, Germany could have won WWII and someone somehow, through Nazi rule managed to build a time machine, go back and tell someone Hitler would retreat from Russia and the best course of attack would be Normandy in France. We would never know, half of us wouldn’t exist, or we would exist, but in another life somewhere else. Imagine Germany did win the War, would we all be speaking German and be an Aryan race with blue eyes and white hair and indo-European? I don’t think so, I think over time peace would have come and we may be in a better state today, but I am guessing here, please, nobody take any of this serious, I am simply speculating

So time travel, have we built a machine? In the realms of the Conspiracy Theorist, yes we have, and we have travelled back to the crucifixion of Christ and seen The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln, I have seen the photograph myself, see, below, the young kid, he is apparently now 60 years old and alive today, HARD SELL isn’t it. Andrew Basiago is his name and he does speeches today with tales of his travels through time. Go and Google this if you are interested, I just opened the door, it is for you to walk through if you are interested.

Is this Andrew Basiago at the Gettysburg address in 1863

Is this Andrew Basiago at the Gettysburg address in 1863

So I guess I am done here, but before I go, déjà vu, something we all get, a feeling of “I have been here” A strange sensation we all get, what is this? Is it time resetting, is it a time wave changing our reality to another? If it was TRUST ME you and I would not know. Also, the Amazing story of John Titor, arrived on a messageboard in 2001 claiming to be from 2036, here it is, this is a blog on its own, This man had pictures and made predictions that actually came true. You decide. He out debated the cleverest people on the planet on a forum for months before never being heard of again. But his legacy, his story never went away, again, you decide

The famous John Titor Time Machine, one of several pictures. The site is poor, but all he said is on there. Amazing read

The famous John Titor Time Machine, one of several pictures. The site is poor, but all he said is on there. Amazing read

Ponder on that. I had to go easy here, some of the words I don’t even know, lol


Back in Time – Huey Lewis and the News

Cannabis, weed, marijuana = Social Stigma

All of the above

All of the above

Well I have about had enough of this shit.

Cannabis, weed, marijuana = Social Stigmata

Alcohol = sociably acceptable


People drink Alcohol, spread sexual disease, beat each other up, cause riots in our city centres worldwide, we all seen the TV shows where the police are dealing with drunks and all of the above

People like to sit at home, nice night, watch some TV and smoke a joint. BIG DEAL!! I know Judges, Lawyers, politicians, Policemen/woman, Teachers and other people in high placed jobs in society who smoke cannabis. Who are they harming? Apart from getting frostbite from having their face in the fridge looking for something to eat (Old Joke I know)

This is Backwards. Heroin is a BAD drug, it ruins lives and areas of my City, but one of the main ingredients of Heroin is Opiate, and I take this in a prescribed drug for pain. So why not Cannabis?

People need to educate themselves between the difference of a joint and taking Heroin or worse.

The thing that REALLY FUCKING PISSED ME OFF is people (Like me in a way) Take Class-A drugs they get from the Dr every day, then decry other people for daring to smoke a joint. These people are hypocrites. Live and let live.

I smoke cannabis, have done since I was 15 or so, I never went on to touch rougher stuff, and if I did I didn’t stay on it. I smoke it now; at night when the kids are sleeping as it 100% helps my pain.

Are there others here who smoke Marijuana because it helps with pain but feel they get judged harshly by family members and society?

I could go on, but I would piss people off. In the UK the police don’t care, I hear in the USA people are in jail over tiny amounts, this true?


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The fight against Monsanto has heated up like never before, especially with the recent March Against Monsanto and other campaigns that have been rooted in similar activism. But the simple reality is that it doesn’t take a PHD to realize how Monsanto’s genetic manipulation of the food supply is an assault on the health of the world — an experiment to which we do not know the full extent of the damage. Instead, as 11-year-old Birke Baehr shows us, it simply takes a bit of research.


The food we all eat every day, is unsafe, its covered in CHEMICALS. The sign above, don’t deny it’s truth, PLEASE! Wake up to the truth, I will LET an 11 year old kid explain this for me, as he seems qualified to do so.  PLEASE, TAKE THE TIME TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE MESSAGE IS HERE. Listen to this kid, look at your plate . Look at the picture at least. Lets ALL get our heads out the sand here people. We MUST wake up. I asked in a previous thread “Why are we all getting ill”

If I am not going to speak about my health any more, then allow me, please, to help you understand why you are ill and people are DYING….

This is the truth


WOW>> An ll year old kid SCHOOLS us all, if you haven’t got the time, SHAME ON YOU! My kids went to school, do did yours, but mine were educated on all this at home.  Were yours? or were you “too busy” ? WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP! Want to talk about greed? want to debate wealth? want to know what you eat every day is unsafe to go near when its being grown, but ok when its on your place, well God Damn, it’s like magic




Do you know where your lunch came from?

Do you know where your lunch came from?


This is why I play this video, ITS THE SAME  GOD DAMM THING!!


Mammoth find: Preserved Ice Age giant found with flowing blood in Siberia

'It can be assumed that the blood of mammoths had some cryo-protective properties,' said Semyon Grigoriev, head of the Museum of Mammoths of the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North at the North Eastern Federal University. Picture:

‘It can be assumed that the blood of mammoths had some cryo-protective properties,’ said Semyon Grigoriev, head of the Museum of Mammoths of the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North at the North Eastern Federal University. Picture:

Russian scientists have discovered blood inside the carcass of a prehistoric woolly mammoth.

The rare find, which was made during an expedition to a remote island in the Arctic Ocean, could boost the chances of successfully cloning the animal.

Semyon Grigoryev, the head of the expedition, said the female mammoth was about 60 when it died some 10,000 to 15,000 years ago, and it was the first time an old female had been found.

But what was more surprising was that the carcass was so well preserved that it still had blood and muscle tissue.

“When we broke the ice beneath her stomach, the blood flowed out from there, it was very dark,” said Mr Grigoryev, who is a scientist at the Yakutsk-based North-Eastern Federal University.

“This is the most astonishing case in my entire life. How was it possible for it to remain in liquid form? And the muscle tissue is also red, the colour of fresh meat.

They have taken a sample of the blood and have said that a bacterial analysis is expected soon. They have estimated the female mammoth to be 50 – 60 years old when it died. And she weighs about a ton..!

I do not know what the peeps of WP think. They do seem to really want to clone a mammoth. But scientists have not yet found enough living cells for cloning. Despite the good state of preservation of the mammoth.. I do not like idea. It is a strange thought that one day they will be able to bring these gigantic animals back. And when they do the animal is going to be treated like a circus freak sadly.

As a species we can’t keep Elephants alive, what would we do with a new species? And is it morally right to bring a dead species back to life to constrain it in captivity?


Cannibalism Confirmed At Early US Settlements

First permanent British settlers in America  were CANNIBALS who even ate a 14 year old girl to survive deadly 1609 winter

First permanent British settlers in America were CANNIBALS who even ate a 14 year old girl to survive deadly 1609 winter

We are slowly learning about our historical world, piece by piece. I do my best to keep up and research hard, and found this sourced in many places. Seems Cannibalism was rife, it has been found so in Jamestown, Virginia. After this blog here:  It amazes me how we are still finding bits of history. I still believe a LARGE chunk of History has been forgotten and my never be found or seen. Footage of cities under water and more. Interesting to see how we lived once and would we resort back to what is in our DNA and our natural survival instincts. Again, very interesting. I wonder how widespread this was, Cannibalism by early US settlers and before they arrived in the States

 Scientists say they have found definitive archaeological evidence that some of the earliest English settlers in America turned to cannibalism to survive.

Archaeologists say they have found bones of a 14-year-old girl at Jamestown, Virginia, that show evidence of being chopped clumsily as though to be butchered – what they call clear proof that she was eaten by humans.

The girl, whom researchers have given the name “Jane”, is believed to already have been dead at the time, the Smithsonian National Museum of History announced on Wednesday.

Stories have persisted for years that the 6,000 starving English settlers resorted to eating dogs, mice, snakes and shoe leather at Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America.

There were also written accounts of the settlers eating their own dead, but archaeologists had been sceptical of those stories until recently.

“Historians have questioned, well did it happen or not happen?” said Smithsonian forensic anthropologist Douglas Owsley. “And this is very convincing evidence that it did.”

By Sky News US Team

A stone cross marks a grave at the Jamestown colony

A stone cross marks a grave at the Jamestown colony

Mr Owsley said the human remains date back to a deadly winter of 1609-1610 known as the “starving time” in Jamestown. The colony was first settled in 1607.

The settlers were under siege from the indigenous Indian population and had insufficient food to last the brutal winter and severe drought.

They were relatively inexperienced at gathering food, and had few stockpiled supplies.

Early Jamestown colony leader George Percy wrote of a “world of miseries” that included digging up corpses from their graves to eat when there was nothing else.

“Nothing was spared to maintain life,” he wrote.

There is also a record of a man killing his pregnant wife, salting her remains and eating them. He was later executed for the crime.

The remains of the 14-year-old girl discovered in the summer of 2012 marks the fourth burial of human remains uncovered at Jamestown.

The bones show a bizarre attempt to open the skull. Animal brains and facial tissue would be considered accepted and desirable meat in the 17th century, Mr Owsley said.

The 14-year-old's skull shows signs of primitive butchery

The 14-year-old’s skull shows signs of primitive butchery

Her remains were found in a cellar at the site that had been filled with trash, including bones of animals that had been consumed, according to archaeologists.

John Smith was the leader of the Virginia Colony, which was based at Jamestown.

He made a famous threat to those settlers who were not working hard enough: “He that will not work shall not eat.”

He also said that the efforts in Jamestown helped to preserve the entire colony: “She next under God, was still the instrument to preserve this colony from death, famine and utter confusion; which if in those times, had once been dissolved, Virginia might have lain as it was at our first arrival to this day.”


Forget Ancient Egypt and Stonehenge…Look To Scotland

This is a copy and paste blog, If it were a blog, I would have re-blogged, it came from another website, I had to share this, bit of a WOW moment. My Dad moved to these Islands about 6 Month ago, wonderful place. The Orkney Islands , credit goes to jrmcleod from here The Time-stamp is the biggest thing here. If true, it blows many things out the water


On a little Island on the boundry between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea lies an archeological excavation that is re-writing british archeological history. The small set of islands called the Orkney Islands holds many secrets including Scarra Brae, but this recent discovery at the Ness of Brogdar, pre-dates even the pyramids of anchient Egypt.

It is believed that it has been occupied since 3500BC, that’s 5000 years ago. But where is the significance? Well the significance is that the people that built the Ness of Brogdar, also sent their knowledge south to the builders of Stonehenge. They built a settlement so advanced that it was the most complex of its kind anywhere else that has so far been discovered in Europe.

There are so many questions about why and how…

The land that has been surveyed and excavated so far has brought so many surprises that what they have discovered utterly eclipses anything else discovered in all of Europe. But why would people settle and build such amazing things on the Islands of Orkney? Why would they then take this advanced knowledge south to England?


The temple complex of the Ness of Brodgar, and its size, complexity and sophistication have left archaeologists desperately struggling to find superlatives to describe the wonders they found there. “We have discovered a Neolithic temple complex that is without parallel in western Europe. Yet for decades we thought it was just a hill made of glacial moraine,” says discoverer Nick Card of the Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology. “In fact the place is entirely manmade, although it covers more than six acres of land.

Once protected by two giant walls, each more than 100m long and 4m high, the complex at Ness contained more than a dozen large temples – one measured almost 25m square – that were linked to outhouses and kitchens by carefully constructed stone pavements. The bones of sacrificed cattle, elegantly made pottery and pieces of painted ceramics lie scattered round the site. The exact purpose of the complex is a mystery, though it is clearly ancient. Some parts were constructed more than 5,000 years ago.

What is clear is that the cultural energy of the few thousand farming folk of Orkney dwarfed those of other civilisations at that time. In size and sophistication, the Ness of Brodgar is comparable with Stonehenge or the wonders of ancient Egypt. Yet the temple complex predates them all. The fact that this great stately edifice was constructed on Orkney, an island that has become a byword for remoteness, makes the site’s discovery all the more remarkable. For many archaeologists, its discovery has revolutionised our understanding of ancient Britain.

We need to turn the map of Britain upside down when we consider the Neolithic and shrug off our south-centric attitudes,” says Card, now Brodgar’s director of excavations. “London may be the cultural hub of Britain today, but 5,000 years ago, Orkney was the centre for innovation for the British isles. Ideas spread from this place. The first grooved pottery, which is so distinctive of the era, was made here, for example, and the first henges – stone rings with ditches round them – were erected on Orkney. Then the ideas spread to the rest of the Neolithic Britain. This was the font for new thinking at the time.


What we must do from this point on when looking at the anchient history of the UK and indeed Europe is point our eyes towards the cold climates of the North, not the warm of the south. These farmers and peasants of the time built something so magnificant that had it been seen in its day would have been so unbelievable to the eye.Who were they worshipping? Who provided the knowledge on building walls 100m long, 4 meters high and 4 meters thick with such precision?


So not only do we have sophisticated buildings but we have painted buildings and clay pots originating here.

I will leave you with more questions than answers…maybe i have piqued your interest….



“Star jelly” Reported by Sky News as the strange events continue

The green slime has been occuring on the banks of pools at Ham Wall Reserve

The green slime has been occuring on the banks of pools at Ham Wall Reserve


The link below and story comes from Sky News!!

I had heard of this myth, or so called Myth before. And here it is. It has people scratching their heads. Could it be this “Space Slime” or is a new species of something? Now I am not going to mention religion here or anything to guess what this snotter/sneezed out stuff might be. BUT if this is indeed “Star Jelly” then History books may me more accurate than we know. If this is true “Star Jelly” then what on Earth could be true. I guess keep an eye on this “Odd” story and see what it is. It was worth a blog, as it is strange, and I have been blogging what I see are strange things happening in our world


Link 2:

A “weird” green slime said in folklore to appear at the same time as meteors hit Earth has been found in a birdlife park in Somerset.

The RSPB has appealed for help in identifying the slime, which is said to be scattered on grass banks close to pools and lakes around Ham Wall Nature Reserve near Glastonbury.

The jelly-like substance could be bacteria, fungus or toad innards, wildlife experts said.

Some believe it could be a substance that has been written about for centuries called star or astral jelly, which is said to appear in the wake of meteor showers.

Its appearance has coincided with a meteor strike in Russia and the harmless fly-by of an asteroid at a record distance from Earth last week.

Steve Hughes, the RSPB site manager at Ham Wall, said: “This past week we’ve been finding piles of this translucent jelly dotted around the reserve.

“(It is) always on grass banks away from the water’s edge. They are usually about 10cm (4in) in diameter.

“We’ve asked experts what it might be, but as yet no one is really sure. Whatever it is, it’s very weird.”


Tony Whitehead, an RSPB spokesman for the South West, added: “Although we don’t know what it actually is, similar substances have been described previously.

“In records dating back to the 14th Century it’s known variously as star jelly, astral jelly or astromyxin.

“In folklore it is said to be deposited in the wake of meteor showers.”

One of the more favoured explanations is that it is a form of cyanobacteria called Nostoc.

Others suggest that it is the remains of the regurgitated innards of amphibians such as frogs and toads, and of their spawn.

Alternatively, it may be related to the intriguingly named crystal brain fungus.

Mr Whitehead added: “We’ve read a few articles now, and much speculation.

“One suggested it was neither animal nor plant, and another that it didn’t contain DNA, although it does give the appearance of something ‘living’.

“Our reserve team will be looking out for the slime over the next few days, but if anyone can offer any explanations we’d be glad to hear.”

The public are being warned not to touch the mystery substance, and to inform nature reserve staff if they spot any.

More than 1,000 people were hurt after last week's meteor blast in Russia

More than 1,000 people were hurt after last week’s meteor blast in Russia


ps: Could be Flubber 🙂


Skype Name : ShaunGibson1888
