UK man wins court case against the BBC for 9/11 cover up!

Why did the BBC report it had fallen, when it hadn't at this time?

Why did the BBC report it had fallen, when it hadn’t at this time?

Daily Mail:

News Story:

Tony Rooke refused to pay a TV license fee because the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks, he alleged. It is widely known that the BBC reported the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 over 20 minutes before it occurred. WTC 7 was a 47-story skyscraper that was not hit by a plane on 9/11 but collapsed at free-fall speed later that day.

So Rooke said the BBC had to have had prior knowledge to a terror attack making them complicit in the attack. He presented the BBC footage to the judge along with a slew of other evidence, and the judge agreed that Rooke had a reasonable case to protest. Rooke was found not guilty and he was not fined for failure to pay the licensing fee.

This is what we pay in the UK just for the BBC!! I pay £81 for SKY TV and used to pay this.In the United Kingdom and the Crown Dependencies, any household watching or recording live television transmissions as they are being broadcast (terrestrial, satellite, cable, or internet) is required to hold a television licence. Since 1 April 2010 the annual licence fee has been £145.50 for colour and £49.00 for black and white. Income from the licence is primarily used to fund the television, radio and online services of the BBC. Total levies from the licence fee were £3.681 billion in 2011–12 of which £588.4 million or 16.0% was provided by the Government through concessions for those over the age of 75. Thus, the licence fee made up the bulk of the BBC’s total income of £5.086 billion in 2011-2012

This man went up against the BBC at the biggest court in my land, over 9/11 and WON! Anyone who thought 9/11 was “Suspect” now has something to hang onto here. The families of the dead from 9/11 want the truth

I think this is a landmark case, and could cause ripples over in the USA now.If we can’t believe one aspect of the official story, it is then hard to believe the entire story. Many in the States think it was an inside job, and the ♫ 9/11 was an inside job ♪ really came to life. All this man did was refuse to pay his TV Licence on the pretence that the Media lied to him about the events on 9/11 and he won, the Judge sided with him

Interesting times ahead for sure. This is BIG news here in the UK today, the word Conspiracy will be used, and people will turn away, as usual.

Everything said RIP to everyone who died that day, this won’t re-open fresh wounds as most of the families of the dead believe the official story to be a lie, we at least know the BBC lied.

All I am doing here is blogging news that is fairly big today.