Rejigimification of my Blog page!

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I do not like change

So I changed my blog a bit. I deleted all my double, treble blogs, and I just have 1 blog showing with, like, x3 – Awards below it. I also put my ugly mug at the top SO PEOPLE KNOW I AM A MAN!! Yeah, you would be surprised! I also added a new link to my email and Skype at the top.

As someone who hates change, I must embrace change, my dog picture is the old me, the picture of the pretty lady below, is the new me. (She is hot eh)

People change you know!!

Your Uncle Shaun, who is fast approaching 40 years old, GOD HELP Word Press on that day!!



Change can be good!!

Change can be good!!

Throwback Thursday – Shaun

Shaun, Linda, Deb

Apparently many bloggers take a moment on Thursday to reminisce, well I thought I’d get into the spirit of things and join in on this. I will post a few pictures from my past and perhaps tell a story or two. Sit back and enjoy!

The picture above, I am told is from 1978 ish, I was about 3 or 4. To my Right is my Sister Linda and my Sister Debbie. I only seen this the other week for the 1st time. It was a great feeling.


How brave am I!!! This picture here I am about 12? With my sister in Law, (My Brothers wife now Anne) at a Wedding. Love it!!


Here I am again. brown t-shirt, bottom middle being hugged by a family member, I think I was 9? Or so I was told, lol


I still hate my mother for this 😦 she made me wear a Green shirt with a gray THING on top, to my right (White shirt is my Dad) Rest are uncles…lol


Here I am again (Left, I am about 3?) With 4 cousins, all Girls all sisters, love this picture!!


(I don’t know why I am doing this) I am on the swing, in tears, while my family laugh and MOCK!! This could be why I can’t fly on a plane 😦  lol Celtic Top on though 🙂

me acid

Me 20 years ago, at some party, REALLY drunk and pretending to me a woman. ha ha …The things we do (Ok I do) lol


This is NOT 01, 01, 1987..I was 16. Celtic top on with my two Cousins, Hibs “Fans” lol At an F1 show near my City

That is all I got… lol

An Audio blog to WordPress and all my friends on here


Audio blog about a few things from the past few days, with some thank you messages to some pals. 🙂

Thanks Shaun

Skype: Shaunyg1973

AUDIO BLOG (Me Speaking) – Happy Valentines Day, with a hint of fun

Have fun!

Have fun!

Just a short message here. Happy Valentines day (In Audio) From Shaun. I am Shaun. I added funny pictures as usual. I hope you enjoy your day, and have fun. x

Also a wee love song for the day, lol

Email me

Add me to Skype ShaunGibson1888 is my username

Have a good day! Shaun x