Some old Funny pictures I found on a Disk

































































































der besorger1









finding nemo



finger licking good










How we killed Michael Jackson and refused to listen to his words to change the World


I was a HUGE fan, he was innocent, he was used by a willing media, the man was a pure genius. These songs ALONE should bring peace to us all, the lyrics in his songs were there all along, sadly it will take a generation of ignorance and heads in the sand before we all truly see what he REALLY was!! Please, the Lyrics, he still speaks to us..Today

Man in the Mirror. This song tells us where to look, not to judge others, we are ALL a part of this planets issues, look in the Mirror…

Heal the World. The message was so simple, we all missed it. The man was trying so hard to save humanity, why did we not listen? 

Leave me Alone. He was BEGGING to be left alone. We were killing him, he knew it, this was when media house went into overdrive with the poor man

They Don’t Care About Us. The message here was about what I talk about now, Politicians REALLY don’t give a fuck about us, we are alone, and more important he was telling his story of his enslavement by the police

Stranger in Moscow. Here Michael was telling us the enemy we think is not the enemy, and we don’t have to hate and be strangers 

Earth Song. The message here was so simple, “What have we done to this World” 

Black or White. Simple message, people say “He turned himself White” Go research his illness, we all bleed red, was the message

Over time Michael went into himself with he help a media who made him the Worlds best person to “Wacko Jacko” they killed him inside. He was in the end, a prisoner in his one mind, he had no childhood, he was deprived a life, he gave 30% at least of all his money to charity, but the media paint a story as always. This song makes me cry, the man had a kids hospital with Dr’s and Nurses in his home, people needed at this point to really stop watching the news and listening to his lyrics

Have you seen my Childhood. This is the man telling us all he still is a child, he always was, he was Peter Pan and more, he loves Children 

He had 3 songs that made him, here are 3 songs I love, I hope you do also. To a man we all killed, slowly, because he was different.

With his Brothers, one of the last times, then finishes with Beat it, this is just Amazing 

Bad, trying hard to break out of his media made image, I think so anyway

Thriller, the song sold more  than any other to date, he will be remembered for this song more than any, he was a master, a genius and we ignored him. 




Smile by his brother at the Funeral



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Tuesday 4th June Funny Pictures – Enjoy, or not…….




























dog in fix


















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People will draw different meaning from what I am about to say, and I will keep it quick. Hate is disease of the heart and a disease of the mind, and I stopped myself short yesterday from giving into it, FUCK THAT! CHOOSE TO SMILE AND GET FUCKED UP!! I am in my 30’s ffs, Smile and be happy kids, I did

I decided to be Happy and lose, rather than have “Stuff” and have hatred in my life. The choice was simple. I don’t and can’t hate. I chose something else, what? Maybe a word will appear, or arrive, but I can’t allow my Heart to hate, to be UNHAPPY and to be controlled by emotions. I control my shit, my life, how I smile

The last few weeks have been difficult, but I awoke today, had one look at my life and lay there with a wry grin on my face. I DID NOT LET HATRED INTO MY LIFE. I DID NOT ALLOW MY SMILE TO LEAVE ME. I WILL BE HAPPY. I Hate gossips, I hate hatred, I hate emotions that drag you down. But you only realise this by seeing it and feeling it

Choose life people, I did 🙂

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family.
Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines,
cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers.
Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance.
Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter
home. Choose your friends.
Choose leisurewear and matching luggage.
Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics.
Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning.
Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing,
spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth.
Choose rotting away at the end of it all,
pishing your last in a miserable home,
nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself.
Choose your future. Choose life.
But why would I want to do a thing like that?
I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons.
Who needs reasons when you’ve gotSOMETHING ELSE“?

Don’t take this song too literal now ok 🙂

People die, but never leave us, my story

I miss her still

I miss her still

May I first say, share your story below, you don’t have to be registered or follow my blog. This is my story, what is your story?

Above is a picture taken in the mid 1970’s, the woman holding the child is my Nana (Grandmother) who passed many years ago now. Katie was her name, to me and others she was Nana, and we miss her, lately family through facebook have been sharing old pictures, and two got me, so I will share

The kid in the picture was born 3 months premature, had his last rights read to him and his parents told he would live for a day or two, the kid in that photo is me

Many people have died I loved so far in my live, 2 hurt badly, my Aunt Anne and my Nana, it cut me deeply and today it still does.

I had heard the story of me nearly dying as a baby and only this week I was shown this picture on Facebook by my Sister and my Cousin. I burst into tears right away, yeah Men cry, I do anyway

This picture is symbolic to me in a few ways, I did live, this was my 1st day home since birth I think, and my Nana holding me and loving me. My Nana, like many of us with Grandparents only remember an old face, but then I was sent this, this is my Nana in 1939 at the start of WWII in uniform, she was 22 we think, we are not sure, I was a “WOW” moment for me

My Nana as a young girl

My Nana as a young girl

To see these pictures brought me to my knees almost, because of many reasons. Reasons I know anyone reading can agree with, or can share with, we all have a story to tell, this is one of mine. She was an extraordinary woman, she cared, loved and just loved her family and asked only we visit her, unconditional love she gave us all

I can’t speak for the rest of my family, but for me this picture shows me that hope is something we never give up on, many  thought I was dead, and I lived, and to see my Nana holding me, this picture blew me away

There are other stories I could share, my Brother and my Granddad and many more from people in my family. But this is my blog page and my piece. She has been gone for a while, but she is never forgotten. Not one day goes past when I don’t think of her

This picture is bitter sweet, it hurts me, but it also makes me smile

We all have a story to tell, I know many with similar or worse stories in my family, and this is mine

Also the other death that hurt deep was my Aunt Ann, it hurt badly, this was several year ago now. She was beautiful, like my Nana as a kid; my aunt was a beautiful person to me, and kind. I always have this memory of her grabbing me as a kid, kissing me, and saying “I love you” And I cherish this moment always. The same as her husband and her four daughters will with memories they hold

My Aunt

My Aunt

Life is short yeah? So we should not waste it on not speaking, and being stupid. When the day comes, the people who will be there for you are your family, and I love mine, all of them. Now that I am writing I can explore my feelings and see how far I can share my most inner feelings, and this is about as far and as close as I can get, I am bearing my soul to you all, thousands of people from Family to strangers all over the Globe

But this is my story, these are two people I love to this day and there are others may I add, and it still hurts. But knowing my family is still around me helps, my Aunts kids are in there also, we speak and have fun from time to time online, and my Nana, well we all miss her.

She was the boss. It was my Aunts husband who found my Nana when she died. Now they are both together with my Granddad and my Aunt Margaret, together, awaiting the rest of us. I really believe this

As I say often and my awards to the right must be hitting a nerve somewhere. there isn’t enough love left, and what did happen to family values? I blogged this down the page, what went wrong?

More love, less hate, then the world is a better place. I spoke with my Sister last night and I tried to explain how I have changed, and if she reads this, or any of my family read this, I found love and compassion and maybe God, I don’t know. I don’t see organised religion as being for me, but there must be someone up there. My dad told me a story once, he was up a hill, and before him he seen his Mum (My nana) his Dad and two sisters, and when he told me he cried, and I have no reason to not believe him. This must have been a moment he cherishes to this day, he cries still when he speaks about it

So maybe, I would like to think they are up there waiting on us all. I could be here writing about all sorts of things, but these two pictures made me cry and smile. And that is ok, we can cry

I got shown the last ever picture of my Nana the day before her passing, and again, gut wrenching hurt. I cried, again, this is ok, its allowed, anyone who says it’s not is non human to me, it is a man thing “Men shouldn’t cry” Perhaps a deeply rooted Scottish thing. If someone was to hurt my family I would do what any man would, that part of me still exists, but as I grow older and go through “Events” in my life, I learn, as do we all, we draw strength from the hurt or the anger to make sure we can deal with it next time better, in one event I hope we never have to go through that as a family again, it ripped us to bits, but as I write this, we are healing, slowly we are coming back to each other

And this is why I blog, I miss being with my family, and maybe one day we can be close again. The internet has made us lazy, why visit when we can email, or Skype or exchange pictures and questions on facebook, are we getting lazy, is this why the “Family” don’t speak any more? Not just my family, I blogged a few blogs down, and many from all over the world agreed, family has gone and been replaced by a computer screen

But, this blog is about what happens to us all, what we must face, and how we cope as a family unit. I am glad I shared this
