My song for today (Oh and I bought that PC)


Well I bought it, but in Blue, gave Dawn my old (But still Good PC) The one I got was better, and in Blue. New technology also. Hard to explain. Now been awake 40 hours I think, not even tired.

Also my song for today is Mmmmm, Mmmmmmm, Mmmmmmm as I love my new new PC

Love you’s all tons

All My Loving


Amazing how the blog below can spawn this blog, just because of one song, but from me to you, all my loving, amazing when you look in the crowd, people from aged 10 to 80 singing this song, some songs never die, for many this was something else, seeing A Beatle live in the flesh must have been something, get those speakers up! Classic this is 

None of us are ever alone, truly alone



As I sit here in mild agony listening to Bryan Adams sipping on a cup of warm tea I made 20 minutes ago. It is 03:30, yet another night up alone, in pain, feeling a bit down and just wishing I had a normal sleeping pattern, “dream on big guy” I hear back in my mind from a voice I don’t recognise

See we were born to live and be around others, lately I have felt alone in a busy room, yesterday I was sitting here typing something, can’t remember what, and my son was standing speaking to me, then walked away, I broke my concentration to say “What? Sorry, did you say something” for Dawn to say, he was talking to you. That hurt me a LOT

See I don’t mean to be ignorant, I don’t mean to ignore people, the pain is sometimes that strong I have to turn parts off and just go with what I am doing. It is an skill I taught myself a while back, it helps me forget the pain, I just turn off a part in my brain, don’t ask what part and just do what I am doing, typing, writing, listening to music, watching TV

Then it dawned on my “Do I do this all the time” I hope I don’t, if I do what do my family think, do they think I have lost my marbles? My mind is the last thing I have that I can control, and I am just taking the pain away. This night I feel alone, as I type this everyone is sleeping, the window is open as it is hot and all I can see is tree’s, or the shadows from the trees, part of me when I typed that shat it, but I am hot, so the window stays open, it is like a scene from the Blair Witch Project my view, you do get used to it

So, if you read that above, and you are alone, you are not now, as Shaun is here alone also, we can be alone together, never be alone, if you are, write about it, don’t feel alone, you have choice, when I realised I had choice, things changed I guess, the only thing that stayed the same was the pain, I can block it out a bit, but if I stop to think about it, it hurts, it burns, it is almost alive inside me like another person dictating my thoughts, this is how I have got used to dealing with pain, looking at is as friend, should I do different and call it enemy, then it beats me, so friend it is. Even just typing that the pain spiked, but what should I do? Give in, or go on? I choose to go on 😉 x

In the meantime, we can be lost together

Shaun x

To a Woman I thought loved and understood me


I would NEVER disrespect a Woman. But right this second I am pissed. When you think someone understands, knows and has been there through it ALL. then forgets all, what it means, what it feels like, what I go through, why I write, how I write. Just change a few words to this song. And this how I feel…………FUCK! Just when just when you thought people “Got it” Either I need help or this boys trippin here. I would NEVER treat you this way if you were like me, I don’t get angry to a woman, so this all the shit I got.

FamilyHateMusic and tagged 

Avicii – Wake Me Up – With Lyrics



This is a song I love. It is from a Swedish DJ, I found this out through my Partner being half  Swedish.  This song, as usual, the Lyrics speak to me. Tell me what you think. We all have songs that speak to us, that tell us a story, that awaken us from something, this I only heard for the first time recently.

More love, less hate



Why I may “may” stop blogging here *EDITED*

blogging-tips   **EDIT** I did this blog because of this I am a dick, I know. Pain is hard.  Sorry 

As I say often, it is ALWAYS in the Lyrics 🙂 Hey… x I have said countless times I “LOVE” this place, and I do. But since this event many have stopped visiting my blog This is no big deal, just sad for them to do it on the say so of one person. I come in peace, I come to care, I come to share, I come with love, I came to reach out and hope someone reached back, and you did, I can only thank you, this one person blogs them, them, and more them, all them, they break marriages, I DON’T But I checked today, since that event, a lot of people stopped following me and still are, on the say so of one person. All lies, vicious lies, untrue lies. I am being made out to be some kind of womaniser. Dawn will read this, she reads all my blogs. I know not spoke to her about it, as it really is no big deal. But for one person, a liar, to spread lies I am a womaniser is just so wrong. If you are a Woman and you feel I have hit on you or been dirty with you, or bee out of line with you, PLEASE, Say here, I am asking, saying please and begging. If I have been hitting on you, as a woman, please say so now, right here, right now, all I ask The person spreading the lies I am told has hit on guys before, yet as I say in the blog above, I became the bastard. The nanosecond this Woman hit on me I replied “I will be the bastard here” And here I am. Yeah I have 60,000 views and over 1,000 followers BIG FUCKING DEAL! I AM JUST SURPISED ANYONE WOULD FOLLOW A NOBODY FROM SCOTLAND! So am I angry, no, will I move on, oh yeah. See I am hardly here anyway, if I am up all night I use this place, same as 20 others to vent, share, be nice, and just be a fucking human being you know. The world is full of shit We are smart individually but like a Zombie collectively. Can anybody explain this? I will think it over for a few days and if I feel this person is making people turn away from my blog, I close the blog and keep blogging where I am in 2 other places. I love many here; I have made MANY friends here, friends for life. But I am nobody’s side show, if things in my life become “Testing” I walk away with a smile, I don’t sit around all day every day moaning about some shit that happened months ago, I move on, I think YOU FUCKING NEED TO ALSO MRS! If I have hit on ANY Woman here, say so now and I will go More love Less hate Shaun


Space Oddity being sung in the ISS – Amazing

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I have watched this over and over and over now. I love Bowie, especially this song, to being with. Then the slight edits to the song and adding in space – real space as the International Space Station orbits the earth – and you have one helluva remake of “Space Oddity.”

This video completely sang by Col. Chris Hadfield while in orbit was uploaded May 12 and has well over 6 million hits so far. If you didn’t know, when a video goes viral, it takes days for the hits to actually catch up. So realistically, there are probably close to 8 millions hits so far. Most people will have seen this, I just love it, humility and humanity all in one go


The Amazing life of the House Cat in Video




And, it all starts over again….

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The world keeps turning, the wheels of life keep revolving, another weekend has come and gone, and here we are, a new week, welcome to Monday

In life I feel it goes past too quick, I had been expecting my Mum yesterday and looked forward to seeing her since last Wednesday or so, and that moment is gone, and a “Restart” happened, a new day, a new week

So I wonder what surprises this week will bring. Last week my Son got his heart broken and my Mum came to visit. Two events out of many last week, well I am 40 tomorrow, the 2nd, and my Guest blog appears here tomorrow

To say I am nervous about this blog to be posted on my Birthday is an understatement. How will people react, what will people think, will people look at me different. I hope not, as there is a happy ending, and the bad bits were through my eyes when I was, I think 8 years old or 10 years old. The ending is a good one, made me who I am today

So this week, I have my Birthday tomorrow, I will be seeing a lot of family and the guest blog on my LIFE as a child being posted on Mel’s blog tomorrow at 8am Eastern time in the USA. I also wonder what other surprised this week will bring. With the football in pre-season there is not even any football on TV and it sucks. Love my football I do, when it isn’t on, I pine lol

Maybe I will get a day or two with no pain and we can go some stuff with the kids? Today it actually looks like it may be a good day, when I awoke at 05:15am, it was overcast, now at 06:45 a full blue sky. The Sun is behind my house as I am in a different part of the house, I could move and let the Sun and heat in, but with this leg cast on, all metal with dials and digits and more, it is kind of hard to move around.

As my blog says “Praying for one day” All I ask, one day with no pain, but I won’t get upset if that does not happen, I am used to it. I have not had to take pain killers yet, and that is a good thing, usually it is the 1st thing I have to do, since I awoke I have been in  pain, but it is ok, I am dealing with it. I like to be fully woken up sometimes and “Feel” not take a handful of tablets then feel sleepy again.

So, to one and all, I hope the new week brings you good things, and I am happy today I had a chance to “Feel” for a few hours on this bright Monday morning. It does not happen much. So I will take it, so here we go, another week, no fear, just hope and love

Have a good week everyone, and keep sharing your life with us, keep on keeping on, I will leave you with a song not everyone will like, but as always, the lyrics are the main thing, a few swear words are there, but the meaning is one of hope, one of no fear, one of “Keeping on Keeping on” Just live, take chances and smile and be brave. I will be…. x

And remember what happened yesterday made you who you are today, we had to go some place to get to this place, some are still there, this song is for you

More love, less hate

Shaun x





The Evil Scotsman Song





“How the Scots Invented the Modern World” he-he