Pictures from our Ancient and Modern World


As a kid I have been fascinated with history and the wonders our world has left us from civilisations past and gone and also new manmade structures I love, this world offers so much wonder yet we almost deny it. I will give you an example 3 of the most iconic things in the world are in my City, Edinburgh Castle, and the Forth Road and Rail Bridge, like people living in the shadow of the Great Pyramid or the Taj Mahal we tend to just walk past as it is has been part of our World and our life since birth, so we don’t see the mystery and amazement at them, so I will show you the things in world, old and new that spark imagination and wonder into my mind and soul

Statue of Zeus


Hanging Gardens of Babylon


Pyramids of Giza

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The Valley of the kings


The Valley of the Kings1



The grand canyon







Christ the Redeemer (statue)



Rio Christ 2


Great Wall of China


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Easter Island




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Statue of Liberty 


Statue_of_liberty (1)



French Statue of Liberty (Twin Sister) & Eiffel Tower





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The Louvre

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10 Louvre Inside

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The Forth Road and Rail Bridges 





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Tour Scotland Photograph Forth Bridges Firth Of Forth

Edinburgh Castle


Robert the Bruce & William Wallace stand guard at the front gate


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CNN Tower




Houses of parliament and Big Ben





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Empire State Building

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Panama Canal


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The Great Barrier Reef

Twin Bommies, GBR



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The Sydney Opera House




Sydney Opera House indoor


City of ‘Cloud People’



U.S. warns citizens of kidnapping risks near Peru's Machu Picchu





Niagara Falls



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International Space Station and Earth from Space 










We started in caves and ended up here, building as we went as a species, buildings 100’s of thousands of years old to a few years old, this SONG, will make the blog

The Georgia Guidestones Conspiracy in the USA – Something you should look at!



The Georgia Guidestones is a granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A message clearly conveying a set of ten guidelines (10 Masonic Commandments almost)  is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages’ scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The structure is sometimes referred to as an “American Stonehenge”The monument is 19 feet 3 inches (5.87 m) tall, made from six granite slabs weighing 237,746 pounds (107,840 kg) in all. One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides some notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones.

A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature


Elbert County owns the Georgia Guidestones site. According to the Georgia Mountain Travel Association’s detailed history: “The Georgia Guidestones are located on the farm of Mildred and Wayne Mullenix… The Elbert County land registration system shows what appears to be the Guidestones as County land purchased on October 1, 1979. The monument was unveiled in March 1980, in front of 100 people. Another account specifies March 22, 1980 and says 400 people attended. Not one person owns these stones, who does?


Astronomical Alignment

An eye-level, oblique hole is drilled from the South to the North side of the center, Gnomon stone, so that the North Star is always visible, symbolizing constancy and orientation with the forces of nature.

A slot is cut in the middle of the gnomon stone to form a window which aligns with the positions of the rising sun at the Summer and Winter Solstices and at the Equinox, so that the noon sun shines to indicate noon on a curved line.
The cap stone includes a calendar of sorts, where sunlight beams through a 7/8 inch hole at noon, and shines on the South face of the center stone. As the sun makes its travel cycle, the spot beamed through the hole can tell the day of the year at noon each day. Allowances are made because of variations between standard time and sun time to set the beam of sunlight at an equation of time.
The site was chosen because it commands a view to the East and to the West and is within the range of the Summer and Winter sunrises and sunsets. The stones are oriented in those directions.

With these things come the Conspiracy theories, I hate this, it makes people turn away, but look, they are there, look what they say! 

The Guide stones have become a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists. One of them, an activist named Mark Dice, demanded that the Guide stones “be smashed into a million pieces, and then the rubble used for a construction project”, claiming that the Guide stones are of “a deep Satanic origin”, and that R. C. Christian belongs to “a Luciferian secret society” related to the New World Order. At the unveiling of the monument, a local minister proclaimed that he believed the monument was “for sun worshipers, for cult worship and for devil worship”.

Radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, in his 2008 documentary Endgame: Elite’s Blueprint For Global Enslavement, said that “the message of the mysterious Georgia Guide stones, purportedly built by representatives of a secret society called the Rosicrucian Order or Rosicrucians, which call for a global religion, world courts, and for population levels to be maintained at around 500 million, over a 6.5 billion reduction from current levels. The stones imply that humans are a cancer upon the earth and should be culled in order to maintain balance with nature.”

Computer hardware expert Van Smith said the monument’s dimensions predicted the height of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world which opened in Dubai over thirty years after the Georgia Guide stones were designed. Smith said the builders of the Guide stones were likely aware of the Burj Khalifa project which he compared to the biblical Tower of Babel

All this with further investigation and research leaves you to ponder if this is Agenda 21, the Rothschild, shadow Governments, Buildenbergers, Masonic or Illuminate in nature. Someone built these and the message is perfectly clear, population control. I will be doing another blog to take this one step further.

Keep in mind, I don’t lose sleep with these things, they just fascinate me. Is there an agenda with any of the above to control the population of the Earth? In 100 years with the Human growth rate, fossil fuel declining and lack of food and room on Earth, and many other factors the status quo is 100% unsustainable, just think about it rationally, something has to give, a World War, another Spanish Flu or plague type event, something. The question is, will this be orchestrated? If so by who and has it already begun. I have given you something to ponder on an Agenda, population control being the subject matter, if you have time, PLEASE have a look yourself, when I do my next blog on this subject, the Guide Stones aside, we can debate the reasons for population control and how it may already be happening or may happen. The Earth can’t sustain Humans for another 100 years, we have become bacteria on the planet

The lad in the video tries his best to lay some things to rest, but he is doing what we all do with these GuideStones, guessing!!












Some believe this to be somewhat sinister and have laid a marker down

Some believe this to be somewhat sinister and have laid a marker down


They also have a very Satanic name also

They also have a very Satanic name also


Language layout

Language layout



This is the hidden War being fought by many, time to wake up?

This is the hidden War being fought by many, time to wake up?


Giza Plateau,Underwater worlds, Atlantis, Giants and more

Great Sphynx Head Closeup Menkaure Pyramid

When I was around 8 years old my family arranged a Holiday to Egypt, since I was 4/5 years old I PINED to go to the Giza Plateau

Even now it calls me, I often wonder where this voice comes from, from almost birth to today It has called me, I need to stand below the great pyramid and ask the same questions people have asked since it has been in our Modern World, that is “How”

Who built it, why did they build, what was its purpose, did the people who build it build it willingly or where they slaves, how was it possible for the people of that time to do this? All over parts of Egypt you can see where people had tried and failed before to make a Pyramid, then the Giza Plateau, it lines up with Orion’s Belt

Teotihucan-Orions Belt-Giza Plateau

For me this means the people of this time had amazing knowledge of the stars and measurements, this can’t be, it’s impossible. If I ever write a book, it will be on this subject. It is just IMPOSSIBLE. And more, the pictures below also, what are we missing?

I have a fear of flying, it started when I tried to get onto a flight, as a kid, to go to the Giza Plateau, I was scared, I was way under 10 years old, and here I am today, late 30’s and I have still never been on a plane lol

I have to, I need to, I don’t know if I will get there and be disappointed or something magical will happen to me, but I need to go. I pine for it, I need to stand there, and the pictures don’t do it justice

As a deep thinker I have asked a million times “Who built this” I think we all have, it’s one of the world biggest mysteries and it will remain so.

I believe a large portion of human history has been forgotten somewhere. We hear of Atlantis and we see pictures from under water in China of a large City, is this Atlantis? We see paintings, thousands of years old showing men in flight, what is this? What part of history have we forgotten? What books were destroyed? Whatever took place to make us forget?

I will leave you with some pictures, this blows my mind. I don’t know who else is interested, but I am going to explore this more with whoever is interested. As a species I believe a large chunk of our past has been forgotten, or missed or over looked, through this blog I will from time to time explore and see where we end up, amazing for the mind this. I also want to know about underwater worlds, Giants Science are digging up, I need to know what we, as a species, have forgotten

Till the next time

Interpretation of this picture could lead us to many things

Interpretation of this picture could lead us to many things

The Shepherds vision. Again, what have we forgotten

The Shepherds vision. Again, what have we forgotten

A simple meteor or something else?

A simple meteor or something else?

What is this showing us?

What is this showing us?

Crucifixion of Jusus, what are these pictures trying to tell us?

Crucifixion of Jusus, what are these pictures trying to tell us?

Anyone want to TRY explain this? Giant skeletons

Anyone want to TRY explain this? Giant skeletons, underwater ruins also

Real or Fake?

Real or Fake?

Any mention of this in the Bible? Giants

Any mention of this in the Bible? Giants

Found under water near Japan

Found under water near Japan


Anyone? Circle of stone people, all looking out the way

This blows my mind away

This blows my mind away

What have we forgotten?

What have we forgotten?

Mini Solar System entering our Solar system???

What is coming (Perhaps)  from the southern hemisphere

What is coming (Perhaps) from the southern hemisphere

Before I post, can I just say, I research HARD on this subject. And I have been holding back a little, I can’t now. Many others are Blogging this today.

I have done many blogs in the last month about strange things happening in our world, be it Weather, the Sun, whatever. This Video below comes from a source I would listen to. I did this blog here: and then this happened

I research HEAVILY and have said in MANY blogs something is coming towards us from the South, people are seeing this in the Eastern side of Australia, and there are pictures everywhere! off this thing.

Taken from North East Australia

Taken from North East Australia

Something IS 100% coming at us. Call it Planer X, Wormwood, Nibiru, whatever, this is real. it is coming from the Southern Hemisphere region, local astronomers are starting to report this. We had  a near miss last week when an Asteroid missed us, but hit Russia, so they were lucky


This “MAY” explain this

1. Crazy Weather 
2. U.S. supply stock-up/troop movement 
3. Military drills over cities. 
4. Gun grab 
5. Pumping out billions of monies to pay for all these expenses 
6. preemptively colonizing Africa 
7. Being Green doesn’t seem to matter anymore, and MUCH more.

Also this:

2012 – 2,219 fireballs detected 
2011 – 1,628 fireballs detected 
2010 – 951 fireballs detected 
[link to] 
2009 – 694 fireballs detected 
2008 – 726 fireballs detected 
2007 – 588 fireballs detected 
2006 – 517 fireballs detected 
2005 – 463 fireballs detected

This video here also shows you from Antarctica, looking down on this thing

If you don’t believe me, do your own research. Whatever this is, is real, its coming our way, and there is NOTHING we can do. Research Denver Airport, People building underground cities, people building small stations in space similar to the ISS (International Space Station) Please, research. The changes to our planet are huge, it will get worse, this “could” be the reason. Don’t dismiss this, PLEASE RESEARCH!!!!


Asteroid 2012 DA14 – 15th February, close call!!

Asteroid 2012 DA14

Asteroid 2012 DA14

As a part time astronomer (If that) I have been aware of Asteroid 2012 DA14 for some time. For a while NASA were not sure of the trajectory, now they are 100% sure it will come within 17,000 miles from Earth. NASA is “sure” it won’t hit any satellites in space, but only “Sure”, this asteroid was first spotted by an amature astronomer in Italy

Here are a few videos from NASA explaining, with DA14, we are safe, worth watching these video’s, if to put your mind at rest


Scale side

Scale side


So if you live in Australia or Eastern Europe, you will be able to see this bad boy, you just need to know where to look, the link above will help you do this. I think, just my opinion, is we are going through the tail of debris left by E.L.E.N.I.N from last year. That is 3 close calls in a week, with many more to come. On average we get hit by one this size, 50 metres in size every 200 years or so. The last recorded one was on Siberia, Tunguska in 1908; this similar sized asteroid flattened an area around 50 miles in size


Tunguska and what the meteor did on 1908

Tunguska and what the meteor did on 1908


Another example of one this size is Meteor Crater is a meteorite impact crater approximately 43 miles (69 km) east of Flagstaff, near Winslow in the northern Arizona desert of the United States. Because the US Department of the Interior commonly recognizes names of natural features derived from the nearest post office, the feature acquired the name of “Meteor Crater” from the nearby post office named Meteor. The site was formerly known as the Canyon Diablo Crater, and fragments of the meteorite are officially called the Canyon Diablo Meteorite. Scientists refer to the crater as Barringer Crater in honour of Daniel Barringer, who was first to suggest that it was produced by meteorite impact. The crater is privately owned by the Barringer family through their Barringer Crater Company, which proclaims it to be “best preserved meteorite crater on Earth”. Despite its importance as a geological site, the crater is not protected as a national monument, a status that would require federal ownership. It was designated a National Natural Landmark in November 1967. Meteor Crater lies at an elevation of about 1,740 m (5,709 ft) above sea level. It is about 1,200 m (4,000 ft) in diameter, some 170 m deep (570 ft), and is surrounded by a rim that rises 45 m (150 ft) above the surrounding plains. The centre of the crater is filled with 210–240 m (700–800 ft) of rubble lying above crater bedrock.  One of the interesting features of the crater is its squared-off outline, believed to be caused by pre-existing regional jointing (cracks) in the strata at the impact site.


The famous meteor crater in America

The famous meteor crater in America

So for now we are safe, but one day, one will hit, it will be this size and cause local damage or one will hit that will be an E.L.E (Extinction Level Event) So look to the skies on the 15th, you may get lucky


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Feel free to chat to me on Skype, username ShaunGibson1888