5 Minute “Audio Blog” Me speaking about Pain x

Yes, this is Shaun lol

Yes, this is Shaun lol

PLEASE listen, 5  minutes of me talking. more love, less pain, Shaun

Blogger Radio Show……



I have to thank one of the many amazing people on here for this one. Rachie @ http://rachieadventures.wordpress.com/

I had this stupid idea of starting a radio show when I was doing sports, decided it would just end up “Vile Radio FM”

Sat all night thinking about “Something” worthwhile to do. I am a trained singer, ex DJ and I am learning the Guitar as many know. So that is something I can do in my own time. But I am seriously now thinking about starting “Word Press Radio” or “Blogger Radio” Something. Skype based, but through a programme I am looking at. So nobody need spend a penny, it’s all free. I host the show with maybe one other person. And people call in through Skype, and we can discuss ANYTHING. Blogs, blog content, a certain blog, a topic of your choosing, life. Love and more. I know I have the voice and bravery to do it.

The only thing is who would call in? I would need a base of people to spread this and it would be slow to start, but over time, this could be something. I create a Skype account for it and people can call in anonymously or who they are on Word Press.

I am going to give this a test run. I know many people I speak to would be too Shy to call in, but I also know a few people who do online Radio on certain nights. I just don’t it that night.

Just an idea, but I will not stop living, I need to do something.

Thoughts Word Press?

I have done a few phone things before: This was about the Soccer story I blogged for a year… I was debating hardened pundits here, experts in the field. Had them for breakfast every time. They couldn’t debate, stupid. I am not saying I am the best radio host on Earth, but I know I can debate and 1000% have fun also.

What you all think?

This was a Scottish Football radio Show, so the Scottish accents will be strong.

But I got a lot 5,000 followers on Twitter on the back of these calls. Nothing special, just a voice…