Update on my Dog Lisha for a friend




My good friend and a person I love  dearly as a friend, Jen over at (PLEASE GET FOLLOWING!) http://ramblingsfromamum.wordpress.com/  Is asking me all the time, and so are a few others “How is the dog coming along” So there is Lisha above. She is a full breed Staffordshire Terrier we got 4 months ago now from the Rescue home.

She is now one of the family, doing BRILLIANT. When I toy play with the girls she comes over and growls at me, and I say “Good Girl” then she kind puts both paws on my shoulders and licks my face off 🙂 She is VERY protective with Dawn and the girls, so I love this. I never taught her to be like that. As you can see, she has a harness on, but she is about to go a walk with Ryan my oldest son (He just doesn’t know it it yet, insert evil laugh)

She is, we think approaching 2 years old, maybe 20 months old or so. She is very playful, still has the odd accident went excited. When Dawn takes the kids to bed, just before I took these pictures, she whines and hates it, but we allow her to sleep in the girls room when the girls are asleep, we put her bed in the middle of the girls bed, and you can almost see a smile on Lishas face. lol Crazy. When the girls are both in our bed, as they do, Lisha will lay at the bottom of our bed on her Dog blanket.

life is good for Lisha, I walk her when I can, mainly I just open the door and let her run around the woods (I live near/in the woods) and I sit and have a cup of tea as she chases everything in sight, she doesn’t bother with people or other dogs. When she is done she bounds back and about jumps on me, killing me, lol

I wouldn’t have life any other way just now.

The story of lisha, here are more pictures





I would rather be with the Kids Dad….



ok.. I will stay, Ahhhhhhhhhhh






Up a bit Dad, ahh that’s the spot


3 Month progress report on my Dog Lisha




Hard life being a Dog I guess. Lisha we have had 3 months now, she is part of the family, doing well, very playful, protective of the kids and will bark if the old man 3 doors down farts in his bed, so she really has become a part of the family, like she has been here for years. She follows me everywhere, sleeps at the bottom of the bed, if I fall asleep on the couch or my lazy boy chair she snuggles in. She loves to play and chew my hand, playful, her tail is always wagging, so she is having fun and always licks it to death (My Hand) after trying to eat it. I am slowly starting to walk her further again. I am hoping by next weekend I can walk her to the Waterfall and around the old castle ruins, will post pictures if I can, in the meantime, here are some random shots…

World Lisha, Lisha, World…


I am sleeping, leave me be human


Is someone breaking in?


Am I Robot?


Who Farted?


Sorry Dad, I farted, and your blue half length short are rubbish, just saying




Side Shot Dad, I know you will blog me, get the side shot done..My right side is best..


Be Still Human while I eat you


I am licking your hand better. We good Dad?


Food? For me?


Did someone fart again? I heard a hiss

I need to be blogging (Please, no sympathy, Medication speaking)

Tramadol, Dihydrocodeine (Strong Opiate) and Diazapam

Tramadol, Dihydrocodeine (Strong Opiate) and Diazapam


18 Months ago I had a partial tear on my biceps femoris, the Hamstring, the tissue divides into two portions, which embrace the fibular collateral ligament of the knee-joint, this is where the tear happened, and when I did it back 18 months ago the back of my leg (Thigh) was red and purple and sore. I got told complete rest. Impossible to do so. As it got better, we bought a Labrador Dog and after 2 weeks he pulled me down a wet grassy hill late at night, I thought I heard a twig snap, it was something in and around my knee, after a scan I found out it was another tear to the Hamstring and also the tendon and ligament. It was agony, anyone who has done this will know the falling and knowing something is about snap, in the end we had to give Max the Lab away as he was too strong for me to walk, he pulled too hard while walking, I was gutted. Man’s best pal and all that

It has been playing up since we bought Tisha our new dog, she is small, brilliant and easier to walk, however the walking was causing pain to this area back and front of my knee, this is Tisha, a Staffordshire terrier, a brilliant dog and already part of the family. She causes us no bother. Sadly I walking her was weakened my knee, and this was me wearing a very expensive knee brace also. I was hurting, but I kept walking. She is a Gibson already and the kids love her, she knows I am in pain, I swear she knows lol


Last Saturday I was in my Local supermarket, Tesco and my knee just gave way as I was approaching the front door, about 30 people ran to my aid, and I was like “Feck off” out of sheer embarrassment for falling. I got up, got home, the knee was up like a coconut. Called the Dr, he just recommended adding more of what I have (Picture at the top) I had been coming off this poison well, now I am back to 10/12 tablets every 4 hours. Cold off and on also to help the swelling, without even looking at it!!



This is my Knee, it is red and swollen:



For the last few weeks I have held of blogging about a few things and speaking to people on Skype (AussieChick, Sorry x) because the pain has been so bad. I am meant to be getting slow release Morphine Patches today at 4pm today (2 hours from now or so) and I pray I get them. I hate taking Morphine period! But needs must here. I posted a picture last night of 9 tablets on my Facebook, I think and a few friends started debating between themselves, lol. One said it would knock him out. Well when you are in UTTER AGONY and a grown man head butting a tiled wall and punching walls to get the pain away from my knee, the pills really don’t knock you sideways, they actually take pain away when needed

So after thinking, I need to keep blogging. I don’t want any Drama or mockery; ok you can mock me 🙂 I just hate this pain, my family have been MORE than supportive and my friends also have helped Dawn with the kids and shopping and my sons have been amazing also. BUT, back came my old friend guilt. Now PLEASE don’t tell me to not feel guilty, I know I shouldn’t, there is NOTHING I can do about it, but feelings are feelings, emotions are emotions and I can’t help that. You all know me well enough now; I am as honest as they come. I do still intend to blog less, I really was blogging for the sake of it sometimes, but I love writing so why not? I been doing it near two years now, it has become a passion. But I will just blog less. I love so many people here for many differing reasons. And before this set of medication kicks in, I just want to say thank you to everyone for being super cool and trendy about all this. Some will say I am a Drama Queen, that is cool, some will say I want sympathy, this is also cool, some will just like, this is cool also, I know people. all good, lol

So I am going to blog, Dawn my partner has been at me to stop being a fool, her exact words were worse, she said “Shaun you are being a fool” No, wait, sorry, they were the same. SO feck it as the Irish would say, I am going to blog my heart out and I don’t care. It keeps my mind active. The Radio Show I want to start will take a back seat till this heals, as I can’t talk with these pills in me, lol. it would be the “Jakie Bastard Radio Show” Jakie means druggy here in Scotland

Thanks everyone for being  humans and not aliens and for not eating me

More love, less hate


Ps: Yup, the medication is kicking in 🙂

We bought a Dog!! Wooo Hoooo

Lisha, Just in the door...

Lisha, Just in the door…



Well we looked for 2 months. we looked at dog after dog, we wanted to get the RIGHT Dog, and we got one. We got Lisha, a full pedigree Staffordshire Terrier from the Rescue centre for £60. She is 18 Months old, her last owner was a middle aged couple who moved overseas and they handed her into the Rescue Centre

We spent an hour with her at the Rescue Centre with the kids, my two sons and mainly my two daughters, and she was brilliant with them all, and Dawn and I. We have been home roughly an hour or so she has laid in her new bed and had a drink and a bite to eat from her new bowls. So she is settling in well. She jumps with her paws onto us all except Courtney and Chloe, as if she knows she will knock them over. Staffordshire Terriers are amazingly clever dogs, these were the dogs we had before my 1st daughter was born, so we know the dogs and how to train them.

The main thing is I can now get walking, slowly, to get myself ready for the Football in the Summer, so things are slowly falling into place. We spent another £50 on a bed, bowls, food, a collar and name tag  with name and house phone number engraved onto it. She has a chip in her neck and an ID tag also, so if she runs away and is caught by the dog warden or police they bring her back home, was well worth the extra few pounds

So, Shauny has a dog, get it!! Now let the long walks and muscular shaping commence



Lisha in the kitchen

Lisha in the kitchen