How Scotland Invented the Modern World


How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe’s Poorest Nation Created Our World and Everything in It

Who formed the first modern nation?
Who created the first literate society?
Who invented our modern ideas of democracy and free market capitalism?
= The Scots.Mention of Scotland and the Scots usually conjures up images of kilts, bagpipes, Scotch whisky, and golf. But as historian and author Arthur Herman demonstrates, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Scotland earned the respect of the rest of the world for its crucial contributions to science, philosophy, literature, education, medicine, commerce, and politics—contributions that have formed and nurtured the modern West ever since.

Arthur Herman has charted a fascinating journey across the centuries of Scottish history. He lucidly summarizes the ideas, discoveries, and achievements that made this small country facing on the North Atlantic an inspiration and driving force in world history. Here is the untold story of how John Knox and the Church of Scotland laid the foundation for our modern idea of democracy; how the Scottish Enlightenment helped to inspire both the American Revolution and the U.S. Constitution; and how thousands of Scottish immigrants left their homes to create the American frontier, the Australian outback, and the British Empire in India and Hong Kong.

How the Scots Invented the Modern World reveals how Scottish genius for creating the basic ideas and institutions of modern life stamped the lives of a series of remarkable historical figures, from James Watt and Adam Smith to Andrew Carnegie and Arthur Conan Doyle, and how Scottish heroes continue to inspire our contemporary culture, from William “Braveheart” Wallace to James Bond.

Victorian historian John Anthony Froude once proclaimed, “No people so few in number have scored so deep a mark in the world’s history as the Scots have done.” And no one who has taken this incredible historical trek, from the Highland glens and the factories and slums of Glasgow to the California Gold Rush and the search for the source of the Nile, will ever view Scotland and the Scots—or the modern West—in the same way again. For this is a story not just about Scotland: it is an exciting account of the origins of the modern world and its consequences.

“The point of this book is that being Scottish turns out to be more than just a matter of nationality or place of origin or clan or even culture. It is also a state of mind, a way of viewing the world and our place in it. . . . This is the story of how the Scots created the basic idea of modernity. It will show how that idea transformed their own culture and society in the eighteenth century, and how they carried it with them wherever they went. Obviously, the Scots did not do everything by themselves: other nations—Germans, French, English, Italians, Russians, and many others—have their place in the making of the modern world. But it is the Scots more than anyone else who have created the lens through which we see the final product. When we gaze out on a contemporary world shaped by technology, capitalism, and modern democracy, and struggle to find our place as individuals in it, we are in effect viewing the world as the Scots did. . . . The story of Scotland in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is one of hard-earned triumph and heart-rending tragedy, spilled blood and ruined lives, as well as of great achievement.”

I am done with choosing paths




Life brings many emotions I could type down, many ways of being I could mention, but when all is said and done we are alone. We have family who love us, we have friends who love us also, but when it REALLY comes down to the final push and we have to make conscious decisions and change our destiny, we can take advice all day, listen to people tell us what is right and what is wrong till the cows come home, in the end we decide what path we walk

Some walk the hard path, the painful path, the path that hurts, that brings nothing but emotions, bad emotions, hurt, guilt and more, whereas some take the easy path where life is easier and they emotions are less hurtful and guilt you can throw away without even thinking about

Then we are left with the ULTIMATE choice, live or die

Get busy living or get busy dying was it not? I am at that crossroads as I type this blog. Of course I want to live, but how I live I don’t know just now. The hurt from the last 4 years has just came hard and kept coming at me in ways I wish I could type down. One event involved a murder I was involved in, I didn’t murder anyone that night but sometimes I wonder if I did, I often wonder if I died that night 4 years ago, maybe I did and this is hell, is there anyone there? hallo

When life decided “THAT PERSON THERE” it could be you, it could be me, it hits like a steam train and it hits you full force, you have to then pick yourself up and go again, alone, wandering in the dark, taking the next hit in a bloodless murder that you didn’t ask for then BANG again life hits and it still keeps coming and you sit and cry and ask yourself “What is wrong with me” Then the past comes into your mind and that hits your also. Why?

People then say “God works in mysterious ways” or “God is testing you” God if you are listening I beg from you, I am done, please no more. I can see 2 paths in my mind and both lead to the same place, more hurt, more guilt, and more trains hitting me and leaving me alone to stand up in a bloodless game of cat and mouse with my own mind

I never asked for my life God, I never. I never asked to be born into what I was, I never asked to see what I did, I never asked for all the money, the big house and nice car, it was given to me by people who demanded I should have it, I truly didn’t ask. Please, take all my possessions, my family, my money, my home, my car, the lot and take the pain with it

Let me lay naked at your feet so I can ask why, why I was given this pathetic excuse for a life. A life where people seem to care, but the only way I feel people care is from people online who can’t help. I am thankful for my partner and my 4 kids, but truly would they be better without me?

I think I am going to make a decision of my own this night, I am done being toyed with, I am done being told, I am done with making do I am done, just done

I am sorry, but I am not sure what I am sorry for, I sit and cry day after day, night after night and I don’t know why, I sit here and I blog my HEART to strangers and I don’t know why. What do I want from life? Choice, real choice, because whenever choice is in my hands it gets taken away and I am left with hurt and guilt

I know Word Press I talk the same a lot, for this I am sorry, you are my only outlet, this page here is my only outlet, this article I write is my only way of saying what is on my mind. I can’t pretend anymore. The sadness in my eyes in my picture tells a story I am told

Well I just told the story

I am hurting; 4 years of hurt will make a man do anything, in-fact, make that a lifetime of hurt

I hate doing blogs like this, but I guess this is why we blog right? To talk, to get it out of our thinking, to get it out there, we are all special, all different, right?