Where were you on 9/11, do you have a story to tell? A day that changed our World

This image brings the tears and memories back

This image brings the tears and memories back

I have been wanting to do this blog for a while and plucked up the courage after a chat with someone today who had a story to tell of their own http://andthemoonseesall.wordpress.com/

So thank you to them for their discussion with me on how hard it was for them on that day and what memories they have, they were honest and still 12 years on you could feel the hurt

I was just back from picking my kids up from School, my two sons who were at primary school, aged 8 and 10 and I walked in the door, Dawn had the TV on, she was crying and as my draw dropped I seen the 2nd plane hit. Before I left I knew a plane had hit the other tower but it was unclear the who’s why’s and what’s

I know in an instant more lives had been lost and that this was terrorism, there was no doubt. The Pentagon was hit by something, nobody knows to this day and another plane was in the sky heading for DC

I remember I spoke with a woman on MSN Messenger and Yahoo chat away back in 2001, I never spoke to her again, she lost that day. She sent me an email a few years later, just to say sorry. I sent one back to say I am more sorry

The biggest attack in living memory

Where were you?

Do you have a story?

Even if you were not in the USA, where were you, how did it make you feel?

Even today the truth movement by family who lost that day still want answers http://www.911truth.org/ what do you think happened? Do you believe the official story? My issue is with the pentagon, why release only 5 frames of footage? If someone can convince me a plane hit the pentagon, they will do well

I pay homages again to all who lost on that terrible day

But where were you?  Were you there? If not, what were you doing?

My deepest sympathy to the USA and all who lost 




Scotland/USA Flags

Scotland/USA Flags

2 tributes to those who lost on this day x

Word Press has died a death ?

images (1)

A few people mentioned in the last few weeks how Word Press seems to have died down in terms of people blogging, people debating, engaging and just being Bloggers really

I took no notice, but I have noticed over the last few days less people are blogging. I decided to REALLY try harder to check people’s blogs and I noticed that tons of people have not blogged in days. People who would like a blog of mine I have not seen for a few days now. And they are not blogging either. I know it isn’t just me as a few people said the same thing and I never noticed as I really am hardly on Word Press, I blog and reply when I get an email, I spend about an hour a day if I can going over others blogs and people who blogged 2/3/4 times a day have not blogged for days.

Anyone else noticing this?

I have just watched World War Z so it may be me thinking you are all Zombies now, lol, but a 100% definite spike in Word Press usage. Easy to find if you know where to look I get roughly between 500/1000 views a day, sometimes more, sometimes less, the last few days it’s been about 500 a day

Just thought I would throw this out there in-case everyone has died, or I have died and this is Internet Hell



Did the U.S. Government Recently Purchase 30,000 Guillotines?



As most Americans now know, FEMA Camps (Concentration Camps) are 100% all over the USA, there is no argument anymore, they are there, with Millions of black plastic Coffins. Here is the Blog with proof and links about FEMA Camps and the Coffins

This blog here is scary as it is appauling to read and the pictures scare the shit out of me http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/14/to-the-people-of-the-usa-i-am-sorry-for-what-is-coming/ Now there American has bought  30,000 Guillotines, Why? Why would the USA Government need  30,000 Guillotines, I knew this story, but my friend from Edinburgh who posts on here a lot, hawkeyethegnu, he and I debated this earlies so I though, if he knows, others will, so time to blog it, but big thanks to hawkeyethegnu for helping me with the idea for this blog

– The use of guillotines for “governmental purposes” was lobbied for and passed in the U.S. Congress

– The information we received is that 15,000 are currently stored  in Georgia and 15,000 in Montana

– Are the beheadings by muslims today meant to desensitize us against U.S. Government beheadings in the future?

Scary >


I will post the pictures from my blog above again


A portion of the NSA's mammoth data center in Bluffdale, Utah, scheduled to open this fall. (Credit: Getty Images)

A portion of the NSA’s mammoth data center in Bluffdale, Utah, scheduled to open this fall.
(Credit: Getty Images)

One Black plastic coffin

One Black plastic coffin



The large are in black are black plastic coffins

The large are in black are black plastic coffins

A real live on in an isolated position

A real live on in an isolated position

Close up

Close up

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself


E978 Legal execution

All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:

asphyxiation by gas

beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)

capital punishment





other specified means

So it seems an Executive Order has been passed to allow the purchase and use of these 30,000 Guillotines. Add it to the Concentration Camps and Millions of plastic coffins, we have a conspiracy.

What do you all think?

This shit is hard to read and realise it is true, seriously frightening stuff. Nobody wants to debate this horrific stuff, but we must, we have to, why are these things happening in the USA?






As always PLEASE do your own research on this, I never believe everything  I read or am told, so I go and research till I am satisfied the story holds up. Again I will ask

Fema Camps – Why

Millions of Coffins – Why

Millions of bullets bought  – why (This is common knowledge)

30,000 Guillotines – Why

Poisin in your food  – Why

No money  – Why

Lies and Greed – Why

Taking your Guns – Why

Put it all together, we have a scary story, maybe
