Song for Today – 30/08/2013


As I sit here on this Friday, shopping day, OH NUT!! I am drinking a cup if tea and eating freshly heated pancakes and syrup (VERY hard life) I thought today’s song would reflect HOW I FEEL ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED Yesterday. All that religious stuff. So I will say it “All you need is Love” The Beatles wrote this song, and I loved them for it, this song means just “Love” don’t worry, don’t cry, don’t hate, JUST LOVE, it is an important message, it may just be a song, but the lyrics in the song are the meaning “Love” if you TRULY have love in your Heart, and smile and are happy, like I am on the hateful shopping day, lol, then what else do we need? Really, think about it. If you got Love, a place to live, loved ones, food, a roof, the internet, friends, family, then what else do you need? Really take that message in and chew on it for a while. Love REALLY is all you need.

Today is a good day, so I am happy, my bones are sore, my body aches, but I am smiling because I have love in my heart and NOBODY can take that, I own it, and so do you, so use it, I do


More love, less hate


All My Loving


Amazing how the blog below can spawn this blog, just because of one song, but from me to you, all my loving, amazing when you look in the crowd, people from aged 10 to 80 singing this song, some songs never die, for many this was something else, seeing A Beatle live in the flesh must have been something, get those speakers up! Classic this is 

Paul McCartney – Let It Be [Red Square, Moscow ‘2003]

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Sometimes we grow older knowing a song, we have heard it, we just know it exists. But as I always say “It’s in the Lyrics” I was sitting amusing myself with Music as I do on a night when I came across this song. Paul McCartney Live in Russia. As I say, I know the song, but when you stop and listen to the lyrics of a song, it can often make it more than it was …

Paul McCartney is dead?, is he William Campbell



One of the best documentaries out there on his death….



One of the best sites to read:


Many will know of this “Conspiracy” I was made aware of it a month or so ago, so I have spent the last month, when I had spare time researching this.

I believe Paul Died and was replaced by “Willie Campbell” who won a Paul McCartney lookalike contest, the picture is below






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Many will say “Nonsense” and not look at this again, but after looking at it for a month on and off, I have to say he died in a car crash on November 9th 1966 and was replaced the year later. I know this is hard to believe, but the proof is there. Many will say coincidence, and they do happen, but the clues left by the Beatles were all over in songs and more

All I can offer is some of what I seen, many links and video’s, it is up to you to read them and have an opinion, or ignore the blog, or argue against what I am saying, sorry, debate me on this. Please do, I have hours and hours of proof, or coincidence proof of his death

Here is the car after the crash:


They also left a ton of clues:



Note how they are all dressed, and note Paul has no shoes. And there is more...

Note how they are all dressed, and note Paul has no shoes. And there is more…



Close up from the picture below  >

Close up from the picture below >



There is flower wreath below them all







Not even close..

Not even close..



The “New Paul” failed face recognition, try it yourself..November 1966 is the time stamp


Clues left in the songs below…


There is a LOT more I could show you, and I will leave another few videos and pictures below.

Make your own mind up, don’t believe me. I did’t believe it till I was told, then I didn’t believe it till I researched it, and I did, heavily…. Thoughts?







Just to finish, I know many will not want to believe this, many will laugh at it, many will not know and research, many already know, some have heard. Over time we all forget, this was a generation ago, over time the myth dies out and we all accept what we are told or shown. Could this be what happened here? I have shown as much as I can to “Prove” Paul Died sadly, December 1966 when he was beheaded in a car crash. The picture of him injured, I was told and read, is of his head only, this one, his eyes are dead here, you decide…


Is this his head? is he dead here?

Is this his head? is he dead here?


Or were the beatles just playing along with the conspiracy and myth the whole time? Again, you decide. This blog took me for EVER… Weeks of reading and some pictures are impossible to find, some documents you can’t find. Either he is dead, or the group played up to the Myth. One thing, there is a phone call in one of the videos, people saying “Paul is Dead, I seen the crash, I seen his body and his head”

Sick joke, or a cover up?



If you are happy today, EVERY mistake you ever made was worth it




The title of this blog is fairly easy to grasp I hope, and kind of says what it does on the tin.

I know many people, as do you who have had a terrible life, or a terrible past, or have had things done to them as young people, or been through traumatic events in their live

I can only speak for myself, but I have had the above happen to me. And I guess many reading have also had hardship in the past.

But please, ask yourself this question “Am I happy right now”

If the answer is “Yes” then every bad moment or mistake, horrific piece of news, bad experience was worth going through. Because what came before in our lives made us who we are today, I see so many people living in the past, remembering any of the events I am painting a picture about and they hold onto these bad memories and it stops them living today

Let them go. Have a look around, look what you have NOW, I am guessing many are now thinking “Well I guess I am happy in my life” If so, then why do people live in the past? We get one shot at life, and it is short, shorter for some. I live for today, this moment right now and the hope of tomorrow and what it may bring.

If I lived in my past, and stayed there, I would have issues, bad issues. I would like to thank another blogger for making this blog possible; something I read inspired this blog.  Many live in the past. And again, if you are REALLY happy today, realise all that happened in the past moulded you into the person you are today

I know not everyone can be happy, and others will have  reasons they can’t be 100% happy, but really, how many people reading this can honestly put their hands in the air and say “Yeah, this is correct” I bet a few?

Live for today, remember yesterday for a moment, really remember the good memories, look forward to what tomorrow may bring, but don’t live your life unhappy because of something  you have been through in the past. It is gone. I know a man; he has all the money in the world, enough to make King Solomon blush! And he is very unhappy. He has it all, but he lives remembering a hard time he had in his life 20 years ago

Not everyone will get this blog, not everyone will understand this blog, not everyone will agree with this blog, but this is just my thinking. I lived in the past once, and I hate myself for wasted years. I live for today, I live for right now

Try it, see what happens. The horrible things happened to make us stronger, I believe this to be

There is saying in Scotland “You have to be pulled through the shit to see the roses” I hope this makes sense to people

The beatles sang it well, Yesterday, we all love the beatles, many will take different things from this song, for me, it reminds me why I don’t live for yesterday
