The Theory of time travel – With a bit of fun


The Time Machine is a science fiction novella by H. G. Wells, published in 1895 and later adapted into two feature films of the same name, as well as two television versions, and a large number of comic book adaptations. It indirectly inspired many more works of fiction in many media. This story is generally credited with the popularisation of the concept of time travel using a vehicle that allows an operator to travel purposefully and selectively. The term “time machine”, coined by Wells, is now universally used to refer to such a vehicle.

Ever since I was old enough to understand our World and think a sentence of any real meaning, Time Travel has always been at the front of my thinking. Like my love for Egypt and the Giza plateau Time Travel has amazed me and I have spent the best part of 25 years looking into it, researching it

I loved the Time Machine by  H.G. Wells, I never read the book but I did watch the 1960 film they turned novel into movie, I loved that movie as a kid, they did a remake in 2002 starring Guy Pearce, I thought this version was ok.


I am a HUGE back to the future fan, I loved the 3 movies, Marty McFly and Doc Brown changed my world with these movies. What would happen if we could go back, would we change the world by stepping on the proverbial butterfly? These questions and more came to mind and as I grew older and learnt basic quantum physics, and I mean very basic, I could hold a debate maybe.

So it comes down to two thing, can we open a wormhole by somehow bending time and space or can we go faster than light therefore being in charge of time itself? The Wormhole theory probably has more meaning for me in terms of feasibility as I can’t see us breaking the speed of light any day soon. I did a blog yesterday on breaking the speed of sound, we can travel faster than sound, and I showed that in yesterday’s blog

But travelling faster than light? Hmmmmm I hear you say. It took me till I was 10 years old to realise that 90% of the stars in the Sky are no longer there, they are just the light from dead stars, this is from the prospectus of us looking up at the Sky, Hubble found the real stars still alive, but look up to the sky on any given night, the light we see is millions of years old, that is what we see.

Hubble looked into a dark space in the Sky, it wasn't empty. Amazing yeah?

Hubble looked into a dark space in the Sky, it wasn’t empty. Amazing yeah?

Bending time and space, now that I think is possible, theorising this takes a huge leap of faith in terms of known physics and laws of gravity and other laws science has told us exist, some of the laws would have to be broken. The large hydrogen collider built in Austria was to seek the higgs boson particle, or “The God Particle” But I will be respectful and not use that terminology, religion and science for me MUST co-exist, but not everyone will agree

So how do we bend time and space, so point A and point B become the same place? Yeah a tough question. Get a piece of A4 paper, draw an A at one side and a B at the other, this is where you want to reach, a vast distance, fold the paper in half, point A and point B become the same place. This could also be a way to travel large spaces in our universe, but the theory is the same, they coexist in the same dimension of time in some way.

A at one side and a B at the other, folding time into itself, so we reach a future or past point in time

A at one side and a B at the other, folding time into itself, so we reach a future or past point in time

What if we already build a time machine? What if every day time is being changed, we wouldn’t know, Germany could have won WWII and someone somehow, through Nazi rule managed to build a time machine, go back and tell someone Hitler would retreat from Russia and the best course of attack would be Normandy in France. We would never know, half of us wouldn’t exist, or we would exist, but in another life somewhere else. Imagine Germany did win the War, would we all be speaking German and be an Aryan race with blue eyes and white hair and indo-European? I don’t think so, I think over time peace would have come and we may be in a better state today, but I am guessing here, please, nobody take any of this serious, I am simply speculating

So time travel, have we built a machine? In the realms of the Conspiracy Theorist, yes we have, and we have travelled back to the crucifixion of Christ and seen The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln, I have seen the photograph myself, see, below, the young kid, he is apparently now 60 years old and alive today, HARD SELL isn’t it. Andrew Basiago is his name and he does speeches today with tales of his travels through time. Go and Google this if you are interested, I just opened the door, it is for you to walk through if you are interested.

Is this Andrew Basiago at the Gettysburg address in 1863

Is this Andrew Basiago at the Gettysburg address in 1863

So I guess I am done here, but before I go, déjà vu, something we all get, a feeling of “I have been here” A strange sensation we all get, what is this? Is it time resetting, is it a time wave changing our reality to another? If it was TRUST ME you and I would not know. Also, the Amazing story of John Titor, arrived on a messageboard in 2001 claiming to be from 2036, here it is, this is a blog on its own, This man had pictures and made predictions that actually came true. You decide. He out debated the cleverest people on the planet on a forum for months before never being heard of again. But his legacy, his story never went away, again, you decide

The famous John Titor Time Machine, one of several pictures. The site is poor, but all he said is on there. Amazing read

The famous John Titor Time Machine, one of several pictures. The site is poor, but all he said is on there. Amazing read

Ponder on that. I had to go easy here, some of the words I don’t even know, lol


Back in Time – Huey Lewis and the News