Ron Paul: I’m worried that the government might kill Edward Snowden

Anyone who gives up liberty for security deserves neither!

Ron Paul should SO be The American President Right now….



You from the USA? Watch this Video!



Puts it all together. Every major event that has brought us to where we are today. Frightening in it’s implication. Although the video makes the argument at the end that “We the People” can stop this, IMO, it is way too late. Orwell’s 1984 doesn’t even begin to describe what we are living through right now and what is to come.

You guys are in a TERRIBLE state right now.  I am posting this as if it is a police state, only because this is what it “seems to becoming” Love the USA Love all you guys, but this video is WOW, Please watch it. And if you can, comment. Or bury your head in the sand. I live 7,000 miles away, it won’t affect me or my Family, but anyone from the USA, if you DON’T watch this video, you are denying ignorance. PLEASE, Let me know your thoughts….




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God, Give the American people a break


Give them some light God



I said I would not blog again, as I was  running out of things to say, and reminding myself about my pain was making my pain worse. I did say I would stick around, and not delete my blog. I guess if I have a blog I want to do I will break my own rules..

What the people of America have been through since the year 2000 is unfair and unjust, one bad event after another, the last year or so has been unreal, so much hurt, so much pain, so many tears, shared over the pond with me and many more.

I can only send my prayers and love to you all over there, kids dying in these events are horrendous and when you have kids of your own it hits home worse. I JUST hugged my kids tighter tonight, just 20 minutes ago when I tucked them into bed. Men and Woman dying also

I will ask God, PLEASE GIVE THESE PEOPLE A BREAK!! I am begging God, they have had enough. If this is your will, then so be it. If you are real God, then millions of people are right now asking you please give the people of America a break, it seems you just give more pain to my American brothers and sisters. Why? Why Worldwide also?

I will leave my comments there, I have been watching the news and am now and the pictures online also, they bring tears and pain, we ALL pray kids are still alive in that School. We all pray more good stories appear in the coming hours. I am sitting watching Sky News and they are showing this EF5 (Confirmed) Tornado forming, this thing was an ANIMAL..

God, please, listen to our prayers, and give America a break

Scotland prays with America x

Scotland prays with America x