If you had just one wish? Please, what would it be?




The age old question “What would you wish for if you had 1 wish”

Some will say money, some will ask their kids be safe, many will ask for a big car or a better house, or to even win the lottery, none of the above for me, what will be will be, I can control only a portion of any of the above

My wish would be World Peace. A World where we spoke to each other

A Word where we talked before acting

A Word where the value of money is less than a person’s life

A World where I know my kids will grow up safe

A World that offers that “Christmas Spirit” every day

A World where people are nice all the time, not just on special days

A World where the people WE vote to lead us, do lead us, not control us

A World where there is even no money, we all get the same (Sadly we will always have greed)

A World where we spend more on saving lives than destroying them

A World where Space exploration is above War and owning Oil and Gas

I may be a dreamer, all the above may be a no chance utopian World I dream about, but dream I will, blog about it I will, and I hope by blogging about it, at least one person can then blog about it also. Because if we all asked for and wanted this World, I believe it is within us to take from the Greedy people who OWN US, They do not lead, they preserver their own interests, and our World is one where War = Money making for the elitists, go research, sadly this is true


More love, less pain


I will play this video till every man, woman and child has seen it and blog or feel as I do, we can do this, we can turn this dream into reality x