If you had just one wish? Please, what would it be?




The age old question “What would you wish for if you had 1 wish”

Some will say money, some will ask their kids be safe, many will ask for a big car or a better house, or to even win the lottery, none of the above for me, what will be will be, I can control only a portion of any of the above

My wish would be World Peace. A World where we spoke to each other

A Word where we talked before acting

A Word where the value of money is less than a person’s life

A World where I know my kids will grow up safe

A World that offers that “Christmas Spirit” every day

A World where people are nice all the time, not just on special days

A World where the people WE vote to lead us, do lead us, not control us

A World where there is even no money, we all get the same (Sadly we will always have greed)

A World where we spend more on saving lives than destroying them

A World where Space exploration is above War and owning Oil and Gas

I may be a dreamer, all the above may be a no chance utopian World I dream about, but dream I will, blog about it I will, and I hope by blogging about it, at least one person can then blog about it also. Because if we all asked for and wanted this World, I believe it is within us to take from the Greedy people who OWN US, They do not lead, they preserver their own interests, and our World is one where War = Money making for the elitists, go research, sadly this is true


More love, less pain


I will play this video till every man, woman and child has seen it and blog or feel as I do, we can do this, we can turn this dream into reality x

I had a dream last night ……



I had this dream where there was no Wars, no governments, no countries, just The World. It was so believable to me, It lasted days in my sleep, life was just innocent, there was no marriage, just people coupled up and in love, no boundaries, no passports, no police, because there were no bad people and no religion, but people did look to a higher being called “Sketch” lol. I know, sounds stupid and was just a dream. People got upset if you asked about this higher being “Sketch” FFS….

There was one language, English, but everyone spoke my English, Scottish version. In my dream I got on trains, but they were not trains like what we know, they were underwater, they took you anywhere in seconds. Something to do with magnets

I travelled the world, I went to Egypt and stood below the great Pyramid, I remember falling to my knees crying, as if this is where I needed to be, there was no war, social issue, no money, people just went into shops and took things and a person scanned your card, and said “Have a nice day”

What the fuck was this dream? Hope?  In this dream there were cars, but they flew inches from the ground, there was no planes in this dream, I asked someone and they looked at me in a strange way, it was like I was new to this planet, but it was the same as this one, same place different ways, I remember in my dream thinking “Is this a dream” I remember asking the girl I was with,  she was beautiful, if I was dreaming, she said “No, when you fall asleep, you will be dreaming tonight” Meaning when I fell asleep in my dream, what I am doing right now is the dream.

It was so real, I felt emotion, love, the spirit of goodwill, people wore almost the same clothes, almost like Star Trek, people were nice, I remember in my dream saying, I hope this isn’t a dream.

Crazy huh

In the dream, EVERY house looked like this one, I just did a Google search “Utopian World” This house came up, and these were the houses in my dream. There was no TV, Radio or internet I could see. But there was technology; I guess I forgot a lot, people carried phones, but they were just in the ear, to answer you just said “Hallo” , it seemed to last for days, it was odd but real, also I wasn’t disabled, where was a game, but old people played it more, they had to throw this ball through a hole in the wall, all I can remember lol

Everything  looked like this

Everything looked like this