Hey World, I cry a lot



In a world where the Man is supposed to be the strong provider, the warrior, the bread winner, you know where I am going here, you know “Man the Warrior” I am that man, same as many, I protect when things need protected, but sometimes I cry for no reason, or because of my kids or a song, I just cry, and in Scotland, you have to hide it, you “MUST” be strong, so I say “Fuck off” to that unwritten law, I don’t care what people think. Everyone knows not to annoy me, so I have this “Can’t show weakness bullshit” I need to carry and I am sick of it, so here, I am telling the world tonight, I cry

I just watched the video below, in-fact I watched both videos I done for my Daughters and I was in BITS, blowing my nose, snot flying everywhere, hoping someone wouldn’t walk into the room

One day not long ago I used to wonder what was wrong with me, was I all right in the head, but as you grow older you realise you are just a person who is realising the world around him. Having two Daughters I think pushed me over the edge in terms of crying. If I have been in bed all day due to pain, I will get up and go kiss them goodnight, then cry hard because it was another day missed. When I don’t see my sons for day on end due to my pain, I cry

My Dad who fosters kids now, he is my “Phone call” and God bless him he puts up with his Son crying like a child, but to his credit he is my best pal also and he told me just the other day “Crying means you realise what is important, I did it for a while” and at that point I kind of realised what he meant. My Dad was a nasty bastard, but not now, he tells me the story of the day he “Found himself” literally found himself and he cried for a year or two, because everything he had was gone, wife the lot. But like me he is strong through the tears and he built a new life with new ways

I am crying now, I was standing as Dawn was putting Chloe’s Birthday presents out and I just walking into the kitchen and cried, I know I am not weak, far from it. See these tears tell me I would die for them all, the 5 people in my home, my Mum, my brothers and sisters. I care; this is where the tears come from. I was told once they were guilt tears, but I don’t carry guilt.

So if you need to cry, let it out, there is nothing wrong with crying

More love, less hate


The song below is a song that makes my Dad cry all the time, and the more I hear it,  I cry also, them big Shaun eyes get started


JFK A New World Order – What if he had lived?





JFK – Kennedy – new world order – illuminati – speech


A new Movie/DVD out, about JFK

This speech I have shared, for me, was the one that got him killed.

Imagine a world where he lived and he changed all this.

The Lies, Secrets, Greed and more

Imagine a world where all politicians served the public in office as opposed to taking advantage to their power and making themselves rich. I believe goodness exists within politics, but the death of JFK was a warning to everyone, a marker was lay down that day, sadly, and here is money being made in his name and by his words, the irony kills

Our World is one of shadow Governments, lies, greed, power, the 7 deadly sins done by men in suits, paid by us to lead and help



Another one THEY killed, how long will we stand and allow this to happen? We awake? Can anyone hear me?

A world where we must keep going and asking for the truth, are we too late?

A world where we must keep going and asking for the truth, are we too late?