Strange Horn Sounds in the sky return, Canada August 29th




Anyone remember these blogs I DONE?

Hundreds of links here, all videos –

I been researching a few years now, PLEASE listen and try help me figure this out… WP, do your best

Well the noises are being reported again, and caught here in Canada, this IS scripture right here if you listen to all 3 blogs !! And the links above and below





Amazing Cloud Tsunami over Florida, WOW! (With Video)

Is Mother nature not just something? This is mind blowing stunning!! I had to share

Copied from Another forum/board thanks to user OrionHunterX from ATS Website. 


Edited to add Video>

Still no real pain today, as we get thunder and lightning with heavy rain…



Awoke today to hard rain and thunder and lightning, and NO PAIN

It is now nearly 9pm, and the pain has stayed almost away. Don’t know if it’s due to the thunder and lightning?

But I will take this. Not needed ANY medication all day…

Took the dog out and just stood at the front door under the rain and let it wash over me, was a surreal moment…no pain!

More love.

Less hate.


As temperatures continue to soar.. could this summer be Scotland’s best in living memory?

Thousands flock to the beach as temperatures soar in Scotland
Thousands flock to the beach as temperatures soar in Scotland – I know the woman on the left VERY well….
RECESSION – what recession? Andy Murray is Wimbledon champion, the Open is in full swing at Muirfield and now shops and tourism are booming in the glow of Scotland’s sizzling summer. The heat is that bad I can’t go out, my pain is severe but WOW, Where did this come from

Shoppers are flocking back to the high street to snap up everything from bikinis to burgers, more Scots are opting to holiday at home and lap up our nation’s scenery and tennis courts are bursting at the seams following Andy’s historic win.

Between the warm weather and the feelgood factor is this shaping up to be Scotland’s best summer in living memory?

The best years for longest summers and consecutive days of warm weather and high temperatures have been 2006, 1976 and 1955.

With an average of 14.4C we’ve already passed the summer of punk’s 13.8C and look set to rival 06’s record 15C.

Weather presenter and meteorologist Kirsty McCabe said: “With this mean temperature so far this month, we could well be in for the hottest July ever, even better than 2006 and 1976.

“We are only two weeks into the month and if the next fortnight stays hot or gets warmer then it could break the record temperature.

“It is certainly the hottest July in the last seven years.

“It’s been lovely, and it seems so much nicer than last year when the hottest day of the year was in May and we had a nice June but it went downhill from there.

“The big question is how long will it last?

“It certainly looks like it will get a touch warmer as we head to the weekend but there are signs there there may be some fronts approaching from the north-west but it may hold off.

“So maybe another week of good weather but it could be longer.”

Millions of burgers have been sold as Scots fire up the BBQs
Millions of burgers have been sold as Scots fire up the BBQs

Sales figures show the amazing impact that the warm weather has had on the Scottish economy.

The high streets are doing their best business for two years.

Total sales in June were up by 2.8 per cent on the same month last year, the best performance since April 2011.

Fiona Moriarty, director of the Scottish Retail Consortium, said the warmer weather last month and a steady rise in consumer confidence had helped bring about the rise in sales figures.

She said: “It’s really positive to see that the tentative boost in May gathered strong momentum in June.

“Warmer weather and a rise in consumer confidence are key factors behind this encouraging improvement.”

Suntan lotion, ice cream, bikinis and barbecues are all running out the doors.

Asda reported a 200 per cent rise in ice cube sales and a 300 per cent jump in cider sales.

Ice cube sales are up by 200 per cent as people try to keep cool in the scorching heat
Ice cube sales are up by 200 per cent as people try to keep cool in the scorching heat

Fan sales are up 667 per cent, with bikini sales up 159 per cent and Asda sold three million burgers last weekend alone.Tourism has also been given a welcome boost by the arrival of the good weather. While summer visitor figures are not out yet, the first quarter of 2013 has seen a 9.6 per cent rise in domestic tourism in Scotland from last year.

Beverley Darroch, from Glasgow, spent a week in the Highlands with husband Stuart and kids Ewen, two, and Amy, five.

Teacher Beverley said: “It was the first time we had a holiday at home and the kids loved it. In fact my daughter said it was the best holiday she has ever had.

“We have family in the Highlands and spent time between Inverness and Fort William and the kids enjoyed picnics on the beaches and great times like that.

“Everywhere seemed busy and I think a lot of other families have been taking advantage – when you have the Highlands on your doorstep, why should you go anywhere else?”

80.6 degrees Fahrenheit/27 degrees Celsius here in Edinburgh!!



In Edinburgh, Scotland we NEVER get weather this hot, yesterday I went out the back and EVERYONE in the street ended up outside my Kitchen window and we kept moving as the sun moved, we ended up 7 houses away, brilliant fun it was! We ended up at the side of the houses and near the woods, My son and his mate next door cropped a few pictures for me below of a few of my mates and neighbours. I don’t want to show the world where we all live, lol

Today I am inside as it is hotter, I am burnt to a crisp, I can hardly move my arms, I went to back garden screamed like one of my daughters then ran back in, as soon as the heat hit my body I HURT lol We don’t moan about it always being cold here in Scotland, as we choose to live here, but when this weather comes, BY GUM we take it. Well when I say we, I mean they. As I can’t, I burn like a crisp. Was a BRILLIANT day yesterday a few of my friends (Photo below) came round and we just splashed water at each other and got drunk. Yes I got slightly drunk. But in that heat, a cold lager is needed. I think we went through 150 cans of Lager and a few bottles of wine, it was MELTING material!! And the men had shorts on only, This never happens here, so we made the most of it. It started out just sunbathing, then turned into a huge party lol

I came in early, left Dawn and the kids over at the corner and slept, I think I may have had sunstroke, seriously felt ill and tired. But here I am, I lived. They are all out the back again. The way our Gardens work is, there is only a 3 foot fence, but all the fences have a gate to the next garden, it is a very close place where we all just help each other and have fun….

And boy we did yesterday, feeling it today though!

Heat in Edinburgh, Scotland, who would have thought!  Here are a few picture from earlier on in the day Dawn and one of my son’s my or may not be in these picture, lol


The Gang, some are shaded they were all shouting cheese here


Some family and friends (Cropped as my neighbour doesn’t want his house shown to the World


Idiots 🙂

And, it all starts over again….

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The world keeps turning, the wheels of life keep revolving, another weekend has come and gone, and here we are, a new week, welcome to Monday

In life I feel it goes past too quick, I had been expecting my Mum yesterday and looked forward to seeing her since last Wednesday or so, and that moment is gone, and a “Restart” happened, a new day, a new week

So I wonder what surprises this week will bring. Last week my Son got his heart broken and my Mum came to visit. Two events out of many last week, well I am 40 tomorrow, the 2nd, and my Guest blog appears here tomorrow

To say I am nervous about this blog to be posted on my Birthday is an understatement. How will people react, what will people think, will people look at me different. I hope not, as there is a happy ending, and the bad bits were through my eyes when I was, I think 8 years old or 10 years old. The ending is a good one, made me who I am today

So this week, I have my Birthday tomorrow, I will be seeing a lot of family and the guest blog on my LIFE as a child being posted on Mel’s blog tomorrow at 8am Eastern time in the USA. I also wonder what other surprised this week will bring. With the football in pre-season there is not even any football on TV and it sucks. Love my football I do, when it isn’t on, I pine lol

Maybe I will get a day or two with no pain and we can go some stuff with the kids? Today it actually looks like it may be a good day, when I awoke at 05:15am, it was overcast, now at 06:45 a full blue sky. The Sun is behind my house as I am in a different part of the house, I could move and let the Sun and heat in, but with this leg cast on, all metal with dials and digits and more, it is kind of hard to move around.

As my blog says “Praying for one day” All I ask, one day with no pain, but I won’t get upset if that does not happen, I am used to it. I have not had to take pain killers yet, and that is a good thing, usually it is the 1st thing I have to do, since I awoke I have been in  pain, but it is ok, I am dealing with it. I like to be fully woken up sometimes and “Feel” not take a handful of tablets then feel sleepy again.

So, to one and all, I hope the new week brings you good things, and I am happy today I had a chance to “Feel” for a few hours on this bright Monday morning. It does not happen much. So I will take it, so here we go, another week, no fear, just hope and love

Have a good week everyone, and keep sharing your life with us, keep on keeping on, I will leave you with a song not everyone will like, but as always, the lyrics are the main thing, a few swear words are there, but the meaning is one of hope, one of no fear, one of “Keeping on Keeping on” Just live, take chances and smile and be brave. I will be…. x

And remember what happened yesterday made you who you are today, we had to go some place to get to this place, some are still there, this song is for you

More love, less hate

Shaun x





Is this the end of days? You decide

The day the pope resigned

The day the pope resigned

Before I start this blog and before you watch this video, I do not claim the world is ending, I am only suggesting things here. And please “I KNOW THESE THINGS HAPPEN” But not all in 10 weeks they don’t, so let’s not insult anyone’s intelligence or lack off, but saying “These things happen” The video I am presenting to you I urge you to watch, and PLEASE debate. I believe in God, but I am not a follower of any faith. I am not asking people to be scared, I look to God and Science, so this blog can be taken in many ways I read scripture, and the seven seals, and here they are for those not aware

The First Seal – Religious Deception and Persecution “I watched as The Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.” (Revelation 6:1-2) •

The Second Seal – War “When The Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.” (Revelation 6:3-4) •

The Third Seal – Famine “When The Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” (Revelation 6:5-6) •

The Fourth Seal – Pestilence “When The Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6:7-8) Then, terrible persecution of the Saints •

The Fifth Seal – Tribulation and Martyrdom “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of The Word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed.” (Revelation 6:9-11) Next, great Signs in the Heavens •

The Sixth Seal – Signs In the Heavens “I watched as He opened the sixth seal. There was a great Earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from The Face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of The Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” (Revelation 6:12-17) And then the Seventh Seal, with its seven trumpets, and seven bowls. The last three trumpets are known as the “three woes.” •

The Seventh Seal “When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God and to them were given seven trumpets.” (Revelation 8:1-2)

Just looking at the 7 seals, tell me a seal that is not happening now, can anyone do that? The locust that appeared in the the Middle East  the other day, Millions of them, from nowhere, here is the video, this was Egypt a few days ago Link: Look, many will dismiss this and say “These things happen” And they do, again, not all in 10 weeks, I look at this through Religion also through Science. How many records of bad things have to happen in 10 weeks? Nobody wants to read or hear this, not even me. But there comes a time where we all must look at it and “Just ask the Question” What is going on? This video is 2013 and onwards ONLY!! Just this year. As far as I can tell, this is a sign, a religious sign and also a scientific sign, this is not right. All the religious people in Scotland are talking to me about the St Malachy prophecies, this is it here

 St Malachy prophecies With the announcement of Pope Benedict’s resignation, many people have been talking about the “prophecy of the popes” attributed to St. Malachy. Who was he, what is the prophecy, and what should we think of it? Here are 9 things you need to know . . .

1. What is “the prophecy of the popes”? It is an alleged private revelation given to the medieval figure St. Malachy. The prophecy consists of a list of 112 short phrases–enigmatic mottoes in Latin that are supposed to represent the popes from St. Malachy’s time onward. Click here for more on the “prophecy of the popes.”

2. Who was St. Malachy? St. Malachy was the archbishop of Armagh, Ireland in the 1100s. Reportedly, he made a visit to Rome in which he had a vision of the future popes and wrote them down. Click here for more on St. Malachy.

3. Why are people talking about the prophecy now? The next-to-last motto in the prophecy of the popes has been associated with Pope Benedict XVI. Since he is now at the end of his papacy, that would bring us to the last name in the prophecy of the popes, which many have taken to indicate the final pope at the end of the world. This passage reads as follows: Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The end.

4. Is this an approved private revelation? No, it is not. Although it has been influential in some Catholic circles for several hundred years, it is not approved by the Magisterium.

5. What evidence is there concerning its authenticity? A significant mark against its authenticity is the fact that it was not published until 1595, though St. Malachy died in 1148. There is no record of the prophecy existing in the intervening 447 years. Allegedly, this was because the prophecy lay, forgotten, in a Roman archive, and it was not rediscovered until 1590. This explanation is possible in principle, but the fact that we cannot establish its existence for hundreds of years until after its supposed author’s death is also consistent with the claim that it was a forgery composed around 1590 and then “salted” into the archive. (“Salting” is the term used for planting false records in archives.) It also may never have been in the archive but merely claimed to be. While the fact that we have no mention of this document in the hundreds of years between the times of its reported composition and re-discovery does not prove that it is false, it does cast significant doubt on its authenticity.

6. How else can the reliability of the prophecy be evaluated? If it is not possible to establish an external, historical record for the prophecy then the next logical approach is to examine its contents to see which theory of its origins they are more consistent with: Do the contents seem to suggest that it was written in the 1100s or do they suggest that it was written around 1590? Many observers have thought the latter. One reason is that the “mottoes” for the period prior to 1590 are very easy to connect with the popes they allegedly represent. By contrast, the mottoes assigned to the popes coming after 1590 are much harder to connect with the popes they allegedly represent, and often this can be done only in a contrived way. The mottoes generally contain references to one of several things, including the pope’s name (his papal name, his birth name, or his family name), his place of origin, or a heraldic crest connected with him (his papal arms, his family crest, or the crest of his order or place of origin). They often involve plays on words regarding these things, though that is more obvious in Latin than in English.

7. What are some examples of mottoes that are easy to connect with popes prior to 1590? Some examples include: •           Ex castro Tiberis (“From a castle on the Tiber”). This is connected with Celestine II (1143-1144), who was born in Citta di Castello (City of the Castle), which is on the banks of the Tiber river. •           Frigidus abbas (“Cold Abbot”). This is connected with Benedict XII (1334-1342), who had been the abbot of a monastery at Fontfroide (“Cold Spring”). •           De parvo homine (“From a small man”). This is connected to Pius III (1503), whose family name was Piccolomini, which is derived from piccolo (small) and uomo (man).

8. What are some examples of mottoes that are hard to connect with popes after 1590? Some examples include: •           Pia civitas in bello (“Pious city in war”). This is connected with Innocent IV (1591), but there is no good way to link him with this motto. Some have pointed to the fact that he was patriarch of Jerusalem before his election to the papacy, and Jerusalem could be thought of as a “pious city,” but so could Rome and many others. Almost any Christian city would count, and Jerusalem was not a Christian city at this time. Furthermore, Jerusalem was not at war when he was patriarch. •           Aquila rapax (“Rapacious eagle”). This is connected with Pius VII (1800-1823), but there is no good way to link him with this motto. Some have proposed that his reign overlapped with that of Napoleon and that Napoleon could be described as a rapacious eagle (that is, a hungry commander of armies), but this is very tenuous and makes the motto not a description of the pope but of someone else who was on the world stage during his reign. •           Religio depopulata (“Religion destroyed”). This is connected with Benedict XV (1914-1922), but there is no good way to link him in particular with this motto. There is no obvious connection to his name, family, place of origin, or coat of arms. He did not destroy religion or religious life. Neither were either destroyed during his reign. He did reign during World War I, but that did not destroy either. He also reigned when Communism came to power in Russia. That didn’t destroy religion in his day or in Italy. And again, we’d be connecting the motto with something other than the pope. If that were allowed then it would be possible to connect every motto with something that happened somewhere in the world during a pope’s day, and the prophecies would have no particular value as they would all be applicable to any pope.

9. Should Catholics worry about the prophecy of the popes? No. It is not an approved apparition, and the evidence is consistent with it being a forgery composed around 1590. Click here for more information about the prophecy of the popes. More fundamentally, Jesus indicated that we would not know the time of the end. In keeping with Our Lord’s warning, predictions of the end of the world based on the Bible have a dismal track record, and trying to predict the time of the end based on an unapproved private revelation that shows signs of being forged is even more foolish. We should trust God, live according to his word, and leave the future in his hands. As Jesus said: “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day” (Matt. 6:34).

So do we just ignore what many are speculating on? Nobody knows when the second coming is, so nobody can say “This is not the Rapture” Nobody. As there is no date. Scientists I have spoken to are a bit worries about many things. Ocean’s changing in temperature, odd animal migration patterns, all these odd things in this video below, and this is just in a 10 week period. This does not take into account the last 2 years where we had the huge earthquake in Japan, Volcanoes erupting, changes in weather and a LOT more animal deaths. STILL!! Some will say “Ahh but these things happen” I say “Not in this short a time they don’t” 1 or 2 events, yeah, but not dozens. We need to watch this short video, only regarding 2013, but please keep in mind all the stuff that happened in 2010/2011 and 2012, earthquakes, volcanoes, birds dropping dead from the sky, marine life just turning up dead all over the world. Isn’t this what the Bible foretold? If so, why do so many religious people laugh this off and say “These things happen” Nobody knows when the end of the world is to come, so nobody can watch this video, read what I put above and dismiss it out of hand. It is not my aim to fear, cause anger, just debate, and see what people think. Here is the video. Read above, watch this and tell me something isn’t going on on our planet. What is it? Can science call it? Can God and Religion call it? THIS IS THE MAIN VIDEO BELOW!! All I offer here is debate to a very clever group people. I dismissed all this in 2010, then things got worse. And they are getting worse. Another Asteroid is to fly close in three weeks. 6 dormant earthquakes have woken up, the ring of fire, the pacific rim is moving, we can’t deny this, we need to ask question and see where it takes us The Ring Of Fire, the pacific shelf, taken today, red, are earthquakes JUST today

The whole plate is unstable, Science has proven it

The whole plate is unstable, Science has proven it

There is MUCH, MUCH more, but the blog is turning into a book, we can’t look the other way, laugh it off, or say “This is normal” So, Science people, Religious people, what is this?

Strange noises like a trumpet or something turning, coming from the sky, all over the world, go look, go research, I did

If this was a Movie I was presenting to you here, it would be a BLOCKBUSTER !!!


The Earth is telling us something, What though?

Main world currents

Main world currents


Many of my ramblings in the last month have been about the world’s weather. The weather is helped by these currents that travel the world in a regular pattern, the temperatures are key, but after a quick study over the last day I noticed a big change in temperatures, and something I thought I would share, as it is important to us all. Many don’t believe in “Global Warming” being man made, some suggest it is just the way the world works. Like the Sun for example, every 11 years, it flips from North to South, it happened in 2002, and it will happen in May this year.

For all we know the Earth has a cycle, but it may be that big a cycle in terms of time, recorder records about it are hard to read or tall tales, or fantasy, we really are to young as an advanced species to understand it all, we are still learning. We don’t know it all. We know our eyes produce water that keeps our eyes dry for example. We can prove this, there are things that are highly speculative however when you turn the coin around. And I did

Take the North Atlantic Current for example, it comes from Southern Africa (Well further afield) but we will start there, it comes up the eastern side of the Americas, then up to Europe. The temperatures in this current are what made Europe habitable, as without this heat from the current of heat, we would be like Northern Siberia or Northern Canada, as we are on the same Latitude as these two places

Longitude and latitude

Longitude and latitude

So look at the picture above, look at Europe and the northern tip of the USA you will see we almost on same Latitude, this hot current brings us the heat that stops us living in a world where Snow and ice is the order of the day.

Where I did notice a chance is this current is weakening. This started in the late 1999’s and has just got worse. The weather on Earth has changed, there is NO debate. So here are the scenarios ahead

If the climate system’s Achilles’ heel is the Conveyor, the Conveyor’s Achilles’ heel is the North Atlantic. An influx of fresh water into the North Atlantic’s surface could create a lid of more buoyant fresh water, lying atop denser, saltier water. This fresh water would effectively cap and insulate the surface of the North Atlantic, curtailing the ocean’s transfer of heat to the atmosphere.

An influx of fresh water would also dilute the North Atlantic’s salinity. At a critical but unknown threshold, when North Atlantic waters are no longer sufficiently salty and dense, they may stop sinking. An important force driving the Conveyor could quickly diminish, with climate impacts resulting within a decade.

In an important paper published in 2002 in Nature, oceanographers monitoring and analyzing conditions in the North Atlantic concluded that the North Atlantic has been freshening dramatically—continuously for the past 40 years but especially in the past decade.4 The new data show that since the mid-1960s, the sub polar seas feeding the North Atlantic have steadily and noticeably become less salty to depths of 1,000 to 4,000 meters. This is the largest and most dramatic oceanic change ever measured in the era of modern instruments.

At present the influx of fresher water has been distributed throughout the water column. But at some point, fresh water may begin to pile up at the surface of the North Atlantic. When that occurs, the Conveyor could slow down or cease operating.

Signs of a possible slowdown already exist. A 2001 report in Nature indicates that the flow of cold, dense water from the Norwegian and Greenland Seas into the North Atlantic has diminished by at least 20 percent since 1950.

What future climate scenarios should we consider?

The debate on global change has largely failed to factor in the inherently chaotic, sensitively balanced, and threshold-laden nature of Earth’s climate system and the increased likelihood of abrupt climate change. Our current speculations about future climate and its impacts have focused on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which has forecast gradual global warming of 1.4° to 5.8° Celsius over the next century.

It is prudent to superimpose on this forecast the potential for abrupt climate change induced by thermohaline shutdown. Such a change could cool down selective areas of the globe by 3° to 5° Celsius, while simultaneously causing drought in many parts of the world. These climate changes would occur quickly, even as other regions continue to warm slowly. It is critical to consider the economic and political ramifications of this geographically selective climate change. Specifically, the region most affected by a shutdown—the countries bordering the North Atlantic—is also one of the worlds’s most developed.

The key component of this analysis is when a shutdown of the Conveyor occurs. Two scenarios are useful to contemplate:

Scenario 1: Conveyor slows down within next two decades.

Such a scenario could quickly and markedly cool the North Atlantic region, causing disruptions in global economic activity. These disruptions may be exacerbated because the climate changes occur in a direction opposite to what is commonly expected, and they occur at a pace that makes adaptation difficult. This would be catastrophic to our planet and way of life

Scenario 2: Conveyor slows down a century from now.

In such a scenario, cooling of the North Atlantic region may partially or totally offset the major effects of global warming in this region. Thus, the climate of the North Atlantic region may rapidly return to one that more resembles today’s—even as other parts of the world, particularly less-developed regions, experience the unmitigated brunt of global warming. If the Conveyor subsequently turns on again, the “deferred” warming may be delivered in a decade.

So theoretical at best by me, with a few scenarios built in also. I am NO expert, but I do keep an eye on world events, and from what this pretend expert can see, things don’t look great.

I posted this video; here it is again, it looks bad add this blog I did about Volcanoes and Earthquakes, give me your thoughts below, the blog below is on weather, but mainly volcanoes and earthquakes, what is waking them up? We must find an answer