Strange Horn Sounds in the sky return, Canada August 29th




Anyone remember these blogs I DONE?

Hundreds of links here, all videos –

I been researching a few years now, PLEASE listen and try help me figure this out… WP, do your best

Well the noises are being reported again, and caught here in Canada, this IS scripture right here if you listen to all 3 blogs !! And the links above and below





MP3 Blog I did, please read to check out Tony’s site and order CD


This blog I did today was for Tony Burkinshaw @

This is Tony here

Tony Burkinshaw

Tony Burkinshaw

In the blog above I explained how Tony gave me an MP3 to listen to, I did for a month, and it changed a lot that was going in with my pain and my state of mind. I have added a contact for Tony to the right of this blog below my Music Player.

To contact Tony email him to

To visit his site to discuss getting this CD here is the URL Relief for Chronic Pain Conditions

Tony asked me to try it for a month and I did, I don’t have the full CD but will pay for it. It changed me, it helped my pain. I a not getting paid for this, Tony read my blog, seen I was in pain and gave me a short MP3 to listen to. I  did for 10 minutes at 3pm every day, and over the weeks, Dawn and my sons noticed a change in me, I noticed a change in my pain, I was able to control it better. And I still need to listen to the CD for a while.

I know people are sceptical over internet help or therapy, but I did this for Tony, again the blog I did is here I like to think people here can trust me, please, if you are in pain, I ask you get in touch with Tony and PLEASE give this CD a try, what do you have to lose? I gained. I am not healed. far from it, but what I am is in a state where I can control my thoughts and pain better, and this is after just over a month of listening. I will blog again in a month or so do tell how it has helped me more. Tony is a FANTASTIC lad and he has helped me no end, a lot. I plead with anyone in pain to give this a shot, it helped me, I want to help anyone in pain, please give this a try, there is also a free phone number on his site. It worked for me. Many have said I have been better lately, blogging new things etc, I can only thank Tony

More love

Less hate


Good Morning – MY 900th Blog! woooo yeah!


Sorry for getting all American in the Tittle, these things happen to idiots like me. so I will just  say it like a good British person “Horray”

Good morning to the Eastern World. The West is still asleep, the lazy sods!

Yesterday I fractured my right ankle, spent most of it in bed, on Morphine and in a lot of pain.  Still sore thins morning, but no medication as yet. I am happy to say there were NO Zombies or Lesbians. Although the Lesbian thing, I was kinda hoping for, but in a strange, “I didn’t really” kinda way. You know where I am going with this. For those confused, catch up, please




And here I am in a new day, a new dawn, and I am feeling good. My ankle is as swollen as a melon,  but I am in pain anyway, so, good morning, and I leave you with a song to say “Good Morning” THIS!!! Is a morning song. You may wish to turn them speakers up, get up, dance a little and be happy you are breathing. I can’t as my ankle is fractured. But I am dancing while sitting. I was thinking of recording me dancing, but my hair is a mess, maybe another day.

More love

Less hate

Shaunypoos 🙂