Liptember – Awareness for mental health issues for women *HELP*

Jens Daugther re ILLNESS

Kayla Tacken, a real person, suffering for real, please help her cause and your own perhaps. Do you suffer? Then help this young woman help you x


Also an article here:

Above is a young woman, a friend’s Daughter who suffers what I call an invisible illness. We all have or know someone with one, an illness that affects not just the person but also family and relatives. I know from my own invisible illness it affects me, my family and friends, we need to find our own cures sadly as Government don’t really put too much into it

So here, I am asking you to look into your hearts and DONATE as much or as little as you can for Kayla Tacken above and the many Worldwide who suffer. I am part of many charities here in Scotland, looking for answers to help myself and others x

This was brought to my attention an amazing woman Jenny @ her daughter suffers, the same as many, and they started a site where THEY PLEASE ask for donations. I ask Word Press to please, have a look and give what you can. This is an illness that needs funding, these girls are trying, please, please help them!

Below is what I need to share, I BEG YOU GIVE AS MUCH OR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN HERE: I did, it took seconds, and I helped, so can you x << Just add your details and YOU HAVE DONATED HERE! 

This is NOT just an Australian issue but a WORLD WIDE ISSUE. PLEASE HELP!!!

Jennys daughter pictured above suffers mild depression and anxiety; she like hundreds of other women worldwide need to help to find out the causes.  If ANYONE would like to donate to this please see the bank details below.  Please ensure that you place her name against your donation.


Liptember Foundation 

Bank of Australia
BSB: 062 000

Acc no: 1390 1111

Please, make a difference, don’t sit and think others will help,  I ask you Word Press to go on and give as little or as much as you can. Look into your heart. Don’t wait till tomorrow, HIT THAT LINK AND HELP NOW, PLEASE! Xx

Here are good reasons

Liptember is committed to raising funds and awareness for gender specific mental health issues for women.

Through a fun, fresh and engaging campaign,

Liptember encourages women to openly communicate and familiarize themselves with gender specific mental health issues.

Liptember have formed an important partnership with health beneficiaries the CENTRE FOR WOMEN’S MENTAL HEALTH,

Who provide national research and programs for gender specific mental health issues for women and LIFELINE AUSTRALIA providing all?

Australians with nationwide crisis support

Liptember’s Objective

What is Liptember?

 Liptember is all about having fun with Lipstick, for a serious cause; Women’s Mental Health, specifically any form of anxiety, depression, post natal depression, menopausal changes, dementia and self image.

ALL FUNDS raised during the month of September are donated to Liptember’s mental health beneficiaries, the CENTRE FOR WOMEN’S MENTAL HEALTH and LIFELINE LIPETTES register online and seek sponsorship from family, friends and co-workers for committing to wear the Liptember Lipstick throughout the month of September

 Why Mental Health?

There is little mental health research based on women

More focus needs to be placed on treating men and women separately when it comes to mental health

Suicide is the biggest single cause of death for Australian women aged 18 to 34

One in three Australian women will suffer depression or anxiety during their lifetime

Women are more susceptible to anxiety and depression than men

Post natal depression affects 15% of women within the first year after childbirth


Who are we?

A demographically and socially diverse group of women and men committed to raising awareness of women’s health equity.  Our priority is to improve the health of all Australian women who take on a myriad of responsibilities as mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, wives and partners…….. Thus to improve the health of all Australian women will help to improve the health of the whole community.

The Liptember concept and strategy provides a gateway for much needed research on the lifestyle choices and health issues of Australian Women.


Why the focus on women’s mental health? Women and men can respond differently to mental health issues. Currently the majority of mental health research and programs are conducted on male subjects and applied to women. This has lead to many programs and prevention strategies missing the mark.

Does women’s mental health requires more attention than means? Certainly not! Liptember is all about identifying the differences between men and women when it comes to mental health and treating them accordingly.

What are some examples of mental health issues that are gender specific? Issues such as Postnatal or Menopausal related depressions are perfect examples of mental health issues that are gender specific to women.

How do I sponsor a Liptember participant?It’s as easy as searching the name of the participant or group into the search field in the top right hand corner of the Liptember homepage and follow the steps to donate.

Where is my money going? ALL FUNDS raised during the campaign will be donated to the Centre for Women’s Mental Health and Lifeline Australia.

Q8.Is my donation tax deductable? Yes all donations are tax deductable. Keep your receipt for tax purposes, which will be emailed to you after payment has been processed. The Liptember Foundation is a registered Australian charity with DGR status.

Mental illnesses affect women and men differently — some disorders are more common in women, and some express themselves with different symptoms. Scientists are only now beginning to tease apart the contributions of various biological and psychosocial factors to mental health and mental illness in both women and men. In addition, researchers are currently studying the special problems of treatment for serious mental illness during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

The mental disorders affecting women include the following:

Anxiety Disorders, including OCD, panic, PTSD, social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorders.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, ADD)

Bipolar Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder


Postpartum depression

Eating Disorders


Some links so you know where your Money is going..

70,000 views, 20,000+ comments,1,000 blogs, thank you!

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What can I say, seems like 2 weeks ago I blogged I had 60,000 hits, before I know it 71,723 as I type this. I just want to say thank you again

I still can’t (I know, I know) figure out what  brings people to my blog, but I guess as time goes by I have to say thanks and I must be doing something right in the 8 months since I really started blogging

When it all started, I had no clue back then

5 likes mid December

Back last year I was doing 3/4/5 blogs a month,  have done 6 today alone 🙂

So again, I know I will bore you all to tears, thank you, truly means a lot to know people are visiting my blog. I did say I would try and visit others peoples blogs, and I have been, but I need to do more! No argument

This week I also got past 20,000 comments on my blog, so thanks again, I really feel at home here on Word Press, part of the furniture I guess, a home from home where I speak to people I like, trust, love as friends and feel like I am doing something positive with my life. You all know my story, suicidal thoughts, depression due to pain, losing as much as I did through being in agony, to know I am doing something worthwhile, also now writing for a few other sites, I am just so happy I had the support here from many people to keep me going, to keep me confident and to keep me writing. It is not in my nature to give in. When people say you can’t, I do, this the determination I had in football.

Also today, I got past 1,000 blogs, lol


I am just happy I can look myself in the mirror and see more than just a disabled lad in pain who feels useless

More love, less hate



Sharing the Caring




Blog number 1,001 here, I wanted to make this blog number 1,000 and forgot, but the one after 1,000 is good enough

I arrived here around 8 months ago as you can see with the picture below, I was ill, my head wasn’t right, I wasn’t doing football, I was doing very little, I was an ill man, in the head and in my body

When it all started, I had no clue back then

When it all started, I had no clue back then

I then started to blog about me, then slowly about others and then to other things, out of this world things, ANYTHING to take my mind away from the pain, I just had to write, be me good bad or indifferent I don’t care, never have, I just know writing helps me, Dawn knows that also, she misses me hugging her in bed more than I was, she misses me hugging her watching a movie as much as we used to, but we still do, just not as much

I have over 100 blogs and things I have wrote unpublished I just need to write, I need to open my mind to the possibilities of living and what comes with it, what makes us live, and also what brings my pain, I try and remain happy, smile, I do a lot of fun blogs, I do REALLY try my best to get to others blogs, it is so hard for me

So for my 1,0001th blog I need to say thank you for allowing me to share my caring side. I always had one, I just could never know where and when I could share it, I mean away from my own home. Here on Word Press you took me in, accepted me for what and who I am, I helped others when I could, I tried SO HARD to bring light to our darkness, and I hope I can sit here today an say I did, you be the judge.

One thing I have learnt, or taught myself is that sharing helps, caring helps, giving a shit really does help. I have always had this caring side, even when I was not allowed to have these feelings, we are going back to when I was a bad boy here, I didn’t want to be doing harm, I wanted to help, I went against my SOUL sometimes, my inner thoughts were being trashed by things I didn’t like myself for.

So just to sum up, Share the Care, it helps me, and I know it helps others

Here is to 2,000 blogs, and I pray when I hit 2,000 blogs my pain will be less

Share the care and give a shit, you will feel your heart open up, I know it, I seen it x


OFFICIAL! 1,000 Followers. here are my badges, thank you



I blogged before I had 1,000, just a few weeks ago, followers I had, but that was from Tumblr and other social media places. Today I got 1,000 followers straight from Word Press

As I said, I had this account since July 2012, but didn’t start using it till December 2012/January 2013, when I got 5 followers

December 13th 2012

December 13th 2012

Soon after 20

January 7th 2013

January 7th 2013

Then 50 and 100

January 9th 2013, slowly getting there

January 9th 2013, slowly getting there

100 on February 8th 2013

100 on February 8th 2013

I then took writing serious, it was an outlet for me as my life was falling apart, and the followers just kept coming, next was 200

February 19th 2013 and 200 followers

February 19th 2013 and 200 followers

This is when  I was doing 2/3/4 blogs a day mainly about pain, and I was comfy with it but got bored so started mixing my blog up a little, then 500 came, I even created an Award that I see all over Word Press Every time I see it, I know I have left my mark here for ever, a legacy for “Shaun” wow huh?

April 18th, 500 followers in the space 24 weeks, I was happy, but unsure why

April 8th, 500 followers in the space 24 weeks, I was happy, but unsure why

Then I got serious, I started blogging EVERYTHING that I likes, good, bad, fun, the lot, my blog my rules, I even became a Published Columnist here and doors were opening all over, I toyed with a radio show, I really wanted to, but I am still talking to a few people about doing a show on their site and also still talking to a paper in Detroit, they like my blog they say. I get told often I am “Changing lives” and “Doing good” and I get confused, I am just being Shaun, nothing more, nothing less. I had one argument with a man, I call him “Jew Hater” here is why, I Schooled his ass big time A fucking idiot non human

Then today this

WOW! 1.148 is my total, but 1,00O Word Press Followers in 8 months to me is unexplainable, I don't get it

WOW! 1.148 is my total, but 1,000 Word Press Followers in 8 months to me is unexplainable, I don’t get it

So, 1,000 Word Press Followers and nearly 70,000 hits, I am stunned, I don’t know why I got all this in 8 months, I have no idea, I just be Shaun as I say, I don’t try to be someone I am not, I don’t boast about life, I am humble with life and my pain, I am real, and honest and Word Press, you changed my life, you taught me more than you will ever know about myself

Now the next chapter, as I did in football and work and life I now push myself to the next challenge, I want to write better, I want to connect more, I want to do more, I want a soap box and a microphone, I guess I just need someone to believe in me

I thank you all, I pay homage this day for the belief and wisdom of many a fine person

More love

Less hate


As usual, I leave you with a song, my blog, my rules 🙂

One last thing, you all know my past I was NEVER Shaun for many years, I became Shaun the football manager, Shaun the family man This means a lot to me, I became someone, vindication I can be what I want to be, who I want to be, I am in charge, and if I can leave with one message to anyone who is lost or in pain, NEVER GIVE UP, YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES, KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!! You can become ANYTHING you want to, I know I will, I don’t think it, I know it, that is what living is, knowing, but not bragging, 2 feet on the ground, and knowing you are blessed and loved and have a brilliant life. I may be in AGONY 24/7 < I was close this night but I dragged myself up and pushed and clawed and refused to die, I am good news, I am a happy ending where there are many bad endings.

In life, we have one choice, this is my way of living, 1 inch at a time, one step at a time, I claw, and I love and thank you all, I know Dawn thanks you all also

Once again I have to thank you Word Press



I know I can’t always say “Thank you” or can I? But again, Word Press, yes you, Thank you. Over the weekend I was in a horrible place, it started with this blog and the blog after, 3 blogs:

No pain for two weeks I had.

The pain came back

I was nearly done, you all saved me, and I was VERY close to ending it all

But here I am, Tuesday night, I got so much advice from family and friends, but on here, I got emails, Skype calls, Facebook chats, and I MUST give a big thank you to Rachel @ Honey you started talking to me on Facebook after I blogged that last link there. I owe you so much pal it is untrue. You were there telling me what to do, you even got a hold of Dawn and told her about the blog, I thank you, you are a GREAT friend I love having as a friend,

As for everyone else, I counted, over 200 messaged from email, Facebook, etc, I am so lucky to have too many wonderful friends. I won’t say followers, that is, for me, disrespectful, if you are reading this, thank you for being my friend, thank you for caring, thank you for understanding, thank you all for giving me time to adjust to the pain and the medication as it worsens, thank you for making me laugh and smile. It would be very easy to read my blog and see an unhappy person, not at all, I have a stupid sense of humour and laughter is the order of the day.

So to you all, again, thank you. I love   Word Press it came to me when I needed it. I made an award on March 4th this year. I offer it to you for free. You can if you wish give it to 10 others, but PLEASE ACCEPT “The Word Pres Family Award” This was my reason for creating it:

This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun @

Please accept this award:


Please accept this Award above and thank you once more for showing what only Word Press can, love, compassion, a caring side, a ruthless side, the 3rd blog I posted many gave me a hard time for even thinking that. So thank you for putting me in my place.

More Love

Less hate








60,000+ hits on my Blog, thank you!

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Well WOW. Over 1,000 followers last week and just noticed I got over 60,000 hits to my blog, all since January. For me I am stunned as I STILL can’t see what is so appealing with my average blog, I try my best to mix the blogs up so I don’t bore myself and anyone else. But all these followers and hits is just AMAZING and I don’t take flattery well, I said this in January when I started blogging for real here and I say it now, flattery, I don’t take well. I think it is because I was involved in a “Team” and now I am on my lonesome, my own even

So thank you all for the follows and reads. I hope you have all (Individually) noticed I have been on your blog a lot more lately, I am trying but it is impossible. I don’t come on-line till night time although one of the PC’s/Laptop’s or my Tablet is on, if not my phone is, so I am always on-line if not actually on the internet

So thanks again, I really mean it, I love this place to bits, it has opened many doors for me. When I lost the old football job’s (I know it is boring me also) I had to find something else to get my mind into, so the old saying stands “When one door closes, another opens” You just got to walk through it

More love

Less hate


Friday song, for everyone I love, Especially Dawn for being there x



Dawn, if you read this babe, this is for you, I shouldn’t own you a thing because this is what love is, but this is for you x

As my pain dulls, I feel like I am “Coming back to you” All in the Lyrics Dawn x x

And anyone else who has helped me. I don’t know it all, never will, never have, so thank you Word Press for guiding me x And Dawn for her Love x


I’ve been down – I’ve been beat
I’ve been so tired – that I could not speak
I’ve been so lost that I could not see
I wanted things that were out of reach
Then I found you and you helped me through
Yeah you showed me what to do
And that’s why I’m comin’ back to you… yeah

Like a star that guides a ship across the ocean
That’s how your love will take me home back to you
And if I wish upon that star – someday I’ll be where you are
I know that day is coming soon – yeah, I’m coming back to you.

You’ve been alone, but ya did not show it
You’ve been in pain, but I did not know it
Let me do what I needed to – you were there when I needed you
Mighta let you down, mighta messed you round
But ya never changed your point of view
And that’s why I’m comin’ back to you… yeah

Like a star that guides a ship across the ocean
That’s how your love will take me home back to you
And if I wish upon that star – someday I’ll be where you are
I know that day is coming soon – yeah, I’m coming back to you.

Mighta let you down, mighta messed you round
But ya never changed your point of view
And that’s why I’m comin’ back to you… yeah

Like a star that guides a ship across the ocean
That’s how your love will take me home back to you
And if I wish upon that star – someday I’ll be where you are
And I know that day is coming soon – oooh, I’m coming back to you.

I’m coming back to you
I’m coming back to you
I’m coming back to you
That day is coming soon

I’m coming back to you……. yeah

Calling all Skyper, Calling all Skypers, Roll up, Roll up!




1. I am not a big dirty pervert 🙂

2. I NEVER video, Audio only

3. Skyping is fun and free

4. Here is the Download

5. I love to talk to people all over the World

6. I think (Roughly) I speak with 93 from Word Press on Skype, Audio only

7. It will help when this happens >

This is a sample of my voice, I DO NOT BITE. This was a 5 minute test of my online radio set-up


Get me added


More love, Less Hate

Your Pal, Shaun

We are SOOO close...

We are SOOO close…

The most unexplainable pictures ever, I mean EVER!

If anyone can explain even 1 (ONE) of these photos, with certainty, I will pay a years Premium for you on Word Press. I am that confident!













Can You explain These Unexplainable Pictures (7)






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THIS IS A JOKE! Please relax and fix your tights 🙂


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I am part of the “WordPress Family” Award



This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I started  this award on MARCH 4th 2013 on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun @

I started this award as many here inspire me. So I am going to nominate 10 others with this award, 10 new followers 











As new followers, welcome to my WordPress Family

More Love

Less Hate
