OFFICIAL! 1,000 Followers. here are my badges, thank you



I blogged before I had 1,000, just a few weeks ago, followers I had, but that was from Tumblr and other social media places. Today I got 1,000 followers straight from Word Press

As I said, I had this account since July 2012, but didn’t start using it till December 2012/January 2013, when I got 5 followers

December 13th 2012

December 13th 2012

Soon after 20

January 7th 2013

January 7th 2013

Then 50 and 100

January 9th 2013, slowly getting there

January 9th 2013, slowly getting there

100 on February 8th 2013

100 on February 8th 2013

I then took writing serious, it was an outlet for me as my life was falling apart, and the followers just kept coming, next was 200

February 19th 2013 and 200 followers

February 19th 2013 and 200 followers

This is when  I was doing 2/3/4 blogs a day mainly about pain, and I was comfy with it but got bored so started mixing my blog up a little, then 500 came, I even created an Award that I see all over Word Press Every time I see it, I know I have left my mark here for ever, a legacy for “Shaun” wow huh?

April 18th, 500 followers in the space 24 weeks, I was happy, but unsure why

April 8th, 500 followers in the space 24 weeks, I was happy, but unsure why

Then I got serious, I started blogging EVERYTHING that I likes, good, bad, fun, the lot, my blog my rules, I even became a Published Columnist here and doors were opening all over, I toyed with a radio show, I really wanted to, but I am still talking to a few people about doing a show on their site and also still talking to a paper in Detroit, they like my blog they say. I get told often I am “Changing lives” and “Doing good” and I get confused, I am just being Shaun, nothing more, nothing less. I had one argument with a man, I call him “Jew Hater” here is why, I Schooled his ass big time A fucking idiot non human

Then today this

WOW! 1.148 is my total, but 1,00O Word Press Followers in 8 months to me is unexplainable, I don't get it

WOW! 1.148 is my total, but 1,000 Word Press Followers in 8 months to me is unexplainable, I don’t get it

So, 1,000 Word Press Followers and nearly 70,000 hits, I am stunned, I don’t know why I got all this in 8 months, I have no idea, I just be Shaun as I say, I don’t try to be someone I am not, I don’t boast about life, I am humble with life and my pain, I am real, and honest and Word Press, you changed my life, you taught me more than you will ever know about myself

Now the next chapter, as I did in football and work and life I now push myself to the next challenge, I want to write better, I want to connect more, I want to do more, I want a soap box and a microphone, I guess I just need someone to believe in me

I thank you all, I pay homage this day for the belief and wisdom of many a fine person

More love

Less hate


As usual, I leave you with a song, my blog, my rules 🙂

One last thing, you all know my past I was NEVER Shaun for many years, I became Shaun the football manager, Shaun the family man This means a lot to me, I became someone, vindication I can be what I want to be, who I want to be, I am in charge, and if I can leave with one message to anyone who is lost or in pain, NEVER GIVE UP, YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES, KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!! You can become ANYTHING you want to, I know I will, I don’t think it, I know it, that is what living is, knowing, but not bragging, 2 feet on the ground, and knowing you are blessed and loved and have a brilliant life. I may be in AGONY 24/7 < I was close this night but I dragged myself up and pushed and clawed and refused to die, I am good news, I am a happy ending where there are many bad endings.

In life, we have one choice, this is my way of living, 1 inch at a time, one step at a time, I claw, and I love and thank you all, I know Dawn thanks you all also

2 Awards to give. Unique Leaves Award/Most Creative Blogger award. And a free one for you all


I now have a Woman’s shoe Award 🙂


Unique Leaves Award and the Most Creative Blogger award

My good friend and fellow Pirate (Arrrrrrrrrrr) Patty over at has kindly just send me 3 Awards, 2 to give out Via nominations and one to everyone, a free Award for EVERYONE This is the free Award, this is for YOU! Please accept. Thank you again to Patty, here is the Free Award

Created by Tersia

Created by Tersia

I don’t know the ruled all to well, so I will nominate 5 people each for the Awards above. REMEMBER THE “SHARE THE LOVE” IS FOR YOU ALL, ITS FREE, PLEASE!

Most Creative Blogger award (All girls, as it’s a Woman’s show)












Unique Leaves Award






1. (Nice blog change by the way, you confused me, lol)






Remember, this (BELOW)  is free, for you ALL, Please let me know if you accepted it and will display it. And feel free to also blog it free to others also.

Created by Tersia

Created by Tersia

To Patty – Thank you and right, Back to you


Patty @ has done 2 blogs just for me now. So I had to say

“Back to you” This is a thank you for your blog earlier.  I need to say “Back to you” with this song…. xx  I hope the lyrics make sense..

I’ve been down – I’ve been beat
I’ve been so tired – that I could not speak
I’ve been so lost that I could not see
I wanted things that were out of reach
Then I found you and you helped me through
Yeah you showed me what to do
And that’s why I’m comin’ back to you… yeah

Like a star that guides a ship across the ocean
That’s how your love will take me home back to you
And if I wish upon that star – someday I’ll be where you are 
I know that day is coming soon – yeah, I’m coming back to you.

You’ve been alone, but ya did not show it
You’ve been in pain, but I did not know it
Let me do what I needed to – you were there when I needed you
Mighta let you down, mighta messed you round
But ya never changed your point of view
And that’s why I’m comin’ back to you… yeah

Like a star that guides a ship across the ocean
That’s how your love will take me home back to you
And if I wish upon that star – someday I’ll be where you are 
I know that day is coming soon – yeah, I’m coming back to you.

Mighta let you down, mighta messed you round
But ya never changed your point of view
And that’s why I’m comin’ back to you… yeah

Like a star that guides a ship across the ocean
That’s how your love will take me home back to you
And if I wish upon that star – someday I’ll be where you are 
And I know that day is coming soon – oooh, I’m coming back to you.

I’m coming back to you
I’m coming back to you
I’m coming back to you
That day is coming soon

I’m coming back to you……. yeah

I need a challenge!



Throughout my life, as a kid, through my teenage years and till now I have always had a challenge to face, something I had to do to make me feel human. Dealing with my disability is a challenge, but it’s a life challenge now, it will be for life, so that doesn’t count

As a kid I had football and boxing and always pushed myself, winning wasn’t always the key, pushing yourself to a limit you know you couldn’t have done any more was the challenge for me. Also having a young family, that is not a challenge to me, it is a given, there is no challenge, just a promise

I need something. I start my radio shop in a few weeks once my hamstring is better and I can get off these strong tablets  I am on, feeling the burn of pain is truly the a fucking nightmare, daily also This should present a challenge of sorts, but I can talk the back legs from a horse as it is, this is just something I wanted to do

I need something to drive me on, something to aim for, for the better part of two years I have found myself glued to a seat on the internet. Whatever I have done I have excelled. I have, no board, when I put my mind to something I give it my all, I am an all or nothing kind of guy, I don’t do things in half measures, I do them till I feel I can’t do it any better, then I change my thoughts to something else

Today has been a bitter sweet day, the passing of my Aunt was hard, although expected, watching my family, my Mums side come together was good to see and feel, for me it had been too long

But all the above to one side, I need to be challenged or my mind gets bored, I get lazy and I find myself just doing things for the sake of doing things. Just now on the internet I blog, I do guest blogs, I am a moderator on one of the planets biggest sites, I write about football and tactics and more every day on a few sites. I download and watch a lot of movies and I spend time playing about with programmes to see if I can change them, whatever. I also play a few games online or on the pc, these are not challenges, these are just everyday things I do. I talk on Skype with friends for hours on end. When I got football taken from me I lost inters in watching it on TV. As I type this, the Champions League Final is live on TV, I don’t care to watch it or know the score, this is the biggest watched sporting event on earth outside the Olympics, and I am not interested

So I need a challenge, something to get my teeth into something I can put all my energy into and say I tried. I don’t know what though, I only know Football, and I hurt too much to coach it, I also hurt too much to go back to boxing and coach kids, but I have no certificated in coaching Boxing and if I did, I would be too sore

Have I hit a dead end in life? Has the wall been hit? I know Family and other things are there, but I do them, and none of my family in my house want for anything, ever, they want it, I get it, no boast, just the way I am, like any partner or parent, I am the same, if someone wants something I spoil them, I even spoil myself, I am buying a new laptop tomorrow, but that will put a smile of my face for an hour or so

I put a challenge out to Word Press, challenge me. Give me a challenge, ask something off me, get me to do something I have no idea what it is about and let me see if I can challenge myself. It could be something to write, a blog, a guest blog, anything.

Come on Word Press, don’t let me down, and challenge me. Lol

A song that speak to me, my youth

images (1)

I am about to a guest blog about my childhood, This but with more. And this song here takes me back as I write the guest blog about violence in a child’s life, I don’t know why. As they say, it’s all in the lyrics x


*edit* I know many have lost Dad, so if this song helps, good, if it upsets, I am sorry. See the guilt I carry, lol x

No more silly stuff, I walk away the bigger person


The blog from earlier, this nonsense I was tired, in AGONY on medication, so I may have read it wrong? Maybe

For me it is over. I am being the bigger and better person. Am I still annoyed at what was said, No. do I want to carry this on? No. Do I want to carry on blogging and doing what I love, yes. So I forget it and keep learning to better myself, I don’t know,  I was tired, highly medicated and in agony, but that is never an excuse to be nasty and it is not in my nature to be nasty, not over something as trivial really, in the grand scheme of things, it was trivial, and it’s over. I won’t speak to 2 people again, and my world will carry on as it was yesterday. I am sure these people will lose no sleep, I won’t, My only concern really is others stopping me from leaving it be. Should that happen, I will copy and paste the entire conversation I saved. So please, to everyone, please, lets pretend we are adults and show kids how to deal with an argument, deal? Good!

I have had sleep, I am a lot less medicated at the second and I may have to go the hospital if my left hip and knee don’t start moving. I am not annoyed, I was at the time, I was venting blood at the time, and I am calm now. When I see injustice, or a rude comment, the Scotsman comes out in me. Ask a few people that knew me from Twitter, I stand my corner. 🙂

It was silly, immature from many people, me included. The others involved can say what they like, I will say “Sorry” and I hope you are well. I don’t hold a grudge towards anyone, I want to keep writing here as it really did save my life and continues to do so. The other people, in the position(s) they hold here I am sure won’t lose any sleep on any of their accounts. I hope not anyway, lets leave it be

So I will keep blogging, I will remain as upbeat as I can and respect and love and care for the people who ACTUALLY know me. I will accept comments from ANYONE, but if a comment I feel is unjust I explode. Again, ask anyone from Twitter. I had 5,000 followers and walked away due to 10 people.

I am not walking away from this. I am told “Why has Shaun got 30+ awards” and it is an issue with some. Just to add, I ask the same question. I love the awards, they are  brilliant comments and awards, all they are, they are only pictures really. When someone awards me, I blog it, go to “Awards” below, under category and you will see I return all blogs, for one or two, me having awards seems to be an issue. I do not understand this, so I can’t comment.

So it’s done, forgotten about, I don’t want to get banned, I want to stay here and speak to the best people on the internet and learn from the best, for me 100% over, the item I opened is now closed, so there should be  no more replies, if some have a heart, they will delete it.

So here is to another 30+ awards for Uncle Shaun, just to annoy a few people 🙂  I am joking, honest

Please, everyone, have a great weekend.


More Love, Less Hate 

Please take this and give it to 10 people. Thank you!

I made this Award because I love it here




To “YOU” A thank you!! From me, to you, in Audio. Please Listen

I do this well.

I do this well.

I like to do the odd Audio Blog. If you have spoken to me, liked something, commented on kindness, debated with me, helped me, gave me wisdom or understanding THIS IS FOR YOU

So PLEASE!! Everyone, find 20 minutes and PLEASE listen. It is fun in bits, I added some fun pictures, and it is a thank you to “YOU” from me

I would be honoured if you listened and replied 🙂 or liked


Thank you, Shaun

Thank you Word Press and everyone reading this

Thank You!

Thank You!

I came here 5/6 months ago, at the time I was blogging Soccer (Football) and was really enjoying it, and then I stopped enjoying it, as I found blogging real life was better.

Sport is for some, life is for all. I found here people who were willing to help, give good advice, and just be human beings. Within my family and personal friends I have this, but being stuck in home a lot in pain, I spend a lot of time at my computer and a bit of time in here

The happiness and human feel in here is something, and I am not the only one to feel it, I feel it when I read others blogs. I would LOVE to name everyone, but I would miss one or two, so this is for EVERYONE who follows my blog, comments, gives me good advice, asks me questions and more important realise I am disabled with medication in me, same as many others. But in here, depending on who you follow or are followed by, many may not be. I just happen to follow people sharing the same issues, well in the main

I did a blog on guilt, and I still feel like this, I am in pain 24/7 and it can be hard, I find sharing and helping helps me, my biggest source of help comes from music. A universal art form that leaves you feeling better, as simple words do help

So to Word Press and everyone in it, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I know some amazing people on here, who make me laugh like a child with their humour, I know some here who lift me with their knowledge and experience in life, I could go on, this place is just amazing for me. It has helped me. And if at some point I have helped you, then I hope I can help others

I got asked today “What is the difference between flattery and a compliment” as I said I don’t take flattery well. And I would like to thank even that person. I took the question as it was meant. I have been to other social networking sites, and  it can be really hard to read a comment and see if it is real or fake or find the meaning, I have yet to read a fake or nasty comment here, everyone has a heart, is real, is human, are different and has a different issue in life. Some here are ill, in pain, depressed, and more, some just love to write. The Word Press community is an amazing community, and one I pride myself saying “I am part of”

To everyone reading this (YES YOU!!) Thank you. Just for being there, picking me up when I am down, teaching me when I am lost, and questioning me when I need questioned and just being there

It takes seconds to be nice, but it takes REAL effort to be nasty in life

Thank you for taking that second


Being Bored, wearing kilts and Skype Audio and other stuff also



So it has just turned half past, I don’t know what hour, the wee hand fell off the clock, but it is about 4am

And I find myself BORED OUT OF MY SHOES Even though I am wearing slippers. From a distance they look like shoes, if you seen then close up, you would see they are Tartan. So when I say “From a Distance” I think about a mile would be enough

Being bored and unable to sleep through Pain is like punching a Giraffe, high on my agenda of things to dislike. (That was a poor joke, I am sorry)

I had about 300 Skype followers, I do Audio only, for pervy reasons, woman have in the past did dirty things, so I like a good debate on Skype Audio My username is ShaunGibson1888

So if you feel like trying to figure out what I am saying with my accent, please feel free to give it a try

But back to being bored, it REEEEEEEEAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLY is a pain in the backside. I have several films here from the Oscars I could watch, but I can’t be bothered!

What is that? I have 2,000 films, a PS3, Xbox, Sky TV, The Internet, books to read and much more and I can’t be bothered to do any of them, as I am bored.

I am told this is a Typical Scotsman by my Mother, and she would know you’re “Typical” Scotsman, as she is from Scotland and knows many Scotsman

So I am bored. Should anyone fancy a chat, please, add me to Skype and I like to debate ANYTHING

Really, anything from String theory, to love, to Dogs and cats and even Volcanoes

The question is, are you brave enough.



More love, Less hate x

Not me

Not me

An Audio blog to WordPress and all my friends on here


Audio blog about a few things from the past few days, with some thank you messages to some pals. 🙂

Thanks Shaun

Skype: Shaunyg1973