As I sit and read about YOU ALL on Word Press



As I sit here going over 100 blogs or more of people I follow, I am saddened, worried, happy, laughing, upset, underwhelmed, overwhelmed, empowered and more, I could go on

But one thing struck me; we all have a story right? Yeah that is the easy bit, but when we read a blog and we need to reply, sometimes I get stuck for words. Do I say what is on my mind or say something that is close to what is on my mind? You know, how to respond sometimes is hard

I see people having fun, people really hurting and all in-between and it hurts sometimes to read about others people suffering. We are all different. I turned from a monster to an all caring man who would do anything for anyone, always try and help or give advice and be the decent lad I think I am. But how do you reply to someone when their anguish is so bad, that I am sitting in tears here myself? I find it impossible, but I always find “That” word of comfort, or I hope I do

What I see is a the World in my Screen, a world full of emotions, love, caring, hurt, sadness, pretending, guilt, pain (I am pain), self loathing, suicidal thinking and all in-between, this was just tonight, in the last hour or so

Then it struck me, this is MORE than just a place where we all come to blog, it is way more than just a bloggers place. It is a place where we all spill our souls into a screen in the hope someone says something or just to get it out our system. I am a GREAT believer in Quality over Quantity. What I mean by that is I would rather interact with people who reply back, so for me I am trying a lot harder to visit your blogs more, I can’t visit you all every day, but I am trying. When I took the decision to do this I didn’t know it would affect me in this way

I am sitting here crying over what I read from you all. I smiled and laughed also, but the last few blogs really hit me like a bus. WOW was the moment I felt. I want to help you all, I want to fix you all, and I want to try at least to make you all better.

Sadly I can’t, but as long as I can try, I will try to fix you. I can’t fix me, so I MUST fix you. I love in a country where showing emotion, being a man is frowned upon, almost laughed at. I say fuck you to this rubbish. Scotland can be a harsh place for a man with feeling and emotions.

Maybe it is my pain talking; it could be my medication, although I don’t think it is I am due it in half an hour. But one thing is for sure, you have me at your side. Your battle is not alone.  You have a friend here, I may be thousands of miles away, or hundreds of miles away, even 20 miles away, the message is still the same

Don’t live alone in a crowded world and live in silence in a world when the noise is deafening

I do this, yeah, I hide myself away, but there is hope for you, and I will help


This Evil Bilderberg group that doesn’t exist… Met All Weekend

The Bilderberg Group summit - Watford

Why the secrecy




David Cameron is to attend the secretive Bilderberg group at the luxury Grove hotel in Watford on Friday evening, in a move that is likely to raise questions about his pledge to lead Britain’s most transparent government.

Downing Street said it was acting in an open manner by publicising the prime minister’s attendance in advance.

The PM’s spokesman, who said heads of government of countries hosting the annual Bilderberg meeting were usually invited to attend, said it would be a private event and that civil servants were not expected to attend.

No 10 is to clarify the position because ministers are usually expected to be accompanied by civil service note-takers when they meet business leaders. Henri de Castries, the chairman and CEO of the AXA Group, is the Bilderberg chairman.


Billionaires, Royals, Politicians the ELITE of our world met in secret in Watford, England, UK Yesterday, for the 1st time EVER the media really carried the story. See, for politicians to be at this meeting is illegal, once a servant to your public, you can’t meet in private where the agenda is unknown. This is illegal. So the Prime Minister of my Country attended this meeting that will last a few days, it started Friday, conspiracists also turned up as well as the media.

So what is the agenda with the Buildenberg Group? The minutes of the meeting are never disclosed, the Queen of England has been, almost every President or Prime Minister of every country goes, the heads of corporations attend, and the richest people on Earth attend also. Why? What agenda are they setting? They are in complete violation of many laws forbidding this. I blogged down the page “Why are the good guys killed” JFK was opposed to the Buildenberg Group and was killed because of this speech here, I researched this to DEATH, This killed him

Anyone who can’t see the bigger picture here sadly needs to research, there are a group of people running our planet, and running it into the ground. We are fed the illusion we have Presidents and Prime Ministers who make the decisions, do a little research, we learnt at School, we can learn on-line. We are being controlled on all sides by this Group. They set prices, dictate who will die, where War will happen, who may die, who may live. I have been saying this, with many others for 20 years, some longer, we got laughed at. A sitting member of ANY parliament can’t sit in a secret meeting. This is a fact, check:

People will read this and think, yeah, whatever, what is for breakfast, but really, what is the agenda here? Why do they meet in secret, why are there official minutes of this meeting, what are they debating? The price of Oil?

Answers on a postcard please

Links:  OMG!! Sky even say “Secret Meeting” Nobody?




Only asking!




Nothing to see here!

Road blocks, police helicopters and blacked-out windows: But just who are the billionaires and politicians arriving for secretive Bilderberg conference at Watford hotel and what do they do there?

  • Attendees thought to include politicians, top business executives and royalty
  • Delegates were heckled by protesters as they arrived for four-day meeting
  • MP Michael Meacher describes delegates as the ‘real top brass of Western finance capitalism’
  • Massive police operation could cost British taxpayer around £2million
  • Conspiracy theorists claim leaders use event to plot world domination
  • Bilderberg researcher: ‘There are villains there who are basically trying to organise government’ 
  • Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Eric Schmidt of Google will both be attending
  • List of 140 politicians, academics and businessmen only includes 14 women


The chosen ones: Guests include Chancellor George Osborne and his Labour shadow Ed Balls; Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Christine Lagarde, Jose Manuel Barroso, Henry Kissinger and David Petraeus Read more:  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The chosen ones: Guests include Chancellor George Osborne and his Labour shadow Ed Balls; Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Christine Lagarde, Jose Manuel Barroso, Henry Kissinger and David Petraeus


Does a shadowy clique of VIPs, politicians and billionaires (meeting today in Watford) secretly run the world?


images (1)



Where this Secret meeting was held.

Where this Secret meeting was held.


Now that the Media are covering this, does this mean I am still a Conspiracists? I have been saying this for 20 years, and got laughed at. Well?

Now that the Media are covering this, does this mean I am still a Conspiracists? I have been saying this for 20 years, and got laughed at. Well?


So we have freedom yeah? Why the Police presence?

So we have freedom yeah? Why the Police presence?


Not allowed within a mile of the meeting place. Why?

Not allowed within a mile of the meeting place. Why?


People like you and I, demanding the TRUTH

People like you and I, demanding the TRUTH


Finally, remember this blog I did? It ties in, go research

I blogged this last week, knowing this meeting was due

I blogged this last week, knowing this meeting was due


My Blog, why? Who is doing this? Add it together, can you?


ILLUMINATI RITUAL BOHEMIAN GROVE FILMED! Alex Jones, I am not a fan, but he was on to this way before anyone, besides JFK! 


David Icke also got in on the act.


THERE, ALL ON TAPE, THE MEDIA PICKED IT UP, AND I AM SHOWING HOW DEEP THIS GOES. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT OR BURY YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND!  If this scares you, then I would face it now, because when the shit hits the fan with this, and the new world order happens, there is NOTHING you can do. We have little time to  stop this. I am wasting my time here. I know, but like everyone in the pictures there, and anything you research, I am one of 10’s of thousands of people trying to get to the truth of this Skull and Bones Gang. They are EVIL! 


From 1985 till now, can we look at ourselves in the mirror as a species?

1985, I was 11 when this event happened. In the UK and the USA

1985, I was 11 when this event happened. In the UK and the USA

Again, for me, life is defined in Moments, moments we look back at years later and say “WOW” did that really happen. Well yeah, in 1985, the UK and the USA did Live Aid; they both ran at the same time and is still the biggest world musical event to this day. But why did we do this? What was the reason? Well these two songs tell a story, and be warned, the picture at the bottom of the blog is reason enough to try, but today kids and adults are still dying, still things are bad, they are better, but not perfect. Let’s make more moment like this, for humanity and our consciences

Against all odds 

Somebody to love 

The American people did this, a song I love today, still

This picture should haunt our sleep, should haunt every greedy bastard corporate bastard who makes billions of pounds/dollars as things like this still happen, as a species, if we are lucky, we will be able to look Back to this time, our time with absolute disgust that this BELOW FUCKING HAPPENS!

FUCKING WHY!! All the money on earth and this happens !! NO MORE!! WAKE UP!!

FUCKING WHY!! All the money on earth and this happens !! NO MORE!! WAKE UP!!

I will let this answer

I will let this answer



The artist taxi driver – Interview with Caroline Lucas MP – This is not a Democracy

The artist taxi driver

The artist taxi driver

The Artist Taxi Driver, he is from London, I am a BIG fan, here is his You Tube page.

He tells it how it is, in this video, he gets his kid to ask a Member of the British Parliament to ask “Awkward” questions.

Check the video, you think conspiracy people talk rubbish? I don’t, not them all, here is the video, WOW!!

To Artist Taxi Driver, keep up the good work my man!!

Hatred, or being hateful




After having a chat with a friend today over the phone, we came to talk about hate, or people who always show hate, I love a good debate about anything and me and my mate are very like minded on what we believe and how we feel, we are both also football men who work with kids from time to time

So hate, where does it come from? I live in Scotland and I have to be honest it can be a hateful place, more so in the west where the whole Catholic/Protestant issue sees people dying still today in this day and age, people who claim to go to church on a Sunday or tie themselves into a religion for the sake of it then turn vile, ignorant and vile, I have never wrapped my mind around this. I live on the East coast and we also have hate, so not all hate is religious and I do not want to turn this blog into a religious hate blog

So where does it come from? For me, and this is only my opinion, we are all born perfect, perfect people with a mind like a sponge, it is from birth through parenting we develop feelings. So when I see a kid showing hate or throwing intolerance at someone for whatever reason I think “That hatred was taught to him” Now many will disagree. But where I live, Men, grown men teach their kids to hate Catholic or a Protestant, don’t believe me? Go and Google it.

I did this blog here in the blog is a 45 minutes documentary on hate in Scotland, it was done by a young English lad, and you watch it will open your eyes to hatred. I know many live in countries where there is hate and hate worse than I live in, I can only talk about hate where I am

For me hate comes from your upbringing, what your parents stand for, the values you are taught and more. It may seem strange for some to read this, but this is widespread in my Country, it really is a minority, but it’s a minority that sickens me. Even doing football at kids level, my son was playing under 17 football (He was 16) and I was on the touchline as parent and this parent, an idiot was telling all the opposition players his son (Who was a boxer and the Captain of the team my son played for) would beat them up after the game. A few parents shook their heads and walked away, me I walked over and stood right next to him and listened to it, it got worse and worse.

Like this blog here: I did this two days ago, anyway, this Dad, this idiot, he was a small fat man say 50 years old, I waited till the game was over, I seen him sitting in his car alone, I walked over, opened his car and sat in his passenger seat and told him “You are a fucking arsehole” He went all white  faced and didn’t know what to say apart from “Get out my Car” I replied “ Do you have any idea how much you embarrass the club, the team, your son, his team mates and yourself” He replied “Aye, we need to win the games” So I replied “ So you will win a game at any cost then?” He said “Yeah” I said, “Look I don’t want to sit here all day and cause a scene, or I will be an arsehole like you, but I am telling you right now, don’t swear once more when my son is near you or playing in a game” He replied “You can’t stop me” I replied “Try me”

The next game, not a word, he just looked at me, he was embarrassed. He had seen what he was doing, noted that parents had seen it and were appalled. So point proven, hate is taught, and WE can help stamp it out, we all have a voice, we need to use it more I guess. Some are shy and don’t, but instead of turning the other way and shaking your head, next time, have a nice chat with the person, in a calm way, it works. Maybe it is because I am 6 foot 4 tall and built well men listen? But if I was a small woman for example, I think the man I spoke about above would have listened the same

When we stop teaching hate, maybe we will have a better world? Hatred can be a reply here on Word Press to an Email to someone in their car giving you abuse to a neighbour to any scenario we could debate. Hatred exists, it always has, but we all need to stand up to it and speak gently and calmly to the people teaching it or showing it or doing it, “Give it a rest you dick” or whatever way you would do it

Hatred starts at home, parents need to see it and deal with it when they see it, as I father I did and I was all over sport!! I talked to my son till he understood why he was wrong and explained he didn’t even know what he was hating. It was over sport, he had not a clue; he did it because adults near him were doing it, once I taught him hate is a useless emotion and explained how these adults were wrong he understood

Say no to hatred!!





Agenda 21 Documentary

A must watch not only by people from the USA, But all over. An hour and a half, WE MUST AS A CULTURE WATCH THIS..It ain’t up for long…

The break up off the “Family Values” through Communism seem strong on this one.

My pleasure to reblog




Slight Edit: I am just a man refusing to grow up… 🙂

So where did this blog come from I am asking myself. And I really am, I have no idea why I am doing a blog on “Men” I guess it is to mock us. We are a strange beast us men, we can be many things









A good laugh (To laugh at)












Mr Perfect


There is a list of things men can be, and depending on who you are Girls, be you a Wife, Girlfriend, Daughter, Granddaughter, Girlfriend, whatever, you will have a meaning for “Men”

Me myself I look at myself as an “enigma” to even me. I confuse myself sometimes. I am more goofy than anything. I like to play practical jokes, but I have a feminine side to me, I can cry when I need to. When my Daughters were born I cried like a baby, I was “Emotional”, when a man once touched my wife in a bar, I punched him 10 feet in the air after a warning to behave himself. So I can be many things. I am just “Man” on this occasion I was “Anger” and “Protective”

I have faults, but who hasn’t, I am over protective over the Woman in my life, my partner, my daughters, my mum and my little sister. Anyone hurts them, I turn into “Anger” and I am not bragging here, please, no. I am just explaining “Man”

I can be “tender” and “loving” in many ways, I can be tender and loving with my partner. I can show “love” to my Daughters, two different kinds of love expressed in different ways, so the “ability” to show love is within me. I know “Men” who can’t do this. I don’t know why, they just can’t

I can be “funny”, examples is when I throw my Daughters in the air and catch them again, I can be fun with my partner also, you know the “Silly” way “Men” can be in “Love” But always in a “Respectful” way, always

Ask my partner and I guess she will say I can be “Annoying” I can’t see it, but there you go 🙂

I can only speak for “Shaun” here but “Men” can be many things, and the judge of this is you girls. You judge us in your ways, and I “Respect” this is many ways. I can’t judge myself. If I did I would “Silly” and make myself out to be “Mr Perfect” as many Woman know, lol

So this is a short blog on “Man” and all that comes with him, be him the greatest thing in your world, or as I read in some blogs, the worst. Whatever man is to you, is your way.

All I would say is, don’t try and understand us, just love us and feed us, then we are “Man”, this is my take on things. So let debate begin ladies. What is “Man” 🙂

Shaun lol