creationism vs evolution


Before I go and write, I am on Morphine, in agony and bored out of my SKULL. No excuse, I am just saying. I like to think I am clever, I believe in God, but have a hard time with Religion and what Jesus was meant to have done, and all these bibles and religions confuse me, so PLEASE, let’s discuss this as adults, if it becomes VERY religious and people argue, then you are proving a VERY bad point.

One god, one bible, and the world would be a better place, I see a world at War, and I see kids getting killed and starving to Death while greedy bastards in suits look at their stocks and shares. I am “Live and let live” kind of guy, I believe in allowing opinions, it’s called courtesy yeah?

So when good things happen, “God did it” Every time. I lost my pain for 2 weeks and many said “Your prayers have been answered” And honest, on my kid’s life, I appreciated the words. Now the pain is back, do I blame God? See where I am going here? We can’t have it both ways, he either helps all the time or doesn’t. If God can help, then why doesn’t he stop kids dying? I had a relative die aged, like 2 of Cancer, is that God’s will, or does “Shit just happen”

So the big bang theory, I don’t buy it, BUT there is proof that was shown by NASA showing everything in the known universe moving away from a central point, so maybe. But it is a HUGE leap in, not faith, just logical thinking to say “Nothing, then a bang from a one singularity” then life

Same leap of faith I have a very hard time with (And MY GOD I TRY) when people try to convince me Jesus did all these amazing things. He way have, but there is NO proof, and please, don’t throw scripture at me from an old book, and whatever book it is, there are about 20! I asked Bishop Eddie Tatro “What Bible” He gave a slight laugh (Real cool lad by the way) and sent me this so I will read it and hope it answers my question.

So Evolution, here is a question, when I ask a religious person, I get no answer “God’s will” or something comes back at me. If “IF” We came from Monkeys, why are there still Monkeys, and why is there NO SIGN OF WHAT CAME BEFORE MONKEYS? Follow? Where is it, there is NO PROOF

I said above there is SLIGHT proof in the big bang theory, as we can see clearly that the galaxies we can see are moving away in a circular pattern from a central point, but we can only see 1% of the Universe, so more proof is needed for me. For me to just believe Jesus did what was said, I would be lying to myself if I said I believe. Often I think, is this blind faith, as there is NO PROOF, Just a bunch of old books. I am a man of Science, it is still a young thing Science, it is still learning, but it can prove my eyes water so they don’t dry up and how my lungs keep me alive, PROOF. Science is not perfect, but 100 years ago people thought the world was flat, some idiots still do! So we have a LONG way to go as a species to understand and get to grips with this subject. For me, I am on the fence.

But there are a few on here, I do talk to them, nice people, I respect their ways and their will, but PLEASE if I ask you a question, answer as YOU, don’t throw scripture at me, answer as you would if I said “How old are you” This blog was in NO WAY intended to offend, anyone who TRULY knows me will realise, this is just me asking questions. Because I believe in God I want to ask more questions.

So I will stop here and let the debate begin, for the LOVE OF GOD keep it civil and debate, discuss, let me learn, don’t argue and help me and others find the way or the path, because throwing scripture at me bores me, badly, I want to hear opinions, I want to see proof. The dinosaurs died and I ask what did God do for 65 BILLION years? Is 65 Billion years to us 7 days to God? I have created an EASY answer there, see what I did 🙂

And here is a question, and one, again, I hardly get an answer for.

“In the beginning God created man….” Em no he never, he created Monsters.

Can I get an answer to this? Don’t PLEASE give me “Gods will” or “Gods way” Just answer the question from YOUR mind, God never created the earth with Man. It was big huge Monsters who would have killed us all had we co-existed, and science is CLOSE to proving we did, but I doubt it

Let the debate begin…I ask people who will “Like” this to find it in your HEART to comment for once. Why do people just go down reader and “LIKE, LIKE, LIKE, LIKE” The other day, someone liked about 20 of my blogs in under a minute. Very fast reader or “Whatever”

School me, OH, “The big bang THEORY” Yeah it is just a THEORY, Till SCIENCE can prove or disprove. Some will get all offended here, I just know it, because there is no answer some will just all hate filled and go in a big huff, I ask you don’t, find that good old love in your heart and TALK and debate..


More love, less hate


I believe in God, but I find this offensive..I know Gay people, they breath and laugh and everything...

I believe in God, but I find this offensive..I know Gay people, they breath and laugh and everything… And we have FUCKING lawlessness NOW! WTF! Arguments fucked! 

I don't think so...

I don’t think so…

What did I evolve from? Where are they?

What did I evolve from? Where are they?

"The big bang THEORY" IS SCIENCE!! And a theory..See the puzzle here?

“The big bang THEORY” IS SCIENCE!! And a theory..See the puzzle here?

Some old Funny pictures I found on a Disk

































































































der besorger1









finding nemo



finger licking good










Did the U.S. Government Recently Purchase 30,000 Guillotines?



As most Americans now know, FEMA Camps (Concentration Camps) are 100% all over the USA, there is no argument anymore, they are there, with Millions of black plastic Coffins. Here is the Blog with proof and links about FEMA Camps and the Coffins

This blog here is scary as it is appauling to read and the pictures scare the shit out of me Now there American has bought  30,000 Guillotines, Why? Why would the USA Government need  30,000 Guillotines, I knew this story, but my friend from Edinburgh who posts on here a lot, hawkeyethegnu, he and I debated this earlies so I though, if he knows, others will, so time to blog it, but big thanks to hawkeyethegnu for helping me with the idea for this blog

– The use of guillotines for “governmental purposes” was lobbied for and passed in the U.S. Congress

– The information we received is that 15,000 are currently stored  in Georgia and 15,000 in Montana

– Are the beheadings by muslims today meant to desensitize us against U.S. Government beheadings in the future?

Scary >

I will post the pictures from my blog above again


A portion of the NSA's mammoth data center in Bluffdale, Utah, scheduled to open this fall. (Credit: Getty Images)

A portion of the NSA’s mammoth data center in Bluffdale, Utah, scheduled to open this fall.
(Credit: Getty Images)

One Black plastic coffin

One Black plastic coffin



The large are in black are black plastic coffins

The large are in black are black plastic coffins

A real live on in an isolated position

A real live on in an isolated position

Close up

Close up

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself


E978 Legal execution

All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:

asphyxiation by gas

beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)

capital punishment





other specified means

So it seems an Executive Order has been passed to allow the purchase and use of these 30,000 Guillotines. Add it to the Concentration Camps and Millions of plastic coffins, we have a conspiracy.

What do you all think?

This shit is hard to read and realise it is true, seriously frightening stuff. Nobody wants to debate this horrific stuff, but we must, we have to, why are these things happening in the USA?


As always PLEASE do your own research on this, I never believe everything  I read or am told, so I go and research till I am satisfied the story holds up. Again I will ask

Fema Camps – Why

Millions of Coffins – Why

Millions of bullets bought  – why (This is common knowledge)

30,000 Guillotines – Why

Poisin in your food  – Why

No money  – Why

Lies and Greed – Why

Taking your Guns – Why

Put it all together, we have a scary story, maybe






The picture above, as people on my Face book will know is the picture I use, it is symbolic of a struggle that we all see every day, we feel every day and we take part in every day, all of us


So you believe in God? If the answer is Yes, then the opposite must be true, Lucifer. To believe in good means you must believe in bad. I researched Religion for most of my life. I believe in God, but I don’t believe in organised Religion. I put this to a Reverent I am good friends with, the man is a Bishop, he sits at very high tables in life, and he is a smart cookie. He told me, to have a relationship with God is all that is important.


I lean towards no faith other than God himself, the truth that he is there and he loves us all and answers the odd prayer and helps us when we are in need. I shouldn’t have to sit in a building and pay to love God; I believe this was one of the biggest tricks to be played on our species. That WE must all sit in a building on God’s day off. Many will and can debate me on this, these are my thoughts.


So you believe in God? I will ask a simple question, who runs the world right now? It is either God or the Devil, one has control, who is it? For me, just look at our World with pure eyes, Lucifer has BOUGHT the majorities souls, Greed and the need for Power has poisoned our very souls


Are we damned to hell? Do we live a lie? Have we been deceived? They said the Devil will come in the face of peace. I see a world with over 2,000 religions and they fight and kill to defend each of the Gods they worship. Happens in my Country with Catholic and Protestants


The biggest mistake we made as a species was dividing God into religions. I tried, I really did to get into religion, and I tried so hard. Now I have a relationship with God, just God, and it works for me. I am living testimony to say “You can be at one with God without having a religion” As religion is what makes our world a harsh one, a world at War. Many ask “Why would God allow Children to die” I asked this question also. I have no answer. If we all just believed in God and forgot religion I think things would be better. But who am I to decide or dictate? I am just some man from some place


Where did it go wrong?



I want to scream till the words dry out (500th blog here for me)

Give me a soap box

Give me a soap box

In life some sit back and complain, I was doing this. Now I am desperate to “Scream till the words dry out” about things people NEED to know. Just give me the chance.

Someone take a chance on me,  I have my own Radio show almost ready to go, sadly we sit blindly and without the ability to hear, we have no future. x

Sometimes I look to a song for inspiration, same as someone looks at scripture for guidance. It’s the same thing, the end result is the same, in my opinion

Coming to a Blog near you, Me, With Pictures




Just a quick one here and something I have to admit and apologise for

I don’t visit other people’s blogs as much as people visit mine. I have shunned my duty as a blogger by being lazy and not sharing and helping and laughing with others on their blog.

So I promise I will from now on, I do feel guilty, but I feel guilty if I see a dead pigeon on the road and can’t sleep that night worrying what the Pigeons family are thinking, yeah, I know. Stupid stuff

I do visit blogs, but not enough and certainly not on a regular basis. I have a folder with everyone I have spoken to, 300+ blogs that visit mine some only a few times, some every day, so I am going to try harder to make up for that

I leave you all with a picture or 2 I like, and be prepared to have Shaun on your blog lol











Mayan Calender, 21st December from the last time. Just in-case someone was like “WHAT?”




Random Funny Photos Ever Seen 4


Time for me to call it a day with blogging, more or less



So one door closes and another opens they say, today I have to close the door on blogging, not just for me, but for my family. I spend a LOT of time online and blogging takes 10% of what I do, well it did, if I am being honest it was taking 25%/30%

I tend to get bored very quickly with some things online, please not with Word Press or any people here, just blogging. I think I have blogged about my entire life in here; I have nothing left to blog. I want to blog but I am going over old blogs, and blogs are becoming the same but with a new title.

Also awards, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every award, I don’t want a pat on the back or a bit of cake, I just want to say thank you. The 61 Awards I got were from people who in the main thought about my blog, or I made someone laugh. The Moments awards I would like to have got to 10, I am on 7, lol

The experience of reading a blog about someone new, or a new topic really made a lot of space in my heart. Out of all the blogs I read, this one here touched my heart the most. by Tersia and her angel child Vic who passed, when I read it I hugged Dawn my partner and we both cried. Tersia, you are a special person and Vic is looking down on you with love and she is in no pain. I urge everyone to go read this blog and get to know Tersia.

On here I seen real people, and fake people, and jealous people and a few fools who I as soon as I could find the way to block them I did. Not out of hate, I don’t do hate, just because they were idiots. I made friends BIG TIME with Eddie Tatro and Dianna two people I spoke to on Word Press the most, there were others like Patrick  Victoria – and Mer who I spoke with also, real good friends each of you I want to mention so many people who made a mark on my mind in here, To any on Skype, we are still friends, and anyone can add me if you wish shaunyg1973 I just like to talk

I could go on and on and on, but if you spoke with me and we had fun, then I guess it was worth it. I am a big shit for coming onto social media sites and just getting bored. So what I am going to do is spend time reading others blogs instead and speaking to others and reading some more stories

I don’t think I have anything left to say, and please, no more awards (Unless someone wants to quickly nominate me with 3 Best Moments Awards, lol) You see what happened here was I created moments. Some good, some bad, some indifferent, by blogs were just ramblings from a lad on medication and in pain, I don’t think I can say I blogged anything of real substance, just what was on my mind for a few second, “Moments” because that is what living is, moments, all we are left with are moments.

I found a few people to be “Competitive” in a “Look how popular” I am way, and I guess that is ok, I really just rumbled on till someone spoke back, how many followers, how popular, all that bullshit, not interested, I battle to live to my life and be happy, not sit online and do it, but PLEASE I am not having a go, some people really only have online friends, people that have the same disability as me or worse. It would be easy to just give in and be an internet person. This is where I ALWAYS draw the line on the internet, I want my real life to work, and I want to be popular to the right people, my family.

So to everyone I said hi to, or spoke to, good luck in life. If you have email is my email if you want to chat, as in voice my Skype handle is shaunyg1973

I will still speak, I will keep my account open, and I will see how people are doing and make more of an attempt to speak to you all through your blog and not mine. I really have nothing less to Blog. I have been blogging the best part of 2 year now, sport before for a year then my own personal nonsense, so please, forgive me if I take a break.

If you want to speak to me, please do, on any blog, I will answer, if you want to email, please do, if you want to Audio Skype, please, you are welcome. I am a happily married man with kids; I have no reason to Audio Skype than just to debate and have fun

And this is why I am doing this. I want to start a radio show, I may fail, but I got a half offer to do a spot for some radio show in the UK so I am going to try, I will post the link on the “Blog Radio” at the top of my blog

I re-blogged my 1st ever blog below this one, and I blog my last above it

Thank you to anyone I spoke to, I missed MANY names but please if we spoke, thank you for taking the time and effort. I am way behind on many things in my life, blogging just got boring for me. The same as someone getting bored reading a book or watching a movie, shit happens. Lol

More love, less hate

Shaun x

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

inspiringbloggerawardThank you to knocked over by a feather for this award. She is great fun and I love reading her blogs, go look, she is fun and her blogs inspire! 


1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven new things about me 

1. I hate losing at any sport

2. I love debate, any subject, even things I don’t know, I love to learn new ways, peoples and cultures. 

3. My favourite TV show is the Sopranos. I can identify with Tony the lead character in many ways 

4. My Favourite singer songwriter is James Blunt

5. The place I would love to visit most are the Great Pyramids

6. I am learning more each day about God and  I will keep trying

7. More Love, Less Hate is something I have been saying on blogs now for about 6 months. I wish more in our world would act like this

Now the hard bit, my 15 nominations. Some accept them, some don’t, but here goes . I am going to pick people I have recently connected with 

1. CRPS Shazz –


3. Dear Kitty. Some blog – 

4. How To Make It Look Easy and Still Have Time for Lipstick –


6. My Secret Diary –

7. lizlovingandlearning – 


9. lindafrindt –

10. …..And The Moon Sees All –

11. Red Asparagus: The Sugar Bee Chronicles. –


13. lola rugula –

14. Cindy Knoke –

15.  And That’s All She Wrote! –

The people I nominated are people I have recently spoke to or debated with, read blogs and vice versa, new people I met on here.

Each of them I love to read or debate with. You should go have a look. Each are brilliant people in their own way.

More Love, Less Hate


New Skype Username – Please add away

Hi, made a new Skype the one I had was way to busy, new one is Username:  shaunyg1973   Thanks, Shaun

Hi, made a new Skype the one I had was way to busy, new one is Username: shaunyg1973 Thanks, Shaun


Hi y’all

I have a current Skype account, and it is way to busy and I have no idea who 100 people are.

Hotmail is being close in a week or two and everyone is being asked to download Skype

So I have made a new Skype account.


Audio Only, or type

Username:  shaunyg1973

Please add

Thanks, Shaun

Join me on the newest bestest platform online

Join me on the newest bestest platform online