Being Scottish..A blog made out of words from an American girl

Many want "Yes" but many want to stay with the Union

Many want “Yes” but many want to stay with the Union


In autumn 2014 us Scot’s will be asked in a referendum whether Scotland should be independent. This is an exciting and historic opportunity for our nation. We can choose a different and better path.

The reason for being independent is a simple one. It is fundamentally better for all of us if decisions about Scotland’s future are taken by the people who care most about Scotland – that is by the people of Scotland. It is the people who live here who will do the best job of making our nation a fairer, greener and more successful place.

On these pages we provide information about what Scotland will look like on day one as an independent country, based on the Scottish Government’s proposals for an independent Scotland. You can find out how Scotland will become independent and how we can build from firm financial foundations, and also read about some of the benefits of being an independent country.

Below Edinburgh Caste, we want Yes

Below Edinburgh Caste demo, we want Yes


Above is a piece of scripture from the “Yes” camp in this referendum in 2014. And the push to make Scotland independent is strong. Every fibre of my being says “Yes” but if we were to become independent, could we end up like Northern Ireland? This is a really something we have to think about, as in Scotland we have many who want to be part of the Union or the Crown, whatever you want to call it. I call it Britain.

I don’t hate anyone English, never. But I hate being ruled by Westminster in London. Scotland has a brilliant source of our own money, fiscally we could stand on our own two feet, but this is not the only question and reason to vote yes. There are a thousand reasons we will have in 2014 when we vote. Many hate the first minister of Scotland Alex Salmond, but he can drive us there, then we can be lead by another?  This is my take on the argument

Many I speak to here have links to Scotland, going back many generations, my family started one half in Ireland and the other in Scotland, and so my family is awash with “Yes” people. The Irish side of my family were part of the Irish who left Ireland when England stole it, they came over, 10s of thousands of them, many to settle here in Scotland, they were welcomed by some, but not by all.

Even today there is a split so strong between the Irish Catholics and the Nationals. I can show you some pictures of this hatred, but this is not what this blog is about, or not what I want it to become, there is no hatred in this blog, and none there shall be, but hatred, that is all I see, I know the agenda, I know the poison, but there is no need for this, it is 2013, just Google this hatred and be prepared to be sick. Much of the hatred sadly comes through in Soccer (Football) here, between two clubs, Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers. The picture below is a Rangers fan urinating on a Catholic symbol, a Glasgow Celtic shirt, the hatred is in the West of Scotland, and I am 100 miles away in the East, so wasn’t brought up with it, but it came to my face over the last year, and I walked away from it. If you are born into hatred, to hate others, then it is all you know, you are in a “Hate Bubble” We call the west of Scotland (South only) A goldfish bowl, and I guess you have to be in it, to understand it. I seen it, and was part of it for a year, I couldn’t get away fast enough. So if it is a Yes vote, would this hatred spill over, would it get worse? This is the main question for me. I just don’t like hatred in any form or shape.

The first picture is from a Soccer game in Glasgow (The West) by a Unionist thinker to the Irish. But the reality is, there is hatred on both sides, the Irish side to tent to sing songs, songs about love and history and why the Irish came to Scotland, to the hatred of the Nationals.  This blog is going to the world, not Scotland. And it SHAMES me to show this below, this message was for the Scottish Irish to “Go Home”

This isn't sick, it is not human

This isn’t sick, it is not human

This is tame, I could show you worse

This is tame, I could show you worse



The Reality for the rest of us, we don't hate

The Reality for the rest of us, we don’t hate



Looking at these pictures of hatred,  I worry for my country will suffer the same and it is a worry for many, and a reason many may vote no. But again this isn’t the only reason, fiscal (Money) reasons are also deeply rooted in the vote. So below, I show you why I think we could stand on our own two feet, Scotland gives more to the UK than it gets back, the argument is also about Scotlands oil, who would get that? As a free country, with our own oil, we would be a rick country, but who knows where new borders would start and end

Who would own our Oil?

Who would own our Oil?


I could be here all day with pro and con arguments, and the politics of it all bores me to sleep. I just want a free Scotland. Not just for me, but for my ascenstors who shed blood, were killed and raped and worse in the name of “The Crown” Outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes they once said when the English banned the playing of bagpipes. Our national anthen played on bagpipes stirs something in us TRUE Scottish people

The lone piper

The same song with lyrics


Even our National anthem to this day talks and speaks about our fight against Proud Edwards army from England and how we “Sent them homewards to think again”

Being Scottish is not just about castles and bagpipes, no, it goes deeper than that, it penetrates our souls and stirs rebellious feelings, but we don’t fight with swords we fight with music and culture

I love being Scottish, knowing I have Irish roots, we share the same values the same treatment from the crown many generations ago. We need to let the hatred go and allow our Scottishness to come forward and allow the lone piper to play the tunes on his pipes. Our destiny is in our hands, but if do it through hate, like above, we will get nowhere, my worry is, no matter the outcome, religion will still come to the fore and ruin it all. For anyone offended by this, please do some of your own research on the Religious tensions in the West of my country. Both sides are involved. If you fight hatred with hatred, this makes you no better; it makes you the God Dawn Same! Many need to realise this. If I did a blog like this when I done Soccer Blogs I would have got HAMMERED for it, I may still. If I do, I am only showing you the truth, so if hatred enters this blog from either side of the divide, I am right, they are still wrong

So we leave all that to one side and just say “Can Scotland go it alone” I hope we can. I hope we do, but at what price and by who’s blood.

Leave hatred alone, this is Scotland from coast to coast from North to South, it wasn’t always, we fought for this freedom we have, we have a small fight left, let’s do it right


This I love

This I love


One reason I want to be free of the Crown

One reason I want to be free of the Crown

Maybe one day, maybe

Maybe one day, maybe

But we need to put this where it belongs, it is a SPORT! Not a breading ground for hatred, many outside Glasgow want this gone from Scotland

Celtic Vs Rangers

Celtic Vs Rangers



 Fàilte gu Alba


Just to add, I see Scotland as a Scotsman, nothing more, nothing less. I don’t hate, should any person want to be whatever they want to be, they have that right. Allowing opinions is something we need to learn in this country, and through education, we can make it. Scottish Parliament needs to do more, or all this is a waste, we only create more hate.





A 72 Year old message that still has meaning in our sick world

If only..............

If only…………..

I have posted this video before, but I want to again now I have a bigger audience of caring people. This is my only reason

In our sick world, we can all look around and see acts of individual kindness; this is what we have left, people being nice on a human level. As a species we do care, as a civilization we are lost. Somewhere, somehow, something went wrong, Corporate greed (And I have blogged this) has made our world a greedy place.

I see individual acts of kindness most days be it here online or in the street, I watch the nightly news and I ask myself where did this kindness go? Name a country not in War, at War or in Civil War or on the Brink of Civil war, you will struggle. If there is a country with 500 soldiers in a war zone, that country is at war.

What went wrong? Where did we get lost? What can we do? How can we do away with greed? How can we fight for a better world? Just a few questions posed in the clip below.

The clip below is 72 years in the making, done by Charlie Chaplin, this is was not scripted the way he said it, he winged it, it was spontaneous and during World War II

I ask you all watch this. I have posted it before, but when I had like 100 followers, now I have more followers and more love and intolerance and humanity in my friends here, I would like to share this video one more time. And if you can, PLEASE give me your thoughts.

When did our world turn to a War zone? When did the unloved hate, when did we lose our way, what caused it, and how do we stop it. This is a VERY STRONG message here, and because it is so old, it has lost no relevance 72 years since it was made.

I will say no more, you be the judge, because we are are all the cause and the cure, we did this, we allowed this, why?

This is me, you and the people you speak to, we all can change this

This is me, you and the people you speak to, we all can change this

With love and humanity, Shaun x